How Long Does It Take Couples To Get Pregnant

How Is Infertility Defined

How long does it take to get pregnant after sex? | Planned Parenthood Video

Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex for women under 35 and six months for women 35 and older.

The vast majority of people will become pregnant within the first 12 months of trying to conceive with regular unprotected intercourse, says Cross. After six months to a year of trying depending on a womans age we recommend that a couple comes in for an infertility evaluation. At that point, its more likely that theres a problem preventing pregnancy.

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant After Sex

Most couples will get pregnant within a year of trying though it is not uncommon for many couples to take up to two years. There are many parameters for this and this includes your age and sperm health. Some couples have high monthly fertility and they have a higher chance of getting pregnant quicker.

Its Easy To Check His Sperm Count

According to the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, up to 40-50% of infertility in couples is linked to the male. One of the most common problems contributing to male infertility is low sperm count. You can check if your sperm count meets the threshold for fertility quickly, easily, and privately at home with SpermCheck Fertility. This FDA-cleared kit is available online or at your local retailer and is a product of DNA Diagnostics Center , a corporate sponsor of the American Pregnancy Association. SpermCheck is simplelike a home pregnancy test and results are ready in minutes. Keep in mind that other fertility factors like sperm mobility and morphology are also important and should be checked by a healthcare professional.

If youre younger than 35 and havent gotten pregnant after trying for a year, or youre older than 35 and youve been trying for six months, it may be time to see a fertility specialist.

If you still have further questions regarding ovulation, we encourage you to talk with your health care provider or contact the American Pregnancy Association for more information. Being informed about how your body works can help you feel more in charge of your health.

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How Long Does It Take The Average Couple To Get Pregnant

It’s not uncommon for couples who start trying for conception to underestimate how long it will take to get pregnant. While some couples do get pregnant quickly, it takes other couples much longer. This is because for ovulation and conception to occur, the conditions have to be just right. Here’s what you need to know about how long it usually takes to get pregnant, how long is too long, and when you should start having the infertility discussion.

Conception Timeframes

Clearblue has done significant research on how long it takes for the average couple to get pregnant. Their studies indicate that about one-third of healthy couples will conceive during the first month of trying to get pregnant. However, it can take up to a year or 12 menstrual cycles for healthy couples under the age of 35 to conceive. When polled, 30-44% of couples who did conceive said it took longer than they thought it would. One in seven couples has difficulty getting pregnant.

The Most Common Reason Couples Dont Get Pregnant QuicklyClearblue suggests that half of the couples may actually be mistiming intercourse because they have little awareness of when their most fertile days are. Conception can only occur a few days before and the day of ovulation and when intercourse does not happen exactly within this timeframe, its unlikely that conception will be successful.

I Had A Termination In The Past Could It Affect My Ability To Get Pregnant Now

How Long Does it Take Most Couples to Get Pregnant?

Professor Michael Thomas

Usually a pregnancy termination will not affect your ability to get pregnant in the future. On rare occasions, you may develop adhesions in the uterus that can cause issues with future fertility. If you are having normal monthly cycles, the chances of these adhesions affecting your fertility are low. Seeing your fertility specialist or gynecologist will be helpful in making sure your uterus has not been affected if you have been attempting pregnancy for one year, are under the age of 35 and have cycles between 23-35 days long. , consider a consultation after six months, and immediately if over 40.

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When You Are Not Getting Pregnant: Helping Nature Along

Generally speaking, couples trying to get pregnant should have sex at least 2-3 times each week. You can improve your chances by monitoring your ovulation, then being sure to have sex during your most fertile period. Standing on your head after intercourse wont increase the likelihood of successful conception, but do stay horizontal and relax for a few minutes afterwards. If youre out of shape, start eating more healthily and working out in whatever way is best for you, as this will better prepare you for the physical demands of pregnancy and can even increase your chances of getting pregnant. Both partners should cut out smoking and all but occasional social drinking, as these habits can have a negative effect on fertility for both men and women.

Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

There are many tips most fertility experts will agree on when you are trying to conceive a baby. Some of them include:

  • Have regular unprotected sex, at least 2 to 3 times a week.
  • Keep track of your menstrual cycle to ensure that you have sex when you are ovulating.
  • Keeping you and your partner stress-free can be the key to getting pregnant as stress can affect the ovulation cycle in women and lower testosterone levels in men.

While there are many factors that contribute to conceiving, staying patient and stress-free is key to your efforts. Ensure that you consult with a good fertility expert for guidance on the issue and explore the various options available now.

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Extent Of The Problem

One in six couples have an unwanted delay in conception. Roughly half of these couples will conceive either spontaneously or with relatively simple advice or treatment. The other half remain subfertile and need more complex treatment, such as in vitro fertilisation and other assisted conception techniques about half of these will have primary subfertility.

Most couples presenting with a fertility problem do not have absolute infertility , but rather relative subfertility with a reduced chance of conception because of one or more factors in either or both partners. Most couples with subfertility will conceive spontaneously or will be amenable to treatment, so that only 4% remain involuntarily childless. As each couple has a substantial chance of conceiving without treatment, relating the potential benefit of treatment to their chances of conceiving naturally is important to give a realistic appraisal of the added benefit offered by treatment options.

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant After Stopping The Pill

How long does it usually take for couples to conceive?

Basically, as soon as you stop taking the pill, contraceptive protection also ends. Theoretically, you can get pregnant right away. For many women, however, reality is very different. After all, one should not forget that the pill interferes significantly with the natural hormonal balance and thus with the cycle by ensuring that ovulation no longer takes place. Because of this, it is no surprise that it can take a while for your body to recover and your cycle to return to normal after you stop taking the pill. The following problems can occur after stopping the pill and can have a negative effect on successful conception:

  • Cycles that are too short: ovulation does not take place at all or the egg cannot implant in the second half of the cycle.
  • Cycles that are too long: If cycles are very long or irregular, it is usually very difficult to reliably determine the fertile window.
  • Missed periods: If there is no bleeding at all, ovulation does not take place in most cases.

After stopping the pill, it is very important to support your body as much as possible and to pay attention to the signals your body is giving you. This also includes getting to know your own cycle well and living in harmony with the bodys cyclical patterns. After all, optimal fertility is the basic prerequisite for successful conception and pregnancy.

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How Long It Takes To Get Pregnant After Sex: The Takeaway

Now that you have a better idea of how long pregnancy takes to come about, its important to remember that the specific timeline differs slightly for everyone. None of this is a perfect science, notes Dr. van Dis. While some people may find out that they are pregnant around 15 days after sex, others may need to wait longer and thats normal.

And dont forget that it may take some people longer to conceive than others, which is also to be expected. There are various factors that can influence if and when pregnancy might occur, including how regular your cycle is, partner sperm count, and when you ovulated. Tracking your period regularly with an app like Flo can be a really helpful way to understand your own menstrual cycle an important tool whether youre trying to conceive or prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

When Can You Try Again

Assuming that you had regular menstrual cycles before your miscarriage, your period should return within four to six weeks after your miscarriage. After that, you may find yourself expecting again right away , perhaps even within the first menstrual cycle after your loss. In other cases, it can take several cycles to get pregnant again even if you begin trying right away.

Confusing matters is that there is no official consensus from the medical community on how far to space out your subsequent attempts at pregnancy following a loss. However, many doctors advise people to wait about three months before trying again for a few reasons, including:

  • Risk: Some doctors refer to an increased risk of recurrent miscarriage if couples conceive too soon, though evidence surrounding this claim is mixed.
  • Grief: Others believe that couples need time to grieve the previous loss.
  • Dating: Some recommend waiting for at least one menstrual cycle before trying again to make dating the next pregnancy easier. In addition, sometimes human chorionic gonadotropin levels don’t immediately drop to zero or an undetectable level post-miscarriage, resulting in a “false positive” pregnancy test if taken too soon.

The World Health Organization suggests waiting even longersix monthsbetween miscarriage or induced abortion and trying to conceive again. The reason for their lengthy recommendation is to reduce the risks of adverse outcomes.

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How To Get Pregnant: Tips And Facts To Increase Fertility

ByCari Nierenberg, Sarah Wildpublished 10 December 21

We’ve spoken to the experts to come up with 10 tips for how to get pregnant quickly and safely.

You may have many questions about how to get pregnant, particularly if you have an underlying condition. Taking care of your body is a good first step to optimize your fertility. But what else can you do to improve your odds of having a baby?

The most important advice for a woman who wants to get pregnant is to get to know her body, specifically her menstrual cycle, said Dr. Mary Ellen Pavone, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist, and medical director of the in-vitro fertilization program at Northwestern Medicine’s Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility division in Chicago.

“It’s important to know how far apart her cycles are so she can more accurately time intercourse to try to get pregnant,” Pavone said.

We’ve highlighted the top ten tips that may help increase your chances of becoming pregnant. As always with this type of information make sure to speak to a medical professional as this advice is broad and you may require specialist attention. You should still find this article and accompanying video on how to get pregnant useful.

How Long To Try To Get Pregnant Before Seeing A Specialist

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Talk with your doctor if youre under 35 and havent conceived after a year of actively trying, or if youre over 35 and havent conceived within six months.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant After The Pill

In general, birth control use is not associated with infertility. Most women return to normal fertility within two months of stopping hormonal birth control. But exactly how long it takes to return to full fertility can depend on what method of birth control you were using:

  • The Pill: If you were taking the standard combined birth control pill, which contains estrogen and progestin, fertility should return within one to three months in most cases. For the progestin-only mini-pill, its possible to get pregnant just days after you stop taking it. In most cases, cycles resume within two months of stopping the pill. If you experience post-pill amenorrhea for longer than two months, you should see your healthcare provider.
  • IUD or implant: Its possible to get pregnant as soon as your healthcare provider removes the device.
  • Injectable birth control like Depo-Provera: It may take up to 18 months for fertility to return

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No Two People Are The Same But We Can Tell You How Factors Such As Age Birth Control Weight Substance Abuse Medication And Stress May Prolong Your Ability To Conceive With Some Help From An Obgyn We May Be Able To Pinpoint A Ttc Timeline For You

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There is no one size fits all strategy for getting pregnant, which means its difficult to determine how long it could take any given person to conceive. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, youre not alone or hopelessthis is a lot more common than you may realize. According to, 1 in 7 women TTC face challengesmost couples conceive within six cycles with calculated intercourse.

Even if youre in the small percent of women who conceive during their first cycle, one must remember pregnancy doesnt begin the day you have sex. Planned Parenthood explains it can take up to six days for the sperm and egg to form a fertilized egg and six to 10 days for the fertilized egg to implant into the uterus. Pregnancy officially begins once the hormones needed to support a pregnancy are released.

Now that we have determined that our timeline begins 12-16 days after sex if successful the first go, lets deep dive into some common variables that could prolong conception.

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How Long Does It Take

Once a couple starts trying to conceive, they expect and want pregnancy to happen quickly. More than half of women expect to become pregnant within six months, with younger women tending to expect it to happen more quickly. However, in a study of over 1,400 women who had planned their most recent pregnancy, 30-44% found it took longer than expected.

A common, and easily remedied, factor is mistiming of intercourse. As many as half of all couples may be trying to conceive at the wrong time, because they dont know when their most fertile days are.

As the graph above shows, you are most likely to conceive if you time intercourse on the day of ovulation on the day before but you still have a chance of becoming pregnant on the days leading up to ovulation.

If you have been trying to get pregnant for longer than a year, it is recommended that you seek medical attention.

Heavy Use Of Alcohol And Smoking

How long will it take to get pregnant again after having a miscarriage?

Smoking: Not only is smoking linked to fertility issues but it also induce early menopause, damage to your cervix and fallopian tubes. Compared to women who never smoked, researchers found that those who reported being active smokers at some point in their lives were 14 percent more likely to have infertility and 26 percent more likely to enter menopause early, according to

Drinking: Heavy drinking can also cause an increased risk of ovulation disorders which affect the release of eggs from the ovariesthis means women who drink heavily can increase how long it takes them to conceive.

Both: Dr. Bartos stresses, These things can alter the DNA structure of the egg . Even vaping can cause this. Nonetheless, these may affect the quality of the conception, not the timing of the conception.

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How Women Can Increase Their Fertility

We can only emphasize again and again: unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that will make you fall pregnant straight away. However, it is possible to support your fertility and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, you should pay attention to the following points that can influence fertility.

  • It is important to:focus on a healthy diet with an abundance of plant-based, wholesome foods. This applies to both partners, but women should also try to sync their diet with their menstrual cycle.
  • get sufficient & regular exercise to obtain a basic level of physical fitness
  • get sufficient relaxation & enough quality sleep
  • get an optimal supply of vitamins & minerals
  • observe and get to know your menstrual cycle
  • consciously have intercourse during the fertile days and enjoy it
  • avoid stimulants and addictive substances
  • avoid severe weight fluctuations . The ideal BMI is between 18.5 & 24.9.

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