Can I Get Pregnant With The Nexplanon

Ttc After Nexplanon Removal


I had my Nexplanon removed yesterday. Ive been taking the pill since Monday to cover myself but to be honest, were thinking of TTC anyway so I might just ditch the pill and go cold turkey. Do you have to wait until your first AF after you have your implant removed until youre considered fertile or are you good to go as soon as its out? Im starting to worry about my fertility returning as Ive seen so many women say its taken them months, even years to get pregnant again after the implant. If anyone has any advice or experience they could share, that would be great!!

Hi. I had mine removed on 7th Nov as we are ttc. I had regular bleeding in my last year of implant so based on that I expected AF on 21/11 but only had some spotting. Even thought I might have been pregnant but nope. Now on day 40 based on Ovia & think I will soon ovulate based on OPKs so at least I know things are working now. I think everyone is different but thats my story.I would suggest OPKs just to learn what your body is doing.Good luck, here if you have questions.

Thanks for your reply Im getting really anxious that Ive mucked up my fertility. I was on Nexplanon for about 18 months and had regular spotting for most of the time. Do you think its best to stop taking the pill so I can try and get my body back to normal and try and chart my ovulation? I just have this feeling that its not going to be an easy ride for me

How Effective Is This Implant

The implant is one of the best birth control methods its more than 99% effective. That means fewer than 1 out of 100 people using Nexplanon will get pregnant each year. It doesnt get much better than that.

The implant is so effective because theres no chance of making a mistake. Since its in the arm, cant forget to take it or use it correctly. It protects from pregnancy all day, every day for up to 5 years. if you decide to get pregnant, a doctor can take it out and can get pregnant right away.

The implant doesnt protect from STDs, so use condoms along with the implant to help protect from both pregnancy and STDs. Thats how sex is made worry-free.

If the Nexplanon is taken during the first 5 days of the period, pregnancy is protected right away.

How To Prepare For The Procedure

The health care provider evaluates the womans overall health before inserting the implant. They will determine the correct timing for insertion based on previous birth control and menstrual cycle.

A woman may need to take a pregnancy test and be on a non-hormonal backup contraceptive for a week. A backup is not required if the woman previously:

  • Did not use any contraception and had the contraceptive implant put into her body in the first five days of the menstrual cycle, even when they were bleeding.
  • Used a mini-pill and had the implant inserted while she was on the pill.
  • Had used a combination of contraceptives like a vaginal ring, birth control patch, birth control pills.
  • Also, if she had the implant inserted within seven days of the beginning of the hormone-free period.
  • Took a contraceptive injection and then had the implant added when the next injection was due.
  • Previously used an IUD or another contraceptive and then had the Nexplanon inserted after the removal of an old device .

Before the insertion, the woman may need to sign a consent form.

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How Long Does The Implant Last And Can You Get Pregnant On Nexplanon If It Has Expired

Nexplanon can be used for three years, at which point it should be replaced to maintain its effectiveness. We recommend contacting your GP or sexual health clinic to discuss the replacement of your contraceptive implant prior to the date it is due to be replaced . Due to Covid-19 restrictions you may not be able to attend for a face to face appointment to replace your implant. There is some evidence to say the implant remains effective up until four years, but a discussion with your doctor or nurse will help you work out what is best for you.

How Is A Nexplanon Inserted

Can You Get Pregnant on The Implant (Nexplanon ...

Nexplanon is about the size of a short kirby grip. A specially trained doctor or nurse will insert it under the skin of your upper arm. A cold numbing spray or an injection of local anaesthetic into the skin to numb the area will be used to so that inserting the Nexplanon will not hurt. You will not have any stitches and it will only take a few minutes. The area may be a bit sore and bruised but it will have a dressing on it to help keep it clean and dry. Try not to knock it. After a few days you can remove the dressing and once healed you really should not be aware that it is there. You should be able to do all the things you would normally do with your arm. Usually you cannot see the Nexplanon but you are normally able to feel it.

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Does Nexplanon Have Hormones

Nexplanon contains the active ingredient Etonogestrel, which is a progestin hormone. It is released continuously into the bloodstream from the implant. This hormone prevents pregnancy in a few different ways, the most important way is by preventing ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovary.

Tldr Whats The Lowdown

  • The implant is more than 99% effective so the chances of getting pregnant with the implant in your arm is fewer than 1 in 100
  • You should be protected against pregnancy immediately if the implant in inserted into your arm during the first 5 days of your cycle any later and youll need to use a barrier method
  • The implant can cause lighter or fewer periods which is why some women may be concerned they are pregnant dont worry, it is a common side effect!
  • Certain medications can make the implant less effective so always ask your doctor or get in touch with the Lowdown contraceptive experts
  • Nexplanon should be replaced after three years to maintain effectiveness

The contraceptive implant is a method of contraception that stays in the upper arm for three years perfect for those who dont want to have to remember to take a daily pill.

But how effective is it, and can you still get pregnant on the implant?

In short, the implant is more than 99% effective. This means that fewer than 1 in 100 women with the implant will get pregnant each year.

There are some other factors to consider when using the implant as contraception such as side effects and its use with other medication.

Below our medical experts answer your most common questions covering the below topics

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How The Nexplanon Implant Prevents Pregnancy

The implant releases a small amount of hormone into your body each day. It prevents pregnancy in three ways: 1) it stops your ovaries from releasing one of your eggs, 2) it thickens the mucus of your cervix to help prevent any sperm from reaching an egg, and 3) it changes the lining of your uterus to prevent attachment by a fertilized egg.

What Should I Expect After I Get My Implant Removed


Overall, you should feel completely normal after getting your implant taken out. Your arm may feel tender or swollen around where the implant was for a few days. It may look bruised for a week or two. Your doctor or nurse will tell you how to wash and take care of your skin for a couple of days after removal. Any side effects that you may have had while on the implant will eventually go away after the implant is out. Unless you start another hormonal birth control method after removing the implant, your period will go back to how it was before you got Nexplanon. You can keep track of your period after removal using our app.

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What Are The Advantages Of Nexplanon

Some of the good things about Nexplanon are:

  • Once inserted you do not need to think much about it
  • There are no serious side effects
  • You can use it if you are breast feeding
  • It is useful if you cannot take oestrogens, like those found in the combined oral contraceptive pill
  • Your normal level of fertility will return as soon as Nexplanon is removed
  • It may reduce painful heavy periods

Exact Answer: 3 To 18 Months

Birth control seems to have a positive effect on how a stable social life functions. Contraceptive implants, which have a 99 percent effectiveness rate, are a long-term birth control alternative for women. A hormone called progestin is released by the implant, as it is by other birth control methods. Hormones are chemicals that our bodies generate to control how different body parts work. It is important to have a clear understanding of these because they have such a direct and long-term effect on the body and its functioning. Nexplanon is a newer version of the implant. So, do read to know more about how long after Nexplanon removal you can get pregnant and the complete procedure.

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Myth: Health Risks And Side Effects

Some women who seek family planning do not want to use implants because they have misconceptions about implants causing illness or problems such as cancer, blindness, or birth defects.

Fact: Implants have several known health benefits

In addition to changes in menstrual bleeding, the most common side effects of implants are headaches, abdominal pain, and breast tenderness. These side effects are not an indication of illness and usually lessen or go away within the first year of use. Studies have not shown increased risk of cancer, blindness or birth defects with the use of implants.

They have been shown to greatly reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and protect against symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease. Implants may also help protect against iron-deficiency anemia.

Do Antibiotics Affect Nexplanon

How I found Out I Was Pregnant On The Nexplanon Birth ...

The common antibiotics a doctor or nurse gives you will not affect your Nexplanon. Antibiotics for TB and antibiotics to treat or prevent meningitis can affect Nexplanon as can some drugs used to treat epilepsy and HIV. The complementary medicine St Johns Wort can also make Nexplanon less effective.

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How Does Nexplanon Protect Me

Nexplanon is a 99.95% effective form of birth control that prevents pregnancy in the following three ways:

Is Nexplanon an abortion drug?

No. Nexplanon prevents ovulation, meaning that there is no egg present to even begin the process of fertilization. Any stray eggs that may somehow be released are protected by the thickened cervical mucous–a barrier that sperm are unable to swim through.

How Long Does It Take For The Birth Control Implant To Work

If you get Nexplanon during the first 5 days of your period, youre protected from pregnancy right away.

If you get the implant at any other time in your cycle, use some other form of birth control during the first week. After that first week, the implant starts working and youre protected from pregnancy for up to 5 years. Thats why its called get-it-and-forget-it birth control.

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When To See A Doctor

Women should speak to a doctor as soon as possible if they suspect that they are pregnant or have had a positive result on a pregnancy test while on birth control.

Conversely, if a woman misses a period and gets a negative pregnancy test result, she should also seek medical advice unless she is taking a form of birth control that prevents regular periods.

Although they are rare, false negatives are possible. There may be other underlying conditions causing missed periods or other pregnancy symptoms.

Are There Any Side Effects From Using The Implant


When the implant is first inserted and when it is removed, you may have some bruising and tenderness on your arm. This may last for up to a week. Wearing a bandage over your arm for 24 hours helps reduce bruising and tenderness. You may also develop a small scar where the implant was inserted and removed.

Your vaginal bleeding pattern will change. It might be more often and/or irregular . Around 20% of people using the implant will have no bleeding at all . Around 20% of people have frequent or prolonged bleeding which may get better with time. Some medications can help with this bleeding, speak to your doctor or nurse for more information.

Other possible side effects for a small number of users can include:

  • headaches
  • sore/ tender breasts
  • mood changes.

These side effects often settle with time. The implant has not been shown to cause weight gain.

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Fertility Does Not Equal Pregnancy

You may not get pregnant right away even after your fertility returns. Some people become pregnant within a month. Others may try to get pregnant for a long time.

At this point, your ability to get pregnant has nothing to do with previous birth control use. Your age, health, and lifestyle can all make it harder to get pregnant. You may also experience infertility.

You may have concerns after you stop birth control. Talk to your healthcare provider if:

  • Your period doesnt come back after three months
  • The number of days you have your period changes
  • Your cycle is irregular
  • There is a major change in how heavy your bleeding is
  • You are younger than 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for 12 months
  • You are over 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for six months

Can Anyone Have A Nexplanon

Most women who want a Nexplanon can have it.

Conditions which may mean you may not be suitable for Nexplanon.

  • Now or in the past you have had breast cancer
  • You have had certain types of liver disease
  • You have bleeding between the periods or after sex and you have not seen a doctor or nurse about this, or you have seen a doctor or nurse but you are still waiting to be told why this is happening
  • You have certain rheumatic diseases
  • Also you should stop using Nexplanon if you have a heart attack or stroke

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How Effective Is The Implant At Preventing Pregnancy

The implant is a very effective method of long acting contraception, and while no form of contraception is completely failsafe, using it makes the risk of a woman getting pregnant far less likely.

It is estimated that 84% of women would get pregnant within a year if they had regular, unprotected intercourse.1

For women using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years. So, for every 100 women with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year.2

This number is similar to the efficacy of the combined oral contraceptive pill .

While your implant is in place, it releases a steady amount of the hormone progesterone. However, the amount it releases decreases slightly year on year. This is why it needs replacing after three years. Research has shown that during this three-year period, for women of a healthy body weight, the implant becomes no less effective at preventing pregnancy however.3

Other methods of contraception including the copper coil, the Mirena coil, and the contraceptive injection, all have similar failure rates to the implant. If you compare this to the withdrawal method, which has a 27% rate of pregnancy within a year when used typically,5 you will see why this is not a recommended method of contraception.

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Myths And Facts About Implants

How likely is it to get pregnant on nexplanon ...

This page was originally published in 2012 and has since been updated.

Contraceptive implants are thin, small , flexible rods which are implanted under the skin of the upper arm by a doctor or a nurse. They are 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

The implant rods contain progestins which are steadily released into the womans bloodstream. Progestins are like the hormone progesterone, which is produced naturally within a womans body.

The continuous release of progestins stops a woman releasing an egg every month , and thickens the mucus from the cervix , making it difficult for sperm to pass through to the womb and reach an unfertilized egg.

Implants protect against pregnancy soon after as they have been inserted. Depending on the type of implant, they last between 3-5 years, but can be removed at any time. Fertility returns when the implant is removed.

Some women experience side effects form implants. It is common, but not harmful, to experience changes in menstrual bleeding patterns. Other possible side effects include abdominal pain, headaches, breast tenderness and acne. Side-effects often diminish over time, especially after the first few months to a year of use, but if you are concerned about side effects, you should go and talk to your provider.

When fitting the implant, a local anaesthetic is used to numb the area. It makes a small wound in the arm, which is closed with a dressing and does not need stitches.

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