How Should I Sleep While Pregnant

Tips For Sleeping On Your Side In Pregnancy

Pregnancy Tips : How to Sleep Comfortably While Pregnant
  • Put pillows behind you to prevent falling on your back. It wont prevent you being on your back for certain but is likely to make it more uncomfortable.
  • If you have long hair, try tying it in a low bun, which may make it uncomfortable to sleep on your back for any length of time.
  • If you wake up for any reason during the night, check your position and go back to sleep on your side.
  • If you are likely to nap during the day pay the same attention to sleep position during the day as you would during the night.

How To Sleep While Pregnant: Tips And Sleeping Positions

*This article is for general information purposes only and is not intended as medical or other professional advice. Consult your physician in the event that you require any pregnancy-related medical advice. Its well known that new parents will be kept awake many a night, but you may not realize that this can start well before your baby is born. Expecting mothers report all sorts of sleeping issues, from not being able to get comfortable to twitchy muscles to nightmares. The symptoms vary from person to person and can depend on what stage of the pregnancy you are in. To help you get some much needed rest, well go through each trimester and examine common sleeping problems and how to sleep while pregnant.

Why Is Sleep During Pregnancy So Important

Good sleep is one of the most important things an expectant mother can do for her baby. Adequate rest is essential for a healthy pregnancy and full-term delivery.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Not sleeping well can lead to a number of problems. Expectant mothers who have poor nighttime sleep are more likely to have a depressed mood, attention and memory problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, more nighttime falls, and use more over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids, all of which may adversely affect the healthy development of her baby. In addition, recent studies associate lack of sleep with serious health problems such as an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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Why Can’t I Sleep In Pregnancy

Its normal to feel tired in pregnancy so try not to get frustrated with yourself, as getting worked up can only cause more sleeplessness. Your baby is growing, and your expanding bump is understandably making it hard for you to get comfortable at night.

Changes in your hormones also add to tiredness in the first trimester . Experiencing heartburn, nausea and needing to wee more often are all normal symptoms .

Also, you might have worries about what itll be like when your baby arrives adding to those sleepless nights.

Why Does Sleep Matter So Much

Sleeping On Back During Late Pregnancy?

Science has shown that sleep is necessary for all kinds of vital bodily functions, as well as restoring energy and allowing the brain to process new information it has taken in while awake.

Without sufficient sleep, its impossible to think clearly, react quickly, focus, and control emotions. A chronic lack of sleep can even lead to serious health problems.

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Listen To Your Body Most Of All

Even if you can read 1001 studies on the strengths and weaknesses of each sleeping position, don’t disregard the obvious signs that your body is giving you. If you’re sleeping in the wrong position, you should know immediately: either because you feel a malaise, light headed, pain in your back and hips, either because your baby will give you little kicks until he will have switched to a convenient position in the amniotic liquid.

It is good to change positions multiple times a night, but don’t freak out if you don’t move much. It is very common to have trouble sleeping during a pregnancy, and it is much more important for a future mother to sleep well rather than wake up 10 times a night to reposition herself according to a cabalistic process which could hypothetically be microscopically beneficial…

Only your own feelings will give you the true key to comfort!

On the same topic:

Progesterone Production: Why Its Needed

Progesterone is an essential hormone in the reproductive process, playing an important role in fertility and the maintenance of a healthy, full-term pregnancy. Early on, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine structure in the ovaries. Eventually, the placenta takes over production at around 8-10 weeks.

This hormone is necessary for nurturing a healthy environment for the developing fetus and to prevent rejection by the mothers body. It also is the reason why you suddenly have luscious locks and that coveted pregnancy glow.

Research has discovered that progesterone activates receptors in the brain that shorten the time it takes for the body to enter REM cycles and also decrease the amount of time spent in this phase . With elevated levels throughout all three trimesters, this hormone may be to blame for your zombie-like state day and night.

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How To Get Better Sleep While Pregnant

During pregnancy, a mothers body goes through many changes and she may often feel exhausted. Yet, in this time, it is more important than ever to get the rest that her body and her baby need.

Pregnancy can disrupt your natural sleep patterns, or just make it more difficult to relax and rest. Many expectant moms struggle with discomfort and tiredness at different times during the nine months. A survey done by the National Sleep Foundation found that nearly 80% of pregnant women have difficulty sleeping. When you are already dealing with nausea, fatigue, swelling, frequent urination, heartburn and other aches and pains, it may seem like sleep disorders are just another frustrating side effect.

Let us take a look at the common sleep problems that pregnant women face and some tips for getting more rest before the baby arrives.

Use Aromatherapy To Sleep Better

The right way to sleep during pregnancy

While youre practicing your deep breathing before bed, throw in a bit of aromatherapy to sleep better and more soundly throughout the night. Which scent should you use? Lavender!Studies show that the scent of lavender inhaled before bed actually improves sleep patterns by:

  • Increasing deep, slow-wave sleep
  • Increasing stage 2 sleep

Want to try incorporating aromatherapy into your nightly routine for better pregnant sleep? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Scent your room with fresh lavender or lavender essential oil
  • Use a lavender-scented dryer ball so your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets come out clean and fragrant
  • Keep a bottle of lavender oil by your bed and breathe in the aroma for two minutes

Combining aromatherapy and the deep breathing exercise in the previous step is a great way to relax after a long day and fall asleep faster.

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Are Pregnant Pillows Useful And What Do They Do

Pregnant pillows are U, C, or V shaped and designed to be comfortable as the babys bumps grow, but many pregnant women use regular pillows to be comfortable. increase.

Pillows are great, Kelly told Live Science. Pillows under the ridges of growing babies can relieve pressure on the ligaments on the sides of the uterus, and pillows between the knees and in small areas of the back can be placed on the hips, knees and back. pain.

Pillows also help with joint pain, she adds. The larger the babys ridge, the more ligament tension it has. The more you get pregnant, the more joint pain you have. Often you have more pubic pain, hip pain, IT band pain, and sciatica. Be careful with your pillow. It is effective to place it in. Remove the pressure from some of these problems.

Breathe Deeply Before Bed

After a long, hard day, you probably expect to fall asleep quickly and stay that way throughout the night.But, all too often, the stress of the day and the expectations for tomorrow keep your mind running and your body on edge. That prevents you from drifting off to dreamland after you turn the lights out even when youre exhausted.Then, to make matters worse, failing to fall asleep when you know you should only adds to your anxiety and keeps you awake well past your bedtime.You can counteract this vicious cycle by focusing on a deep-breathing exercise to reduce stress before bed.Heres how you do it:

  • Place the tip of your tongue against the spot where the back of your front teeth and your gums meet. Keep your tongue there while you practice the breathing.
  • Exhale through your mouth while making a whooshing sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose for a count of four.
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  • Exhale through your mouth while making a whooshing sound for a count of eight.
  • Thats one cycle. Repeat steps 3-5 at least three more times for a total of four cycles.

The benefits of this technique are three-fold:

  • Breathing deep for the prescribed amount of time gives your brain something to focus on other than the big project at work.
  • Breathing deep slows your heart rate.
  • Breathing deep increases the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream and releases harmful carbon dioxide that can build up in your body.

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Mustela Cares About You

Mustela wants you to enjoy your pregnancy, and we know that good sleep is essential for your health and the health of your baby.If youre having trouble falling asleep or having trouble staying asleep throughout the night implement these tips into your daily and nightly routine.We suggest picking one or two of the ideas that most appeal to you and trying them out for a few nights. When youre comfortable with those, pick one or two more and add them to your regular activity.With time and practice, you can enjoy a restful and reinvigorating nights sleep through all nine months of your pregnancy.While youre trying new things to make your pregnancy experience the best it can be, consider adding Mustelas maternity skin care products to your routine for smooth, hydrated skin both day and night!

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Quantifying It Is The Tricky Part

Back Sleeping During Pregnancy Changes Baby

Dr. Zanotti reassures expectant mothers not to stress if they accidentally find themselves on their backs for a brief spell.

We do know that short periods of time even if you were on your back for an hour or two probably do no harm to your child, she says. The hard part is we cant really quantify exactly how much is safe time and what it really does.

When women are far along in their pregnancies, theyll get light-headed or not feel right if theyre on their backs for long periods of time, Dr. Zanotti notes.

Often times, your body is going to tell you something isnt right and that will make you move around, she says. So if youre on your back and having a little trouble breathing or maybe your heart is beating faster, its your bodys way of saying you need to roll over on your side. Listen to your body.

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The Best Advice For Moms

So whats an already uncomfy expectant mother to do? After 20 weeks of pregnancy, try not to spend the entire night on your back, Dr. Zanotti advises. She suggests putting a pillow between your back and the mattress as insurance. That way, even if you do roll over, youre on a bit of a tilt.

As long as youre not flat on your back, youre going to be fine, she says. Even if you can be on a 20- to 30-degree angle, thats going to relieve any potential pressure on your inferior vena cava. I think most women, even if they were back sleepers, can be comfortable sleeping with just that bit of an angle.

While its sensible to be cautious, Dr. Zanotti says its also important to comfort women who already have enough on their minds.

Ive had women whove woken up on their back and theyre worried theyre going to cause their child brain damage. That has not been shown, she says. We dont see a higher risk of autism or developmental disorders in women whove slept on their back for a little bit.

Best Sleeping Positions For Pregnancy

Sleeping on the left side with the legs slightly curled is considered the best sleeping position in pregnancy. This position facilitates blood flow to the heart, kidneys, and uterus, and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Although not as optimal as the left side, sleeping on the right side during pregnancy is also acceptable.

It may be helpful to use a few extra pillows to get comfortable sleeping on your side, especially if youre not accustomed to this sleeping position. Try tucking in a wedge pillow to support your belly, or adding a thin pillow between the knees to help relieve pressure on the lower back. Some women find it useful to hug a body pillow or place a pillow under the lower back.

As the uterus grows larger, sleeping on the back during pregnancy can cause backache and put pressure on the vena cava. The vena cava is one of the bodys principal veins, so this can interfere with blood flow and cause dizziness. While back sleeping is all right for brief stints, its best to avoid it if possible. Most pregnant women find that sleeping on the stomach is impractical once the baby bump reaches a certain size.

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First Trimester Sleep Problems

“Most women don’t know what’s in store for them during pregnancy,” says Kathryn A. Lee, R.N., Ph.D., a professor of nursing at the University of California, San Francisco, who researches the topic. “Women who’ve had kids know how low-energy they’re going to feel during pregnancy and plan for that by sleeping more.” Here are some sleep problems you’ll likely face in the first trimester and how to solve them.

Ways To Sleep Better While Pregnant

What position should I sleep in at 18 weeks pregnant?

When youre pregnant, sleep is essential for your health and the health of your baby. The changes in your body, though, can make getting a good nights rest more difficult than it should be.

During the first trimester, your body releases progesterone, a hormone that can act as a natural sedative. This can cause you to feel groggy all day long and interfere with your bodys natural sleep rhythms at night.During the second and third trimesters, the changes in your body begin to become more pronounced. Besides a growing tummy, you have to deal with itchy skin, cramps, back pain, and stress.

Rest easy, though. Mustela is here to help. In this article, we share our favorite tips to improve your pregnant sleep so you can feel your best.

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Sleeping For Two: Sleep Changes During Pregnancy

ByCari Nierenberg18 May 2017

Being pregnant can be a tiring experience for a woman’s body. Both the physical discomforts of pregnancy as well as the emotional stress of this major life change can cause sleep problems and keep a mother-to-be awake at night.

People may joke that the difficulty many pregnant women have sleeping is merely preparing them for the lack of sleep they will experience when the baby finally arrives. All kidding aside, pregnancy is a good time for women to take their sleep needs more seriously and make an effort to get more of it.

Feeling exhausted is a common complaint, especially during the first and third trimesters. But women might be caught off guard by how worn out they feel in the early months of pregnancy.

“A lot of women are totally surprised by how fatigued they feel during the first trimester,” said Kathy Lee, a professor of nursing at the University of California San Francisco, who has studied how pregnancy affects sleep.

Women know about morning sickness in early pregnancy, but many first-time mothers say they had no idea about how tired they often feel at this stage, Lee said.

How Many Hours Should A Pregnant Woman Sleep

There’s no denying that once you’re pregnant, you will require more hours of sleep than you regularly log in. And that’s because your body is exhausted after having to not only carry a growing baby inside you, but to also provide nutrients through your body to them in order to help them flourish. So then how many hours should a pregnant woman sleep?

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Restless Legs Syndrome And Pregnancy

Restless legs syndrome , an uncontrollable urge to move the legs whileat rest, is usually associated with older adults. But its also one of themost common reasons for sleeplessness during pregnancy.

RLS typically occurs in the evening, often when you get into bed. Thoughits uncomfortable, there is a silver lining: It doesnt last forever. Itdoes get better after delivery and actually pretty quickly, within thefirst week or so, Pien says.

RLS is often linked toanemia, which is common in pregnant women. Talk to your doctor about takingprenatal vitamins and supplements, such as folic acid and iron, to keepanemia under control.

When Should I Stop Sleeping On My Back While Pregnant

Important Doâs And Donâts About Sleeping During Pregnancy ...
  • Can sleeping on your back cause stillbirth?
  • You may want to get used to a new sleep position now, since you shouldnt sleep on your back after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

    When you lie belly-up, the weight of your uterus can compress a major blood vessel, called the vena cava.

    This disrupts blood flow to your baby and leaves you nauseated, dizzy, and short of breath.

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