What Are Early Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Metallic Or Strange Taste In Your Mouth

Early signs of pregnancy | Mumsnet

Does it suddenly taste like youve been sucking on a mouthful of pennies?

Nope, you didnt forget chomping down on some change this is probably just one more of the unusual early pregnancy signs were talking about.

The medical term for this condition is dysgeusia. Its most noticeable during the first trimester but can occur throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.

In fact, up to 93% of women notice strange tastes in their mouths throughout different moments during gestation.

Early Pregnancy Signs And Symptoms

A number of symptoms begin in the early stages of pregnancy:

  • Missed period: A missed menstrual period is the hallmark symptom of pregnancy, and menstruation is absent throughout the pregnancy. Sometimes, the mild cramping and spotting experienced at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus can be mistaken for a menstrual period. Women whose menstrual cycles are irregular may also not immediately notice the absence of a menstrual period. It is uncommon for signs and symptoms of pregnancy to appear before the missed period, but if a womanâs cycles are irregular, this may happen.
  • Implantation bleeding or cramping: Mild bleeding or spotting may occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, anywhere from 6 to 12 days after fertilization. Mild cramping can also occur at this time. Implantation bleeding may sometimes be mistaken for a menstrual period, although it is usually much lighter than a regular period.
  • Vaginal discharge: Some women may notice a thick, milky discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy. This occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy as the vaginal walls thicken. This discharge may occur throughout the pregnancy. If there is an unpleasant odor associated with the discharge, or if it is associated with burning and itching, this is a sign of a yeast or bacterial infection. You should contact your health-care professional if this occurs.
  • Darkening of the areola: The areola, or area around the nipple, may darken in color.
  • What Happens During Week 3

    The fertilized egg moves down your fallopian tube and divides into more and more cells. It reaches your uterus about 34 days after fertilization. The dividing cells then form a ball that floats around in the uterus for about 23 days.

    Pregnancy begins when the ball of cells attaches to the lining of your uterus. This is called implantation. It usually starts about 6 days after fertilization and takes about 34 days to be complete.

    Pregnancy doesnt always happen, even if an egg is fertilized by a sperm. Up to half of all fertilized eggs pass out of your body when you get your period, before implantation is complete.

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    Early Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

    The signs and symptoms of pregnancy differ from woman to woman. All the signs of pregnancy may not be seen in one person. Additionally, the signs may appear in different persons at different times. Below are a few common signs and symptoms that may indicate early pregnancy:

  • Missed menstrual cycle: It is the most common symptom of early pregnancy. If a woman has missed her period by a week or more, there is a chance that she might be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if the menstrual cycle is irregular.
  • Spotting: Blood or spotting on the panty prior to the monthly date is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. About a week after conception, the embryo pushes itself into the wall of the uterus . This causes some light bleeding or spots of blood to appear on the panty.
  • Vaginal discharge: Some women experience a thick, milky discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy. It is not associated with itching and foul odor.
  • Vulva changes: Chadwicks sign is one of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The vulva and vagina turn bluish in color. This happens because more blood is needed in that area to build the tissue for pregnancy.
  • Nausea with or without vomiting: Morning sickness, which may strike at any time of the day or night, often begins about four weeks after a woman becomes pregnant. Some women feel nausea earlier and some never experience it. Research emphasizes that pregnancy hormones may play a role in this symptom.
  • Swimming And Water Aerobics

    Definite Signs Of Pregnancy

    The pool is your friend during pregnancy. The water is soothing, the exercise is low-impact, and you wont fall over. Water exercise expert Sara Haley has a helpful series of prenatal exercises that focus on building core strength.

    If youre already doing water exercise, theres no need to change your routine. As in all exercise, avoid twisting your middle too much, and pay attention to your energy limits. If you get tired, its not time to push yourself its time to get out of the pool. If youre starting water exercise during pregnancy, ask a swim coach or trainer at your pool about safe routines.

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    When Should I Call My Doctor About A New Pregnancy

    If you have missed a period, taken a pregnancy test and gotten a positive result, your next step will be to call your healthcare provider for your first appointment. While scheduling, your provider may ask if you have already started taking a prenatal vitamin with at least 400mcg of folic acid. These vitamins are important in early pregnancy because they help in the development of your babys neural tube. The neural tube will become the brain and spine. Many healthcare providers recommend that any women who could become pregnant take folic acid at all times.

    If you are planning a pregnancy, a preconception appointment with your healthcare provider is a good place to start. A preconception appointment is especially important if you take medication for a chronic illness or have other medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension or lupus.

    During this appointment, your provider will discuss any current medical conditions, as well as your general health before pregnancy. This appointment is meant to get you into the best place for a new pregnancy.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/01/2020.


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    How Did You Know You Were Pregnant

    One of the easiest ways of answering the question how do you know if you are pregnant? is a missed period. Before that occurs, however, you might experience other unusual early pregnancy signs in the first 2 weeks.

    Every woman will experience pregnancy a little bit differently.

    When it comes to early signs of pregnancy, discharge, headaches, and mood swings are all par for the course. We make pregnancy sound so glamorous, dont we?

    If anything concerns you, though, be sure to speak with your doctor and find out if what youre feeling is normal.

    What were your first early signs of pregnancy?

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    What Happens During Week 1

    These are the first 2 weeks of your menstrual cycle. You have your period. About 2 weeks later, the egg thats most mature is released from your ovary this is called ovulation. Ovulation may happen earlier or later, depending on the length of your menstrual cycle. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days.

    After its released, your egg travels down your fallopian tube toward your uterus. If the egg meets up with a sperm, they combine. This is called fertilization. Fertilization is most likely to occur when you have unprotected vaginal sex during the 6 days leading up to and including the day of ovulation.

    Timeline Of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

    Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

    While pregnancy tests and your practitioner can offer definitive answers, these early pregnancy symptoms may be clues that you’re expecting.

    Keep in mind, just because youve experienced some of these symptoms doesnt mean youre pregnant. You could also have none of them at all and still go on to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy.

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    I Think I Might Be Pregnant

    Nothing is more likely to make you feel like youre in limbo than suspecting that youre pregnant but not knowing for sure. Sure, it can cause you undue stress, worry, and anxiety, but it can also make you feel hopeful and excited.

    Early warning signs and symptoms can give you a heads up that you may be pregnant. Just keep in mind that they are not to be taken as sure signs of pregnancy, but rather indicators instead. Youll want to take a pregnancy test to know for sure.

    Not all women experience pregnancy the same, nor do they experience the same early pregnancy symptoms. While many do experience early pregnancy symptoms, they may be different for you than they are for your colleague or best friend.

    Whats more, if youve been pregnant before, the early symptoms you experience this time around may not be the same as your last pregnancy. Keep in mind, that many of these symptoms mimic menstruation symptoms before you get your period and after so you might be pregnant and not even realize it.

    Below are some of the common early pregnancy signs and symptoms. However, its important to know that these symptoms could be due to other things going on with your body other than pregnancy. Therefore, youre not necessarily pregnant if you notice any of the symptoms below. Again, as it bears repeating, the only way to know for sure if youre pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

    When Should You See A Doctor About A New Pregnancy

    If youve taken a pregnancy test and its positive, go ahead and make your first prenatal visit right away.

    At the first prenatal visit, youll get a physical exam and other tests to make sure everything is looking healthy, and youll learn about your pregnancy timeline. Youll also get to talk through any expectations and questions you have about your pregnancy.

    Questions or concerns about your symptoms? Our 24/7 nurse line is free for our members and patients.

    Positive pregnancy test? Schedule a visit.

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    Pregnancy Symptoms Week 1

    The American Pregnancy Association conducted a survey on the first signs of pregnancy. Of the women polled, 29% reported a missed period and 25% reported nausea as the first symptoms of pregnancy. Well consider these two first and then focus on 10 additional indicators.

  • Missed Period. A missed period is often the very first sign a woman has that she may be pregnant. Many women begin seeking answers because they know theyre late for their next period. If youve had a missed period of about one week, you might consider this a possible indicator of pregnancy. However, this symptom in itself may not be accurate if youve had irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Nausea/Vomiting. Nausea is quite common in the first trimester and may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. This is known as morning sickness, though it can be experienced later in the day as well. The severity can differ from person to person. It isnt totally clear what the cause is for morning sickness, but it may be due to hormonal changes.
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    Am I pregnant? The early signs of pregnancy!

    Theres no set timeframe for experiencing pregnancy glow. However, you may be more likely to experience this glow during the height of changes in your body, especially during the second trimester.

    The glow of pregnancy as well as its underlying causes go away soon after you give birth. This isnt a permanent change to your skin.

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    The Most Common Sign Of Early Pregnancy A Missed Period

    Your menstrual cycle is your bodys way of preparing for a possible pregnancy each month. Part of that is the thickening of your uterine lining, which is where a fertilized egg would implant to begin a pregnancy.

    If youre not pregnant, your period is how your uterus sheds that extra lining. If you are pregnant, that lining stays put and you dont get your normal flow. This is why a missed period is often the earliest sign of pregnancy.

    Of course, a delayed or missed period doesnt always mean youre pregnant. If your body is under a lot of stress or you have a hormonal imbalance, you could be experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle.

    Missed Or Light Period

    Im late. Many women are familiar with that phrase. A missed period is one of the first early signs of pregnancy. However, many women have irregular periods, which means being late is not always a reliable sign.

    For women with consistent cycles, missing a period is a good way to know when it is time to take a home pregnancy test.

    One way to determine if you are having regular periods is to start tracking your cycles on a phone app or calendar. The first day of your period is the first day you begin to have vaginal bleeding or spotting.

    At your prenatal care visit, your provider will ask you about your last menstrual period or the first day of your last cycle. It is helpful to keep track of your cycles in order to determine an accurate due date.

    What to do: Buy an over-the-counter pregnancy test. There are different types of tests available: line, digital, and strip. Choose based on your preference and check the package date to make sure it is not expired.

    Home pregnancy tests detect the hormone hCG in your urine. Results are most accurate if you wait until the week after your missed period. Read all directions on the box before you take your test. Try to take your test first thing in the morning, when your urine is most concentrated. If your test is positive, call 505-272-2245 to schedule an appointment.

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    What Are Some Less Common Signs Of Early Pregnancy

    There are some additional signs of early pregnancy that arent as common. Just like with the most common symptoms, these signs of pregnancy may or may not happen. Its important to remember that everyone is different and will experience unique symptoms.

    Less common signs of early pregnancy can include:

    Mood Changes And Mood Swings

    My Early Signs & Symptoms Of Pregnancy

    Blame it on those hormones again, but being really emotional can be a sign of early pregnancy.

    So take note if you catch yourself suddenly crying at commercials, or swinging between crying and then laughing.

    Of course, this is one symptom thats common in early pregnancy and PMS so it might not be too helpful.

    But if youre noticing other symptoms on this list, it might be time to try a pregnancy test.

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    Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before A Missed Period

    Although every woman is different, these early symptoms can first appear before you even miss your period.

    Raised basal body temperature

    If you’ve been using a special basal body thermometer to track your first morning temperature, you might notice that it rises around 1 degree when you conceive and stays elevated throughout your pregnancy.

    Though not a foolproof early pregnancy symptom , it could give you advance notice of the big news.

    Smell sensitivity

    A heightened sense of smell is an early pregnancy symptom that makes previously mild odors strong and unappealing. Since it’s one of the first symptoms of pregnancy many women report, babies might be in the air if your sniffer’s suddenly more sensitive and easily offended.

    Breast changes

    Tender, swollen breasts and darkening, bumpy areolas are among the breast changes you might experience early in pregnancy. The hormones estrogen and progesterone deserve most of the credit for this early pregnancy symptom. The breast tenderness is pain with a gain, though, since it’s part of your body’s preparation for the milk-making to come.

    Your areolas may get darker and increase in diameter. You’ll also likely start to notice tiny bumps growing in size and number on your areolas. These bumps, called Montgomery’s tubercles, were always there, but now they’re gearing up to produce more oils that lubricate your nipples once baby starts nursing.


    Implantation bleeding

    Changes in cervical mucus

    Frequent urination

    Mood swings

    Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before Youre Missed Period

    For some women, they may experience these early pregnancy symptoms:

    • Having a metallic taste after eating
    • Increase in saliva this is to prepare you for morning sickness
    • Constipation
    • Headaches
    • Gas the Analytical Mommy reports that feeling extra gassy was one of her early pregnancy signs and Im sorry to say that this can continue right the way through pregnancy.
    • Dizziness I experienced dizziness in the first weeks of pregnancy. If I stood up too fast, I became dizzy. Your body is pumping out more blood and increasing the volume that it takes a bit of time for your body to catch up with this increase.

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    Common Early Signs Of Pregnancy

  • Missed period. First and foremost, the most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period. For many women, thats the first symptom they notice. A missed period occurs two weeks after conception.
  • Extreme tiredness. Have you been feeling exhausted lately? Many women feel tired in early pregnancy. Thats because the pregnant body is working overtime to maintain the pregnancy and develop milk-producing glands in the breasts. Some pregnant women notice this fatigue even as early as one week after conception, making this one of the first noticeable signs of pregnancy.
  • Sore, swollen breasts. If youve noticed that your breasts feel full, heavy or even tingly, you may want to consider the fact that you might be pregnant. This symptom may show up even as early as one or two weeks after conception.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting. Feeling sick to your stomach? Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can start two to eight weeks after conception and continue throughout pregnancy.
  • Frequent urination. Early on in pregnancy, women might feel that theyve gotta go frequently. As the pregnancy hormone hCG flows through the pregnant body, more blood flow enters the pelvic region, which then causes more frequent urination.
  • Intense cravings/aversions. Feeling especially hungry for a particular food? Cant stand the sight of foods you usually enjoy? Food cravings or aversions are common throughout pregnancy.
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