What Can Happen If You Get Pregnant With An Iud

Learn More About Period Changes With The Iud

26) Can You Get Pregnant While Using an IUD? (IUD Failure) What Happens Then? (Viewer Question)

After two years, about half of people using the 52 mg hormonal IUD will stop experiencing periods . Lower doses of hormones impact monthly bleeding less . If you are using the IUD, itâs helpful to track your bleeding patterns so you can evaluate how itâs working for you. Read more about bleeding on the IUD here.

Let’s support one another.

Do I Ovulate While Using The Hormonal Iud

Many people who use a hormonal IUD will continue to ovulate. But since the device contains a progestin that disrupts the hormone cycle , there is a possibility the device can impact ovulation, depending on its dosage.

Hormonal IUDs are available with different doses of hormones. The highest dose impacts ovulation more than the lower doses . The effectiveness of an IUD is not impacted by whether or not a user ovulates.

A person using a 52 mg IUD may stop ovulating after the device is implanted. Ovulation can return as the hormonal potency wains .

  • In the first year, about 45 percent of people using a 52 mg IUD will ovulate.

  • After four years, about 75 percent of people using a 52 mg IUD will ovulate .

Most people using the 19.5 mg IUD continue to ovulate . In studies, people who use this dosage have normal ovarian function . The same is true with the 13.5 mg IUD .

As long as you replace your IUD on time, changes in ovulation will not impact the risk for pregnancy, because the IUD primarily works through the processes we listed above .

What To Do If You Get Pregnant With An Iud

First and foremost, if you find or even suspect you are pregnant and you have an IUD, contact your healthcare provider immediately. He or she can talk to you about your options and your risk of complications if you choose to continue the pregnancy. You may choose to terminate your pregnancy or continue to carry the baby.

If you choose to continue your pregnancy, your healthcare provider will likely remove the IUD if its possible. This decreases the likelihood of complications, but you are still more likely to experience complications when compared to someone who didnt have an IUD when they got pregnant.

With close monitoring, care, and early removal of the IUD, many women do go on to have healthy babies after getting pregnant with an IUD.

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The Iud Is Making A Comeback

Later, at home, I took a pregnancy test, the kind with two dark lines for positive. I remember taking those tests over and over, trying for our first. Squinting, willing a second line into existence. I am glad those days are over. I was taking the test because my breasts were hot and sore and my period was late. I was taking the test so I could stop that little worm of worry that kept getting into my throat. I have an IUD there was only a slim chance. Such a wafer of a chance. And besides, my husband and I were done. We were past done. I was just starting to get myself back: Id lost the baby weight and then some I was writing again my days werent filled with the carrying of children. Often, my arms were empty, and that felt like freedom.

Days with my children are both routine and freewheeling, bursting with creativity and mired in drudgery. Every moment feels untidy, unkempt, pre-defined, both beyond my control and demanding of it. My child complained that I was taking too long. I was rushing around my head, planning lunch and naps and maybe a brief, quiet window of writing. Then they bloomed before me, life emphatic, a yes to the question I never even wanted to ask.

Two dark lines.

No, was my immediate response.

Id made the requisite follow-up appointment to have the IUD placement checked. But I never went to that appointment, likely fearing the return of the sadness I felt in that white room, how out of my reach any semblance of control in my life felt.



How Effective Is Paragard

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No type of birth control is 100% effective, the only 100% effective method is abstinence . IUDs, such as Paragard, have one of the highest rates of effectiveness, at over 99%.

This is because once it is inserted, it protects from pregnancy 24 hours a day for every day of the year for up to 10 years. Once an IUD is in place, a woman does not have to remember to do anything else to ensure its effectiveness. Paragard will not protect against STDs, only condoms do this to a certain extent.

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Learn More About Paragard

  • IUDs, including Paragard, have been associated with an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease . Dont use Paragard if you have a pelvic infection, certain cancers, a copper allergy, Wilsons disease, or PID.
  • If you miss a period, have persistent abdominal pain, or if Paragard comes out, tell your healthcare provider . If it comes out, use back-up birth control.
  • Paragard may attach to or go through the uterus and cause other problems.
  • Pregnancy with Paragard is rare but can be life threatening and may cause infertility or loss of pregnancy.
  • Periods may become heavier and longer with spotting in between. Bleeding may be heavier than usual at first.
  • Paragard does not protect against HIV or STDs.

Mirena Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

Mirena works by emitting hormone in the uterus, making the uterus and cervix inhospitable to a fertilized egg. The hormone levels that are emitted from the device are lower than those in oral contraceptives or other hormonal birth control methods and may not protect against pregnancy if the IUD may shift or migrate from its position in the uterus. If pregnancy occurs, an ectopic pregnancy is possible.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when an embryo implants outside of the uterus. Most commonly, implantation occurs in the fallopian tubes and as cellular division occurs, the tube or other tissues may rupture and bleed. Internal bleeding caused by tissue rupture can result in severe pain and may become life-threatening if not controlled.

Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Pain or inflammation in lower abdomen
  • Pain during urination

Ectopic pregnancy can mimic the symptoms of other conditions such as:

  • Appendicitis
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Symptoms of low blood pressure

Hemorrhage associated with ruptured ectopic pregnancy may lead to life-threatening blood loss. symptoms of ruptured ectopic pregnancy should be treated as a medical emergency. In the western world, death due to ectopic pregnancy is rare but it may result in infertility as surgery is usually required to remove the affected fallopian tube and other involved tissues.

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So Then How Did That Woman Get Pregnant With An Iud You’re Wondering

Let’s reiterate the fact that the chances of getting pregnant with an IUD are very, very, very slim. According to HHS, fewer than one out of every 100 women with an IUD will get pregnant while they have one.

If theyre inserted correctly, they are 99.9 percent effectivemore effective than a vasectomy, Dr. Ross explains. And the Center for Disease Control and Prevention backs Dr. Ross up, noting that IUDs are one of the most effective forms of birth control, with a failure rate of less than 1 percent for both non-hormonal and hormonal IUDs .

But can it happen? Yes. ” IUD may not have been inserted correctly or may have displaced itself after being inserted,” Dr. Ross says. Thats why Dr. Ross uses an ultrasound to help ensure an IUD is placed in the right location. Its also why docs recommend coming back in a month after insertion to make sure the IUD is in the right place in your uterus.

You can also check that its still in place every month after your period by feeling for the strings and watching out for any irregular bleeding or pelvic pain, which can be a sign its been displaced, Dr. Ross says. Feeling for your strings can sound like work, but its actually not too hard and thus allows IUDs to continue to boast being relatively low maintenance.

Will I Get My Period With An Iud


Concerned that a missed period means you became pregnant with an IUD? Don’t fret just yet, since about 25 percent of women stop having their period while on Mirena , says Cristina Perez, M.D., an OB-GYN at the Women’s Specialists of Houston at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women.

The other type of IUD, ParaGard, relies on copper to prevent pregnancy. “ParaGard has no hormones,” Dr. Perez explains, so if you’re using it, you should still be getting your period as long as you’re not pregnant.

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Pro: Its So Tiny You Cant Feel It

An IUD is a flexible, T-shaped appliance thats only about an inch long. Your OB/GYN specialist inserts the IUD into your uterus, where it remains for 3-12 years, depending on the type of IUD you have. Your doctor removes the IUD whenever youre ready to start a family.

The IUD has two tiny strings that hang through your cervix into your vagina. You check the strings every so often to be sure your IUD remains in position.

When Is An Iud Not A Good Option

An IUD might not be a good option for you if you have:

  • a uterus that is not the usual shape
  • a current pelvic infection.

The hormonal IUD might not be a good option for you if you have:

  • been treated for breast cancer
  • severe liver disease.

The copper IUD might not be a good option for you if you have:

  • heavy periods
  • endometriosis.

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When To Call Your Doctor

When using an IUD, be aware of warning signs of a more serious problem related to the IUD.

or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have severe pain in your belly or pelvis.
  • You have severe vaginal bleeding.
  • You are soaking through your usual pads or tampons each hour for 2 or more hours.
  • You have vaginal discharge that smells bad. You have a fever and chills.
  • You think you might be pregnant.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • You cannot find the string of your IUD, or the string is shorter or longer than normal.
  • You have any problems with your birth control method.
  • You think you may have been exposed to or have a sexually transmitted infection.

When Should You Remove An Iud If Trying To Conceive

The Truth About Getting Pregnant When You Have an IUD

Before diving into when you should remove an IUD if trying to conceive, its important to note that there are two types of IUDs: hormonal and non-hormonal .

Both are placed in the uterus, but a hormonal IUD releases small amounts of the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy, whereas the nonhormonal IUD uses copper, which acts as a spermicide to prevent pregnancy.

You can have an IUD removed at any time, which makes it a top pick for people who know they may want to get pregnant in the future. Fertility can return immediately after IUD removal, so there is no waiting period for trying to conceive after removal.

However, getting pregnant after IUD removal also hinges on the absence of other fertility issues not related to an IUD.

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You Feel Pregnancy Fatigue

Canât get out of bed lately? Even with an IUD, you might be pregnant, Dr. Langdon explains. âFatigue is a big sign that you might be expecting,â she says. If youâve been pregnant before, you might recognize that all-consuming tiredness you feel early on when youâre expecting. Fatigue affects up to 60% of all pregnant women, What To Expect reported. So if all you want to do is sink into your bed and sleep all day, you might want to take a pregnancy test⦠just in case.

The Iud Removal Process

IUD removal is a simple and quick procedure, but it must be done by your doctor. . No matter what type of IUD you have, you can have it removed at any time. A non-hormonal copper device should be removed after ten years. Hormonal devices have an expiration period that ranges from three to six years. With such a device, you must have it removed upon its expiration. Delaying its removal can complicate the removal process and can leave you unprotected against pregnancy. Leaving an IUD in past its expiration can also create serious health risks for you, such as an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy, which can result if you become pregnant with an IUD in place.

Your first step in having an IUD removed is to consult with your doctor and schedule an appointment to have it removed. Removal can be done at any time of the month in your cycle. No drugs or anesthesia are needed. Removal is faster and easier than having the IUD inserted.

During the removal procedure, you will lie down on the exam table like you would for a pelvic examination..To remove the IUD, your doctor will insert a speculum and find the IUD strings that hang into your vagina. If needed, your doctor may use a small brush or tool to coax the strings into view.Once the strings are located, your doctor will use forceps to grasp the strings and pull the IUD gently down through your cervix, through your vagina, and out of your body. You likely will feel a little cramping as it passes through your cervix.

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Reasons For Early Iud Removal

One of the best things about an IUD is that it lasts for a long time. But there are many reasons why you may want to have an IUD removed before the expiration date, including:

  • Menstrual changes such as changes in flow, regularity, and cramping

  • Side effects of levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs like headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, and mood changes

  • Desire to become pregnant

There are also many medical reasons for early IUD removal, including:

  • The IUD moves out of place

  • Infection after childbirth

  • A new medical concern like certain cancer, liver disease, heart disease, or lupus

  • A new allergy to an ingredient in the IUD

You can choose to have your IUD removed at any time, based on your own personal preferences.

Myth: Who Can Use The Method

Pregnant with an IUD!

Many women do not want to use the IUD because they incorrectly believe that the IUD should not be used by women who are young or who have not had children.

Fact: IUDs are safe for a wide range of women

There is no minimum or maximum age requirement for using the IUD. An IUD should be removed after menopause has occurred at least 12 months after her last monthly bleeding. There is also no requirement that a woman must have children to use the IUD. A history of pelvic infection or multiple sex partners make the choice of an IUD inappropriate for such women.

The myth that young women and women without children cannot use IUDs stems from fears about a higher risk of expulsion in these women and fears about a higher risk of infection in these women.

Expulsion is more likely in certain circumstances, such as young age at insertion . Some studies also have found a higher rate of expulsion among women who have no children. The additional risk of expulsion, however, is not sufficient to deny IUDs to women in these circumstances, because the advantages of the IUD outweigh the risks of expulsion.

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You Have A Positive Pregnancy Test

When youâre happy with your IUD, it might be hard to even imagine that you could be pregnant. So if youâre experiencing symptoms, why not take a test to assuage your fears? âIf youâre having spotting, bleeding, breast tenderness, or fatigue, you could very well be pregnant, even with an IUD,â says Dr. Langdon. If it is positive, call your OB/GYN right away to figure out the next steps to ensure your health and safety. âItâs usually removed but sometimes itâs left inside. The complication rate is higher if it is left in the uterus compared to early removal but removal can also cause a miscarriage.â A positive test is definitely one of the biggest signs of pregnancy with an IUD.

Although it can be scary to think of possibly becoming pregnant with an IUD, it shouldnât stop you from opting for that form of birth control if thatâs what you choose. Dr. Farid agrees, stating: “The chance of a pregnancy is extremely low with an IUD it is still an excellent form of birth control.â

Study cited:

How Well It Works

The IUD is a highly effective method of birth control.

  • When using the hormonal or copper IUD, fewer than 1 woman out of 100 becomes pregnant in the first year.footnote 3
  • Most pregnancies that occur with IUD use happen because the IUD is pushed out of the uterus unnoticed. IUDs are most likely to come out in the first few months of IUD use or after being inserted just after childbirth.

Advantages of IUDs include cost-effectiveness over time, ease of use, lower risk of ectopic pregnancy, and no interruption of foreplay or intercourse.footnote 4

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