Insertion And Removal Of Intrauterine Devices
BRETT ANDREW JOHNSON, M.D., Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Am Fam Physician. 2005 Jan 1 71:95-102.
The intrauterine device is an effective contraceptive for many women. The copper-releasing IUD can be used for 10 years before replacement and is a good choice for women who cannot, or choose not to, use hormone-releasing contraceptives. However, some women experience an increase in menstrual blood loss and dysmenorrhea. The progestin-releasing IUD can be used for five years. It may reduce menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea, although some women have increased spotting and bleeding during the first months after insertion. The ideal candidates for IUD use are parous women in stable, monogamous relationships. Pregnancy, unexplained vaginal bleeding, and a lifestyle placing the woman at risk for sexually transmitted diseases are contraindications to IUD use. Insertion of the IUD can take place at any time during the menstrual cycle provided the woman is not pregnant. Before insertion, a bimanual examination and a sounding of the uterus are necessary to determine the uterus position and the depth of the uterine cavity. The IUD is inserted into the uterus according to individual protocols, with the threads cut at a length to allow the patient to check the devices position. Expulsion may occur with both types of IUDs.
Copper-releasing intrauterine device and inserter. Reprinted with permission from FEI Womens Health.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Fertility Treatments May Lead To A False Positive Reading
Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about womens health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.
Home pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in a urine sample. There are a few things that can cause a false negative reading, namely the improper use of the test, testing too early, using an expired test, or diluting the urine by drinking too much water in advance.
There are also a few medications that can interfere with the result. Rather than triggering a false negative, they can sometimes return a false positive reading, leading to you believe that you are pregnant when, in fact, you are not.
Salt Pregnancy Testx To View This Video Please Enable Javascript And Consider Upgrading To Aweb Browser Thatsupports Html5 Video Salt Pregnancy Testwhat Does Mirena Do
Mirena works by combining all the mechanisms of an intrauterine device. Mirena blocks your reproductive pathway. The sperms can no longer reach the egg in the fallopian tubes. Mirena releases hormones or metal ions for making the uterus hostile for sperms and implantation.
But if Mirena fails, then you can get pregnant. If you are already pregnant, Mirena cannot stop any event of pregnancy. So till Mirena is in a good working state, you will not get pregnant. If you get pregnant with Mirena, then it will not affect pregnancy. In short pregnancy test and Mirena have no relation. In the presence of one, the other one takes a back seat. Mirena prevents pregnancy in the first place itself rather than hampering it later.
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Reasons For Getting A False Negative Test With Mirena
There are many reasons for getting a false negative pregnancy test such as:
All these are the causes for getting a negative pregnancy test with Mirena.
Can A Guy Finish In You With An Iud
The IUD works by creating an environment in your uterus thats inhospitable to sperm and conception. Depending on the type of IUD, your uterine lining thins, your cervical mucus thickens, or you stop ovulating. However, the IUD doesnt block semen and sperm from passing into your vagina and uterus during ejaculation.
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Myth: Who Can Use The Method
Many women do not want to use the IUD because they incorrectly believe that the IUD should not be used by women who are young or who have not had children.
Fact: IUDs are safe for a wide range of women
There is no minimum or maximum age requirement for using the IUD. An IUD should be removed after menopause has occurred at least 12 months after her last monthly bleeding. There is also no requirement that a woman must have children to use the IUD. A history of pelvic infection or multiple sex partners make the choice of an IUD inappropriate for such women.
The myth that young women and women without children cannot use IUDs stems from fears about a higher risk of expulsion in these women and fears about a higher risk of infection in these women.
Expulsion is more likely in certain circumstances, such as young age at insertion . Some studies also have found a higher rate of expulsion among women who have no children. The additional risk of expulsion, however, is not sufficient to deny IUDs to women in these circumstances, because the advantages of the IUD outweigh the risks of expulsion.
How We Handle Pregnancy With An Iud
Our first step is to determine the type of pregnancy, which could be either:
Intrauterine, which is the normal location for pregnancy development, allowing for fetal growth over 9 months, or
Ectopic, which is when a fertilized egg implants in a fallopian tube or other location outside the uterus and poses serious health risks to the woman
We used to believe that having an IUD increased the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Now we understand that because IUDs are so effective at preventing intrauterine pregnancies that, if a pregnancy does occur, theres a higher likelihood that it developed outside the uterus. But patients arent at increased risk for ectopic pregnancies just because they have an IUD.
Next, we look for the IUD strings in the cervix to potentially remove the device. Studies have shown that the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and infection of the amniotic sac and fluid before delivery is significantly higher when IUDs are left in place during pregnancy compared to pregnancies in which the IUD is removed. However, while taking out the IUD improves the pregnancy outcome, there is still a higher risk of pregnancy complications compared to patients who never had an IUD in place. For most women whose IUD strings are visible through the cervix, we recommend removal of the IUD at the first visit.
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Signs Of Pregnancy With Iud
Pregnancy with an IUD typically has the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, including breast tenderness, nausea, and fatigue. If you’re experiencing those symptoms and have missed your period, call your doctor right away to find out if you’re pregnant.
It’s important to catch an IUD pregnancy early because of certain health concerns. An at-home pregnancy test might not indicate a pregnancy as early as a blood test in the office, so you’ll want to be tested by a medical professional.
Desire To Continue The Pregnancy
If the woman wishes to continue with the pregnancy, a doctor will perform a pelvic examination. If the IUD strings are visible, the doctor will remove the IUD gently.
If the IUD strings are not visible, a woman may need to undergo an ultrasound to determine its location. The next course of action depends on the location, as below:
- No IUD found: The woman will need an X-ray to locate the device.
- IUD within the cervix: The doctor will remove the IUD by pulling the strings.
- IUD above the cervix: The doctor will talk about the risks and complications of continuing the pregnancy.
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You Can’t Feel The Iud Strings
Your IUD is shaped like the letter T, with thin strings at the bottom that are used to ensure that it can be removed easily when you decide you do want to get pregnant. But it can also act as a guide to show you that itâs in its proper place. Now, if you canât feel the strings, that doesnât mean that your IUD has moved it could be that theyâve curled up, Self explained. But in cases whereyour IUD has undergone expulsion or perforation, you might not be protected against pregnancy, especially if youâve had sex. If youâre unsure if your IUD is still in place, you can schedule a sonogram with your ob/gyn, who can confirm its location â and if you might be pregnant.
Will I Get My Period With An Iud
Concerned that a missed period means you became pregnant with an IUD? Don’t fret just yet, since about 25 percent of women stop having their period while on Mirena , says Cristina Perez, M.D., an OB-GYN at the Women’s Specialists of Houston at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women.
The other type of IUD, ParaGard, relies on copper to prevent pregnancy. “ParaGard has no hormones,” Dr. Perez explains, so if you’re using it, you should still be getting your period as long as you’re not pregnant.
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Can You Get Pregnant When You Have Mirena
No contraception method is 100% effective. Only sterilisation is the way of ensuring a 100% guarantee for not getting pregnant. Sterilization methods like tying tubes ensure complete contraception.
So yes, you can get pregnant even after you have got a Mirena IUD transplanted in you. This is especially the case when youve just got Mirena transplanted.
Your body needs time to make up the environment hostile to sperms. The rhythmic cycles of hormones cannot alter within minutes. The body needs time, and in this phase, you can get pregnant even with Mirena. But getting false negative pregnancy test with Mirena IUD doesnt happen in any case.
When the Mirena IUD reaches last days of its lifespan, its effectiveness reduces. The ability to make uterus unsuitable for pregnancy or preventing sperms from fertilising the egg reduces.
When the time for getting a new Mirena nears, the chances of getting pregnancy also increase. However, even in this case, you will not get a false negative pregnancy test with Mirena IUD.
Another major reason for getting pregnant even after having Mirena is Mirena passing in urine. Such IUDs can pass out from the womans uterus due to sudden jerks even without letting her know about it.
So if such an incident occurs and Mirena no longer resides in your uterus then again you have a high probability of getting pregnant.
How Does Iud Help
The IUD method of birth control might help in these ways .
- It is an effective contraception method.
- You need not worry about remembering to take a contraceptive pill.
- It works for up to five years.
- It is reversible, and is possible to get pregnant once it is removed by a healthcare provider.
- It does not interfere with breastfeeding.
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Are Home Pregnancy Tests Always Accurate
Home pregnancy test brands boast of their accuracy. Some even claim they can give results before a missed period. But is this always true? In a perfect world, these tests would be as accurate as they claim to be. But there are a lot of factors that could impact your result. Here is a look at what can and cannot affect your at-home pregnancy test.
Birth Control
Birth control cannot give you a false positive or a false negative. At-home pregnancy tests rely on a hormone called hCG to detect pregnancy. This hormone is not a component of any common birth control method including the pill or IUD. While the most reliable contraceptives on the market today are hormone based, the hormones in these methods are usually estrogen and progesterone. Neither estrogen or progesterone impact pregnancy tests.
Wrong Time
Taking a pregnancy test at the wrong time can absolutely cause a false negative. While many tests claim they can reveal a pregnancy before a missed period, this is not the case for all women. The body produces hCG in very low levels at the beginning of pregnancy, and these levels are not yet high enough to be found during a home pregnancy test.
As your pregnancy progresses, hCG levels will double every 48 to 72 hours. The higher they become the more likely you are to get a positive result. Testing before your hCG rises to a detectable level is a sure way to get a false negative.
Diluted Urine
Medication Interactions
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Getting Pregnant With An Iud
IUDs are a very effective method of birth control, says Costescu. The copper IUDs failure rate is a mere 0.8 percent, while a hormonal IUD has a failure rate of just 0.2 percent. A copper IUD is immediately effective when placed, and the hormonal type is effective within five days after being placed, he explains. And, since you dont have to do anything after its in place, and youve had a follow-up to make sure it was inserted properly, theres no chance for user error.
The one risk is that over the five-year life of your IUD, there is a three to five percent chance it may be expelled by your body. If someone does notice they suddenly have heavy bleeding with clots with an IUD inside, that could be a sign that the IUDs been expelled, Black explains. If this happens, do a string check to make sure the IUD is still in place if you cant find the string, make an appointment with your health-care provider so they can make sure everything is where it should be and, in the meantime, use backup birth control, such as condoms.
If you suspect youre pregnant, take a home pregnancy test. If its positive, its important to see a health-care provider as soon as possible to get an ultrasound. Its an urgent matter because if you get pregnant with an IUD there is a higher chance that it will be an ectopic pregnancy, which means the embryo has implanted in one of your fallopian tubes rather than in your uterus, which can be dangerous, and needs to be treated right away.
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How Fertile Are You After Iud Removal
Your IUD can be removed whenever you are ready to become pregnant. Once it is removed, you may be immediately fertile. How fertile are you after IUD removal and how quickly you can become pregnant depends on the type of device you have, but in most cases, you are fertile enough to become pregnant within the same month the IUD is removed.
You Have Pain Even Though The Iud Is In
One sign of pregnancy that absolutely shouldn’t be ignored is pain, especially in your abdomen. “If you are having abdominal or pelvic pain that does not go away with over the counter pain medications, or you are having heavy vaginal bleeding, you need to be evaluated immediately,” explains Dr. Farid. Unfortunately, pain can be a sign of something more worrisome. âWomen who do get pregnant while using an IUD have an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy, which is very risky for a woman’s health.”
Hereâs how it happens. During an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg doesnât grow in the uterus , but rather in the fallopian tube, although it can occur in the ovary, or even the cervix, the Mayo Clinic reported. It can lead to pelvic or abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and pregnancy loss. And if you experience sudden severe pain in your abdomen, shoulder, or lower back, or feel cramping on one side of your pelvis, or even faint, you should go to the emergency room, ACOG reported.
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False Negative Pregnancy Tests
If you’ve taken a pregnancy test and believe that a negative result is wrong, the best thing to do is wait for at least two days and test again. Often, if you test too early, the hCG levels will be below the threshold of detection of many home pregnancy tests.
HCG levels are typically expected to double every two days if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant and you wait another two days before testing again, the levels should double again, increasing your chance of an accurate reading.
If, on the other hand, you are undergoing IVF or IUI, it is best to follow your doctor’s instructions and wait to get an in-office blood hCG test. While having to hold off two weeks can add anxiety to an already emotional process, the risk of a false positive test may be more upsetting than waiting for an accurate reading.
Getting Pregnant While On Birth Control Pills
The birth control pill is popular with Canadian women. According to the Canadian Health Measures Survey released by Statistics Canada in 2015, some 16 percent of non-pregnant Canadian women aged 15 to 49 had taken either the combined pill or the progestin-only pill in the month before they were polled. And it is quite effective, though definitely not perfect. Amanda Black, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at The Univeristy of Ottawa, notes that both the combined and the progestin-only pill have an eight percent failure rate with typical use. The main reason for failure? People dont take it consistently. For those taking the combined pill, its especially important to take it every day during the first week of your pack, says Costescu. If you miss any, even a single pill in that first week, there may not be enough estrogen to keep you from ovulating, and then theres a risk of getting pregnant, he says, explaining that the lull in hormones during the previous week off already begins the process of making an egg, so missing a pill in the first seven days can trigger ovulation. Theres even less room for error with the progestin-only pill, where being more than three hours late with your dose is a risk for pregnancy.
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