What Is The Medicine To Prevent Pregnancy

How Often Can I Take Postinor

Pregnancy Information : Medications to Avoid During Pregnancy

Its not a regular method of contraception. Try to use it rarely, in emergency only. But never forget: it has much less side effects and health risks than abortion pills or hospital abortion. Generally speaking you should not take it more than once within one menstrual cycle. If POSTINOR is used more than once in a menstrual cycle, it is more likely to upset your menstrual cycle . POSTINOR does not work as well as regular methods of contraception. Your doctor, practice nurse or family planning clinic can tell you about long-term methods of contraception which are more effective in preventing you from getting pregnant.

What Other Information Should I Know

Keep all appointments with your doctor.

Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about levonorgestrel.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Levonorgestrel comes as a tablet to take by mouth. If you are taking levonorgestrel as a single tablet product , take one tablet as soon as possible within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. If you are taking levonorgestrel as a two tablet product, take one tablet as soon as possible within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse and take a second dose 12 hours later. Levonorgestrel works best if it is taken as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take levonorgestrel exactly as directed.

If you vomit less than 2 hours after you take a dose of levonorgestrel, call your doctor. You may need to take another dose of this medication.

Because you can become pregnant soon after treatment with levonorgestrel, you should continue using your regular method of birth control or begin using regular birth control immediately.

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What If I Am Already Pregnant

Emergency contraception will not make your pregnancy go away. It is not an abortion pill. However, if you find out after you have taken it that you are pregnant, it will not harm the fetus. Many women have taken estrogen and progesterone in early pregnancy and have gone on to have normal babies. If you find out you are pregnant, you should discuss your options with a health care provider as soon as possible.

How Much Does The Morning

Contraceptive Pill Prevent Pregnancy Contraception Concept ...

Plan B One-Step usually costs about $40-$50. Other brands of levonorgestrel morning-after pills like Take Action, My Way, Option 2, Preventeza, AfterPill, My Choice, Aftera, and EContra generally cost less about $11-$45. You can sometimes get these pills for cheaper online, but they may not come in time if you need a morning-after pill right now. So you can buy it online ahead of time and put it in your medicine cabinet in case you need it in the future. Though there are many different brands of levonorgestrel morning-after pills, they all work the same way no matter how much they cost.

If you have health insurance or Medicaid, theres a good chance you can get morning-after pills for free you just have to ask your nurse or doctor for a prescription so your health insurance will cover them . Read more about using health insurance to pay for emergency contraception.

ella usually costs about $50 or more at the pharmacy or drugstore but its usually free if you have health insurance or Medicaid. ella costs $90 when you order it online . ella is the only brand of this type of morning-after pill. ella is more effective than Plan B and other levonorgestrel pills, especially if you weigh more than 155 pounds.

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Understanding Drug Labels When You’re Pregnant

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s prescription drug labeling system offers detailed summaries of a drug’s effects on pregnancy, lactation and “reproductive potential” . This label helps moms-to-be and nursing moms better understand the effects of a drug they’re taking after a doc prescribes it.

  • The “pregnancy” section outlines the likelihood and seriousness of developmental abnormalities from exposure to a drug when it should be prescribed side effects clinical trial data directions for use during labor and delivery and alternative treatments, if applicable.
  • The “lactation” section includes how much of the drug is secreted in breast milk an estimate of how much an infant will consume as a result of mom taking the drug data on the effects of a baby’s exposure to the drug and how to minimize an infant’s exposure.
  • The “reproductive potential” section explains any effects the drug might have on contraception pregnancy testing and infertility while and after you’re taking it and additional precautions to take.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

What Is A Functional Medicine Evaluation

A Functional Medicine Evaluation looks at the body as an interconnected whole, investigating a variety of mechanisms that could be lead to infertility, pregnancy loss and repeated miscarriage. A typical Functional Medicine Evaluation assesses the following six mechanisms of imbalance:

  • Hormone Imbalance: There is a very complicated interaction between the brain and our ovaries that is critical to achieving a healthy conception and pregnancy. The communication between the brain and endocrine organs that make up the female hormonal system can sometimes be broken. If ONE hormonal system is impaired, then the others will be affected as well. For example, if the adrenal gland is overworked or no longer responding appropriately to external cues, the ability of thyroid hormone to function effectively within the cells will be impacted. Consequently, if the adrenal gland, i.e. the sugar-insulin pathway, is out of balance, the ovary may not receive the right signal to ovulate or produce adequate progesterone levels to support a pregnancy and a loss will occur.
  • Gut Imbalance: As far removed as this may seem to impacting baby making, many female hormone issues begin in the gut.
  • Immunity and Inflammation Imbalance:
  • Functional Medicine Infertility Patient

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    In Tra Uterine Devices

    Copper-bearing IUDs

    Prevent sperms and egg from meeting.

    Perhaps makes movement of sperm difficult, reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize egg.

    Possibly prevents egg from being emplaned in wall of uterus.


    • A single decision leads to effective long-term prevention of pregnancy.
    • Long-lasting .Cut-380 A, lasts at least 10 years. Inert IUDs never need replacement.
    • Little to remember for clients.
    • No interference with sex.

    At routine follow-up visit

    Conduct pelvic examination as appropriate.

    Definitely conduct pelvic examination if you suspect:

    Pelvic inflammatory disease

    IUD is out of place.

    What Can I Do

    Pregnancy FAQs : Natural Ways to Prevent Pregnancy

    Preterm birth can’t always be prevented. But moms-to-be can help lower their chances of going into labor too soon. Here’s the best advice:

    • See your doctor early and regularly in your pregnancy for prenatal care.
    • Take care of any health problems, like diabetes, high blood pressure, or depression.
    • Don’t smoke, drink, or use illegal drugs.
    • Eat a diet that includes a variety of healthy foods.
    • Gain a healthy amount of weight .
    • Protect yourself from infections .
    • Reduce stress in your life.

    If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, meet with your doctor. Women who get regular prenatal care are more likely to have a healthier pregnancy and baby.

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    Where Is Emergency Contraception Available

    Some types of emergency contraceptive pills are available over the counter at drugstores and pharmacies for anyone of any age without a prescription.

    One type of emergency contraception is only available by prescription.

    An IUD used for emergency contraception needs to be placed by a doctor or . This can be done at a doctor’s office or a health clinic, like Planned Parenthood.

    What If Labor Starts Early

    Moms who think they’re in labor or are having contractions should call their doctor or midwife right away. If there’s any bleeding or your water breaks , it’s important to get to a hospital right away.

    If labor starts early, it’s best to go to a hospital that has a neonatal intensive care unit . Hospitals with a NICU specialize in treating preterm babies. Care for a woman in preterm labor can include:

    • Antibiotics: These can treat or prevent infections in the baby and the mother.
    • Steroids: These drugs can help speed up a baby’s lung growth and decrease the chances of breathing problems if the baby is born too soon.
    • Medicine to slow or stop labor contractions temporarily: Delaying labor even a day or two can be enough time for steroids to help a baby’s lungs develop. It also gives hospital staff time to get the mother to a hospital with a NICU, if needed.

    Doctors won’t try to stop contractions if the baby is more than 34 weeks and the lungs are developed, or if there are worries about the mother’s or baby’s health.

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    How Does The Emergency Contraceptive Pill Work

    Levonorgestrel, the medication found in Plan B One Step, Take Action, Next Choice One Dose, My Way and other levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy by stopping or delaying the release of the egg from the ovary. Emergency contraceptive pills may also alter the lining of the uterus to prevent egg implantation or reduce the ability of the sperm to bind to an egg.

    The levonorgestrel 1.5 mg emergency contraceptive pill should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. It can lower your chance of getting pregnant by 75% to 89%, but it works best the sooner you take it.

    Does Body Weight Affect How Well Emergency Contraception Works For Women

    5 herbs you should avoid during pregnancy

    Maybe. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that ECPs may not prevent pregnancy as often for obese women as for women who are not obese.9

    Find out your BMI. If your BMI is greater than 30, talk to your doctor or nurse about your risk and your options for emergency contraception.

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    Medical Abortion Vs Suction Aspiration

    Medical abortion can be conducted up to 10 weeks from the first day of the last period while suction aspiration can be done upto 12 weeks. In both these procedures, cramping and discomfort, like that experienced during a heavy menstrual period, are to be expected. Both these techniques have an approximate 99 percent success rate. If a medical abortion fails, then you will need to get a suction aspiration. When a suction aspiration fails, it might have to be repeated.

    • Risks

    The risk of health complications in a medical abortion is at least 10 times less than that in continuing a pregnancy. It is very rare to see major problems in this type of termination. The pills used for medical abortions have been in circulation since the 1980s. The risk factors for surgical aspirations are also the same. They are safest in the first eight weeks and problems are almost non-existent when done in the first trimester.

    • Advantages

    In medical abortions, there is no need for anaesthesia, surgical instruments or even a visit to the hospital. It feels more like a natural miscarriage and can be done early in the pregnancy. Aspiration abortions see much less bleeding and can be done even if the pregnancy has progressed.

    • Disadvantages

    Medical abortions need at least two days and bleeding can last up to two weeks. Aspiration abortions are more invasive and require the use of anaesthesia. Therefore they are also susceptible to anesthesia side effects.

    When Do You Take A Contraceptive Pill

  • The emergency pill can only be used by women between 25 and 45 years of age. It is not the safest approach to be followed by adolescents. With the rise in the rate of teenage pregnancy in India, schools and colleges need to consider launching a campaign for sex education and educating young people about the harmful effects of contraceptive pills on a reproductive system that is growing. These contraceptive pills are hormonal pills and their use for a prolonged period of time will lead to serious menstrual problems and ovarian harm.Emergency pills can lower the libido level, according to ISARC researchers some women even delay periods due to skin allergies. Several women complain of serious headaches caused by hormonal imbalance.
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    What If I Forget To Take A Birth Control Pill

    If you forget to take a birth control pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don’t remember until the next day, go ahead and take two pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for 2 days, take two pills the day you remember and two pills the next day. You will then be back on schedule. If you miss more than two pills, call your doctor. You may be told to take one pill daily until Sunday and then start a new pill pack, or to discard the rest of the pill pack and start over with a new pack that day.

    Any time you forget to take a pill, you must use another form of birth control until you finish the pill pack. When you forget to take a pill, you increase the chance of releasing an egg from your ovary. If you miss your period and have forgotten to take one or more active pills, get a pregnancy test. If you miss two periods even though you have taken all your pills on schedule, you should get a pregnancy test.

    With some pills, you may not have a period. Talk with your doctor before you start taking your pills about what to expect, and follow their instructions about what to do if you don’t have a period.

    It is very important to take the minipills at the exact same time each day. If you miss a pill or are more than 3 hours late for a pill, you should take the pill as soon as you remember and use a backup method for the next 48 hours.

    Why Is This Medication Prescribed

    How to Prevent Pregnancy After Intercourse Without Pills

    Levonorgestrel is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse . Levonorgestrel should not be used to prevent pregnancy on a regular basis. This medication is to be used as an emergency contraceptive or backup in case regular birth control fails or is used incorrectly. Levonorgestrel is in a class of medications called progestins. It works by preventing the release of an egg from the ovary or preventing fertilization of the egg by sperm . It also may work by changing the lining of the uterus to prevent development of a pregnancy. Levonorgestrel may prevent pregnancy, but it will not prevent the spread of human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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    If You’re Already Using Regular Contraception

    You may need to take the emergency pill if you:

    If you have taken Levonelle, you should:

    • take your next contraceptive pill, apply a new patch or insert a new ring within 12 hours of taking the emergency pill
    • continue taking your regular contraceptive pill as normal

    Use additional contraception, such as condoms, for:

    • 7 days if you use the patch, ring, combined pill , implant or injection
    • 9 days for the combined pill Qlaira
    • 2 days if you use the progestogen-only pill

    If you have taken ellaOne:

    • wait at least 5 days before taking your next contraceptive pill, applying a new patch or inserting a new ring

    Use additional contraception, such as condoms, until you restart your contraception and for an additional:

    • 7 days if you use the patch, ring, combined pill , implant or injection
    • 9 days for the combined pill Qlaira
    • 2 days if you use the progestogen-only pill

    A GP or nurse can advise further on when you can start taking regular contraception and how long you should use additional contraception.

    Ive Taken The Medication Now What

    You must use a birth control method for the remainder of your cycle. If you dont, you will need to retake the emergency contraceptive. You can restart your birth control pill, ring, or patch the following day unless you took Ella. You will need to use condoms or abstain from sex for the next seven days until your birth control is effective again.

    If you do not have a period by three weeks after taking the medication or you have continued irregular bleeding, you should perform a pregnancy test.

    Whatever your form of birth control, remember that only condoms protect against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. A condom is essential unless you are in a monogamous relationship and know that you and your partner are free of sexually transmitted infections.

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    Are There Side Effects Of Birth Control Pills

    There are side effects of birth control pills, although most are not serious. Side effects include:

    Birth control pills that have drospirenone, including Yaz and Yasmin, have been investigated by the FDA because of the possibility that they cause a higher risk for blood clots. Drospirenone is a human-made version of the hormone progesterone. Other brands with drospirenone include Beyaz, Gianvi, Loryna, Ocella, Safyral, Syeda, and Zarah.

    The results of the investigation are inconsistent. Some studies showed a higher risk, but others didnât. The drugs are still available. A summary of the findings is on the packaging label. If youâre taking a pill with drospirenone, talk with your doctor about your risk.

    The pill is not linked with an overall increased risk of cancer. Its use was tied to a lower risk of colorectal, endometrial, and ovarian cancers. A higher risk of breast and cervical cancers was seen in current and recent birth control pill users, but the risk went away within 5 years.

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