How To Feel Better While Pregnant

How To Feel Amazing During Pregnancy

How to Feel Amazing While Pregnant

1. Working out, hard.

This is completely dependent on the individual, and Ill be totally honest, this was definitely not my motto in my first trimester. Ill caveat what Im about to say with the fact that I had an all-white diet of bagels, butter, cheese, and pasta for the months one through three. But when second trimester rolled around, I was determined to feel like myself again. So as my belly grew, so did my workouts. I still frequent SoulCycle, barre classes, and even the occasional Barrys Bootcamp. For me, sweating hard and working hard has always been something that my body needed to function at its best, so Ive continued the same routine to date with some slight modifications to ensure Im not overheating or hurting the baby. But honestly, my favorite days are those where I can get a serious sweat going!

2. Invest in a key piece that will make you feel GOOD because damn, you look good.

3. Going Out with your Girls

Theres nothing worse than not drinking, except for not drinking AND having to stay at home and wallow in the fact that you are dry for the next 10 months. So Ive enjoyed late nights with my hubby and girlfriends over cocktails , getting high on amazing conversations and getting lost in funny banter and putting on a pair of heels that make me feel my best.

4. Pounding the Pavement.

5. Forgetting Im Pregnant.

What Causes Pregnancy Fatigue

Well, you are growing a human. Growing a human is hard and tiring. Your body is dealing with the newness of having a human body in you. Not only is making a baby very tiring there are additional changes that your body is going through to make it even more exhausting. Your hormone levels are changing and causing you to feel extreme fatigue. According to Healthline, you might be feeling fatigued because of some of these issues:

  • increased levels of estrogen and progesterone
  • lower blood pressure and blood sugar
  • increased blood flow
  • back, hip, and pelvic pain

Sanford Health’s Tips For Battling Nausea From Taking Small Sips To Taking Downtime

Oh, and another thing, you thought it was supposed to be morning sickness. Unfortunately, it is nottruly morning sickness for most women it can happen morning, noon or night, sometimes all three.

Morning sickness is a very common part of pregnancy. Up to 50 percent of pregnant women will have nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and up to 80 percent will have at least some nausea. It is usually not harmful to your growing baby, but it can have a serious impact on your quality of life for a while. You may have trouble doing regular daily tasks or it may affect your work. So what can you do? You want to not only endure this part of the pregnancy, but enjoy it as well.

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If You Get Sick While Pregnant: 16 Helpful Tips

When youre pregnant, your body cant fight it off illnesses like it normally does, making you more vulnerable to a cold, fever, stuffy nose, sore throat, flu or stomach bug. On top of being pregnant! That can get rough. To help pregnant moms feel better while sick, we recommend this informative blog by Dennis McGroary, MD, FACOG, an OB/GYN with our Obstetrics/Gynecology group .

Take Parenting Prep Classes

6 Ways To Feel Better When Anemic While Pregnant in 2020 ...

Knowledge is power, and its also stress reducing. By preparing yourself for your upcoming role as a parent, you can reduce anxiety.

Parenting prep classes can also build confidence, and this confidence can result in increased happiness. You can find classes through your local hospital, library, or other community center.

As an added bonus, parenting classes can also help you connect with other expecting/new parents

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Tips To Manage Peeing Often While Pregnant

It might not be possible to have a complete regular pee frequency like someone who is not expecting a baby, but a few tips and tricks can help you keep the count of urine during pregnancy under control.

Can Pregnancy Peeing Be a Sign of a Problem?

What does frequent urination mean? Is it an indicator of only pregnancy? Although pregnancy and urination go hand in hand, frequent urination can also mean other underlying problems. Here are a few things that frequent urination can indicate.

  • UTI or a Bladder Infection If the frequent urination is accompanied by a burning sensation, fever, smelly or cloudy pee, this can signify Urinary Tract Infection. Ensure that you discuss the symptoms of a UTI with your gynaecologist, and upon experiencing any, visit the doctor and get yourself checked.
  • Gestational Diabetes Gestational Diabetes is a temporary form of diabetes that a few women might experience during pregnancy. Usually, between week 24 & week 28, you will be tested for diabetes and insulin tolerance. However, suppose you feel nauseated before this test happens or have excessive fatigue accompanied by a more frequent urge to pee. In that case, you should talk to your doctor and get tested for gestational diabetes.

Medicines You Should Not Take While Pregnant

Some medications for cold symptoms should not be taken by pregnant women because they could complicate the pregnancy and cause harm to the unborn baby, including:

  • Some pain relievers and fever reducers. Studies suggest an association between analgesics such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen and pregnancy complications, including low birth weight and preterm delivery.
  • Most decongestants. Steer clear of decongestants such as Claritin-D, Sudafed or DayQuil.
  • Some nasal sprays. Avoid non-steroidal nasal decongestant sprays containing ozymetazoline .
  • Alternative or homeopathic remedies. Dont take Echinacea, supplemental vitamins or other over-the-counter herbal remedies without medical approval.

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Medication Ask Your Doctor First

Unless your doctor tells you to, don’t take any medications while pregnant, even over-the-counter medicines like cold or allergy tablets, anti-inflammatory drugs, or pain relievers. Anything you take eventually makes its way to your baby, so it’s best to be safe. If you took medication before you got pregnant, your doctor can tell you whether you need to keep taking it or adjust your medication.

Pregnancy Discomfort #5 Insomnia: I Cant Stay Asleep No Matter What I Do


Youre not alone! According to the National Sleep Foundations 1998 Women and Sleep poll,78% of women report more disturbed sleep during pregnancy than at other times.The term insomnia includes having a hard time falling asleep and/or staying asleep.Hormonal changes are one of the biggest reasons for fatigue and sleep issues during pregnancy. These changes may have an inhibitory effect on muscles, which may result in snoring, and in heavier women increases the risk of developing sleep apnea. In addition, your new level of hormones may be partly responsible for the frequent trips to the little girls room during the night. These interruptions, as well as those caused by nausea, heartburn, and other pregnancy-related pains, can result in loss of sleep. Emotional turmoil and stress about delivering a 7-9 lb human being are also to blame for insomnia.Some of the common sleep issues that occur or are made worse during pregnancy are:

  • Insomnia
  • Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux /heartburn

How Can You Avoid or Treat Insomnia During Pregnancy?:

Dont be afraid to talk to your healthcare provider about sleep issues. It may be an alert to a nutritional deficiency or a respiratory issue that your doctor will want to check for. They may also have helpful suggestions!

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Clear Minded & Level Headed

Candys story is another one who felt absolutely happy while pregnant.

My self image was definitely higher and at its highest when I was pregnant ! I never felt more clear minded but overall felt level headed and great about myself. I think having kids does a real number on you, mentally.

Since she felt this amazing with all 5 of her pregnancies, I believe her. My ability to enjoy pregnancies diminished with each one. By number 3 I was literally over it. So I admire her enjoyment of it.

Get Comfortable In Bed

Getting comfortable in bed can be tricky when youre pregnant.

We suggest using pillows to elevate your legs when sleeping on your back . When you turn on your side, place a pillow between your legs to take pressure off your hips and another pillow under your stomach to keep your body in a comfortable position.

Experiment with different positions and find one that works best for you. Be sure to try out different pillows for your neck and head, too. You may have slept with one type of pillow all your life, but when you get pregnant, your preference may change.

Note: Sleeping on your back is not recommended after the first trimester of pregnancy. It can be dangerous because it causes the weight of your growing uterus to rest on your intestines and your vena cava, the main vein that carries blood from your lower body to your heart.

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Changes In Your Body During Pregnancy: Second Trimester

Last Updated January 2021 | This article was created by editorial staff and reviewed by Leisa Bailey, MD

A womans body continues to change in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The second trimester is often defined as weeks 13 through 26. During this time, your baby continues to grow and develop almost daily. This means your belly grows more, and youll notice other changes as well.

How Is Morning Sickness Managed

How to Feel Beautiful While Pregnant

Morning sickness can often be managed by making changes to your diet and having plenty of rest. The support of family and friends can also make morning sickness easier to manage.

Its important not to take any medicines to treat your morning sickness without first talking to your doctor.

These food and eating suggestions may help you to manage the symptoms of morning sickness:

  • Eat smaller meals more often. Missing meals can make nausea worse.
  • Avoid large drinks. Have frequent small drinks between meals.
  • Limit your consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  • If possible, ask other people to help with cooking, or prepare your food at times of the day when you feel better.
  • Try eating a dry biscuit before you get out of bed in the morning.
  • Eat a healthy snack before you go to bed at night. This might include fruit , crackers with hard cheese or yoghurt.
  • Try ginger tablets, dry ginger ale, peppermint tea or ginger tea .
  • Avoid foods if their taste, smell or appearance makes you feel sick.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth straight after eating because this can cause nausea.

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Mustela Cares About You

Mustela wants you to enjoy your pregnancy, and we know that good sleep is essential for your health and the health of your baby.If youre having trouble falling asleep or having trouble staying asleep throughout the night implement these tips into your daily and nightly routine.We suggest picking one or two of the ideas that most appeal to you and trying them out for a few nights. When youre comfortable with those, pick one or two more and add them to your regular activity.With time and practice, you can enjoy a restful and reinvigorating nights sleep through all nine months of your pregnancy.While youre trying new things to make your pregnancy experience the best it can be, consider adding Mustelas maternity skin care products to your routine for smooth, hydrated skin both day and night!

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Is There Medical Treatment For Morning Sickness

Yes. If you cant relieve morning sickness on your own or if you have severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, your provider may treat you with these medicines:

  • Vitamin B6 and doxylamine. Your provider may treat you with these medicines separately or together. You can get vitamin B6 and doxylamine over-the-counter , which means you dont need a prescription for them from your provider. Doxylamine is found in some OTC medicines that help you sleep. Or your provider may prescribe you a medicine that combines them.
  • Antiemetic drugs. These are drugs that help prevent vomiting. If Vitamin B6 and doxylamine dont work, your provider may prescribe an antiemetic drug for you. Not all are safe to use during pregnancy, so talk to your provider to make sure the medicine is a good choice for you.

Talk with your provider before you take any medicine during pregnancy, even medicine to help treat morning sickness.

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Feel Confident Not Self

This is such an exciting time! But with the changes taking place in your body, it’s easy to feel self-conscious. Take charge of your attitude. Surround yourself with positive friends or join a pregnancy support group. Read books or talk to your health care provider about what to expect. By eating right, exercising, and having a positive attitude, you can enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.

Robert Daly / OJO Images M Sweet / Flickr Lori Adamski Peek / Worbook Stock

Your Feelings And Emotions During Pregnancy

10 Tips to Sleep Better During Pregnancy

During pregnancy you will probably feel many ups and downs. You may experience some or all of these emotions :

  • surprise if your pregnancy is unexpected. You may then feel joy or fear or both
  • happiness, particularly if you have been trying to have baby and you feel well
  • anger, which can result from your bodys hormonal changes, from a sense of being vulnerable, or from pregnancy symptoms that are uncomfortable or painful
  • fear for the babys health, if you have concerns about your baby having an illness or disability. If you are worried about a particular risk, talk to your midwife or doctor
  • fear of birth, which is a recognised psychological disorder. Counselling and talking with your midwife or doctor can help you overcome this fear
  • love for your baby, your partner and your family
  • sadness or disappointment if you have illness or complications during your pregnancy, or you cant have the birth plan that you would prefer
  • general sadness about the world, whereby you find it hard to watch the news or hear sad stories about children or families
  • grief, if you suffer a miscarriage, a loss at a later stage of pregnancy, or a stillbirth
  • prolonged sadness from perinatal depression. In this case, you will need the help of health specialists.

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Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About This Symptom

Like every other symptom related to pregnancy, you will have many questions going through your mind about frequent urination.

Let us try to address those FAQs here!

  • What is considered frequent urination in pregnancy?
  • When does frequent urination start during pregnancy?
  • Will I need to pee this often the whole pregnancy?
  • How often should you pee?
  • When Does Frequent Urination End?
  • Constantly looking for and running towards a washroom can be funny or even irritating, but it does not have to be painful, and you do not have to suffer just because the growing baby has taken your bladder hostage inside you. There are ways to manage frequent peeing. Remember, cutting back on the water to control the urge to pee again and again is not a healthy choice. Have a happy pregnancy!

    How Can You Avoid Or Treat Headaches During Pregnancy

    • Posture plays an important role. Try to stand up and sit up straight.
    • Get plenty of rest and practice relaxation exercises
    • Exercise
    • Eat frequent and well-balanced meals
    • Foods can often be a trigger for headaches or migraines. Keep a food diary and avoid foods that set off headaches, such as chocolate, caffeine, dairy, meats with preservatives, etc.
    • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 cups of water a day

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    Pregnancy Discomfort #6 Bleeding Gums & Tooth Pain

    Issues with oral health during pregnancy are overshadowed by some of the more obvious symptoms, but this is not one to ignore! A recent survey by Cigna Insurance Company found that 75% of pregnant mamas experience some type of oral health issue during their pregnancy. The symptoms included bleeding gums, toothache, and increased tooth sensitivity.

    Only 57% of the women actually visited a dentist during their pregnancy. Its important to visit your dentist during pregnancy because any infection in the oral cavity can have a negative effect on the health of your baby.

    The most common oral discomfort pregnant women encountered were bleeding gums. This is primarily due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy which make the gums sensitive to the presence of plaque. Bleeding gums, if left untreated, can lead to periodontal disease . Many studies state that periodontal disease can be a potential risk for low birth weight babies. Bleeding gums can also lead to a gingival recession which can cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures and make teeth more susceptible to decay at the gum line. Your dentist can give you suggestions on treatment and gentle tooth care.

    How Can You Avoid or Treat Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy?:

    Risk Factors For Morning Sickness

    6 Ways To Feel Better When Anemic While Pregnant

    It’s thought hormonal changes in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are probably one of the causes of morning sickness.

    But you may be more at risk of it if:

    • you’re having twins or more
    • you had severe sickness and vomiting in a previous pregnancy
    • you tend to get motion sickness
    • you have a history of migraine headaches
    • morning sickness runs in the family
    • you used to feel sick when taking contraceptives containing oestrogen
    • it’s your first pregnancy
    • you’re obese
    • you’re experiencing stress

    Visit the pregnancy sickness support site for tips for you and your partner on dealing with morning sickness.

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