What Can You Take For Pain While Pregnant

Dangerous Pain Meds For Pregnant Women

IS IBUPROFEN SAFE DURING PREGNANCY? | Taking Ibuprofen While Pregnant | Ibuprofen Pregnancy Risks

Several of the drugs in this category are available over the counter. And since many women in pregnancy self-medicate, they are at risk of several conditions including miscarriages and malformations in the fetus. Some of the pain medication during pregnancy to avoid include:

  • Ibuprofen

Several of these medications are opioids, and as a result, mothers should detox from pain meds as soon as they discover they are pregnant to reduce the fetus exposure to the drugs.

Pregnant People Can Take Regular Tylenol Doses

Laursen says that the dose of Tylenol for pregnant women is the same as for adults who are not pregnant. Take no more than 3,000 milligrams of acetaminophen every 24 hours.

For regular strength Tylenol, that’s the equivalent of 2 tablets at 325 milligrams per tablet every 4 to 6 hours. And always review proper dosing guidelines on the medicine container.

Also, be aware that acetaminophen is often found in other medications, such as over-the-counter cold, cough, and flu medications. So if you’re taking multiple medications, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, look for acetaminophen listed as an ingredient to make sure you don’t take too much in one day.

For more information about what you can or cannot take, see our article on how to treat a cold when you’re pregnant. For allergies, you can take Benadryl. If you’re not sure if you have allergies, the cold, or the flu, learn how to tell the difference.

Too much acetaminophen can cause severe liver damage, whether you’re pregnant or not. That’s because your liver processes the drug into a form your body can use. Too much can overstress it and cause acute liver failure. In fact, acetaminophen overdoses account for an estimated 50% of overdose-related cases of acute liver failure in the US.

What Pregnant Women Can Take For The Flu

Safe to take: Tamiflu

Your immune system isn’t as strong when you’re pregnant, so the flu can hit you a whole lot harderand even lead to pneumonia or death in extreme cases. That’s why it’s so important to get the flu vaccine . However, if you’ve been exposed to and/or tested positive for the flu, doctors say it’s important to take Tamiflu to lessen the symptoms and duration. “Tamiflu is thought to be safe for pregnant women, and the risks of skipping it are far greater than taking the meds,” says Dr. Park. “That’s because the baby’s temperature is always going to be a degree higher than yours, so if you have a high fever it may cause birth defects during early development stages and pre-term labor during later stages of pregnancy.”

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Herbal And Homeopathic Remedies And Aromatherapy In Pregnancy

Not all “natural” remedies or complementary therapies are safe in pregnancy.

Some products used may not be of a high quality and may contain other substances, such as lead, that could be harmful.

Tell your midwife, doctor or pharmacist if you’re using herbal, homeopathic or aromatherapy remedies or therapies.

If you do decide to use these therapies, you should always consult a qualified practitioner.

You should tell your practitioner that you’re pregnant before discussing any treatment.

The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care provides information on qualified or registered practitioners.

Organisations with PSA-accredited voluntary registers include:

Is It Safe To Take Pain Medications While Pregnant

How Diarrhea Happens During Pregnancy

Taking pain medicine while pregnant can be cause for uncertainty, but its also a commonly reported medication taken during pregnancy. According to The Centers for Disease Control , 9 out of 10 pregnant women reported taking pain medication during pregnancy. The CDC does caution women who are pregnant, or trying to conceive, against using specific pain medications and recommends that patients consult with their medical health provider prior to taking any medications or supplements while pregnant. But that doesnt mean youre out of pain options.

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How To Relieve Nipple Pain While Pregnant

This article was medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support , Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee in 2006.There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 15,374 times.

During pregnancy, it is normal for your nipples to grow and protrude, causing them to feel tender. You can get immediate relief from this discomfort by applying a cold compress to your breasts or by taking a warm shower. Try your best to prevent abrasive contact from your bra, clothing, seat belt, and shower stream to avoid further irritation. If your nipple pain is causing you a lot of discomfort, talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Are You At Risk For Having Problems With Opioids

We don’t know why some people have problems when they try to stop opioids and others can stop using them without problems. We do know that some things make you more likely than others to have problems with opioids. These are called risk factors. Having a risk factor doesnt mean for sure that youll have these problems. But it may increase your chances. Risk factors for addiction include:

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Precautions To Be Taken When Consuming Opioid Painkillers During Pregnancy

If your doctor prescribes these opioid painkillers during pregnancy, then:

  • Discuss with your doctor to take the lowest, effective dose for the shortest period.
  • Adhere to the doctors instructions regarding the dosage of these medicines.
  • If you have observed any side effects, then contact your doctor.
  • Your doctor might monitor the impact of medications on the growing baby .
  • Stomach Pain During Pregnancy: Causes And Treatment

    What Medications Can You Take While Pregnant?

    Upper stomach pain pain during pregnancy can be a normal part of the process as your body changes to accommodate your growing baby. While there are many harmless causes of this abdominal pain, some may be more serious. As an expectant mother, it is important to educate yourself on all potential causes so you are able to recognize symptoms that may cause concern.

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    There’s Still No Link Between Tylenol Use And Adverse Birth Outcomes

    In 2021, a group of scientists urged caution against the drug, citing studies linking acetaminophen use during pregnancy to adverse developmental outcomes.

    However, in a response to the paper, other scientists and healthcare experts pointed out limitations and problems in the studies used in the paper and urged “against recommending such precautionary measures” until more accurate data becomes available.

    In another response, researchers said that the risks associated with untreated illness in a pregnant individual might pose more danger to a developing fetus than exposure to acetaminophen.

    This 2021 rebuttal is just one of many attempts by the medical community to set the record straight. In 2017, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Publication Committee also scrutinized a number of studies linking acetaminophen to behavioral issues. It released a response that pointed out the limits of the studies for any would-be mothers concerned about the results.

    “The two major governing bodies in the field have analyzed these studies and determined that they were of very poor quality and did not have proper quality controls and did not use good scientific method,” Laursen says.

    Important: The company that makes Tylenol, Johnson & Johnson, previously told Insider that it recommends using the pain reliever as directed. Tylenol’s label says that those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult with a health professional before taking the medication.

    What Are Other Things I Can Do To Treat A Headache While Im Pregnant

    Its recommended to take as little medication as possible during pregnancy. Its suggested to try other methods to relieve headache pain first.

    Certain lifestyle changes and alternative therapies can help ease headache symptoms. Below are some tips and non-medication options to relieve headache pain:

    • Take a quick nap and remember to get enough good-quality sleep.

    • Find a dark, quiet room with few distractions.

    • Place hot or cold packs on your neck, head, or stomach to soothe pain.

    • Massage your head or temples for temporary relief.

    • Exercisefor 30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week.

    • Eat regular, healthy meals and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

    • Find stress-relieving activities to do, like breathing exercises and yoga.

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    Dangerous Pain Meds For Breastfeeding

    According to research published in the National Library of Medicine, only a handful of medications taken by the mother are dangerous to the baby. Most drugs are safe as long as the specific dosages are adhered to. For the drugs that are contraindicated, they have been known to cause symptoms like poor feeding, uneasy sleep, bradycardia, breathing problems, and irritability. This further stresses the importance of adherence to prescriptions. Some of the dangerous painkillers while breastfeeding include:

    • Codeine or drugs that have codeine. The use of codeine should be restricted where pain medication and breastfeeding is concerned. Only the lowest effective dose is recommended for use.
    • Oxycodone
    • Hydrocodone

    Gas During Pregnancy: Tried

    8 Best Remedies For Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy

    Having gas is a completely normal body function, but it can be embarrassing when it happens in public. When you have gas during pregnancy, not only can it be embarrassing, it can cause pain.

    Bloating during pregnancy and pregnancy gas are both very common, but they can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. If youve experienced pregnancy gas or gas pain during pregnancy, then read on. Weve outlined what that extra gassiness is and some tried-and-true ways to treat it and find relief.

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    Follow My Babys Growth

    If something feels out of the ordinary, contact your health care provider as soon as possible. Understanding the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy cramps, can help you figure out what is normal and when to call your health care provider.

    Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms during early pregnancy:

    • Normal cramping pain Normal pregnancy cramps are very similar to period cramps, which are usually not very severe. In early pregnancy, you may experience short cramps in your lower abdomen.
    • Light bleeding Light spotting during early pregnancy might be linked to implantation bleeding.

    If youre not sure if youre pregnant and experience cramping along with nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, and spotting, make sure to take a pregnancy test. These can be early symptoms of pregnancy.

    Is It Safe To Take Ibuprofen During Pregnancy

    Although ibuprofen can offer quick relief from aches and pains when youre not pregnant, it isnt the best choice to take during pregnancy.

    Pregnant women are advised to avoid ibuprofen during pregnancy, especially if theyre 30 or more weeks pregnant.

    Taking the medication at 30 weeks and beyond could cause premature closing of a babys ductus arteriosus. This is a blood vessel that must remain open during pregnancy to ensure your baby receives adequate nutrients and oxygen.

    The blood vessel closes naturally a few days after birth. But premature closing in the womb can cause high blood pressure in your babys lungs.

    Taking ibuprofen after 30 weeks might also cause heart problems in your baby and reduce your amniotic fluid, which is needed to cushion your baby and the umbilical cord and help with lung development.

    Ibuprofen use during the second and third trimester might even increase your babys risk of developing asthma, according to one large 2013 cohort study .

    Some research warns that NSAIDs like ibuprofen and/or opioids during pregnancy can increase the risk of other issues like:

    • hypospadias
    • pulmonary valve stenosis

    However, the link isnt conclusive as researchers have been unable to establish a direct connection.

    Before 30 weeks, research is unclear if ibuprofen might increase the risk of miscarriage in some women. Its important to note that more research is needed as this link hasnt been confirmed.

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    What Pregnant Women Can Take For Constipation

    Safe to take: Metamucil, Colace, Citracel, Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax

    If you’re feeling a little plugged up, blame it on a surge in the hormone progesterone that slows down your smooth muscle cells so your bowel movements aren’t as regular. . Dr. Park gives the green light for taking stool softeners and laxatives, but also try upping your fiber intake by eating more fruits and veggies and drinking plenty of fluids. Exercise, with your doctor’s approval, can also help to keep constipation at bay. If problems persist, your doctor may suggest a bulk-fiber laxative, such as Metamucil or Fiberall.

    Mild And Severe Allergies

    Back Pain While Breastfeeding – Causes and Tips for Relief

    Mild allergies may respond well to lifestyle measures. If you need some extra help, the following OTC oral antihistamines are generally considered safe:

    • diphenhydramine
    • loratadine
    • cetirizine

    If your allergies are more severe, your doctor may suggest taking an OTC corticosteroid spray at a low dose along with an oral antihistamine. Options include:

    • budesonide
    • fluticasone

    You may also try the following lifestyle changes:

    • Avoid going outdoors or opening windows on high pollen days.
    • Take off clothing youve been wearing outdoors. Rinse off pollen from skin and hair with a quick shower.
    • Wear a mask while completing outdoor chores or enlist the help of someone else for tasks like mowing.
    • Rinse nasal passages with saline spray or a neti pot.

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    What Pregnant Women Can Take For Indigestion And Heartburn

    Safe to take: Tums, Maalox, Mylanta, Pepcid

    Progesterone is at it again, causing heartburn by affecting your smooth muscle cells and relaxing the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus so acid comes up. Before you take Prilosec or another prescription medication while pregnant, try over-the-counter remedies first because they’re the least strong. Also eat smaller and more frequent meals, stop noshing two to three hours before you hit the sack, and steer clear of rich, fried, or spicy foods, which often trigger stomach irritation. Sleeping on an incline can also prevent the contents of your stomach from splashing into your esophagus, causing heartburn.

    Skin Rashes Cuts Scrapes

    Rashes and itchy skin can be treated with OTC hydrocortisone cream during pregnancy. But mention these symptoms to your doctor to rule out conditions like pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy . You doctor may prescribe steroidal creams for certain conditions.

    For cuts and scrapes, clean the area well with soap and water. You may then apply an OTC antibiotic ointment, like Neosporin, for added protection.

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    Where To Get More Information

    Sometimes it’s unclear if a medicine or supplement is safe to use when you are pregnant. Before taking any medicine during pregnancy, get advice from your pharmacist or doctor.

    Also look at the packaging or read the Consumer Medicine Information leaflet . Ask your pharmacist if one is available. You can also search for medicines and their CMIs by brand name or active ingredient in healthdirect’s medicine section.

    There are organisations you can contact in your state or territory such as:

    You can also call the NPS Medicines Line on 1300 MEDICINE from anywhere in Australia .

    Should I Stop Taking My Prescription Medicines If I’m Pregnant

    Pin on Pregnant

    Its not safe to stop taking any prescription medicines until you have spoken to your doctor or specialist. This is because stopping treatment of certain conditions might cause problems that can affect you and your baby. Such conditions include:

    You might find that your doctor doesnt change your medicine. If your doctor thinks a medicine will cause more harm than the condition itself, then they may change the medicine or the dose, or stop treatment altogether.

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    Can Painkillers Affect Your Pregnancy

    An animal study by the University of Edinburgh and Copenhagen University Hospital suggested that the long-term usage of painkillers during pregnancy can alter the DNA formation in the baby, which could affect their future fertility. This research, however, did not consider the influence of other factors. The study raises concerns and recommends the use of painkillers with caution during pregnancy .

    Is Gas During Pregnancy Normal

    If you are pregnant and gassier than usual, dont worry. Gassiness during early pregnancy is completely normal.

    The average person produces about 4 pints of gas a day and passes gas up to 8 to 20 times each day. As we digest and process food, gas is formed as a byproduct. Gas cannot stay in the body, so it tries to escape via the digestive tract. If it cant escape, it can create bloating or pain.

    Our digestive tract begins with the mouth and ends with the rectum, so gas can escape either through burping or farting, depending on where the gas is formed. If its formed in the stomach, due to carbonated beverages for example, you will most likely burp. If its formed in the intestinal tract by the normal breakdown of food, then it will become flatulence. If its trapped via pressure or constipation, you may experience bloating.

    Common foods that cause gas are:

    • Beans
    • Artichokes
    • Fibrous vegetables

    These foods are good for you but can cause flatulence when eaten in large quantities. But what causes gas during pregnancy? Is it the same foods, or is there something else behind pregnancy gas?

    There are a few reasons pregnant women experience more gas and bloating than usual:

    • Progesterone
    • Food
    • Lack of physical activity

    Progesterone causes the bodys muscles, including the intestinal muscles, to relax. Relaxed intestinal muscles may slow your intestinal motility, producing extra gas and gas pain during pregnancy.

    Also Check: Mayo Clinic Pregnancy

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