Can I Get Pregnant With Birth Control In My Arm

If You Use The Birth Control Implant

My First Birth Control Implant | Seventeen Firsts

If you use the birth control implant, or Nexplanon®, your fertility should return fairly quickly after the implant is removed from your body. Like with the IUD, its possible for some women to get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant.

According to Merck & Co., the manufacturer of Nexplanon, pregnancies have been observed within seven to 14 days after removal of the birth control implant. Most women start ovulating and become fertile again in a month or less after the implant is removed by a healthcare professional.

At A Glance: The Implant

  • The implant is more than 99% effective.
  • Once the implant is in place, you don’t have to think about it again for 3 years.
  • It can be useful for women who can’t use contraception that contains oestrogen.
  • It’s very useful for women who find it difficult to remember to take a pill at the same time every day.
  • The implant can be taken out if you have side effects.
  • You can have it removed at any time, and your natural fertility will return very quickly.
  • When it’s first put in, you may feel some bruising, tenderness or swelling around the implant.
  • Your periods may become irregular, lighter, heavier or longer.
  • A common side effect is that your periods stop . It’s not harmful, but you may want to consider this before deciding to have an implant.
  • Some medicines can make the implant less effective.
  • It doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted infections , so you may need to use condoms as well.

How Would I Know I Was Pregnant If I Use The Contraceptive Implant

A missed period isnt a good indicator of pregnancy when you are using the contraceptive implant. This is because the implant often makes periods lighter or more irregular, and women often find that their periods stop completely while they have the implant. However, some women find the opposite can occur, and they may have heavier, longer periods.

However, on the very rare chance that you become pregnant while using the contraceptive implant, there are a number of signs you could look for. These may include a change in the pattern of your periods , tender breasts, tiredness, or nausea. The easiest and safest way to check if you are concerned you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

If you do become pregnant while using the implant, it is important to see your doctor as soon as you can. Equally, if you develop stomach pain, you must see your doctor urgently to rule out any chance of an ectopic pregnancy. There is good evidence to show that implants do not cause birth defects and will not cause harm to a developing pregnancy. However, it is suggested that in this situation the implant is removed as soon as possible.6

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If You Use The Birth Control Pill

Contrary to popular belief, your fertility will usually return quite quickly after you stop using the birth control pill. The precise amount of time depends on several factors, including the type of birth control pill you use.

According to a 2009 study, 72 percent to 94 percent of women who use oral contraceptives become pregnant within 12 months of stopping.

Just Starting Out With The Pill

chances of getting pregnant on implanon

If you take the pill as soon as you have your menstrual period or sometime within a few days of starting your menstrual period, you stand a good chance of having the pill be effective. If, on the other hand, you randomly pick a day and start taking the pill, you may already have ovulated and may be pregnant, even though you have started taking the pill. That first cycle on the pill can be tricky and you might want to use a barrier method to carry you through the first cycle of the birth control pill.

These mistakes are exceedingly common and this is why the birth control pill isnt as effective as it says it is supposed to be according to the package insert. This is also why you should always consider a backup method such as a barrier method any time you arent sure about the effectiveness of the pill.

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Can You Get Pregnant On The Patch

The birth control patch, like the birth control pill, contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone that fools your body into thinking its pregnant. You wear the patch on your belly, upper arm, butt or back, and your skin absorbs the hormones into your body.

The patch has a similar rate of effectiveness to the birth control pill around nine percent. The main reason women get pregnant on the patch is because they forget to take it off and replace it once a week. With “perfect” use, however, the effectiveness rate is around 99 percent.

How Can Perimenopausal Women Benefit From Low

Low-dose birth control can be implemented both to prevent pregnancy and alleviate symptoms of perimenopause. Although low dose birth control is typically not recommended for individuals under the age of 30 because it can decrease bone density, it may have the opposite effect for those going through perimenopause. This is especially important, as the risk of osteoporosis increases with age. Low dose birth control may also be implemented to help prevent ovarian and uterine cancers.

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How Does Implantable Contraception Work

The implanted tube slowly releases low levels of the hormone to prevent . Without ovulation, pregnancy can’t happen because there is no egg for sperm to fertilize.

The released progestin also thickens the mucus around the cervix. This makes it hard for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. The progestin also thins the lining of the uterus so an egg will have a hard time attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Is There Anyone Who Should Not Have A Contraceptive Implant

Conceiving n Fertility Getting Pregnant after Nexplanon Implant Birth Control Removal x Conception

Most women can have an implant fitted but there are a few exceptions. You should not have a contraceptive implant put in if you think you might be pregnant, or if you don’t want to use a contraceptive method that might affect your periods.

You also should not use the contraceptive implant if:

  • You are taking medicines which might interfere with the implant.
  • You have heart or liver disease.
  • You have had breast cancer in the previous five years.
  • You are currently experiencing unexplained vaginal bleeding.
  • You have a hereditary blood disorder called porphyria.

There are some conditions which, if you have them, mean that you could use the contraceptive implant, but a different method might be more suitable for you. These include:

  • You are going to have major surgery with prolonged immobilisation.
  • You have an increased risk of blood clots in the veins due to antiphospholipid syndrome, antithrombin deficiency or factor V Leiden.
  • You have previously had a deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
  • You have migraines.
  • You have systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • You have gene mutations associated with breast cancer – for example, BRCA1.
  • You have cervical cancer.
  • You have experienced a stroke, angina or heart attack.
  • You have several risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes.
  • You have had jaundice or itching caused by previous use of a hormonal contraceptive.

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What If I Dont Get A Period After Stopping Birth Control

Again, some people experience cycle irregularity after they stop using birth control. This could mean no period after stopping birth control for a few months, or your period may come early or late for the first few cycles.

If you dont get a period within the first few weeks or youre spotting on and off, take a pregnancy test. If you ovulated during your first cycle after stopping birth control, getting pregnant was possible. And if you did get pregnant, that first post-birth control period wouldnt come.

If you havent had a period after stopping birth control for more than three months, make an appointment with you primary care doctor, OB-GYN or midwife.

What To Do If You Think Youre Pregnant

If you think you may be pregnant, find out as soon as you can so you can begin prenatal care. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests are extremely accurate. Take more than one if you want. You can even ask your doctors office for an at-home test.

Alternatively, make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss the symptoms youre experiencing. As part of the routine checkup, your doctor will likely conduct a pregnancy test. You can request one, too. By the end of the appointment, youll know if youre expecting or not. Take this quiz to see whether you might have the symptoms of pregnancy.

With typical use, birth control pills are still a highly effective form of pregnancy prevention. You can actually make it more effective by following a few simple strategies:

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Is There Anything I Can Do To Further Reduce My Chances Of Getting Pregnant On The Implant

The most important thing is to remember to have your implant replaced after three years and to be aware that your risk of pregnancy can be increased if you are taking medications called enzyme-inducing drugs.

These include certain epilepsy and HIV treatments, and the over-the-counter remedy St Johns Wort, which people sometimes take to help with symptoms of low mood, depression and anxiety.

These drugs can cause decreased blood levels of progesterone, reducing the implants effectiveness.10 This is because they cause progesterone in the blood to be eliminated more quickly than would normally occur, making progesterone-only contraception less effective.

While using these medications, it is important to use other contraception and to continue using other contraception for 28 days after you finish using them.11

Featured image is of a person holding a pregnancy test. The test is the focus of the shot

If you are reading this article, the chances are that you already have the contraceptive implant, or are thinking of getting one. Contraceptive implants, often known by their brand name Nexplanon, are small, flexible plastic rods that are inserted under the skin in your upper arm. Once inserted, they can remain in place for up to three years.

How Effective Is The Implant At Preventing Pregnancy

::Story of Us::: Implanon : A new method for birth control

The implant is a very effective method of long-acting contraception, and while no form of contraception is completely failsafe, using it makes the risk of getting pregnant far less likely.

It is estimated that 84% of people with a womb would get pregnant within a year if they had regular, unprotected intercourse.3

For people using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years.4 So, for every 100 people with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year.

This number is similar to the efficacy of the combined oral contraceptive pill .

While your implant is in place, it releases a steady amount of the hormone progesterone. However, the amount it releases decreases slightly year on year. This is why it needs replacing after three years. Research has shown that during this three-year period, the implant becomes no less effective at preventing pregnancy, however.5

According to available evidence, neither body weight nor BMI affects the effectiveness of the implant.6

Other methods of contraception including the copper coil, the Mirena coil, and the contraceptive injection, all have similar failure rates to the implant. If you compare this to the withdrawal method, which has a 27% rate of pregnancy within a year when used typically,7 you will see why this is not a recommended method of contraception.

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Hormonal Methods Of Contraception

Progestin-only oral contraceptives, or The Mini-Pill, contain only a progestin . The method, when used daily, is highly effective for breastfeeding women. This method of contraception has a slightly higher failure rate than oral contraceptives containing both estrogen and progestin. During breastfeeding, however, women are not as fertile. A small amount of hormone passes into the breast milk but has no known bad effects on the infant. In fact, some studies have suggested a good effect on the quantity and quality of breast milk. When the woman stops breastfeeding the baby, or when menses returns, some clinicians suggest switching to combination OCs, which have a slightly higher effectiveness.

Combination oral contraceptives, or “The Pill,” contain both estrogen and progestin. The American Academy of Pediatrics has approved the use of low-dose OCs in breastfeeding women once milk production is well established.

and a skin patch contain estrogen and progestin, similar to combination oral contraceptives, or “The Pill.” You should discuss with your doctor if this is an appropriate option for you during breastfeeding. Most often, products which dont contain estrogen are preferred during breastfeeding .

The Mirena IUD releases a very small amount of hormone into the uterus, where it works locally. This IUD does not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk. The Mirena IUD is safe and effective for five years.

Is The Birth Control Implant Right For Me

The implant is a great option for women who want long-acting, reversible birth control that they dont need to think about every day, Dr. Brant says. Unlike the IUD, it doesnt require a pelvic exam or vaginal procedure, which is a plus for many women.

The implant can also be used immediately after giving birth and while breastfeeding, making it a good choice for moms who have their hands full.

So while you can certainly keep chanting NOBABYNOBABY, you can also rest assured that with a birth control implant, youre in good hands.

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When Should The Implant Be Put In

You can have an implant fitted at any time in your menstrual cycle if it is certain that you are not pregnant.

  • If the implant is put in during the first five days of your period you will be protected against pregnancy immediately.
  • After day 5 and if you haven’t had unprotected sexual intercourse since your last period, the implant can be inserted immediately but you should avoid sexual intercourse or use a barrier method of contraception for 7 days.
  • If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse since your last period you may need a pregnancy test and emergency contraception. You should discuss this with your clinician.

If you have recently had a baby the implant can be put in at any time after the birth. If the implant is inserted on or before day 21, your contraceptive protection starts straightaway. If it is fitted later than this and you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, you may need a pregnancy test and emergency contraception. You should discuss this with your clinician.

If you have had a termination of pregnancy or a miscarriage the implant can be put in at the same time, or in the first five days, and is effective immediately.

Are You On Medications That Might Interfere With Your Birth Control

My Experience on Nexplanon (arm implant) birth control!

Did you know certain medications that can make your birth control less effective? There are few specific antibiotics and antifungal drugs as well as herbs like St. Johns Wort that have been shown to interfere with the effectiveness of oral contraception.

Before taking any new medication, you may want to ask your provider if itll affect your birth control and when in doubt, use a backup method like condoms. Its always better to be safe.

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Is It Safe To Use Birth Control Implants

Is it safe to use birth control implants? Birth control implants are one of the best methods of birth control out there, but they dont protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Luckily, using condoms every time you have sex really reduces your chances of getting or spreading STDs. So using condoms + Nexplanon is the best way to protect yourself from pregnancy and STDs.

What happens to your period after birth control implant removal? Any side effects that you may have had while on the implant will eventually go away after the implant is out. Unless you start another hormonal birth control method after removing the implant, your period will go back to how it was before you got Nexplanon.

Are there any side effects of a contraceptive implant? Are there side effects for a contraceptive implant? Some people experience side effects from the implant, but many people dont. Irregular menstrual bleeding is the most common side effect. Periods may also become lighter, heavier, or stop altogether. Other side effects can include:

When do you take the birth control implant out of your arm? A nurse or doctor will take your implant out of your arm after 5 years or whenever you want to stop using it. Nexplanon removal is usually fast and easy. You can keep track of your insertion and removal dates using our birth control app . Want the implant?

Myth: Infertility And Ectopic Pregnancy

Some women who seek family planning believe that using implants will cause infertility, delay the return of fertility after the implants are removed, or cause ectopic pregnancies .

Fact: Implant doesn’t affect your fertility, and reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy

Implants stop working once they are removed and their hormones do not remain in the womans body. Implant use does not affect a womans ability to become pregnant, although fertility decreases with a womans age. One major study found that women who have had their implants removed can become pregnant as quickly as women who have stopped using nonhormonal methods.

Implants substantially reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy. In the United States, the rate of ectopic pregnancy among women who are not using a contraceptive method is 650 ectopic pregnancies per 100,000 women per year. The rate of ectopic pregnancy among women using implants is 6 ectopic pregnancies per 100,000 women per year.

Even in the very rare cases when implants fail and pregnancy occurs, the great majority of these pregnancies are not ectopic. Only 10 to 17 of every 100 pregnancies due to the failure of implants are ectopic.

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