How To Guess Sex Of Baby During Pregnancy

How To Do The Baking Soda Gender Test

When can I find out my baby’s gender?

A woman who wants to try this test must collect her urine in a clean container the first time she uses the bathroom in the morning.

This first-morning urine must be used for the test because the womans urine may become diluted as she drinks fluids throughout the day.

It is important to wash the hands thoroughly before collecting urine. To collect the urine, a woman can squat over the toilet and hold the container under her while releasing a small amount of urine.

The next step is to add an equal amount of baking soda to the urine and look for whether the urine fizzes or remains the same.

How To Find Out Your Babys Sex During Pregnancy: Genetic Testing And Other Methods To Try

If you are pregnant, you may be curious to know the sex of your baby. There are some early prediction methods that can determine the sex of your baby including ultrasound testing, genetic testing, and blood testing. Well go over these methods in detail and find out about their accuracy in predicting the sex of your baby.

Follow My Babys Growth

All sex organs come from the genital ridge. The ovaries are equivalent to the testicles, meaning they are formed from the same cells, and the clitoris and the penis are equivalents. So once those hormones kick in, the genital ridge begins differentiating into these structures.

For most fetuses with XY chromosomes, the genital ridge starts to lengthen into a penis by week 11. Tiny buds will form the prostate around week 14, and the urinary system is formed by week 16. Testicles descend into the scrotum at around weeks 2631, and the penis continues growing during the third trimester.

For most fetuses with XX chromosomes, primary ovaries appear around week 12. Between weeks 14 and 20, they fill up with 67 million primitive eggs. These eggs reduce in quantity up until birth, at which point there are about 12 million eggs left. Two structures called the paramesonephric ducts fuse to form the uterus and vagina around week 16 of pregnancy.

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What Are You Having

That’s usually the first question expectant mothers and fathers are asked. Parents-to-be canand nearly always do!answer it earlier than ever before, thanks to the latest imaging technology. In fact, 9 out of 10 new moms polled in our MomTrak survey knew the sex of their baby prior to labor day.

“By your fifth month, around week 18 or 19 of your pregnancy, a sonogram can show you the sex of your unborn child with about 95 percent accuracy,” explains Daniel A. Potter, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at the Huntington Reproductive Center Medical Group in California. “From a medical standpoint, we do an ultrasound to check the age, position, and health of the fetus, but most parents want to know the sex too. That’s true if it’s the first baby or the fourth.”

Expectant parents are particularly nosy creatures: If you Google “predict baby’s sex,” you’ll find more than 1 million results, including gender predictor kits you can buy at your local Target. Yet, if we all agree that having a healthy, happy baby is paramount, why do we care so much whether that baby is a boy or a girl?

“It’s human nature,” Dr. Potter says. It started in the Stone Age, he continues: “A family without sons, whose job was to hunt and keep everyone fed, might not have survived. So offerings were made to the gods, and soothsayers were consulted. People passed on to the next generation the methods they considered most effective for guaranteeing a boy, and this inspired old wives’ tales.”

Predicting Your Baby’s Sex

Pin on Pregnancy Information

How well can rings, dreams, or countenance foretell boy or girl? Some people swear by old wives’ tales as foolproof methods for pregnancy prognostication.

Grandparents, mothers-in-law, bookstore clerks, the woman in line behind you at the grocery store — if you’re pregnant, everyone wants to guess whether you’re going to have a boy or a girl. Many of them claim to have a “foolproof method” to figure out whether you’ll be painting the nursery pink or blue.

“A gas station attendant told me I was having a girl because my face looked smiley,” recalls literature professor Talia Schaffer, whose first baby, born in May, was indeed a girl. “He said with a boy, the mother’s face looked tired! Someone else also predicted a girl because I was carrying low. Lots of people told us their guesses, and weirdly enough, everyone guessed correctly that it was a girl.”

Although Schaffer’s fortunetellers all proved accurate, that was probably just luck. In a study published in the journal Birth in September 1999, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health researchers asked 104 pregnant women to guess their baby’s sex, using whatever method they liked, whether it was hunches, dreams, or rings on a string. The women were right 55% of the time, or about what you could expect from random guesses.

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Youre Eating More During Your Pregnancy

Is it a boy or a girl? Your appetite may offer a clue. One study tracked the diets of moms-to-be and found that women who were pregnant with boys ate about 10 percent more calories than those who were pregnant with girls.

Why the greater appetite? Researchers suspect testosterone secreted by male fetuses could be sending their mothers a signal to eat more. And that could explain why baby boys tend to be bigger at birth than baby girls.

Learning Your Baby’s Gender For Real

One accurate way to predict whether you’re having a boy or girl is to have an ultrasound, which is usually done between weeks 18-20 of pregnancy. Provided that your ultrasound technician gets a good view between your baby’s legs, the imaging procedure should be able to tell you with about 80% to 90% accuracy whether you’ll need to paint the nursery pink or blue.

Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling also can determine your baby’s sex with a high degree of accuracy, but these more invasive tests are usually reserved for situations in which the baby may have a genetic disorder or chromosomal abnormality, such as Down syndrome.

DNA tests of the mother’s blood can also accurately detect the baby’s sex, but because of their high cost, these tests are only used in specialized laboratories, not commercially.

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Final Thoughts On Baby Gender Prediction

As you can tell, baby gender prediction traditions have been around for centuries! Trying to predict the gender of your baby can be a lot of fun. Once you find out your babys gender for sure you can get serious about choosing a baby name .

And while youre waiting to learn your little ones gender, you can get busy crafting the perfect baby registry.

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.

Blood Pressure Before You Conceive

How To Guess Your Baby’s Gender | Channel Mum

This one is a little more tricky to do. A study found that the higher a womans blood pressure is 26 weeks before she conceived, the more likely she is to have a boy. So if you had a doctors appointment before you started trying to get pregnant, look back and see what your blood pressure wasit could be the very scientific clue to whether youre having a little dude or dudette.

So, based on these old wives tales, do you think youre having a boy or a girl?

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Where Do These Tales Come From

Before the time of writing or print, people shared stories in whats called the oral tradition.

Tales about anything from pregnancy to child-rearing to illness and beyond were shared as a way for people to impart wisdom. In some cases, these tales helped give people a feeling of control in situations where they felt otherwise powerless.

Pregnancy myths originated from all over the world and have been passed down from generation to generation. And youve likely heard many throughout your lifetime .

Yes these tales are still around today, despite scientific evidence dispelling many of their messages.

Truth time: While some people swear by so-called old wives tales for gender prediction both of these terms are outdated, by the way you have around a 50/50 chance of guessing your babys sex correctly no matter what method you use. Thats because the ratio of boys to girls born across the globe is 107:100.

Sugar And Spice And All Things Nice

And on that note of increased appetite, just what exactly are you craving? As the old rhyme goes “Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails, That’s what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and all things nice, That’s what little girls are made of.” Pregnancy cravings can have an indication as to whether you are carrying a boy or girl. They say that if you crave salty foods like potato chips, popcorn, and pretzels then you are carrying a boy. If your sweet tooth has come into full effect, then it’s a girl, according to Parents.

Your body has a way of getting you to eat the foods it needs you to eat and more so in pregnancy as your cravings can be completely uncharacteristic to what you would normally eat. Some also say that pregnancy hormones change how certain foods taste and smell to you during pregnancy, meaning something you would never have touched before all of a sudden is very appealing.

I don’t have a huge sweet tooth, but with both of my girls, jellies and sugar were my vice!

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Left Breast Bigger Than The Right

And, of course, according to the old wives tale, as your breasts change shape due to the natural injection of additional hormones to your body, they say that if one breast grows larger than the other then you are having a girl. But of course, only if it’s the left breast, according to TODAY. If the right breast is bigger than the left than it’s a boy.

It’s unknown where this pregnancy prediction method came from, but I think it’s safe to say that we can all be a little dubious about this one. Besides that, it’s often quite common for women to have one breast larger than the other. As your breasts prepare themselves for lactation and go up a cup size or two then it’s only natural for them to change based on the size and shape of your breasts before pregnancy.

Pregnancy Myth #: Swinging On A Hair

Picture Of Pregnant Belly Carrying Boy

Myth: Hang your wedding ring from a strand of the father’s hair over your belly. If the ring swings around in circles, it’s a girl. If it sways back and forth, it’s a boy. An alternate version of this myth recommends dangling a pin over the mother’s wrist.

Reality: There’s no real evidence to confirm or deny this one. Mass doesn’t see any scientific basis for it, but she says people who follow traditional Chinese medicine might explain the dangling ring as evidence of the body’s natural forces at work.

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The Best Sleeping Position In Pregnancy Is On Your Left Side

The verdict: True. Sleeping on your left is better than your right as it lets blood flow well to the placenta. It also helps with swelling, as it helps your kidneys eliminate waste efficiently so you get less ankle, feet and hand swelling .

Sleeping on your back will also give you backache and press on your bowel, causing constipation and even piles. Falling asleep on your back after 28 weeks can also double the risk of stillbirth.

Pregnancy Myth #: Sweet Tooth

Myth: A pregnant woman who craves sweets is having a boy. If they crave sour foods, they’re having a girl.

Reality: Your baby boy might grow up to have a sweet tooth, but while they’re in your womb they’re not going to make you desperate for an ice cream cone or candy bar. If you’re craving sweets , it’s probably because your shifting hormones have intensified your sense of smell.

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Speed Of The Babys Heart Beat

The theory behind using the fetal heart rate as a way to predict the gender of your baby states that if the heart rate is above 140 beats per minute then you are likely to have a girl, according to TODAY. If it’s under 140BPM then you’re considered to be having a boy. This prediction method is harmless to try and also quite easy. At your next ante-natal appointment, simply count the number of beats or ask your midwife or doctor how many beats per minute they can hear.

There is no existing evidence that proves this method works, however, and I, for one, am a little dubious. Before my first baby was born, I was attached to the trace machine monitoring my baby’s heartbeat for quite a few hours. Her heart rate was fairly low, never reaching above the golden line of 140BPM, despite her being in no danger or stress. Take what you will from this one, but I wouldn’t use it as a reliable method of prediction since it didn’t work for me.

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is In A Breech Position

How to guess the sex of an unborn baby?

As your due date nears, your doctor or midwife will determine your baby’s position by feeling the outside of your abdomen and uterus. If your baby is breech, her firm, round head will be toward the top of your uterus and her softer, less round bottom will be lower. If breech position is suspected, an ultrasound can confirm it.

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Morning Sickness And Gender

Although theres not substantial science to back this gender prediction method, some believe that the amount of morning sickness a mom-to-be has will determine gender. If mom is sick and turning green at every turn, then shes having a girl. If mom skips morning sickness or has few problems in that department, then shes having a boy.

Your Sense Of Smell And Taste Changes When Youre Pregnant

The verdict: True. One of the changes that you can notice during early pregnancy is that your senses are heightened. You might hate the idea of certain foods or drinks that you loved before. Some women even notice a strange metallic taste in their mouth and others have a much stronger sense of smell than normal .

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Pregnancy Myth #: Carrying Low

Myth: If your belly hangs low , you’re having a boy. If it’s high , you’re having a girl.

Reality: This one is pure myth. “How you carry simply has to do with the tone of your muscles and the position that the baby is in,” Beard says. These factors, along with your body shape and how much weight you gain during pregnancy — not the baby’s gender — will determine how low or high your belly sits.

Pregnancy Myth #: Sick To Your Stomach

12 Signs And Symptoms Of Baby Girl During Pregnancy

Myth: If you have morning sickness all day, it’s a girl.

Reality: This myth might have some truth to it. Studies have found that women with a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum are more likely to give birth to girls.

The reason? Levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG, which triggers morning sickness, tend to be higher in mothers who are pregnant with female babies.

But a pregnant woman can certainly have morning sickness, even bad morning sickness, when they’re carrying a boy. So no, you can’t count on it being a girl if you’ve got serious morning sickness.

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How Are Your Skin Hair And Nails

Do you feel like youve never looked better? Or, has your skin been breaking out and your hair looking dull and lifeless? If you have shiny, healthy, fast growing hair and nails, you could be pregnant with a boy. If youre glowing and your skin looks great, this could mean youre having a boy as well. However, if your hair looks dull, and your face looks a teenagers with break outs galore, you may be pregnant with a girl.

Gender Determination Is Usually Highly Accurate

Gender predictions made by ultrasound have an accuracy rate “north of 90 percent,” Carr said. But mistakes can be made when determining gender because it depends on the clarity of the images and the skills of the person interpreting them.

Until the 14th week of pregnancy, baby boys and girls look exactly the same on ultrasound, Carr said. Beyond this point, noticeable anatomical differences in the genitals can show up on the scan.

After 18 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, Carr said that ultrasounds have pretty good reliability for gender prediction if the baby is in a good position in the mother’s uterus , and the legs are far enough apart that there is good visibility between them.

“Gender-telling is not exotic,” Carr said. When a sonographer looks between the legs, if it’s “an outie,” it’s a boy, he explained.

A blood test for pregnant women that’s been around for about three years can also determine the sex of the fetus with 98 to 99 percent accuracy, Carr said. This screening, which is called the cell-free DNA test, is done at the eighth or ninth week of pregnancy. It may be used in women when there is an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as in older mothers, he said.

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