How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Your Period Ends

Families With Breast Cancer

Can I get pregnant right after my period?

Ms. G. is a 40-year-old woman with two smallchildren. Like most women, she is concerned about her chances of developingbreast cancer. She asks her doctor about her risks. Although breast cancer is a worry for most women, Ms. G. is especially worried because of a family history of breast cancer. Her mother and sister had breast cancers that were diagnosedat young ages.

The mammary gland is made up of lobules — glandular structures that produce milk in females when stimulated to do so. The lobules drain into a system of ducts, connecting channels that transport the milk to the nipple. Between the glandular tissue and ducts, the breast contains fat tissue and connective tissue.

Both males and females have breasts. The structure of the male breast is nearly identical to that of the female breast, except that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, as there is no physiologic need for milk production by the male breast. Abnormal enlargement of the male breasts is medically known as gynecomastia.

The breast does not contain muscles. Breast tissue is located on top of the muscles of the chest wall. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are located throughout the breast. The lymphatic vessels in the breast drain to the lymph nodes in the underarm area and behind the breast bone .

How Many Days After My Period Can I Get Pregnant

Whether you are a woman trying to get pregnant or you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant, it is entirely your choice.

In both cases, it can be helpful and extremely important to do your research on fertility and help you identify the best time to get pregnant or prevent possible pregnancy. This article should be able to help and will tell you all about fertility and your period.

To learn more about fertility and pregnancy, you can also read our guides to working while pregnant and whether you can run when pregnant.

Causes Of Cramps After Period

Pain that appears midway through your cycle could be:

  • Ovulation pain: Pain that suddenly develops midway through your cycle may be a sign of ovulation, which is when an ovary releases an egg. Cramps may be sharp or dull, and they occur either in the middle or on one side of your lower abdomen or pelvis. They can last anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of days.
  • Implantation: If you have menstrual-like cramps but no period, it might be implantation pain. This type of cramping outside of your period can occur as early as six days and as late as 12 days after ovulation. Implantation usually occurs just before the time youd normally expect your period and may be accompanied by light spotting. But if you ovulated early in your cycle i.e. right after your last period you could theoretically experience implantation cramping a week or so after your period.

If you experience cramps that begin with your period and continue after its over, or if you have abdominal pain throughout your cycle, it could be secondary dysmenorrhea linked to:

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How Long Should A Normal Menstrual Cycle Last

An average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, defined from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the first day of bleeding of the next period. However, irregular periods are very common.; An irregular period is defined as a cycle that varies by more than seven to nine days.;

There are several reasons why women may have abnormal periods, which can include fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, and even something as common as stress.;

If youve constantly had an irregular period, please contact us for an appointment to determine the underlying cause and initiate treatment, said Dr. Martinelli.;

What Can I Do To Get Pregnant

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If you want to get pregnant, its a good idea to talk to your doctor. Many doctors will advise a few lifestyle changes if youre trying for a baby, such as taking a folic acid or prenatal vitamin supplements, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, and trying to maintain a healthy weight. You may also want to use an ovulation test to help you identify when your most fertile days are. You can see our range of ovulation tests and fertility monitors;here to help you maximize your chances of conceiving.;

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Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period

A person can get pregnant during their period, but it is unlikely.

A person is most likely to become pregnant in the middle of their menstrual cycle, which is when the ovary releases an egg in a process called ovulation.

The egg then travels to the uterus, where a sperm cell can fertilize it.

According to the Office on Womens Health, the average menstrual cycle is 28 days. The menstrual cycle is the time between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period. Ovulation usually occurs 719 days after a persons period ends.

The egg can only survive for 1224 hours after ovulation. For this reason, it must meet a sperm cell in this time for pregnancy to occur.

A person is most likely to get pregnant if they have sexual intercourse in the 3 days before and up to the day of ovulation.

Since a person with 28-day cycles typically does not ovulate until around a week after they stop bleeding, they cannot usually get pregnant during their period.

However, it is not quite as simple as this due to three main factors:

  • a persons menstrual cycle length
  • monthly differences in the timing of ovulation
  • how long sperm stays alive inside the female body

Menstrual cycles are still normal if the period comes every 2438 days, so cycle length varies significantly between people. People with shorter menstrual cycles may ovulate closer to their period than people with longer cycles.

So, although it is possible to become pregnant during the period, it is unlikely.

If Youre Trying To Get Pregnant

If youre trying to get pregnant, pinpointing ovulation is a vital first step. If youve been dutifully baby dancing mid-cycle and havent yet gotten pregnant, you may even wonder if you have more irregular ovulation and would benefit from sex during or right after your period.

There are several ways you can try to figure out your ovulation patterns. They include:

At-home ovulation predictor kits. These tests work by detecting LH , which surges 12 days before ovulation takes place. So these kits can tell you when youre going to ovulate, but they cant tell you when ovulation has taken place.

Progesterone test kits. Some women who have irregular periods, such as those with PCOS, find that using a kit that detects progesterone the hormone released right after ovulation is helpful to use in addition to a standard ovulation kit. Determining whether or not your body produced progesterone will help you to know if you ovulated or not.

Fertility apps.Ovulation-tracking apps compile a monthly record of multiple factors, such as basal body temperature and cervical mucus. They can help women with regular periods determine when theyre ovulating. We wish we could put this in neon flashing lights, though: These apps can help you get pregnant, but theyre not birth control and shouldnt be used to prevent pregnancy.

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Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period If You Have An Irregular Cycle

Yes. If you have an irregular period, it can be harder to predict when youll be ovulating and that could cause you to get pregnant accidentally, since it can be harder to avoid having sex close to that time.;

Here are a few types of irregular menstrual cycles, and how it’s still possible to get pregnant:

  • You have a short cycle. Some women have cycles as short as 21 days and still ovulate, which means they dont have as much time between when they finish menstruating and when they next ovulate. And since sperm can live in your reproductive tract for a few days, if you happened to have sex during your period and then ovulated the following cycles egg two to three days later, that egg could encounter viable sperm. And you know what that means.
  • Your periods last a long time. While your body is slowly shedding that uterine lining, the clock is ticking on ovulation and your next egg shows up while youre still bleeding from the previous months egg. So youre already fertile again which means you can get pregnant on your period.
  • You have breakthrough bleeding, or spotting, when you ovulate. Especially if you have light or irregular periods, it would be easy to mistake this bleeding for a true period even though its happening when youre actually most fertile, since youve just ovulated.

Sometimes, however, an irregular period can be a sign that;you’re not ovulating at all, which is one cause of infertility.

Emergency Contraception Types And Side Effects

Can you get Pregnant right after your period? – Dr. Shashi Agrawal

Emergency contraception is a medication or device used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse has occurred. Emergency hormonal contraceptives are sometimes known as “morning-after” pills. These drugs prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after intercourse. This is also known as emergency contraception. Insertion of a copper intrauterine device is also an effective method of emergency contraception.

Side effects of emergency contraception

Side effects of emergency contraception or “morning after” pills can include

Got It So When Can You Have Unprotected Sex


Just kidding . In general, your period is the part of your cycle when youre least likely to make a baby. But regardless of timing, its impossible to be 100 percent sure that unprotected sex wont result in pregnancy.

If you have a 28-day cycle that runs like clockwork, your fertile window lasts for about 6 days mid-cycle . Your safest bet for unprotected sex is a week or so after ovulation just before, during, or just after your period.

But and were sounding like a broken record you could still get pregnant if you have an unpredictable cycle, if you have short cycles, or if you have sex within 5 days of your fertile window .

Can I Get Pregnant A Couple Of Days After My Period Has Finished

Its possible, but also unlikely. Though there is always risk of pregnancy if you have sex without contraception a. If you ovulate early when you have short menstrual cycles you may be able to get pregnant this time of the month. However, once youve finished your period youre moving into your fertility window, which means your chances of getting pregnant increase as you approach ovulation. ;

Best Time To Get Pregnant After A Period

The likelihood of becoming pregnant is highest during the two days before ovulation begins or exactly on the day of ovulation, when an egg is released from the ovary. Usually, ovulation happens about two weeks before the start of the next period. Cycles and ovulation dates vary, so you may want to try an efficient method of predicting ovulation to improve the chance of conception.

Here are four methods for predicting ovulation; they can help you find the best time to get pregnant after your period:

  • For regular cycles with the same number of days each month, an ovulation calculator can help determine the most fertile day of the month.;
  • Tracking the signs and symptoms of ovulation, like changes in basal body temperature and cervical mucus, can also help determine the best time to get pregnant after your period.
  • Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period While Using Birth Control

    8 reasons you missed your period, other than being pregnant

    It’s possible to get pregnant when you’re using birth control, whether you’re on your period or not.

    The likelihood that a contraceptive will fail varies depending on the method of birth control :

    • Oral contraceptives : About 7 to 9 percent failure rate
    • Progestin-only pill: About 7 percent failure rate
    • Patch: About 7 to 9 percent failure rate
    • Vaginal contraceptive ring: About 7 to 9 percent failure rate
    • Male condoms: About 13 to 18 percent failure rate
    • Diaphragms: About 12 to 17 percent failure rate

    For what it’s worth, tracking your monthly cycle called “fertility awareness” in order to avoid pregnancy isn’t the most reliable birth control method; the typical failure rate may be as high as 23 percent.

    The bottom line: Although the odds are slim, you can get pregnant on your period or any other time of the month. It’s even possible to get pregnant on your period if you’re using birth control.

    So unless youre trying to conceive, its always smart to be vigilant about contraception unless you like big surprises.

    From the What to Expect editorial team and;Heidi Murkoff,;author of;What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our;medical review and editorial policy.

    While Youre On Your Period

    As any woman with a calendar and a bunch of best friends will tell you, the amount of days each woman spends menstruating can vary a lot.

    Your menstrual flow may start to diminish and lighten in color, or turn brown towards the end of your cycle. It feels and looks like youre still menstruating, but your body is already gearing up for your next fertile time.

    If you have sex towards the end of your period, you may actually be getting close to your fertile window, especially if you have a short cycle. Lets take a look at the math.

    Say you ovulate early, about six days after your period starts. You have sex on the third day of your period. The sperm have no egg to fertilize, but theyre also in no hurry to die so they hang out, doin what sperm do.

    A few days later, while theyre still swimming around, you ovulate and theyre drawn to that egg like a fish to water. One gets through, and there you have it fertilization has occurred as a result of period sex.

    The Ins And Outs Of Period Sex

    So now we know it is possible to get pregnant on your period, its important you take the right precautions. When used correctly, barrier methods such as the condom are very effective at preventing pregnancy and also offer protection against STIs.

    While many may think its gross or messy, having sex on your period is perfectly healthy and lots of women swear by it for a number of reasons. Due to a dip in progesterone, you may find your sex drive increases around menstruation. On top of this, orgasms can alleviate period cramps and cause the uterus to contract more, which in the end can mean shorter periods too.

    Before you get into the swing of things, make sure you remove any tampons or menstrual cups before sex. These block the vaginal passage and it can be dangerous if they are misused or left too long inside the vagina.

    While you might be expecting a Stephen King-style horror scene, you may actually be surprised by how little menstrual blood there is. The heaviness of your period is a very personal thing that varies from cycle to cycle, however, the average woman will only produce 6-8 teaspoons worth of blood during her entire period. That being said, you might want to have an extra towel on hand, or suggest things get steamy in the shower.

    How Long Should You Wait

    Keeping in mind that your body is constantly changing, its pretty much impossible to ever be 100 percent safe when it comes to avoiding pregnancy, if youre having unprotected sex.

    Your menstrual cycle starts on the first day of your period, and ends on the last day before your next period starts. If you have a clockwork menstrual cycle of 28 days, you are at your safest but not totally in the clear around one week or so after you ovulate. Keep in mind that sperm can continue to live in your body, so if youve had unprotected sex, this sort-of-safe window may change.

    If your periods are even the slightest bit irregular, so is your fertile window. And keep in mind that your cycle can change at any time, without giving you a heads up in advance.

    Chances Of Getting Pregnant Right After Your Period

    Can I get pregnant after having my period?

    “I recommend having sex frequentlytwo to three times a week, but every other day if you canshortly after you stop menstruating to cover your window of pre-ovulation,” says Kelly Pagidas, M.D., a fertility specialist with Women & Infants Center for Reproduction and Infertility in Providence.

    Here’s why: Around day seven of your cycle, you’ll notice a vaginal discharge that seems a little springy to the touch. Within a few days, it will turn white and creamy, a cue that your fertility is returning once again. It doesn’t mean the egg has been released yet, but it indicates that ovulation is on the way and that your cervical mucus is a friendly environment for sperm.

    Remember, you can get pregnant right after your period, even if you’re not yet ovulating. That’s because sperm can live up to five days if it’s trapped in fertile cervical mucusso it behooves you to get a few of his swimmers in place. “One study showed that people who had sex only one time during this phase, even four to five days before ovulation, still got pregnant,” says Steven R. Bayer, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at Boston IVF fertility clinic in Boston.

    Your chances of conceiving: Good. An egg isn’t technically released during this phase, but you’ll want to step up your sexual routine in the event that you ovulate earlier than planned.

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