How Can I Get Pregnant With Iud

After Iud Insertion Procedure

How soon can I get pregnant after being on an IUD?

Once a month, check to feel that the IUDs strings are protruding from your cervix. Be careful not to pull on the strings.

About a month after the IUD is inserted, your health care provider may re-examine you to make sure the IUD hasnt moved and to check for signs and symptoms of infection.

While youre using a IUD, contact your health care provider immediately if you:

  • Think you may be pregnant
  • Have unusually heavy, persistent vaginal bleeding
  • Have abdominal pain or pain during sex
  • Have an unexplained fever
  • Have unusual or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, lesions or sores
  • Develop very severe headaches or migraines
  • Have yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • Were exposed to an sexually transmitted infection
  • Can no longer feel the IUD strings, or they suddenly seem longer

Its also important to contact your health care provider immediately if you think the IUD is no longer in place. Your doctor will check the location of the IUD and, if its displaced, remove it if necessary.

You Have A Positive Pregnancy Test

When youâre happy with your IUD, it might be hard to even imagine that you could be pregnant. So if youâre experiencing symptoms, why not take a test to assuage your fears? âIf youâre having spotting, bleeding, breast tenderness, or fatigue, you could very well be pregnant, even with an IUD,â says Dr. Langdon. If it is positive, call your OB/GYN right away to figure out the next steps to ensure your health and safety. âItâs usually removed but sometimes itâs left inside. The complication rate is higher if it is left in the uterus compared to early removal but removal can also cause a miscarriage.â A positive test is definitely one of the biggest signs of pregnancy with an IUD.

Although it can be scary to think of possibly becoming pregnant with an IUD, it shouldnât stop you from opting for that form of birth control if thatâs what you choose. Dr. Farid agrees, stating: “The chance of a pregnancy is extremely low with an IUD it is still an excellent form of birth control.â

Study cited:

Pro: Its Ready When You Are

Having an IUD means that as long as youre practicing safer sex, you can be spontaneous without worrying about pregnancy. Your IUD offers reliable contraception for years at a time. The copper IUD starts working instantly.

Hormone-releasing IUDs should be removed and replaced every 3-10 years, depending on the brand. The copper-wrapped IUD can stay in place and offer continuous protection for up to 12 years.

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Question: Could You Get Pregnant On A Copper Iud

The simple answer is YES. On the contrary, we all know the possibility is LOW not RARE as doctors and companies suggest. Even though the argument about just 1% could get pregnant due to various reasons, the question here is,

What if you fall in that 1% category?

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How Is An Iud Put In


The doctor or nurse practitioner puts the IUD in through the vagina, past the cervix, and into the uterus. This only takes a few minutes from start to finish. People usually feel some cramping during the placement, but it gets better within a few minutes.

Taking it easy for the rest of the day, using a heating pad, and taking over-the-counter pain medicine can help with any discomfort after the IUD is placed.

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How Do I Check My Iud

You should check your IUD every month to make sure it has not slipped out. An IUD is most likely to slip out of place during your period. IUDs have strings attached to them. Between periods you can check for the strings by following these steps:

  • Wash your hands.
  • Sit or squat down.
  • Put your index or middle finger up into the vagina until you touch the cervix.
  • Feel for the string ends that should be coming through. If you find them, then the IUD is in place and working.
  • If the strings feel longer or shorter than before, or you feel the hard, plastic part of the IUD against your cervix, the IUD may have moved.
  • If the IUD has slipped out or moved, do not try to put it back in place on your own. Be sure to use a back-up method of birth control until you see your health care provider.
  • Risks Of Pregnancy With A Coil

    If youre tested positive for pregnancy with a coil inside, these could be your risks. After categorizing you in the high-risk pregnancy, the Gynae might suggest removal, but will do it only if it falls within the guidelines.

    a) If the coil is in a complicated position, the chances of removal are low, but the chances of miscarriage are high.

    b) The possibility of the coil rupturing the sac thereby leading to miscarriage is again high.

    c) The chances of getting an infection in the uterus due to the coil can lead to miscarriage.

    d) The chances of losing the baby in the second trimester due to infections and complications are high.

    e) The chances of giving birth to a pre-term baby i.e. between 24 weeks 28 weeks are high. If you have delivered a pre-term baby, the rate of survival of the baby is critically low.

    f) Even if youve moved two trimesters with little problems , the chances of an infection with a coil inside is exponentially high.

    g) From the beginning of the pregnancy to the removal of the coil or the birth of baby, whichever comes first, the pregnancy is declared to be high-risk.

    h) The stress, the confusions, the infections, the number of visits to the doctor, the possibility of intimacy everything will be overwhelming during such pregnancy.

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    What Are The Signs And Risks Of Pregnancy With An Iud Inserted

    As with other forms of birth control , you typically still get your regular period while using a non-hormonal copper-releasing IUD, so a missed visit from Aunt Flo may be the first sign you’re pregnant, says Dr. Culwell. But the signs might not be so blatant if you’re using a progestin-releasing IUD, as they can often cause light, irregular, or absent periods, she says. “Relying on your period to be sure you are not pregnant may not be possible,” she says. In both cases, you’ll also want to watch for symptoms such as nausea, bloating, tender breasts, fatigue, and pelvic or abdominal pain if you think you may be pregnant, she says. The catch: “These symptoms aren’t specific to pregnancy, so if you are concerned at any point about pregnancy, you should take a home pregnancy test and/or contact your health-care provider,” says Dr. Culwell.

    If your IUD’s strings have traveled up from the vagina into the uterus and your provider determines they can’t be safely retrieved, removing the device while pregnant may not be an option, says Dr. Culwell. In those cases, your doctor may leave the IUD in place, as searching for the strings could “inadvertently injure” the expectant parent, according to The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. They will typically advise you to seek medical care if you have heavy bleeding, cramping, pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, or fever potential signs of miscarriage, sepsis, or premature labor or delivery, according to the CDC.

    Iuds Do Not Give Protection From Stis


    Neither type of IUD gives protection from sexually transmissible infections . Its important to practise safer sex, as well as to prevent an unintended pregnancy. The best way to lessen the risk of STIs is to use barrier methods such as condoms for oral, vaginal and anal sex with all new sexual partners. Condoms can be used with IUDs.

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    How We Handle Pregnancy With An Iud

    Our first step is to determine the type of pregnancy, which could be either:

    Intrauterine, which is the normal location for pregnancy development, allowing for fetal growth over 9 months, or

    Ectopic, which is when a fertilized egg implants in a fallopian tube or other location outside the uterus and poses serious health risks to the woman

    We used to believe that having an IUD increased the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Now we understand that because IUDs are so effective at preventing intrauterine pregnancies that, if a pregnancy does occur, theres a higher likelihood that it developed outside the uterus. But patients arent at increased risk for ectopic pregnancies just because they have an IUD.

    Next, we look for the IUD strings in the cervix to potentially remove the device. Studies have shown that the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and infection of the amniotic sac and fluid before delivery is significantly higher when IUDs are left in place during pregnancy compared to pregnancies in which the IUD is removed. However, while taking out the IUD improves the pregnancy outcome, there is still a higher risk of pregnancy complications compared to patients who never had an IUD in place. For most women whose IUD strings are visible through the cervix, we recommend removal of the IUD at the first visit.

    How An Iud Prevents Pregnancy

    There are two types of IUDs one that contains copper and one that produces progestin, which is a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone. Both create a hostile environment for sperm to prevent it from fertilizing an egg.

    The copper IUD releases copper ions that inhibit sperm. Whereas the progestin from the other IUD causes changes that also decrease pregnancy risk. Specifically, your uterine lining thins and cervical mucus thickens, essentially blocking the sperm’s path to an egg.

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    Contact Palm Beach Fertility Center For Help Conceiving After Iud Removal

    Frustrated youre not getting pregnant after doing everything right? Youre not alone. We can help you learn more about your fertility, and provide fertility treatments, should you be a good candidate.

    Every womans road to motherhood is different, and we want to help you if you are struggling. If you need guidance on trying to conceive, contact the Palm Beach Fertility Clinic for a consultation at 819-5177 or easily book your appointment online.

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    What Happens If I Get Pregnant While Im Using An Iud

    I got pregnant on birth control THAIPOLICEPLUS.COM

    If you become pregnant while you are using an IUD, it is important that you see a doctor or nurse as soon as possible and have the IUD removed. The doctor or nurse will also need to rule out a pregnancy in your fallopian tubes .

    If the IUD is removed, you can choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy . If the IUD is not removed and you continue with the pregnancy, there is a higher risk of losing the pregnancy or delivering the baby early.

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    Using An Iud After Giving Birth

    An IUD can usually be fitted 4 weeks after giving birth . You’ll need to use alternative contraception from 3 weeks after the birth until the IUD is put in.

    In some cases, an IUD can be fitted within 48 hours of giving birth. It’s safe to use an IUD when you’re breastfeeding, and it will not affect your milk supply.

    Are There Any Problems With Iuds

    The most common side effects of the IUD include:

    • irregular bleeding for the first few months
    • with the copper IUD, heavier periods with more cramps
    • lighter and shorter periods with some kinds of progestin IUDs
    • PMS-like symptoms such as moodiness, headaches, acne, nausea, and breast tenderness with the hormonal IUD

    Rare problems include:

    Expulsion. An IUD can come out of the uterus by accident . Sometimes a woman doesn’t know this has happened. If an IUD comes even part of the way out, it does not protect against pregnancy. A woman can check that an IUD is still in place by feeling for the string . After someone has an IUD inserted, she’ll need to go back for a follow-up visit to check that the IUD is properly in place.

    Perforation of the uterus. There’s an extremely small risk that an IUD might push through the wall of the uterus while it is being put in.

    Pelvic inflammatory disease . There’s a very low risk of infection from bacteria getting into the uterus during IUD insertion. Most such infections happen in the first 20 days after placement of the IUD.

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    Can You Come Inside With Iud

    The IUD works by creating an environment in your uterus thats inhospitable to sperm and conception. Depending on the type of IUD, your uterine lining thins, your cervical mucus thickens, or you stop ovulating. However, the IUD doesnt block semen and sperm from passing into your vagina and uterus during ejaculation.

    What Is An Intra Uterine Device

    26) Can You Get Pregnant While Using an IUD? (IUD Failure) What Happens Then? (Viewer Question)

    An IUD is a small object that goes inside your uterus.

    There are two types of IUDs:

    • Copper IUD – contains copper, a type of metal
    • Hormonal IUD contains the hormone progestogen

    The IUD is put in your uterus by an experienced nurse or doctor. This is simple and safe. The procedure itself takes about five to 10 minutes, but your appointment will take about 30 minutes. During this time the nurse or doctor will explain how the insertion is done and will give you instructions about what to expect once your IUD is in place.

    You cant feel it or tell it is there except by checking for the threads. If you are having penis in vagina sex, your partner should not be able to feel it. You can still use tampons.

    The removal threads come out of your cervix and curl up inside the top of your vagina they dont hang outside.

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    Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Iud

    Although an IUD is an effective method of contraception, there are some things to consider before having one fitted.


    • It protects against pregnancy for 5 or 10 years, depending on the type.
    • Once an IUD is fitted, it works straight away.
    • Most people with a womb can use it.
    • There are no hormonal side effects, such as acne, headaches or breast tenderness.
    • It does not interrupt sex.
    • It’s safe to use an IUD if you’re breastfeeding.
    • It’s possible to get pregnant as soon as the IUD is removed.
    • It’s not affected by other medicines.
    • There’s no evidence that an IUD will affect your weight or increase the risk of cervical cancer, womb cancer or ovarian cancer.


    • Your periods may become heavier, longer or more painful, though this may improve after a few months.
    • It does not protect against STIs, so you may need to use condoms as well.
    • If you get an infection when you have an IUD fitted, it could lead to a pelvic infection if not treated.
    • Most people who stop using an IUD do so because of vaginal bleeding and pain, although these side effects are uncommon.

    Can You Accidentally Pull Out An Iud

    According to Dean, its rare to dislodge an IUD, but it is possible in some instances. It is most likely to happen in the three months after you first get your IUD. Dean said though it isnt common, menstrual cups can remove IUDs partially or fully because they use suction to anchor themselves in the vagina.

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    Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With A Copper Iud

    It affects an estimated 5 out of 10,000 women with a copper IUD each year. In comparison, more than 1 out of 100 sexually active women who dont use birth control will have an ectopic pregnancy over the course of a year. What is a miscarriage? A miscarriage happens if a pregnancy ends spontaneously before its 20th week.

    How Long Can I Leave My Iud In

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    An IUD can stay in place for three, five or 10 years before it needs to be replaced, depending on the type of IUD. When you have it put in, the nurse or doctor will tell you when you will need to have it replaced.

    You may be able to keep the IUD longer if you are in your 40s. If you get a copper IUD put in after you turn 40 or a hormonal IUD put in after you turn 45, your IUD may be able to stay in place until menopause. Ask the nurse or doctor if this is an option for you.

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    Ways To Avoid Getting Pregnant On An Iud

    Though the possibility is less, there are always exceptions. So, it is better to get a few checks done even with a 99% accurate IUD in place.

  • As we know no form of contraception is 100% effective, it is wise to use an extra protection even with a coil.
  • Check the strings of your coil every now and then if you must to know it is in place.
  • Check the strings of your coil once every 6 months with your OBGYN. This is to know if its in the right position and that it has not fallen out or moved.
  • Can You Still Get Pregnant If You Have An Iud

    It is still possible to get pregnant with an IUD, however, because sperm are nothing if not determined, as is human life in general. Women with unusually large or small uteri may also be more likely to get pregnant than women with uteri that fit within the range of those tested during development of the IUD.

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