What Days Should I Have Intercourse To Get Pregnant Calculator

Using Ovulation Predictor Tests

How To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods

Ovulation predictor testswork a lot like pregnancy tests, except they tell you when you’re likely about to ovulate. They come as test sticks or test strips that react with your urine. To use these, you can urinate into a cup and then dip the test strip into the collected urine. You will get your result based on color changes or digital reading.

At-home ovulation tests detect the luteinizing hormone in your urine. LH surges just before you ovulate, so when the test reads positive, this indicates that your body is attempting to trigger the egg release from the ovary and that it is probably your optimal time to become pregnant.

More On Calculating Your Fertile Days

If you are relying on knowing when you are most fertile to avoid getting pregnant, the process is always the same:

  • You need to determine the how many days each of your monthly cycle lasts.
  • You need to predict the day that you will ovulate .
  • Once you know this day, count backwards 6 days, and abstain from any unprotected sex for these six days .
  • Then, do not have any unprotected sex for the entire day after the day that you ovulated.

That may be easier said than done. This goes back to our earlier discussion about how the length of your cycle may change from month to month.

So this is not a reliable birth control method unless you have been able to predict when you will ovulate and that you have fairly consistent cycles. Calculating your most fertile days is not limited to a perfect 28 day cycle. You can still determine when you are most fertile no matter how long or short your cycles are.

The key, however, is that your cycles are reliably that long. This means that is you have a 35 day cycle, you tend to have a 35 day cycle every month, and you have charted this to make sure.

Generally speaking, most women consistently have cycles that last 26 to 32 days. This means that ovulation is likely to occur between days 12 and 18. When counting the days of a menstrual cycle, you should count the the day that your period starts as Day 1.

Cervical Mucus / Ovulation Method

The colour of cervical mucus changes when you are ovulating. Note the colour of cervical mucus every day. A change in colour would indicate that you are in the ovulation phase.

Here is how you can interpret your cervical mucus:

  • The flow masks the mucus during menstruation.
  • No mucus is produced for a few days after menstruation. These dry days are safe days.
  • When the ovum ripens for the next cycle, mucus production increases. It appears yellow, white, or cloudy, and feels sticky.
  • Clear, slippery mucus which is stretchable indicates the most fertile days of the cycle.
  • A few dry days after clear mucus indicates the onset of the next period.

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How Do You Estimate Baby Due Date Using Conception Date Calculator

If you are keeping a track on your ovulation and know the fertilization date, you can estimate the due date based on the date of conception. The estimated due date, in this case, will be 38 weeks from the date of conception. Only a few women can accurately track the ovulation days and can guess when they have conceived. But, the calculations can go wrong as you may not conceive on the same day of the intercourse. The sperm can live up to five days, and the ovum for up to 24 hours after being released. In short, there is only a six-day fertile window where you can get pregnant.

In cases of in-vitro fertilization, the date of conception would be precise.

Things To Know About Ovulation

What Is Fertile Window Mean

As we mentioned in the paragraph above, theres actually only a small window of opportunity each cycle for making a baby just a few days in fact. The day of ovulation is usually the most likely date for conception but it is possible if you try a few days before ovulation too. Thats because the sperm can live for a few days and wait for the egg to get to the fallopian tubes.

Trying for a baby is a great excuse to have frequent sex. Youre most likely to conceive if you have sex in the days around when the egg is released, but trying every two or three days throughout the month is worth a go. Even if it just takes the pressure off and makes things feel less regimented.

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How Long Is A Safe Period

Based on their experiences, many women believe that it is safe to have sex and avoid getting pregnant just after their period starts or before it begins. Beware, fluctuating hormones and changing schedules can make these calculations inaccurate. As a general rule, if your cycle is a regular one , then the seven days before your period should be the safe period. But do not forget that this calculation works only if your periods are regular. Heres what a missed period may mean.

Who Cannot Use The Safe Period Calculator

Applying the same rule as aboveif you are in the regular 26-day to 32-day cycle and the variation between your longest and your shortest cycle is more than eight days, then it would be risky to use this method.

Do remember that because of hormonal changes, it would be wiser to wait for six months after childbirth to use this method.

Also, because of erratic cycles, this method is not suitable for teenagers or women on the verge of menopause. This method might not work for women who have erratic cycles because of conditions like PCOS and hormonal imbalance.

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How Can We Improve Our Chances To Have A Girl Or A Boy

In addition to calculating your fertile days, this calculator also helps you improve your chances of having a girl or a boy by choosing either girl or boy or by default girl/boy in the drop-down menu. Following our recommendations could improve your chances of having one or the other, though it’s not 100% sure.

For more tips to overcome fertility roadblocks and get pregnant faster, take our Fertility Course via email!

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What If Timing Intercourse Doesnt Work

Best time for intercourse after period | How to plan your first pregnancy | Planning for Pregnancy

If youre in your 20s or early 30s and have been trying to conceive for a year with no success, you’re over 35 and have been trying for six months, or you have a medical condition such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome that can impact fertility, it’s a good time to seek out help from your OB-GYN or fertility specialist. They can test your fertility to look into why conception hasnt happened yet or help you figure out a treatment plan to make conception more likely.

To better understand your ovulation patterns and reproductive health before you start timing intercourse, Modern Fertilitys at-home tests and digital tools can help:

From tracking down your fertile window for timed intercourse to figuring out how your egg count is changing over the years, Modern Fertility is here to help you make every moment on your road to parenthood easier to understand.

This article was reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Conti, MD, MS, MSc.

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When To Try To Get Pregnant

Trying to conceive? No one needs to tell you how to do it , but you might need a little help figuring out when is the best time to have sex to get pregnant.

The short answer: The best time to conceive is around the time you ovulate. That prime “getting pregnant” window can include anywhere from a few days before ovulation because sperm can live to fertilize for three to six days until about a day after the release of the egg, which is only viable for about 12 to 24 hours.

Can I Get Pregnant Just After My Period Has Finished

Yes, although it’s not very likely. If you have sex without using contraception, you can conceive at any time during your menstrual cycle, even during or just after your period.

You can also get pregnant if you have never had a period before, during your first period, or after the first time you have sex.

There’s no “safe” time of the month when you can have sex without contraception and not risk becoming pregnant.

But there are times in your menstrual cycle when you’re at your most fertile, and this is when you’re most likely to conceive.

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Take Your Prenatal Vitamin

Start popping that prenatal at least a month before you begin trying for a baby. One study showed that women who were taking their prenatal vitamins while undergoing fertility treatments were twice as likely to get pregnant as those who were only taking a folic acid supplement while going through the same treatments. So while it’s not a guarantee that you’ll hit the baby jackpot sooner, it’s definitely worth a shot!

When Does Ovulation Occur

How to Calculate Safe Period To Avoid Pregnancy?

Ovulation typically occurs approximately 14 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle. To know the exact day is not always possible, though. In the case you have primarily regular periods, you can easily calculate your ovulation days. Simply use the date of your previous menstrual cycle as a starting point. You need to know that an egg can be fertilized by a sperm only four days before and three days after ovulation. To put it simply, days before and post-ovulation are definitely not safe days for sex unless you want to conceive.

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When Does Conception Take Place

Conception starts at the moment of fertilisation, when the sperm penetrates the outer shell of the egg, and an embryo is formed. Over the next four to six days the embryo moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants in the uterus lining and hopefully continues to grow. To check if you are pregnant, you should wait two weeks after ovulation before undertaking a pregnancy test.

What Is Pregnancy Calculator And How It Calculate Your Due Date

Pregnancy calculator determines the date of your baby’s birth. It gives an approximate date helping you to prepare for the big day.

You can calculate the due date by entering the first day of your last menstrual period and the average length of your cycle in the pregnancy calculator. The due date is calculated by adding 280 days, i.e., 40 weeks to the first day of your last period . The menstrual period and ovulation are the first two weeks of pregnancy. If you are delivering your baby on the due date, your baby will be 38 weeks, and not 40. This method is known as Dr. Nagele’s rule.

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Conception Calculator Based On Due Date

So, what day did I conceive? There are two ways to use our conception calendar calculator.

The first way is to provide the birth due date. When you visit the doctor they will most likely perform an ultrasound. Although the doctor can see the baby from the 5-6th week of pregnancy, the best time to go for the first sonography is between week 8 and 12.

Based on the characteristics of the image and the results of your blood test, the due date and week of pregnancy can be determined. Remember that those dates, as well as conception calendar, are only an estimation and may change during the next visit.

Pregnancy typically lasts around 40 weeks . That is 266 days from the conception date. If a baby is born before week 37, it’s called a premature birth. But don’t worry if the due date changes or you go in labor on a different date – only 4% of babies are born on their due date and 80% are born either two weeks before and after the date.

Let’s go back to the question: what day did I conceive? In our conception calculator, we subtract 266 days from the estimated due date and get the most probable day of conception:

due date – 266 = conception date

Ovulation Calculator: When Will I Ovulate

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  • We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.
  • Trying to conceive a baby can be a stressful and challenging time, especially as it can require a great deal of planning and preparation – including checking when you’re ovulating.

    An ovulation calculator will help you to predict when you will ovulate. This in turn will narrow down your best window to become pregnant.

    Using an ovulation calculator is a great way to manage your fertility to predict when ovulation might happen and it also helps take away some of the confusion around tracking cycles naturally especially if your periods arent regular.

    An average menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period and continues right up to the day before you start the next one. This means its about 28 days on average, but they can range from 22 days right up to 36 days. If youre struggling to conceive, its best not to just guess when the best ovulation date might be.

    Along with your average menstrual cycle length, you will also need to know the length of your luteal phase to use our ovulation calculator as efficiently as possible. The luteal phase begins after ovulation and ends the day before your next period. It usually lasts 12 to 16 days, with an average of 14 days for most women, so if youre unsure wed recommend choosing 14 days on the calculator.

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    Can The Pregnancy Conception Calculator Be Wrong

    Yes, of course. So, when does conception happen? There is no possibility being 100 % sure about it. You may be a little bit more certain if you track your cycle and have it perfectly regular. But even ultrasounds and blood tests aren’t faultless. Remember, that your fertile window begins up to 5 days before ovulation and ends one day after it. So, although your conception date is, e.g., 11 July 2019, the intercourse that caused the pregnancy may have occurred as early as 6 July. However, with our conception calendar calculator, you can make an estimated guess!

    Examples Of Calculating Safe Periods

    Calculating a safe period can be confusing. Here are two examples of calculating the same.

    • Take the example of a woman who has 24 days between 2 menstruating cycles. This means that her ovulation would be ten days after the first day of her last period. Based on this calculation, her safe period would be from day one to day six after her last period and from day thirteen to her next period.
    • Lets take another example of a woman who has 32 days between 2 menstruation cycles. Her ovulation would be 18 days after her last period. Based on this calculation , her safe period would be from day one after the last period to day 14 and from day 21 to the next period.
    • Safety: Women with regular menstruating cycles have an 85% safety ratio for not getting pregnant in 12 months. However, the success rate depends on how well you calculate the safe period and how religiously you follow it.
    • Handy Technology: In todays world of technological advancement, there are numerous apps available that can help you chart your menstrual cycle, calculate your infertile days and store all this data for your quick reference!
    • There are many tools like a menstrual cycle calculator that are available. These tools will give you a rough estimate of your ovulation period. As a result, you can calculate ovulation as well as the safe period with higher accuracy and greater ease.

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    Time Sex Before Ovulation

    If youre trying to get pregnant, you need to have sex before you ovulateand not after. Sperm remain viable for up to five days. However, the ovulated egg must be fertilized within the first 12 to 24 hours after it is released.

    Ideally, you want to have sperm ready and waiting for the egg. This is why most ovulation signs appear in the days before the egg is released. The two to four days before you ovulate are your most fertile time.

    How To Calculate Your Safe Days

    How to Calculate Safe Days to Avoid Pregnancy

    To calculate safe days, you first need to understand the different phases of your menstrual cycle. There are three

    • The follicular phase

    • The ovulation phase

    • The luteal phase

    The duration of each of the phases varies for women, although it is believed that the average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days. The first day of the bleeding counts as the first day of the new menstrual cycle.

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    What Is The Date Of Conception

    Conception occurs after ovulation, when the sperm meets the egg. For instance, if you had intercourse on the 5th of the month, and you did not ovulate until the 8th of the month, the conception will occur on or just after the 8th. If you have a 28 day-cycle, conception is known to occur between 11 and 21 days after the first day of your LMP. As most of us do not know the date of conception, it is taken as an estimate based on the LMP method.

    Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

    Your menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period and continues up to the first day of your next period.

    You’re most fertile at the time of ovulation , which usually occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you’re most likely to get pregnant.

    It’s unlikely that you’ll get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen. It’s important to remember that sperm can sometimes survive in the body for up to 7 days after you have sex.

    This means it may be possible to get pregnant soon after your period finishes if you ovulate early, especially if you have a naturally short menstrual cycle.

    You should always use contraception when you have sex if you don’t want to become pregnant.

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