Does Stomach Pain Mean Pregnancy

Does Your Stomach Hurt With Morning Sickness

What does early pregnancy & upper abdominal pain without nausea signify? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Morning sickness is characterized by nausea, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite and increased sensitivity towards the smell of food. It is a natural sign of pregnancy. It appears in the early stages of pregnancy in the first trimester. It usually occurs in the sixth week of pregnancy and ends in 12-15 weeks at the start of the second trimester. Stomach pain is uncommon during pregnancy. It is usually not related to morning sickness. Stomach pain can be a sign of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption or other problems that can be serious for pregnancy.

Drinks And Juices For Bloating

The foods and fruits give nutritional arrangement to beat bloating, but these beverage remedies for bloating can surely get you out of the problem in a short time and with great effectiveness. Its due to the rapid activity of drinks as they move through the digestive tract very quickly.

Water is better than anything

Drink sufficient water all the time. We readily know how important water is for our body. So, lets also make time to remind ourselves about the underlying usefulness of water for every ailment. For how to get rid of bloating, water is the primary medicine to get instant relief.

Water can increase your digestive strength by flushing the toxins out. And it can reduce the stress in the tract while if we overeat of any single supplement.

But there is a harm of water retention, which when kidneys fail to excrete water from our body, we retain excess amounts of water. This leads to a strange disease called water retention. Be cautious about this though there is the least chance that you get attacked by it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is capable of clearing all you body toxins, disorders, and even minor diseases. Most of the apple cider vinegar benefits are related to digestive system. Treatment for acid reflux, constipation, digestion, and many inflammatory diseases like a sore throat, pH imbalances, toothache, etc. are found in apple cider vinegars use. With all these benefits, we need not enquire for how to reduce bloating with ACV anymore.

Green Tea

Case & Commentarypart 2

The patient again returned to the ED within 24 hours with persistent complaints. She now appeared more ill, with increased abdominal pain on examination. Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen was performed and revealed a ruptured appendix with signs of peritoneal inflammation. The patient was taken immediately to the operating room and was found to have diffuse peritonitis secondary to the ruptured appendix. An emergent laparoscopic appendectomy was performed, which the patient tolerated well. Unfortunately, 3 hours after the operation, she had a spontaneous abortion and subsequent severe bleeding requiring multiple transfusions. She was discharged home days later.

In retrospect, it may not have been appropriate to discharge this patient from the ED after her initial presentation without further evaluation, and she experienced a tragic adverse event.

In the above case, in the initial visit, pregnancy location and gestational age should have been documented, and a further investigation into the patient’s signs and symptoms should have prompted imaging of the abdomen and pelvis and consultation with an obstetric specialist. When the patient returned with worsening symptoms, appropriate imaging was pursued and revealed acute appendicitis. The error led to a catastrophic adverse eventthe loss of the fetus. A checklist highlighting the warning signs above or an algorithm for early and safe imaging may have led to an earlier diagnosis and a better outcome.

Take-Home Points

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Common Causes Of Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

Some abdominal aches and pains during pregnancy are quite common and generally pose no threat to you and your baby.

  • Round Ligament Pain: This can be characterized by a sharp stabbing pain when you change positions, or it can also be an achy, dull, lingering pain. Round ligament pain is caused by the two large ligaments that run from your uterus to your groin. As the uterus grows, these ligaments are stretched and create discomfort. This pain is generally reported in the second trimester, and considered to be harmless. Read the full Round Ligament Pain article.
  • Gas and Constipation: Gas during pregnancy is caused by increased levels of progesterone. As more of this hormone is released, your gastrointestinal tract slows down, which makes food travel more slowly. Drinking plenty of water, eating fiber-rich foods, exercising, and using stool softeners are excellent ways to combat excessive gas and constipation. Learn more about Constipation during Pregnancy.
  • Common Discomforts: In addition to those listed above, there are several other common abdominal discomforts that can be experienced during pregnancy and are generally non-threatening. Your growing uterus, stomach viruses, kidney stones, fibroids, and food sensitivities are all valid forms of harmless abdominal pain.

Yogurt To Relieve Stomach Pain

Does Cramping Mean Miscarriage?

Plain, unsweetened yogurt containing probiotics, or active cultures, may help with stomach pains as it promotes proper digestion. These work to increase the good bacteria needed to relieve indigestion, bloating, and painful discomfort in the gut.

Consuming plain, unsweetened yogurt throughout the day may reduce stomach pain episodes.

Use the following recipe to create a drinkable form of this remedy.

  • Combine two tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt, 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt.
  • Add three teaspoons of fresh coriander juice.
  • Mix in one-half teaspoon of cardamom powder.
  • Mix well and drink one hour after each meal.

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Tummy Twinges Pinching And Pulling

Some women experience feelings inside their stomachs in the early stages of pregnancy that replicate the sensation of their muscles being pulled and stretched. Sometimes referred to as abdominal twinges, these tingles are nothing to worry about.

Layla Rumble, midwife at The Portland Hospital, which is part of HCA Healthcare UK, said, Abdominal twinges and mild pains are very common during pregnancy and usually nothing to worry about. Twinges and abdominal pain is usually caused by constipation, ligament pain, or trapped wind all of which are a normal part of pregnancy.

Twinges, and pains can be alleviated by regular light exercise, eating smaller, frequent meals, having plenty of fibre-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water to help empty your bladder regularly.

If you find that you experience intense and ongoing pains, or pain accompanied by bleeding, it is important to seek medical advice from your midwife or GP to rule out anything serious.

What else could it be?If youve been heavily exercising or straining your muscles, you could be experiencing some tension from that, especially if youve focused on ab workouts. A tight stomach can also be due to other factors such as digestive issues, stress or hormonal changes, and doesnt necessarily mean youre pregnant.

Pregnancy Bleeding And Swollen Gums

You may not have expected pregnancy to affect your mouth. But your blood circulation and hormone levels can make your gums tender and swollen, and you may notice they bleed more easily. You may also develop nose bleeds.


  • Get a dental checkup early in your pregnancy to make sure your teeth and mouth are healthy. See your dentist if you notice a particular problem.
  • Brush your teeth, floss regularly and rinse daily with an antiseptic mouthwash.

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When Should I Report Stomach Pain In Pregnancy

Stomach pain can be very worrying for pregnant women. Pain can make you fear the worst, such as a miscarriage. Its important to listen to your own instincts. If you are worried about any pains youre having, or you just feel like something is wrong, contact your midwife. Dont be concerned about wasting anyones time. Its always best to get things checked out.

If you are having persistent stomach pain or cramping, or if the pain comes on suddenly it should be checked by a doctor or midwife immediately.

Causes Of Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

Abdomen Pain in Early Pregnancy:What to do

In addition to round ligament pain and cramps, other conditions may cause stomach pain during your pregnancy. Many women who are pregnant can experience:

Any of these conditions can cause sharp stomach pain. In addition, women may experience completely unrelated issues. For example, kidney stones occur as frequently in pregnant women as in women who are not.

While plenty of stomach pains are normal during pregnancy, if the pain is sharp and sudden, call a doctor. Sharp stomach pain is also one of the primary symptoms for the following serious pregnancy complications:

Ectopic pregnancy

In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg implants outside of the uterus, most often in the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable. If they are not caught in time, the eggs may cause the fallopian tubes to rupture, which can cause severe abdominal pain. A ruptured fallopian tube is a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate medical treatment.

Early pregnancy loss

Also known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, early pregnancy loss can occur during the first trimester. The fetus may be damaged, have an abnormal number of chromosomes, or fail to develop correctly. Early pregnancy loss affects about one in ten pregnancies.


Placental abruption

Preterm labor

  • A change in vaginal discharge
  • Severe pain that makes it difficult to walk, speak, or breathe

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How To Cope With It

It is always a very good idea to get in touch with your healthcare provider when you discover sharp pain during your pregnancy.

When you are experiencing stabbing or sharp pain during your pregnancy, there are certain steps, which you can carry out in a bid to try and alleviate this pain:

  • Take a walk
  • Experiment with different sitting and sleeping positions
  • Controlled breathing/breathing exercises

Case & Commentarypart 1

A 34-year-old woman who was 14 weeks pregnant presented to the emergency department with 5 days of nonspecific abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. On examination, she appeared well with normal vital signs and had some mild diffuse abdominal tenderness. Her white blood cell count was 19,000 cells/L, and a urinalysis was positive for nitrates and leukocyte esterase . She was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and was discharged on antibiotic therapy. No imaging was performed at this initial visit.

The patient returned the following day with unchanged abdominal pain and more nausea and vomiting. A fetal ultrasound was performed and found normal fetal heart activity. No further testing was done, and she was discharged home with instructions to continue the antibiotics.

Abdominal pain remains the most common reason for emergency department visits, comprising more than 11% of all visits in 2008. In 2011, 54% of patients that presented to the ED were female, more than 25% were of childbearing age, and the pregnancy rate in the United States is approximately 10% at any given time. For these reasons, clinicians that evaluate patients with abdominal pain in the ED should be familiar with common causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women and appreciate when nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is abnormal.

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Stomach Pain Causes + 6 Natural Remedies To Treat Abdominal Pain

Stomach pain is something that almost everyone feels at one time or another. People with stomach pain most often have muscle strain, gas pain or an upset stomach. Stomach pain is a general term that covers many conditions. Here we cover many of the most common reasons you may have stomach pain, as well as a few conventional and natural strategies for dealing with it.

My Stomach Feels Weirddoes Your Stomach Hurt In Early Pregnancy

Cramping After Ovulation

It depends on what you mean by hurt.

In general, the kinds of pain youll experience in your belly or lower abdomen in early pregnancy are related to:

  • Nausea usually happens between two and eight weeks after conception2
  • Cramping these can feel similar to pre-menstrual cramps and can be a sign of implantation2
  • Bloating and abdominal discomfort similar to PMS symptoms

Below I talk a little more about nausea, which is common in early pregnancy .

So in the sense of feeling nauseous, yes, your stomach can hurt. Some women also feel some light cramping at the very beginning of their pregnancy, which may or may not be accompanied by spotting . This usually occurs around the predicted time of the period or a couple of days before.

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When To See A Doctor

Although most stomach pains during pregnancy shouldnt be concerning, others may have serious or even fatal consequences. If you experience unusual pain or bleeding, dont hesitate to get help. Obstetricians often have after-hours nursing hotlines, staffed with trained professionals to assess your needs. Remember, its always better to be safe than sorry.

Symptoms Of Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

The location, severity, and intensity of your stomach pain can all help determine its cause. It is also important to know how far along in your pregnancy you are.

Normal pregnancy cramps may start as early as implantation. After that, they are most common during the first trimester as your body begins to change. You may experience occasional cramps later in the pregnancy. It can feel like an aching or pulling feeling on either or both sides of the abdomen. They often resemble menstrual cramps and are rarely severe.

Starting in the second trimester, many women experience sharp pain in the uterus, groin, or either side of the lower abdomen. This may or may not be accompanied by a dull ache in the lower abdomen or sides.

As your uterus grows, it can stretch the supporting ligaments, creating what is known as round ligament pain. The pain is often described as sharp or shooting. Sudden movement or exercise may make it worse. It should go away after a few minutes of rest.

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What Causes Mild Belly Pain In Pregnancy

There are different causes for mild achiness or pain in the abdomen during the different stages of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy

  • Some women have low, period-like pain or cramps early in pregnancy. But if pain is severe or felt on one side, call your health care provider right away.

Later in pregnancy

  • As your belly grows, the muscles and ligaments that support your uterus stretch. This can cause a dull ache across the belly or a sharp pain on one side. Many women feel this pain most severely when getting up from a bed, chair or bathtub or when coughing.
  • Gas pains and bloating may be caused by hormones that slow your digestion, the pressure of your growing uterus, constipation and heartburn.
  • You may feel irregular contractions or tightening of your uterus muscles, often called Braxton-Hicks or false labor. False labor is usually painless, but some women feel pain. False labor tends to increase in the weeks right before your due date and can be confused with true labor.

Chloasma Or The Mask Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Tips How to Diagnose Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

The pigmentation of your skin is usually affected by pregnancy hormones, with pigmented areas such as moles, freckles and nipples the most obviously affected. Some pregnant women also develop dark patches of skin, known as the mask of pregnancy, on the bridge of the nose, cheeks and neck which fade over time after the birth of their baby.

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When To Call Your Doctor

Talk to your doctor if:


Pregnancy Nausea Or Vomiting

It’s very common — and normal — to have an upset stomach when you’re pregnant.

Chalk it up to pregnancy’s hormonal changes. It usually happens early in pregnancy, while your body is adjusting to the higher hormone levels.

Good news: Nausea usually disappears by the fourth month of pregnancy . It can happen at any time of the day but may be worse in the morning, when your stomach is empty or if you aren’t eating enough.


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Are Stomach Pains Normal During Pregnancy

Minor stomach pain and cramps are common during pregnancy and are rarely a sign that anything is amiss. But if you have severe pain you should seek medical help immediately as it may be due to an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, placental abruption, or other serious problems. Learn what these symptoms indicate at different stages of pregnancy and when to see your doctor.

What Causes Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

What Does It Mean When Your Stomach Tighten Up During ...

More often than not, abdominal pain during pregnancy is perfectly normal and caused by the changes your body undergoes as part of gestation.

If youre a first-time mom, youll understandably be a bit warier of stomach pain, and you may want to consult your doctor. If so, make a note of the type of stomach pain youre experiencing. The more accurately you describe these feelings of discomfort, the easier itll be for them to pinpoint the cause.

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