What Are The Ovulation Days To Get Pregnant

Using Ovulation Test Kits

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant After Ovulation | How Many Days After Ovulation can You Get Pregnant

Ovulation predictor kits are available from chemists and are fairly simple to use. They work by detecting a hormone in your urine that increases when ovulation is about to take place.

The simplest ovulation test kits check for luteinising hormone , which surges 24-36 hours before ovulation. This will help to identify the best two days for conception, although a woman can be fertile for a day or so before and after this time.

It is best to become familiar with your usual menstrual cycle to help figure out when you should start testing. If you have an irregular cycle then an ovulation predictor kit can help you identify the time of ovulation, but expect to use more of the test strips.

How Do You Calculate Your Due Date

Everybody says that pregnancy is a long nine months, but its actually 40 weekswhich is more like 10 months! In general, it takes about 280 days to grow and gestate a baby, but its hard to know the exact day of conception . Plus, 40 weeks is only an average: Some babies wait 42 weeks before they make their big debut. Fun fact: The week of your last period and the week you ovulated are included in the 40 weeks, so if you go into labour on your due date, your baby is actually only 38 weeks old.

Many doctors use a method that sounds like a math test problem: Take the first day of your last menstrual period, add seven days and subtract three months.

Even if you think you know the exact night you conceived, some doctors prefer to date ultrasounds, which help them measure the gestational age of a fetus. Early in the first trimester, the technician may use a transvaginal wand if the uterus is deep in the pelvis or if the woman is overweight to get an image of the teeny-weeny baby . Typically, the ultrasound is done over the stomach.

Age Affects Your Conception Chances

Fertility goes down with age, especially after the mid-30s. It also lowers the chances that fertility treatments will be successful. Experts say you should talk to your doctor if you’re under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months, or over 35 and have been trying for more than 6 months.

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How Does Fertility Differ On The Pill

Birth control pills aim to prevent unintended pregnancy. The pill prevents pregnancy by releasing synthetic hormones that stop ovulation from occurring and the uterus lining from thickening.

So, even if the ovaries do release an egg, a fertilized egg would be unable to implant in the wall of the uterus. The pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to reach an egg.

According to the CDC , the pill is more than 99 percent effective with perfect use but only 91 percent effective with typical use. This means that, with typical use, around 9 out of 100 women would become pregnant in a year of taking the pill.

How Accurate Is This Ovulation Calculator

16 Myths About Getting Pregnant and Ovulation

This is the most accurate babyMed proprietary formula and was developed by an Ob-Gyn to help you calculate your fertile days to improve your chances of getting pregnant. The babyMed ovulation and fertility calculator will calculate your most fertile days to have sex, and it will also help you predict the precise day you will ovulate. It will also calculate the implantation day, when to expect the first pregnancy signs and symptoms, and when your pregnancy test could become positive. In addition, it will tell you the days you are less fertile, and less likely to get pregnant.

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Track Your Most Fertile Days

Generally, the best chance of pregnancy is when sex happens 1-2 days before ovulation. If you have a regular 28-day cycle, count back 14 days from when you expect your next period to start. Plan on having sex every other day around that time — say, days 12 and 14. Your cycle may be longer or shorter, so an online ovulation calculator or over-the-counter ovulation and fertility kits can help you figure out the most likely day.

How To Determine The Best Time To Have Sex To Conceive

Watching ovulation signs, such as a slight increase in BBT, changes in cervical mucus, and increased sex drive, can help determine the best time to have sex to boost chances of becoming pregnant.

In addition, having sex during the fertile window increases the chances of conception. During this timeframe, the body is ready to receive sperm for fertilization.

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How Do Ovulation Kits Work

Ovulation predictor kits, or OPKs as theyre often referred to on trying-to-conceive forums and websites, are an easy way for women to track their potential ovulation dates. Standard kits work by detecting the luteinizing hormone surge in urine that comes with ovulation. Ovulation is expected to occur within 24 to 36 hours of the detected LH surge, so you should start testing in the days leading up to when you expect to be fertile to avoid missing the window. Advanced OPKs will also measure estrogen levels to help you determine peak times to have intercourse.

Urine ovulation kits can be as accurate as blood work for detecting LH, says Garbedian. However, women with irregular cycles, such as women with polycystic ovary syndrome or poor ovarian reserve, or a high baseline level of LH may experience difficulty using themthey can potentially get false positive results. For these women, LH level tracking, coupled with follicle monitoring by ultrasound, is more accurate at detecting ovulation.

Truth: Caffeine Does Not Prevent Conception

How to Find Ovulation Day | Menstrual cycle explained | Fertile Days to Get Pregnant

Its debatable whether you need to completely quit caffeine when youre trying to get pregnant. The research hasnt been clear. For example, a study in Denmark found that tea drinkers were slightly more likely to get pregnant, soda drinkers were slightly less likely to conceive, and coffee seemed to have no impact on fertility.

What does all that mean? We dont know. For now, though, most agree that less than 300 mg of caffeine a day should be fine. One cup of coffee is less than 300 mg.

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When To See A Fertility Doctor

If youre having intercourse twice a week for a year and you arent getting pregnant, its unlikely that timing is to blame. Something else could be at play and you should see your doctor to tackle the challenge together. If you are 35 or older, see a fertility specialist after 6 months of trying to get pregnant.

You should also seek care if you know you have polycystic ovary syndrome or irregular periods. For example, if youve been taking birth control for years and dont get your period within three months after you stop taking it, make an appointment. Otherwise, you could waste time collecting data with an ovulation kit and be nowhere closer to conceiving.

Truth: Male Fertility Also Declines With Age

Youve likely seen stories of male celebrities fathering children past age 60. This may have given you the impression that male fertility has no age limit, but thats not entirely true. While men dont go through a biological process like menopause, with a definite ending to their fertile years, male fertility does decline with age.

Besides an increased risk of infertility, pregnancies conceived with men over 40 are more likely to end in miscarriage or stillbirth. There is also an increased risk of certain diseases and conditions, including autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and childhood leukemia.

One study found an increased risk of fertility problems when both parents are older. They found that when a woman was age 35 to 39 and her partner was five or more years older than she was, their odds of conception dropped from 29% to just 15%.

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How Long Should I Try For Before Seeking Specialist Advice

Conception is a complicated sequence of events because all of the following need to be in place for it to occur:

  • Regular egg production by the ovaries
  • Healthy sperm, with the ability to move and the correct shape
  • Unblocked and healthy fallopian tubes and uterus

The number one factor affecting a couples chances of conceiving is the womans age. The number of healthy eggs a womans ovaries contain will dramatically decline with age and especially for women over 35. Most people start to consider seeking professional advice after six months of trying to conceive naturally without success. This is even more important if youre over 35.

Can You Track Your Ovulation

How Long Does Ovulation and Your Fertile Window Last?

While the most accurate ways to confirm ovulation is with an ultrasound in the doctors office, or with hormonal blood tests, there are many ways to track ovulation at home.

  • Basal body temperature charting. This involves taking your temperature with a basal thermometer each morning throughout your cycle to record its changes. Ovulation is confirmed after your temperature has stayed elevated from your baseline for

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Try An Ovulation Predictor Kit

OPKs are at-home test kits that detect a surge in luteinizing hormone , which your body releases 24-48 hours before you ovulate.

In the middle of your cycle, you’ll test your urine every day for 5-10 days. When your LH goes up, it’s time to start trying to conceive.

There are two types of OPKs:

Ovulation test strips. These are paper strips you dip into a cup of your urine. A few minutes later, a line shows up. Depending on how dark it is, you’ll know if you’re about to ovulate.

Digital ovulation tests. They’re typically more expensive than test strips. With a digital test, you hold a stick under your morning stream of pee. The digital monitor tells you if you’re likely to start ovulating.

You can get OPKs at many drugstores and supermarkets. Most have clear instructions and a toll-free number for questions.

OPKs are helpful if you have sex less often or you’d like to time it more precisely, Marut says, but they’re not always accurate.

So When Exactly Is Ovulation

So when exactly is ovulation? This is where it gets a bit tricky. The reason? Theres no single answer thats accurate for everyone. Ovulation can occur on different days for different women, and often on different days within the same woman!

Unfortunately, theres also a lot of misinformation out there that can easily put you wrong. Here are 3 of the most common myths around the timing of ovulation:

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How Else Can You Increase The Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Often, when couples are trying to conceive, they focus so intensely on their reproductive health, they neglect their overall health. Life becomes all about cervical mucus, sperm count, and doing the deed. But it’s important to pay attention to your health in general because issues like weight, smoking, stress, and medications can affect fertility too, Dr. Chen says. Before trying to conceive, it’s a good idea for both you and your guy to have a medical checkup to discuss any issues that may affect fertility or pregnancy.

Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Ovulation Day

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation is over?
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Early in life, before my reality became tainted by infertility, I had a half-baked impression about how easy it is for women to get pregnant. Honestly, I had no idea what my chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day were.

I mean, I wasnt completely ignorant about the topic. I understood the birds and the bees and had sat through health class like everyone else, but there were still certain things I just didnt get.

Like how easy it is, or is not, to conceive at any time during the month.

I was under the naive impression that anytime a person had unprotected sex, it pretty much meant a baby was probably going to show up nine months later.

Thankfully, Ive become a bit more educated since then.

If youve been wondering what your chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day might be, weve done the research and are here to provide you with all the information you desperately need to know.

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When To Speak With A Doctor

A person should speak with a doctor if they do not become pregnant after 1 year of trying to conceive.

Age may also determine when to seek help. People between 3540 years of age should speak with a doctor after 6 months of trying to get pregnant. For those above 40 years of age, a healthcare professional may run some fertility tests.

A doctor may also test for possible signs of infertility or if a person has ever had repeated miscarriages, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, prior cancer treatment, or a history of irregular periods.

Can You Get Pregnant On Your Ovulation Day


Not only can you get pregnant on ovulation day its one of the most fertile days in a womans reproductive cycle.

In fact, you have a 30% chance of getting pregnant on your ovulation day, or the two days before ovulation. These chances depend on your age, so be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about your ovulation cycle and your age if you have concerns.

What does that mean for you? If youre looking for TTC tips, it means you should learn when you ovulate and try to have sex in the few days leading up to ovulation day!

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Cervical Mucus Stages: What It Looks Like When You’re Fertile

Hormone fluctuations cause your cervix to secrete a discharge called cervical mucus during your cycle. It changes in appearance, texture, and amount throughout the month based on your estrogen levels.

There are four types of cervical mucus, ranging from type 1 to type 4 . If you’re trying to get pregnant, finger testingobserving the feel and consistency of the discharge by rubbing or pulling it between your index finger and thumbis the best way to check the cervical mucus changes we outline here. But don’t get discouraged if you can’t tell differences right away.

“It may take up to four months to get familiar with your body and be able to detect mucus changes,” says Cindy M.P. Duke, MD, Ph.D, medical director of the Nevada Fertility Institute in Las Vegas.

When To Have Sex

How Ovulation works

“Timing sex as close to ovulation as possible is important,” Manglani says. Your best bet is to have sex often. Try doing it every day starting 5 days before ovulation. Keep going one day after ovulation.

Another option: Try the “sperm meets egg plan.” Have sex every other day starting on day eight of your cycle. Start an OPK on day 10. “Once you have a positive result on your OPK, have sex every day for three days,” Manglani says.

If you don’t get pregnant in 6 months, see a doctor. “Most regular OB/GYN offices can start a fertility workup,” Manglani says. Or reach out to a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist.

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How To Increase Your Chance Of Getting Pregnant

If you want a baby, here are five tips to increase your chance of getting pregnant.

  • Know when you ovulate
  • Pregnancy is only possible if you have sex during the five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. This is called the fertile window. Having sex during the fertile window, especially the three days leading up to and including ovulation, gives you the best chance of getting pregnant.

    So how do you know when youre ovulating? It depends on the length of your menstrual cycle. It happens about 14 days before your period starts so if your average cycle is 28 days, day one is the first day of your period and you ovulate around day 14. This means your most fertile days for sex are days 12, 13 and 14.

    If your average menstrual cycle is 35 days, ovulation happens around day 21 and your most fertile days for sex are days 19, 20 and 21.

    If you have a shorter cycle, say 21 days, ovulation happens around day seven and your most fertile days are days five, six and seven.

    Use this ovulation calculator to help you pinpoint your fertile window.

    If you have an irregular cycle and cant work out when you ovulate, having sex every two to three days should improve your chance of getting pregnant.

  • See your GP for a preconception health check
  • Eat well and exercise
  • For women and men, working towards a healthy weight increases the chance of pregnancy. Being in good shape will not only boost your fertility and your general health, it will also give your baby the best start in life.

    Chances Of Getting Pregnant Before Ovulation

    Heres a graph of chances of conception depending on the day of the ovulation cycle, in women aged 26-35. Day 14 is the day of ovulation. so Day 9 is 5 days before ovulation.

    Just to make this very clear, here are the chances in a table:

    Chances of Getting Pregnant 6 Days Before Ovulation 0%
    Chances of Getting Pregnant 1 Day After Ovulation 0%

    Myth: Its best to have sex every other day, so you can hit at least one of the two best days and save up your sperm.

    Reality: Chances of conception are nearly identical whether you have sex once, twice, three times, or more in the 6-day window before ovulation. The critical thing is to hit the day of ovulation or the day before.

    Fun fact: Out of say ~500 million sperm in an ejaculation, only 200 will reach the egg and have a chance of fertilization.

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