Can You Have Discharge While Pregnant

When To Call The Doctor

Discharge During Pregnancy: When to Worry | Parents

If youre ever nervous about your vaginal discharge during pregnancy, dont hesitate to call your doctor, wholl want to hear if anything is unusual for you, especially if the discharge is accompanied by pain, itching or burning. We talk about this all day, so if you have any questions, we want to know, Underwood says.

If you begin experiencing any of the following signs or symptoms related to your pregnancy discharge, contact your doctor:

  • Burning

Green Discharge While Pregnant

Noticing green discharge with a strong odor during pregnancy could mean that you have an infection and need to speak to your doctor about your abnormal pregnancy discharge.

Green vaginal discharge during pregnancy often means that the bacterial infection has become more severe. The book Antenatal Care: Routine Care for the Healthy Pregnant Woman says that green discharge with an unpleasant odor that causes itching and vaginal pain is often caused by bacterial vaginosis.10

Another reason for greenish discharge that smells bad is contracting Trichomonas vaginalis. This is a sexually transmitted disease that causes a greenish-yellow discharge that looks frothy. As with other bacterial vaginal infections, pain when peeing, itching around the vulva, and signs of inflammation of the vagina are often present.10

Prompt medical care is needed if you are pregnant and have yellow-green discharge and other signs of a vaginal bacterial infection.

Pregnancy Discharge: Color And Texture Changes

Stephanie Watson Nivin Todd, MD

All sorts of weird, wonderful, and sometimes surprising changes take place in your body during pregnancy. Your breasts swell, your veins enlarge, your feet lengthen, and your skin takes on that âpregnancy glow.â You might come across another unexpected pregnancy change if you happen to peer into your underwear.

Every woman has discharge, whether sheâs pregnant or not. Discharge is made up of fluid and dead cells. Itâs a natural way for the cells of your vagina and cervix to renew themselves. During the early months of your pregnancy, you might see much more than usual.

âA lot of women really notice it in the beginning part of their pregnancy,â says Susan Hernandez, CNM, MSN, chief nurse-midwife at Massachusetts General Hospital. âItâs what we always get asked about.â

The extra discharge is due to a boost in estrogen production and increased blood flow early in pregnancy, she says. When normal, it should be somewhat thick, clear to white in color, and odorless.

A very strong odor, itching, or burning could be signs of a bacterial or yeast infection, which are more common during pregnancy because of hormonal changes, Hernandez adds. A green or yellow color to the discharge is another sign of infection.

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A ‘show’ As Your Body Prepares For Birth

Many pregnant women experience a ‘show’ in the last few days of their pregnancy. This is where you notice you have some vaginal discharge. It’s generally thick and streaked with a pink jelly-like material.

This happens when the mucus that has been present at the neck of your womb comes away. This is a sign that your body is preparing for the birth. Some women have several shows before they go into labour.

Tips On What To Do About Vaginal Discharge When You’re Pregnant

What Does It Mean If I Have Brown Discharge?
  • Bathe regularly and wear underpants with breathable cotton liners. Keeping clean and dry down there helps keep bacteria in balance and prevent vaginal infections.
  • Wear pads or panty liners. These absorb excess discharge and may help you feel more comfortable. Skip the tampons, which can introduce germs into your vagina.
  • Leave the douches at the drugstore. Douching has not been shown to be safe in pregnancy and should be avoided completely. It can also upset the natural balance of microorganisms in your vagina and lead to bacterial vaginosis.
  • Don’t bother with wipes. Your vagina is self-cleaning! Wipes could change the pH in your genital tract, increasing risk of infection. If you absolutely have to have that “clean feeling,” choose wipes that are pH-safe and free of alcohol and chemicals.

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Watery And Clear Or Light Yellow

If you experience a gush or continuous trickle of watery and clear or light yellow fluid during pregnancy, it may be either urine or amniotic fluid.

Its common to experience incontinence during pregnancy, especially in later stages when your growing baby is pressing on your bladder. However, it can be challenging to know whether youre leaking urine or amniotic fluid. When in doubt, call your ob/gyn.

If youre ever unsure about a symptom, always call your provider instead of worrying that something is wrong.

When Is Brown Vaginal Normal

Small amounts of brown discharge that ranges from fluid to mucus-like consistency is common, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy. It is also normal to have some dark discharge following sexual intercourse.

Symptoms that can accompany brown discharge and shouldnt be ignored include vaginal itching, foul odour and cramping. These signs dont always indicate something serious, but it is better to be cautious and to contact your doctor.

Dark brown discharge resembling coffee grounds may indicate loss of old blood, and should be reported immediately to the obstetrician. If you are nearing the end of pregnancy, and notice that discharge is heavy and light brown with a few streaks of blood, it may be a mucus plug, indicating that you will go into labor soon.

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Is Vaginal Discharge A Sign Of Pregnancy

Vaginal discharge is generally not a sign that you’re pregnant, but in the early days of pregnancy, you might notice some light spotting called implantation bleeding. This can happen when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining. In early pregnancy, this discharge is usually pink, a bit lighter in color than normal menstrual blood. If you’re curious to find out how much you know about the other early signs of pregnancy, take our quiz. By the way, if you’ve recently discovered you’re pregnant, check out our Due Date Calculator to get an estimate of when your little one might be arriving.

How Can I Keep Feeling Fresh

What type of discharge is normal for pregnant and non-pregnant women?

When experiencing vaginal discharge, some women find it comfortable to use pantyliners, that protect their underwear and to help them feel fresh and clean every day. Always Dailies Extra Protect Liners are so thin and light, youll forget youre wearing them.

If youre looking for a more natural comfort without the extra scent, another great option is to try all Always Dailies Cotton Protection Panty Liners, which are free from fragrances and ideal for sensitive skin, to let your vagina breathe.

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Main Causes For Brown Vaginal Discharge

Fluctuations in vaginal pH can result in small amounts of brown discharge. This is typically not concerning, as it usually lasts for 2 to 3 days and resolves spontaneously.

Brown discharge in scant amounts can also occur in pregnant women, particularly after performing any physical activity .

It is important to note, however, whether the discharge is dark, has a foul odour, or causes any burning or itching, as these symptoms may this may indicate a more serious problem like:

  • Infection,
  • Possibility of miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Cervical infection

Darker discharge in large amounts or heavy bleeding, especially in later pregnancy, is more likely associated with complications like premature delivery or rupture of the amniotic sac. It’s important to contact your obstetrician whenever you see dark discharge, even in small amounts. He or she will likely perform an ultrasound to ensure your health and the baby’s.

Complications Associated With Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

Whether youre pregnant or not, in very rare cases brown discharge can be a sign of more serious issues an impending miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, problems with the placenta or a sign of an infection of the cervix or uterus. These conditions are usually accompanied by other symptoms.

If at any time the discharge turns into bright red spotting or bleeding, becomes gray in color, or if you experience abdominal cramping or tenderness, rapid uterine contractions or back pain, contact your doctor immediately.

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How Does Discharge Change When Pregnant

The amount and consistency of vaginal discharge will vary from day to day. Some days you might have more vaginal discharge than others, and some days it might be thicker or waterier. You might notice fluctuations but the important thing to remember is that vaginal discharge during pregnancy is completely normal, and 43% of women say they experienced an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. The amount of vaginal discharge during pregnancy can possibly increase until term, sometimes becoming quite heavy.

A lot of discharge during pregnancy has its benefits. Vaginal discharge is usually at its heaviest in the final weeks of pregnancy, as you experience increased discharge during pregnancy, to reduce the risk of vaginal and uterine infections.

Along with the volume of vaginal discharge, the colour can also change throughout pregnancy. White discharge during pregnancy is common, but towards the last week or so of pregnancy, your discharge may contain some pink mucus. It tends to be sticky and of a jelly-like consistency, and is your bodys way of saying that it is starting to prepare for labour.

Interpreting The Rainbow Of Discharge

Brown Discharge: Symptoms &  Remedies for Brown Vaginal ...

The amount and appearance of discharge is different for everyone, but its usually white or clear. Heres what the varied colors of vaginal discharge during pregnancy might mean:

  • Clear or milky white. This is probably leukorrhea, or normal discharge. If the amount changes to a continuous leak or thick and jelly-like, it could mean preterm labor. Tell your doctor about changes.
  • White and lumpy. If it looks like cottage cheese, it could be a yeast infection. You may be more likely to get yeast infections while pregnant so watch out for that tell-tale discharge and itching.
  • Red. While bleeding during pregnancy can be harmless, it should always be reported to your doctor. If you experience heavy bleeding and cramping, it could indicate a miscarriage.
  • Pink. This may be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Light spotting or pink discharge after sex or pelvic exams can also be a normal result of light bleeding from an irritated cervix, but it could also be a sign of infection.
  • Green or yellow. This could be a sign of one of the STIs listed above. Small amounts of urine can also be mistaken for yellow discharge.
  • Brown. This color is usually due to old blood passing from the vagina and isnt usually harmful. However, report any unusual discharge during pregnancy to your doctor to be on the safe side.
  • Gray. This could be an infection called bacterial vaginosis. You may notice a fishy smell, especially after sex.

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Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: Whats Normal

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Pregnancy can be as confusing as it is elating, and its not always easy to tell which changes are normal and which are cause for concern. One change is vaginal discharge, which can vary in consistency or thickness, frequency, and amount during pregnancy.

The Difference Between Spotting And Bleeding

Spotting is when you notice a few drops of blood every now and then on your underwear. It is not enough to cover a panty liner.

Bleeding is a heavier flow of blood. With bleeding, you will need a liner or pad to keep the blood from soaking your clothes.

Ask your health care provider more about the difference between spotting and bleeding at one of your first prenatal visits.

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How To Deal With Pregnancy Discharge

Theres really no way to reduce discharge during pregnancybut you wouldnt want to, anyway. Its your bodys natural way of expelling bacteria that could harm both you and baby. The best way to deal with pregnancy discharge is to keep the area dry and clean.

Wearing cotton underwear and a pantyliner or changing underwear once a day can keep you feeling fresh and can also make it easier to monitor anything amiss. If you have heavy discharge, you can always use a pad for extra protection. However, steer clear of tampons and douches, Underwood warns, as putting anything in the vagina during pregnancy could increase your risk of infection. You also dont need to use any wipes remember, your vagina naturally cleans itself. Plus, wipes can also potentially change the pH levels in your genital tract and lead to infection.

When To Contact A Doctor

Pregnancy Tips : Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy

A person should see a doctor if they are experiencing signs and symptoms of pregnancy. A person can take their own home pregnancy test, but it is still wise to follow up with a doctor, no matter the result.

Regardless of pregnancy concerns, if a person notices a change in their vaginal discharge, they should speak with a doctor, who can help diagnose the issue and prescribe any necessary treatment. Seeking advice is particularly important if changes in vaginal discharge accompany pain or itchiness.

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Are Clear Watery Discharge And White Watery Discharge Normal During Pregnancy

Yes, both clear watery discharge and white watery discharge are totally normal, and will likely get heavier as you get farther along in your pregnancy. Its fine to wear a panty liner or pad, if youd like. But steer clear of tampons, since they can introduce unwanted germs into the vagina.

Even if the discharge feels sticky or is bothering you, a daily shower or bath is all you need to keep yourself clean. Avoid douching, since it can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your vagina and up the risk of infection.

What Is The Purpose Of Leukorrhea

While it may seem like a nuisance at times, leukorrhea actually serves several purposes during the course of your pregnancy. This early pregnancy discharge helps protect your birth canal from infection and helps maintain a healthy level of bacteria. Leukorrhea also helps flush out dead cells from the vagina.

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Gray Discharge During Pregnancy

Gray discharge is a sign of a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis . You need to be careful about gray discharge, especially it comes with a fish-like smell. Bacterial imbalance around the vaginal area is the reason for this infection. It can occur due to multiple sexual relationships. BV is a common infection which many women suffer from during their pregnancy.

Clear White Discharge During Pregnancy

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Clear white discharge is an indication of normal discharge. You need to pay attention to the smell. In case, the discharge smells mild, you can be assured that this is a good sign. However, if you notice any change in the texture or the quality, you should immediately see a doctor because this might be an issue.

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Signs Of Abnormal Discharge

Speak with your healthcare provider if you experience signs of abnormal discharge, including:

  • Yellow, green, red, or grey in color
  • Strong, foul odor
  • Redness, itching, or swelling of the vaginal area

While it might be nothing to worry about, it could signify something more is happening, especially since yeast infections are more common during pregnancy. Some critical notes to include when discussing discharge changes with your healthcare provider include when the change occurred and symptoms youre experiencing.

What If I Discharge More Than Blood

If something other than blood comes out, call your provider right away. Put the discharge in a jar or a plastic bag and bring it with you to your appointment.

Your provider will check to see if you are still pregnant. You will be closely watched with blood tests to see if you are still pregnant.

If you are no longer pregnant, you may need more care from your provider, such as medicine or possibly surgery.

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Milky White Vs Egg White Discharge

At the beginning of your menstrual cycle , you may experience thin, milky white discharge. As you get closer to ovulation, your vaginal discharge may turn from thin and milky white to clear and stretchy.

Some women call this egg white discharge because it is the consistency of an egg white. Of course, every woman is different, so your vaginal discharge may not perfectly follow this pattern.

The difference between milky white discharge and egg white discharge is primarily in the color with milky white discharge being white or off-white in color, while egg white discharge is usually transparent.

That being said, you cannot necessarily tell if you are fertile solely from the color of your vaginal discharge. Its important to use a hormone tracker like Mira to get your exact hormone concentrations if you are trying to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy naturally.

What Is Viginal Discharge During Pregnancy

Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy

Vaginal discharge is common for female throughout the month. Well, these vaginal discharge changes from time to time especially during the early stages of your pregnancy. This type of vaginal discharge is known as leukorrhea. It is a thin and milky white substance.

The amount of vaginal discharge increases during pregnancy and turns into the mucus plug gradually. This mucus plug used to protect your baby from infections and breaks down during the delivery.

If a vaginal discharge occurs, especially if you missed your period then it is considered a sign of pregnancy. The changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is due to increased estrogen. This rise in estrogen level also prompts the blood flow to your pelvic area, which also leads to increase the discharge.

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