Is It Safe To Take Tums While Pregnant

Ideal Dosage Of Tums During Pregnancy

Heartburn While Pregnant

You may take two to four tablets of Tums every two hours to get the needed relief from heartburn . However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking any antacid. Also, always maintain a gap of at least two hours between taking an antacid and iron supplements to derive maximum benefits from both the medicines .

They Need Some Privacy And Space

When kids enter into adolescence, it is developmentally normal for them to desire more privacy, their own space, and independence. It is a natural part of their development as they mature and grow. As parents, we need to recognize these needs. We should allow for some privacy and time alone in their own space so that they feel both respected and comfortable in the home.

However, it does not mean that we need to allow our teens to lock their doors and that we are not allowed to enter their rooms. Parents should have the ability to check in with their kids and know what they are doing in their room. Knocking first is always a good policy, along with respecting their time alone in the bathroom.

Consider Maalox For Your Immediate Heartburn Relief

If youre still struggling to find something that will help to relieve your heartburn, you could consider Maalox. This is very similar to TUMs and offers immediate relief. Its commonly suggested to patients who have too much stomach acid or are commonly bloated or have issues with belching.

The medication works by breaking up bubbles in the body. It also neutralizes the existing stomach acid. The downside is that it doesnt prevent the problem from occurring again.

This is one of the most debated options when it comes to heartburn relief. There is some aluminum in the medication, which can be harmful to the baby in large amounts. You need to follow the instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist to keep your unborn baby safe.

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What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, your bodys hormone levels experience changes. Some may act as a muscle relaxant that helps to prepare your body for childbirth. The downside? The increase of some hormones may also relax the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. That’s the valve responsible for keeping stomach acid from moving up into the esophagus, where it doesn’t belong. If the acid moves into that area, it can irritate the esophagus and cause heartburn.2

As your pregnancy progresses and your baby grows, there may be more pressure on your stomach. This too can push the acid in your stomach past the LES and back into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

The good news is that heartburn will likely stop for most women after they give birth. If you have heartburn while pregnant, however, you may be at an increased risk of having heartburn later in life.

How Does Tums Help You During Pregnancy

Is it safe for Kids to Take Tums? (Doctor Recommendation ...

The doctor might allow you to take the medicine for quick relief from heartburn caused by acidity. Usually, antacids that contain calcium and magnesium are used as the first line treatment for treating heartburn during pregnancy . Since Tums is a good source of calcium, taking them for heartburn will also increase your calcium intake and help you get the ideal amount of the nutrient during pregnancy.

The right amount of calcium in your diet prevents lead absorption in bones and may also lower the risk of hypertensive disorders and preeclampsia .

Over usage of the medicine, however, could have adverse effects on you. Next, we address some commonly asked questions about Tums during pregnancy.

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Taking Antacids With Food Alcohol And Other Medicines

It’s best to take antacids with food;or soon after eating because this is when you’re most likely to;get indigestion or heartburn.

The effect of the medicine may also last longer if taken with food.

Antacids can affect how well other medicines work, so do not take other medicines within 2 to 4;hours of taking an antacid.

You can drink alcohol while taking antacids, but alcohol can irritate your stomach and make your symptoms worse.

How Can I Control Heartburn During Pregnancy

Prevention and Treatment of Heartburn During Pregnancy

  • Eat several small meals each day instead of three large ones.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Avoid fried, spicy, or rich foods or any foods that seem to cause relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and increase the risk of heartburn.
  • Drink less while eating.
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    What Do I Need To Tell My Doctor Before I Take Tums

    • If you have an allergy to calcium or any other part of this medicine .
    • If you are allergic to this medicine ; any part of this medicine ; or any other drugs, foods, or substances. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had.
    • If you have high calcium levels.

    This is not a list of all drugs or health problems that interact with this medicine .

    Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all of your drugs and health problems. You must check to make sure that it is safe for you to take this medicine with all of your drugs and health problems. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any drug without checking with your doctor.

    Causes Of Indigestion In Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Tips : How to Avoid Heartburn While Pregnant

    Symptoms of indigestion;come when the acid in your stomach irritates your stomach lining or your gullet. This causes pain and a burning feeling.

    When you’re pregnant, you’re more likely to have indigestion because of:

    • hormonal changes
    • the growing baby pressing on your stomach
    • the muscles between your stomach and gullet relaxing, allowing stomach acid to come back up

    You may be more likely to get indigestion in pregnancy if:

    • you had indigestion before you were pregnant
    • you’ve been pregnant before
    • you’re in the later stages of pregnancy

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    Why Exactly Does Pregnancy Cause Heartburn

    Heartburn during pregnancy will plague most moms-to-be at some point because progesterone, the hormone that relaxes muscles in pregnancy, also relaxes the stomach valve that keeps acid out of the esophagus. In addition, the growing uterus crowds the stomach, forcing acid into the esophagus.

    But there are safe, effective ways to stop it. “Pregnant women really don’t need to suffer with heartburn anymore,” says Adrienne Einarson, RN, assistant director of clinical services at Motherisk, a Toronto-based program that investigates the effects of prenatal exposures on maternal and fetal health. Here, experts recommend 12 different ways to soothe heartburn during pregnancy.

    Can Too Many Tums Hurt The Baby During Pregnancy

    Yes, excessive intake of Tums can increase calcium levels in the body , which is known to cause maternal, fetal and neonatal complications.

    Heartburn during pregnancy is extremely uncomfortable, but you can surely avoid it by making some smart changes to your diet and lifestyle. Stay away from foods and beverages that trigger gastrointestinal distress, eat small meals at frequent intervals, drink enough water every day and avoid eating close to bedtime.

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    How Do I Store And/or Throw Out Tums

    • Store at room temperature.
    • Store in a dry place. Do not store in a bathroom.
    • Keep all drugs in a safe place. Keep all drugs out of the reach of children and pets.
    • Throw away unused or expired drugs. Do not flush down a toilet or pour down a drain unless you are told to do so. Check with your pharmacist if you have questions about the best way to throw out drugs. There may be drug take-back programs in your area.

    Simethicone Safety During Pregnancy

    Milenium Home Tips: can pregnant women have tums

    Not every product you see on the shelves of your local pharmacy or drugstore has been evaluated by a professional medical association. Fortunately, simethicone and specifically its use during pregnancy has.

    The American Gastroenterological Association released a statement in 2006 about pregnant people and the safety of certain drugs for gastrointestinal issues. It categorized simethicone as low risk, but with no human data. The final determination? Its probably compatible with pregnancy.

    That said, the Gas-X FAQ page includes an important reminder about its product : Check with your OB-GYN first.

    Interestingly, simethicone works by breaking up surface gas bubbles in the GI tract and isnt absorbed by the body.

    For this reason, its considered safe to take postpartum while breastfeeding. Despite being taken orally,

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    Can I Take Antacids While Pregnant

    What medications are safe to take during pregnancy? Over-the-counter antacids such as Tums, Rolaids, and Maalox may help you cope with occasional heartburn symptoms. Those made of calcium carbonate or magnesium are good options. However, it may be best to avoid magnesium during the last trimester of pregnancy.

    Can You Take Heartburn Medicine While Pregnant

    Tums and Alka Seltzer are two brand-name, over-the-counter medicines frequently used to treat heartburn. Can you take Tums while pregnant? Can you take Alka Seltzer while pregnant? What should pregnant women know about heartburn and the medicines used to treat it? First and foremost, more than half of all pregnant women say they have symptoms of severe heartburn. Heartburn causes a burning pain in the chest and upper abdomen, and it can be a symptom of whats called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Heartburn seems to be most common during the second and third trimesters. Heartburn is a burning sensation which is caused by contents of the stomach that moves back upward. Severe heartburn can be incredibly uncomfortable and can create complications in severe circumstances. Medical professionals and researchers believe that heartburn is so common during pregnancy because of the changes in hormones that occur. Hormonal changes can affect digestive tract muscles and also food tolerance. Its also possible that hormones related to pregnancy can cause part of the stomach muscles to relax which allows more stomach acids to move into the esophagus. An enlarged uterus may also play a role by pushing stomach acids upward.

    Do you or someone you love have questions or concerns about a pregnancy and dont know where to turn for help? Get support and answers at the American Pregnancy Association at 1-800-672-2296.

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    Is Passing Gas Ok During Pregnancy

    There are no concerns for your baby when it comes to gas during pregnancy. You may not like burping or passing gas, but your baby doesnt care one bit. As noted above, the most important thing is to eat the foods necessary for providing your baby with the nutrients he/she needs as they grow.

    Tums Also Produce Calcium

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    Calcium carbonates are the over-all active counter chewable antacid. They are usually taken to provide calcium supplementation during pregnancy. Calcium is transported to the mothers placenta. The fetus in the womb is entirely dependent on the mothers nutrients, including calcium. By the end of the pregnancy, the fetus acquires 28 g of calcium and 16 g of phosphorus for the development of bones.

    The recommended daily calcium intake is 1,200 mg plus 250 g that is advised to take during the last trimester.

    Aside from providing calcium to a mothers body, it also provides a remedy for heartburns. If you are pregnant, you are also advised to take iron supplements. One thing you should remember is to take tums at a different time. If you take iron supplements at this hour, you should take the tums after two hours. Its important to put space to your doses when taking these supplements.

    If you still have pregnancy heartburn, one of the solutions is to adjust your diet and lifestyle. If you pay close attention, you will observe that there are a lot of foods are triggers of heartburn, and it will make you very uncomfortable.

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    Here Are Some Things You Should Keep In Mind While Considering Taking Tums During Pregnancy:

  • Tums, even when taken during pregnancy, will give you immediate relief from heartburn caused by acidity. While there are no reports to confirm that there arent any side effects of Tums on pregnancy, it is not a generally harmful medicine and should not affect your baby at all.
  • These contains calcium. Calcium is a nutrient that pregnant women need dollops of. Therefore, there is a chance that taking Tums during pregnancy might actually help you in more ways than just reducing symptoms of acidity.
  • When taking Tums during pregnancy, make sure you take it separately from your iron supplements. Dont take them both at the same time; try to keep a gap of at least one or two hours between your iron supplements and the time when you take Tums, so that you will get the maximum amount of benefit from both.
  • Watch Video:;Tums during pregnancy: Is It safe?

    Learn What Causes Heartburn For Youthen Avoid It

    Fat, caffeine, chocolate, citruspregnant women with heartburn have been advised to avoid all of the above at one time or another. But what causes reflux in one woman might not be a trigger for another.

    Rather than tell his pregnant patients to avoid a specific food, Dr. Richter says he advises them to stay away from foods that specifically aggravate them. Everybody’s different, Dr. Richter says. Some pregnant women can chow down on spicy Mexican food or a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with no ill effects.

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    A Word About Fda Pregnancy Categories

    Using the letters A to D and X, the Food and Drug Administration used to assign pregnancy categories to drugs according to how safe they were to take while pregnant. These categories are no longer in use officially, but people often still refer to them for guidance.

    When the lettering system was still in use, simethicone was considered category C. Category C stated that effects in human pregnancy were unknown, although some fetal damage had been observed in animal studies.

    The American Family Physician Journal also classified simethicone as considered safe during pregnancy in 2014 and assigned it pregnancy category C.

    Although Gas-X is considered safe during pregnancy, you may decide against it on your own or after talking to your OB. If thats the case, you may want to try some alternatives to avoid gas pain. These include:

    • drinking more water and then drinking even more than that
    • avoiding certain foods known to cause gas, such as beans, apples, certain dried fruits , excessive dairy, and onions
    • avoiding swallowing excess air while eating or drinking by not talking while eating and not using a straw to consume liquid
    • getting enough fiber
    • not chewing gum

    If youre already experiencing painful gas, ginger or peppermint tea might help soothe your digestive system. While other OTC options are considered pregnancy-safe, such as Maalox or Mylanta, its worth noting that they contain the same type of drug as Gas-X.

    Reasons To Avoid Antacids During Pregnancy

    Can I Take TUMS® While Pregnant

    Though not serious or rampant, antacids could lead to the below problems during pregnancy.

  • Water retention: As mentioned earlier, antacids contain sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate that retains water in the body. It could lead to swelling of the feet, hands, and ankles. If you already have swelling in the later part of your pregnancy, then this makes the problem worse .
  • Kidney stones: If you take calcium antacids regularly, the excess calcium cannot be absorbed by the body and hence passes into the bladder, causing kidney stones .
  • Food sensitivity or intolerance: When you take antacids, food may not be broken completely and could leave the proteins undigested. This could trigger the immune system and turn the proteins into allergens, leading to food intolerances .
  • Alters iron absorption: Calcium in antacids can interfere with iron absorption . Therefore, if you are taking antacids regularly, then you need to take the iron supplements after a gap. If you take both together, it could hinder the absorption of iron and lead to iron deficiency.
  • Overly alkaline: Constant intake of antacids could make the body tissues alkaline. It provides the ideal environment for the formation of kidney stones.
  • An antacid is not the only remedy for heartburn and acidity. You may try some safe natural remedies too.

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    Here are some things you need to be careful about, if you do take Tums when pregnant:

    • While talking to your doctor about taking Tums, make sure you get the dosage right. There is a good chance that the dosage you need to take now is different from the dosage you would have taken when not pregnant. Try to keep track of how many tablets you should take in a day, and do not exceed the dosage under any circumstance. Always consult your doctor for any change that you might want to make, for example, if youre feeling like the medicine isnt really working.
    • Now that you know these has a large amount of calcium in it, do not start thinking of it as a sort of calcium supplement, because it isnt. Upping the dosage of it during your pregnancy because your body requires more calcium will do more harm than good. Instead, focus on adding more calcium rich foods to your diet. If your body is still falling short on calcium, get your doctor to prescribe some calcium supplements.
    • Tums is a serious no-no for anyone with kidney problems. Even if you dont have any kidney problems but have been placed on high risk for chances of developing them, you must stay away from Tums. This is because the calcium present in Tums could lead to stones forming in your kidneys.
    • Tums could possibly lead to teratogenicity. If taken in the first trimester, it could potentially lead to a condition known as teratogenicity .

    Additionally, Tums could also cause the following side effects during pregnancy:

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