How Should I Feel At 10 Weeks Pregnant

No To Sushi Yes To Fish


We know you may have wept a tear or two after having to give up those delicious tuna avocado rolls, but there is a silver lining. While it is recommended that pregnant women stay away from all raw fish to avoid possible parasites, the FDA actually recommends that you eat at least 2 and up to 3 servings of fully cooked fish a week!

While you want to avoid some fish that are high in mercury, like swordfish, and limit your intake of tuna, the omega-3 in fish is super good for you and your developing baby. Go for some salmon, catfish, herring, or even lobster, if youre feeling fancy So while spicy tuna is off the table, if youre really missing sushi, why not try a shrimp tempura roll?

My 10 Week Pregnant Belly Picture

Starting Weight: 123lbs

Total Weight Gain: 0lbs

Energy Level: Thankfully, I feel like Im back to my pre-pregnancy energy levels. I attribute this to making sure that my diet is on point, and by prioritizing my sleep.

Symptoms: I havent had any new pregnancy symptoms. Occasionally I still feel motion sickness if using my phone while sitting on the train or in a car. However, my nausea has decreased with the use of the Preggie Pop Drops with Vitamin B6.

Other Physical Changes: I am noticing more visible veins in different areas of my body.

Diet: My diet has not really changed much. I still meal prep my food for the week and eat a well-balanced healthy diet. This includes oats, whole grains, legumes, fruits, and salads. I continue to take my prenatal vitamins with folic acid twice a day as well as weekly vitamin B12 and Vitamin D.

Diet Modifications: None as of yet!

Food Aversions: My usual green smoothies that I have been drinking every morning for the past 8 years :(.

Food Cravings: I definitely crave sweets more than I ever have, but I am doing my best to stay away.

Workouts: I started using my Peloton last week and absolutely love it! I have completed one ride every day since getting it. I make sure I am able to carry out a conversation while riding and ensure my heart rate does not get too high.

Modifications to my workout: None so far. Im still feeling really good with a lot of energy.

Anything Else I Should Know

You should have your nuchal translucency ultrasound scheduled if you dont already have it.

This ultrasound, along with other blood tests will be used to determine your risk of having a fetus with a chromosomal abnormality.

A chorionic villus sampling can also be performed at this gestational age to confirm the presence of any abnormalities.

Now I want to hear from you.

Are you in the 10th week of your pregnancy?

How did your week go?

Are you ready for the second trimester?

Comment below and let me know, and check back next week for my pregnancy week 11 update!

Also Check: How Early To Tell If Pregnant

When To Tell Others About Your Pregnancy

Have you announced your pregnancy yet? The truth is, theres no perfect timethere’s only a time that feels right to you. In the past, healthcare professionals used to recommend women not spread the news until completing their first trimester, when miscarriage risk dramatically decreases. But times are changingand so are peoples takes on this.

Alternative To Prenatal Pills

Bumpdate: 10 Weeks

If youre still suffering from the accursed morning, afternoon and evening sickness, swallowing anything, let alone prenatal vitamins, may be proving to be a little tricky. Unfortunately, this early in your babys development is precisely when you need to be taking them!

Luckily, there are great alternatives to those hard to swallow, big prenatal pills . Like prenatal gummies which may remind you of those Flintstones vitamins you couldnt get enough of as a child, and which you will may soon be bribing your little one with. Its the circle of life! And theres also prenatal drinks, which you may be able to mix into a healthy fruit smoothie, or a slightly less healthy vanilla milkshake, because sometimes, mama just needs some sugar.

Just check with your doctor to make sure that whatever it is youre taking has all the vitamins and supplements you and your growing little one need.

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Can You Have A Baby Bump At 10 Weeks

You absolutely can. One of the 10 weeks pregnant symptoms is tight waistbands and some roundness in your lower abdomen that you cant suck in. Everyone shows differently, and your baby bump will vary with your particular body shape and size, and may also depend on the shape of your uterus. If this isnt your first pregnancy, or youre carrying multiples, youre more likely to have a visible baby bump in your first trimester. If youre not obviously pregnant yet, just waityour belly will grow with time.

Boost Your Iron Intake

Iron-rich foods include red meat, oily fish, eggs, dried fruit, fortified breakfast cereals and wholegrain breads, as well as some green, leafy vegetables. These foods all contain a wide range of important nutrients in addition to iron.

Other nutrients affect your bodys ability to absorb iron. Vitamin C, for example, aids the absorption of non-haem iron found in plant sources, such as beans and green, leafy vegetables11. Calcium, however, inhibits it11. It is also thought that the tannins found in tea and coffee can also have a negative effect on iron absorption11.

To maximise the amount of iron your body absorbs when eating plant sources of iron, combine them with a vitamin C-rich fruit or glass of juice.

Plan meals that contain the following iron-rich ingredients:

  • Lean meat and oily fish, such as sardines
  • Dark green vegetables, including broccoli, watercress, spinach and kale
  • Nuts, especially cashew nuts
  • Beans and pulses, such as chickpeas and lentils
  • Wholegrains, including wholemeal bread and iron-fortified breakfast cereals
  • Dried fruits, such as apricots, prunes and raisins
  • Eggs

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What You Might Feel Like At 10 Weeks Pregnant

Do you find yourself wondering, “what should I feel like at 10 weeks pregnant?” The answer: tired and definitely pregnant. Two and a half months into your pregnancy, you’re probably experiencing clear 10 weeks pregnant symptoms. Youre likely to feel exhausted, achy and all around hormonal. Sometimes you’ll feel excited about the changes your body is going through, and other times you might feel frustrated. All of it is okay and perfectly normal.

Week 10 When To Announce Youre Pregnant

How Should I Feel 10 Weeks Pregnant?

When you are in week 10 you might be thinking ahead, and wondering when you can spill the beans about being pregnant.

Need some ideas? Check out these creative videos for pregnancy announcement ideas.

Some women might have already shared their news by now. Others like to wait until after theyve had their nuchal translucency ultrasound, between 11 and 14 weeks.

Some women prefer to wait until the risk of miscarriage has decreased.

There are also plenty of women who like to keep their pregnancy news to themselves until they feel ready to share. Whenever time feels right to make your announcement is the best choice for you.

You might like to read4 Reasons Not To Wait Until 12 Weeks To Announce Pregnancy.

It can be tricky to hide the fact youre 10 weeks pregnant when youre out with friends especially if youre being mindful of food safety or alcohol intake. Check out our tips for hiding the fact youre not drinking!

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Can Ultrasound Tell Gender At 10 Weeks

Unfortunately, you will not be able to determine the gender of your baby at 10 weeks via ultrasound.

The reason is that the genitalia has not fully developed as of yet.

If you would like to know the babys sex, you could have a blood test that measures cell-free fetal DNA. This test is known as NIPT or non-invasive prenatal testing.

The NIPT screening test will also be able to check for common chromosomal abnormalities like Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome in women with risk factors.

Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms Tips And More

At 10 weeks pregnant, youre nearing the end of your first trimester. Its likely youve grown accustomed to being pregnant. Youll want to continue eating as well as you can and get some safe exercise to keep you and baby in fighting form.

Heres what to expect in week 10 of growing a baby.

You can probably still hide your pregnancy from the rest of the world, but not for much longer. Avoid wearing tight and constricting clothes. Your belly is growing rounder as your uterus expands.

You may gain a pound or two this week, although if morning sickness continues, you might not.

Your blood volume has increased so if you havent yet noticed the veins in your breasts and abdomen becoming more prominent, theres a good chance you will this week.

At the end of week 10, your baby will officially graduate from embryo to fetus status. Their webbed toes and fingers begin to separate and form individual digits. All vital organs are formed, and the placenta is functioning.

Your baby takes on a more human-like appearance, eyelids begin to close, and facial features become more distinct. Theyre able to swallow, and tooth buds appear.

If you have a doctors visit this week, you may be able to hear your babys heartbeat. If an ultrasound is ordered, you should be able to see your babys heart beating, although you wont be able to determine your babys sex for a few more weeks.

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Belly Is Looking Swollen

Your growing uterus is starting to make your belly curve, but its not quite a bump yet. If you havent gotten a button extender, this is a good time to do so. Also, yoga pants are going to be your new friends these next 30 weeks, or you know, the next 18+ years. Theres a reason they call them the mommy uniform! Sweet, sweet stretchy freedom.

How Many Months Is 10 Weeks Pregnant

10 Weeks Pregnant Belly Twins

When youre 10 weeks pregnant, you might be wondering how many months you are.

You are now two and a half months pregnant.

This might seem confusing, but remember, the first day of pregnancy is actually calculated as the first day of your last menstrual period .

As your pregnancy progresses, be sure to read BellyBellys Pregnancy Symptoms Week By Week.

At 10 weeks pregnant, its not too late to have a road map for finding out what to expect now and in the future.

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Back Pain At 10 Weeks Pregnant

You could also experience some back pain during pregnancy.

As long as youre not also having numbness, shooting pain, tingling or bleeding, back pain is a normal pregnancy discomfort.

To ease common discomforts, avoid sudden and repetitive movements. Change positions slowly and do some gentle stretching daily. Put your feet up and make sure you sit up straight, to reduce pressure on your pelvis and lower back.

Constipation At 10 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Constipation can also be a problem at week 10 of pregnancy.

A study on pregnant women found those who were over 35 years of age, in a sedentary job, and with a BMI greater than 24 had a higher prevalence of constipation, especially in the second trimester.

During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone relaxes the bowel and intestine and this slows down the passage of food. It might also make you feel tired and a little sluggish.

As a result, your body removes more water from your stools, causing them to harden.

Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Adding certain foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, into your diet will help to move everything along.

If constipation is an ongoing problem, seek advice from your doctor or midwife for ways to manage it.

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The Size Of The Fetus At 10 Weeks Pregnant

Your little one is still growing very quickly! At 10 weeks pregnant, the average fetus is about the size of a strawberry, measuring approximately an inch from crown to rump.Check out the illustration below for a look at how things are shaping up inside your belly as you head toward the end of the first trimester.

Your Life At 10 Weeks Pregnant


Is the first trimester dragging or are you enjoying? You cant fast forward or stop time, but you can turn your attention to things within your control, like comfy bras, cute photos and the best way to tell your boss your big news.

  • Top tip: Even if you dont have a bump yetwhich is completely normal, btwyou may soon. So this can be a fun time to start snapping those belly pics. Letter boards with clever sayings are cute but certainly not required. All you really need is a mirror and a growing baby. Even if selfies arent your thing, it can be fun to privately look back on these photos to see how things change week by week.
  • Telling work: As you near the end of the first trimester, youll soon need to share your news with work. Its natural to feel nervous. How do you handle it? How will your coworkers react? How does maternity leave work? We have you covered: Learn the facts about telling work youre pregnant and how parental leave works.
  • Gear to consider: Its never too early to invest in a good maternity or nursing bra. Although sore boobs will most likely wane as you enter the second trimester, youll be grateful for extra support as they continue to grow along with your belly.
  • Recipes to try: Some people are hungrier than ever during their first trimester, while others find it hard to get anything down. Regardless of which camp you fall, no-bake energy balls, like these or these, are a super-easy snack to make and full of baby-building protein.

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Symptoms And Body Changes At 11 Weeks

You and others may be able to tell you are pregnant by the eleventh week, as there may have been changes in your physical appearance. Youre gaining weight, your breasts are becoming larger and may be quite tender, and your abdomen may appear distended.

The abdominal distention is mostly due to increased bowel contents caused by the slowing down of your intestines due to the increased production of progesterone.

However, some women do not show this early. You can be as far along as 1620 weeks before your pregnant belly is obvious to others besides you and your partner.

You may also notice changes in your hair, toenails, and fingernails, which are likely growing like crazy. This, like most everything else, is due to the increase in hormones in your system. Pregnancy affects every cell of your body in some way.

Most women think they can feel the baby move around at this stage, but this is a false feeling caused by gas in your digestive tract. It is also normal to feel hot flashes or to be warmer than usual this is due to the increase in the amount of blood in your body.

As the first trimester comes closer to its end, most women should gain approximately two to five pounds.

Things To Do This Week For A Healthy Pregnancy

Youve probably had your first prenatal appointment, so be sure to follow your doctors advice. Write down non-emergency questions as they arise to ask at your next appointment.

If your clothes are feeling snug, but youre not ready to wear maternity clothes yet, invest in some pants with elastic waistbands and loose shirts. You may also want to purchase some new underwear and bras in a larger size.

If your morning sickness is subsiding, its time to get serious about eating a healthy diet thats safe and nutritious for you and your developing baby. Make sure you take a prenatal vitamin every day.

Talk to your doctor about your specific nutrient and supplement needs as they can differ from person to person.

You will probably not need to increase your daily calorie intake until the second trimester, but if you have any questions about how much you should be eating, speak with your healthcare provider.

If you have cats, stop cleaning their litter box. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , toxoplasmosis is a serious parasitic infection transmitted by cats.

Cats become infected by eating rodents, birds, and small animals, and pass the infection through their feces. Pregnant people may contract toxoplasmosis from cleaning the litter box and pass the infection onto their unborn child.

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How Should You Care For Yourself At 10 Weeks Pregnant

Have small frequent meals throughout the day instead of a few large meals. This will help you deal with nausea, bloating, heartburn, and morning sickness.

Follow a healthy diet as recommended by your doctor. Be regular in taking the prescribed prenatal vitamin pills. Do not self-medicate. Most oral medications and a few ointments may not be safe for the baby.

Exercising will help boost the digestive system and give you better sleep at night. Ask your doctor which exercises you can do. You can also try other safe practices, such as yoga and meditation.

Try keeping a gap of 3 hours between your meal and bedtime.

Try turning away from devices that emit blue light, such as your television screen, laptops, and smartphones, 2 hours before going to bed. These are known agents that hamper your sleep.

Stay away from cleaning cats or their litter box. You may increase your chances of catching toxoplasmosis, which is an infection that can cause harm to your baby.

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