Will Taking Prenatal Vitamins Help Me Get Pregnant

Prenatals: Improving Egg Quality

Prenatal Vitamins: What vitamins should you take when trying to get pregnant?

Youre born with all the eggs that youll ever have. But that doesnt mean that all your eggs are of perfect quality. Egg quality decreases as we age. Its just a fact of life. But luckily, research has shown that we can help those little eggies along a bit. Help them develop into the best versions of themselves.

So how do prenatals help improve your egg quality?

Well, a research study showed that women undergoing infertility treatments tended to have lower levels of micronutrients and antioxidants. Were talking about lower levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and trace elements such as zinc, selenium, Vitamins B2, B6, C, E, and folate.5,6,7

That doesnt sound very good, right? Luckily theres some good news. If youre undergoing IVF and youve been wondering if you should ditch your vitamins not so fast!

Researchers found that a multivitamin can help restore these micronutrient levels in women undergoing IVF.7

And not just that, but research tells us that supplementation with a multivitamin can have a positive influence on both egg quality and embryo quality.7,8 In other words, eggs that fertilize and develop into embryos are of higher quality.

This brings me to the next part, can prenatal vitamins help you stay pregnant?

Prenatal Vitamins When Not Pregnant

Youve likely already heard a lot about prenatals, and thats because taking a daily prenatal vitamin is important for a healthy pregnancy journey. So you know that theyre good for youbut why are these pills so important for pregnancy and what do they do, anyway? Could taking a prenatal vitamin improve your chances of getting pregnant? When should you start taking them?

Dont worry, were here to help straighten out the details!

Why Should I Take Folic Acid

If you have the right level of folic acid in your body before you get pregnant, it reduces the risk of the baby developing neural tube defects by up to 70%. Neural tube defects are problems with the brain or spinal cord, including spina bifida.

Spina bifida is not common but it can cause a wide range of problems for the baby, including:

  • problems with movement
  • learning difficulties.

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When To Take Prenatal Vitamins

Its best to take the prenatal at the same time every day so you dont forget about it. You can adjust the timing when to take prenatal vitamins to address some of their side effects. For instance, if you have nausea, you can take the vitamin with food.

You can also take them before lunch A prenate pill that consists of iron, calcium, and folic acid is absorbed better if you take it on an empty stomach, as iron cant properly absorb if you have just eaten dairy food.

Misconceptions About Prenatal Vitamins

Seven Seas Trying for a Baby Vitamin supplements to take when trying to ...

Many women claim that prenatal vitamins affect hair and nail growth. Some claim that taking prenatal vitamins makes hair grow thicker or faster, and that nails could grow faster or stronger too.

But according to the Mayo Clinic, these claims havent been proven. Taking prenatal vitamins for better hair or nails likely wont bring the desired results. They could also have adverse side effects.

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Experiment With Different Foods

If youre getting queasy from your vitamins, consider taking them with or without meals. Taking vitamins on an empty stomach might be annoying for some people, while others find that they can only take them on an empty stomach.

Starting a prenatal vitamin should be at the top of your preconception to-do list if youre seriously considering becoming pregnant in the coming months.

If youre already pregnant, you should start taking one right away. It will aid in developing your childs strength and health .

If youre not thinking about getting pregnant right now but could be in the future, take a folic acid vitamin every day. You will provide all you require if you become pregnant, without overdoing it on prenatal nutrients.

With the launch of our Nurturey Pregnancy Nutrition Bundle, we aim to make sure you have one less thing to worry about during your pregnancy. The affordable box is designed to help you maintain ongoing nutrition without getting confused about which supplements you need to take.

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Does It Matter When You Start To Take Prenatal Vitamins

ACOGs recommendation is to start a prenatal at least one month preconception. This is because nutritional needs start changing in very early pregnancy, soon after conception meaning its important to make sure youre giving yourself enough time for nutrients to build up to sufficient levels before you can confirm whether youre pregnant.

Here’s an example: We know that the neural tube closes within the first few weeks of pregnancy . Because a good chunk of neural tube development happens before someone can even know whether or not theyre pregnant, its crucial that people who are trying to conceive have sufficient amounts of the nutrients that keep this process running smoothly before they can confirm theyre pregnant.*

Highlighting the importance of folate for fetal development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually recommend that all people with ovaries of childbearing age, regardless of whether theyre currently trying to conceive or pregnant, make sure theyre consuming adequate amounts of folate, either through balanced eating or supplementation .* Their logic here is that because almost half of pregnancies in the US are unplanned, making sure that people who could potentially get pregnant are getting sufficient amounts of folate at all times.

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Best Prenatal Vitamins Before Pregnancy

Congratulations, you are thinking about getting pregnant! Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times of your life, and you may be wonder, do prenatal vitamins help you get pregnant? However, the short answer is no they help prevent pregnancy complications, such as low birth weight and premature birth. Ultimately helping you experience a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

Prenatal multivitamins may not help your chances of getting pregnant, but they reduce your chances of birth defects. Their use significantly helps reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects, spina bifida and is associates with a lower risk of miscarriage. Think of them as an extra insurance policy with essential nutrients that help fill the nutritional gap of your daily food intake.

We recommend you add a prenatal multivitamin before getting pregnant. While doing this may not make you pregnant, it may help prepare your body to nourish your eggs and aid your uterus to be in optimal condition for implantation. Here are the benefits of taking prenatal vitamins before pregnancy.

Does Folic Acid Increase Fertility

Do prenatal vitamins improve your fertility?

Folate supplementation prior to conception has been associated with a greater chance for getting pregnant, improved success with fertility treatments, and reduced risk of neural tube defects in the baby, says Low Dog. Though, more testing is needed. For pregnant women, the RDA of folic acid is 600 micrograms .

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What Are The Risks Of Taking Geritol

There are rarely observed side effects like constipation, nausea, and vomiting. You can take Geritol after asking your doctor. Make sure you are not taking any other contraindicatory supplement. Taking two types of supplements will overdose your body. Geritol is safe for you unless you have diabetes. Sugar based syrup contents are not ideal for diabetic patients.

Similarly, know about the alcohol content of the syrup. The alcohol is not like the glass of wine and will not intoxicate you. Instead, its for the preparation of the syrup. You can consider these ingredients of Geritol that may conflict with your interests.

Benefits Of Taking A Prenatal Vitamin Before Pregnancy

A prenatal vitamin is an excellent investment for you and your future baby. Although many of us have well-rounded diets, most of us are also unable to absorb adequate amounts of essential vitamins needed to support a healthy pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins help ensure that were receiving essential vitamins during pregnancy.Studies also show that taking a daily vitamin can lower your risk of giving birth prematurely and even stave off morning sickness. But thats not all a prenatal can do before and during pregnancy.Taking prenatal vitamins before conception can reduce the chance of irregularities such as neural tube defects, heart defects, limb deformities, and cleft palate, according to research published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. Additionally, taking vitamins before TTC may reduce the risk of preterm birth. Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill found that taking vitamins before conception reduced the risk of preterm birth by about one half in a group of about 2,000 women.After conception, folate supports the earliest, most critical stages of fetal development. The babys brain and spine develop within the first month of pregnancy, sometimes before you even know youre pregnant. By the time you get that first positive test, you should already be regularly consuming folate.Prenatals also support you during your pregnancy. While pregnant, you need about twice the amount of iron and a prenatal can ensure adequate iron stores.

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How Can I Get Pregnant In 2 Days

If you had sex on Monday and ovulate on Thursday, conception could still occur days after you had sexual intercourse. While you’re more likely to get pregnant if you have sex two to three days before ovulation, you can get pregnant from sex that occurs up to six days before an egg is released from the ovary.

Prenatal Vitamins And Fertility

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In order to get pregnant, your reproductive system and overall health need to be in check.

Your body needs to be fully primed with all the essential vitamins and minerals.

This can be achieved with a nutritious diet and proper supplementation to fill in any potential gaps.

If all systems are GO, you primly position yourself to be in the best possible state to conceive.

Some nutrients in prenatal vitamins are especially beneficial for finally getting that pregnancy test to read positive !

Folic Acid

Studies suggest that women supplementing with a multivitamin on a daily basis have a lower risk of experiencing ovulatory infertility.

The journal of Fertility And Sterility of the American Society For Reproductive Medicine published a study including 18,555 women over the course of 8 years who attempted or successfully got pregnant.

The results showed that women who took a multivitamin supplement 6+ times per week had the lowest rate of infertility.

Women taking a multivitamin 3-5x per week and 2x per week also had a lower rate of infertility compared to women not taking any multivitamin.

The mutivitamin consisted of folic acid, vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, D, C and E, niacin, retinol, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, and manganese.

The results suggested that the B-vitamins, vitamin B9 in particular seemed to have the greatest effect on ovulatory fertility.


This includes you and your man!

Men should get 11 mg of zinc per day and women should get 8 mg.


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Prenatal Multivitamins Dont Help Much Study Says

11 July 2016

For pregnant women, taking prenatal vitamins may be a waste of money, a new review of previous research suggests.

Instead of taking multivitamin and mineral supplements, pregnant women should focus on improving the overall quality of their diets, and should take just two vitamins: folic acid and vitamin D, according to the review, conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom.

We found no evidence to recommend that all pregnant women should take prenatal multinutrient supplements beyond the nationally advised folic acid and vitamin D supplements, generic versions of which can be purchased relatively inexpensively, the authors wrote in the report, published today in the journal Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin.

Although multivitamin supplements are frequently marketed to pregnant women as a means of giving their babies the best possible start in life, such marketing claims do not actually translate into better health for mothers or babies, the researchers said.

However, eating healthy foods before and during pregnancy is essential for the health of mothers and their unborn children, because vitamin deficiencies have been linked to various complications of pregnancy and birth, the researchers said. Those complications include a pregnancy-induced, high blood pressure condition called preeclampsia, restricted fetal growth, skeletal deformities, low birth weight and birth defects of the brain, spine or spinal cord, the researchers said.

What Do Prenatal Vitamins Do

If youre wondering, What do prenatal vitamins do? Do prenatal vitamins substitute a healthy diet? read on.

Prenatal vitamins are not substitutes for a healthy diet, as you still need to consume foods rich in nutrients and minerals. They help maintain the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to support your pregnancy.

Be sure to discuss with your doctor to determine when to start taking prenatal vitamins and which formulas they recommend. If you take more than the recommended dose, you can harm your baby. Some of their nutrients include:

  • Folic acid: It is a B vitamin that pregnant women need to help their baby grow and develop. It can also prevent birth defects. You can take between 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day.
  • Iron: Patients need to take 27 milligrams of iron a day, asit supplies oxygen to the fetus and supports the placentas development. It can also prevent anemia, a condition in which you dont have enough healthy red blood cells.
  • Calcium: We recommend taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. This helps the baby to develop its bones, muscles, and teeth.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid : This is an omega-3 fatty acid that can prevent pregnancy-related complications.
  • Zinc: It reduces preterm births.
  • Vitamin A: Helps with eye development. Patients can take e700mcg a day. If you take it in large doses it can cause birth defects.

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Does Taking Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant

Is it an illusion?

No! Its actually prenatal vitamins working wonders for your body. Doctors recommend that you take prenatal vitamins at least three months before attempting pregnancy.

But does taking prenatal vitamin actually increase your chances of getting pregnant? Does it boost your fertility?

First, we need to unravel the components that are inside prenatal vitamins that give them their so-called magical properties. You need your prenatal vitamins to have at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. This will help in restricting a very specific malformation on the developing baby, known as a Neural Tube Defect. Other than this, your prenatal vitamins also need to contain iron. Iron is vital for your body during pregnancy since the need for it within your body increases.

Bone growth is important during pregnancy too! This is brought about by Vitamin D and Calcium, which directly contributes to the development of the framework of your babys body. On top of this, Omega-3 Fatty acids are going to help with the babys central nervous system. This is especially important because it will eventually come to determine a flourishing brain development of the baby.

There are also other ways to improve your fertility, though.

It is important to remember that YOU are at the center of it all. In combination with prenatal vitamins and other fertility enriching methods, you will be the one to reap the benefits and be rewarded with a healthy little baby!

Boost Your Dairy And Iron Intake

Re: Can prenatal vitamins help if I am trying to get pregnant?

Besides eating right and taking prenatal vitamins, try to fit in one serving of full-fat dairy a day as part of your plan to get more calcium. Research shows that one serving of whole milk or cheese can lower your chances of ovulatory infertility .

Also aim for two servings a day of iron-rich foods like leafy greens, beans and lean meats since anemic women can have irregular cycles.

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Cut Down On Caffeine To Boost Sperm Count

A study of Danish men found that sperm count and sperm concentration were slightly reduced in men who had a high soda and/or caffeine intake. For this reason, Dr. Mazzullo says you should limit your caffeine consumptionthat includes coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinksto 300 milligrams a day, or about three 6-ounce servings.

Good Nutrition Is Essential

A healthy diet and exercise are essential for womens health. Career demands and busy social lives can make it difficult for women to get all the vitamins and minerals they need through diet alone. Lack of good nutrition can affect womens fertility. The menstrual cycle can be disrupted, leading to irregular periods and lack of ovulation. A prenatal vitamin contains the nutrients needed to maintain and boost fertility.

For women who undergo fertility treatments, taking a prenatal vitamin may also help them to get pregnant. A 2011 study published in Reproductive BioMedicine Online concluded that taking a prenatal vitamin while undergoing treatment helped women to conceive and maintain pregnancy.

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What Is Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. It also helps your bodys nerves, muscles and immune system work. Your immune system protects your body from infection. Vitamin D helps your babys bones and teeth grow.

During pregnancy, you need 600 IU of vitamin D each day. You can get this amount from food or your prenatal vitamin. Good sources of vitamin D include:

  • Fatty fish, like salmon
  • Milk and cereal that has vitamin D added to it

The Natural Prenatal Vitamin To Boost Reproduction


KEY INGREDIENTS! Conceive Plus products are formulated by fertility specialists with natural ingredients to aid conception.

DIRECTIONS: Take two capsules daily with food and a glass of water. If sensitive to dietary supplements start by taking 1 capsules daily for the first two weeks to allow your body to adjust and get used to the multivitamin formula. Use through the first trimester before changing to Conceive Plus Prenatal Vitamin Gummies or Conceive Plus Prenatal Vitamin Capsules. This product works best for women with irregular cycles, PCOS and those seeking support for irregular ovulation cycles or hormone balance. In case of symptoms of nausea, cramping, acne, or changes in urine color, take only one capsule with food and water to allow your body to adjust. Consult your healthcare professional before starting your journey to conception for medical advice tailored to you.

It’s an important time in your life, get your supplements from a Trusted Fertility Health Brand such as Conceive Plus. Weâve included physiologically-important ingredients in our fertility support supplement for all women of all backgrounds to conceive and are the prenatal vitamins women trust to support their fertility in more than 70 countries around the world.

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