What Foods Should You Eat To Get Pregnant

Foods High In Folic Acid

Best foods to eat for fertility How to Get Pregnant

You know how you should take a prenatal vitamin when youâre expecting? Well, those all-important 400 micrograms of folic acid found in your prenatals can help prevent neural tube defects in your baby. But while you could always pop a prenatal pill daily as youâre trying to conceive, you can also find some folic acid naturally in foods like asparagus, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, or beets, Dr. Witt recommends.

Myth: You Need To ‘eat For Two’

The British Nutrition Foundation says pregnant women only need to eat an extra 200 calories a day during the third trimester. You certainly don’t need to eat more in preparation for getting pregnant.

Van de Bor says: ‘You need to be a healthy weight to conceive.’ Pregnancy charity Tommy’s says that reaching the ideal BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 also helps with fertility in other words, ideally you shouldn’t weight either too much or too little.

Keeping active and eating well can help you get to a healthy body weight which should help you to conceive. Up your exercise levels to get fit for pregnancy by creating a home gym and investing in a fitness tracker.

Trying To Get Pregnant Here Are Foods That Can Help You Get Pregnant Faster

Written by Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti | Updated : November 24, 2014 6:44 PM IST

One of the most precious and desirable moment for every women is to have a baby. But when a woman finds it difficult to become pregnant, it might take a toll on her. Although there might be many factors contributing to infertility in women, experts believe that having the right food can be a simple yet effective way. These foods not only regulate hormonal balance in the body and boost fertility but also increase the chance of a women getting pregnant. Here are top 21 fertility super foods from our expert Dr Neha Sanwalka, dietician and nutritionist, which every woman planning to conceive should include in her diet.

Vegetables super foods that boost fertility in women

  • Green leafy vegetables: Dr Neha says, ‘Being rich in folic acid and iron, green leafy vegetables are a perfect super food for women planning to get pregnant. In addition to aiding in the development of a strong endometrial lining , iron helps in the attachment of zygote to the uterus.’
  • Cabbage: While most of us don’t like to eat cabbage, when it comes to infertility issues, cabbage can definitely help you. This is because, it contains di-indole methane, a chemical that plays a key role in estrogen metabolism thereby preventing the formation of fibroids and endometriosis.
  • Fruits must-eat superfoods for women planning to conceive

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    Fruit And Vegetables In Pregnancy

    Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables because these provide vitamins and minerals, as well as fibre, which helps digestion and can help prevent constipation.

    Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day these can include fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. Always wash fresh fruit and vegetables carefully.

    Find out what counts as a portion of fruit or vegetables.

    Adjust Your Lifestyle To Address Pcos

    What to eat to get pregnant?

    How do you know if weight is affecting your fertility? A good place to start is to take a look at your body mass index . While BMI cannot account for important factors such as muscle mass and body fat percentage, it can give patients an idea of whether they might benefit from losing or gaining weight in the interest of maximizing their fertility. As a general rule, a BMI under 18.5 or over 30 may suggest that a patients weight is adversely affecting his or her fertility.

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    Refined Grains Are Extremely Unhealthy

    Refined grains are like whole grains, except all of the good stuff has been removed.

    Nothing is left except the high-carb, high-calorie endosperm with lots of starch and small amounts of protein.

    The fiber and nutrients have been stripped out, and refined grains therefore classify as empty calories.

    Because the carbs have been separated from the fiber, and perhaps even ground into flour, they are now easily accessible to the bodys digestive enzymes.

    For this reason, they get broken down fast, and can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed.

    When we eat foods with refined carbohydrates, our blood sugars go up rapidly, and then drop again soon after. When the blood sugar levels drop, we become hungry and get cravings .

    Numerous studies show that eating these types of foods leads to overeating, and may therefore cause weight gain and obesity .

    Refined grains have also been linked to numerous metabolic diseases. They can drive insulin resistance and are linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease .

    From a nutrition standpoint, there is nothing positive about refined grains.

    They are low in nutrients, fattening, and harmful, and most people are eating way too much of them.

    Unfortunately, the majority of peoples grain intake comes from the refined variety. Very few people in Western countries eat significant amounts of whole grains.

    Top 10 Healthy Foods To Boost Your Fertility

    Some women have a harder time getting pregnant than others. If you have been trying to conceive for long without much success, then you may want to consider consuming some of the foods given below. These foods have the potential to correct/manage hormonal imbalances in the body and provide essential nutrients that could help boost fertility.

    Here are some of the top fertility-boosting foods that you can eat while trying to get pregnant:

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    Foods That Can Affect Fertility

    Infertility affects about 9% of married women who are of childbearing age, according to a national survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While couples can’t control all of the causes of infertility, they can control their eating habits. And, nutrition and a healthy body weight for both partners can have a significant impact on the ability to conceive.

    Women and Fertility

    To prepare for pregnancy and enhance fertility, maintain a healthy weight and choose foods that will create a safe and supportive home for your baby’s nine-month stay. This should include sources of folic acid, iron, and other important nutrients.

    Men and Fertility

    Men also should try to maintain a healthy body weight and follow a balanced eating pattern, since male obesity may alter hormone levels. Plus, low sperm count and poor sperm motility are common in men with overweight and obesity. When it comes to food choices, load up on fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may help create strong sperm.

    Find Your Healthy Weight

    Avoid going on fad diets, which can deplete your body of the nutrients it needs for pregnancy and find a healthy eating plan that works for you by talking to a registered dietitian nutritionist.

    Include Adequate Amounts of Iron

    The “Fertility Diet” Pattern

    Women following the “fertility diet” chose:

    Don’t Forget Folic Acid


    The Good Types Of Fat Unprocessed Fats

    The top foods to eat if you’re trying to get pregnant

    Finally we have arrived at the good fats. These fats are all natural and unprocessed and are essential for a healthy diet, regardless of a pregnancy bump or not.

    Fats have been given a bad rap over the last 50 years but all the research shows that the unprocessed, natural fats are essential for good health and not the baddies they have been made out to be.

    Why?Fatty acids are an essential nutrient that the body needs.

    Triglycerides, cholesterol and other essential fatty acidsthe scientific term for fats the body cant make on its ownstore energy, insulate us and protect our vital organs.

    They act as messengers, helping proteins do their jobs. They also start chemical reactions that help control growth, immune function, reproduction and other aspects of basic metabolism.

    Fats help the body stockpile certain nutrients as well. The so-called fat-soluble vitaminsA, D, E and Kare stored in the liver and in fatty tissues.

    Source Livescience.com

    The best fats to focus on are those that have not been heat processed.

    These are extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, butter, palm oil and tallow.

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    How To Avoid Them

    It can be tricky to completely avoid trans fats.

    In the United States, manufacturers can label their products trans-fat-free as long as there are fewer than 0.5 grams of these fats per serving.

    Clearly, a few trans-fat-free cookies could quickly add up to harmful amounts.

    To avoid trans fats, its important to read labels carefully. Dont eat foods that have any partially hydrogenated items on the ingredients list.

    At the same time, reading labels doesnt always go far enough. Some processed foods, such as regular vegetable oils, harbor trans fats but fail to name them on the label or ingredients list.

    One U.S. study of store-bought soybean and canola oils found that 0.564.2% of the fats were trans fats without any indication on the packaging .

    Thus, the best thing you can do is to reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet.


    While reading labels is a helpful step to ensure youre minimizing your trans-fat intake, the optimal option is to cut processed foods out of your routine entirely.

    Colourful Fruits And Vegetables

    When you are trying to get pregnant, you may want to include colourful vegetables and fruits, like red and yellow bell pepper, pumpkin, kale, etc. into your diet. These vegetables are loaded with phytonutrients along with plant compounds and vitamins which can help boost your fertility. Remember, the richer the colour of the fruit or the vegetable, the higher the amount of phytonutrients it contains. You can opt to include them with your penne pasta, make smoothies, or just saute them in some olive oil.

    These are some of the foods which can increase your chances of getting pregnant. While you may want to include these foods into your diet, you may also be required to stop consuming some of the foods that are always a part of your diet. Lets take a look at them.

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    Myth: There Are Specific Foods That Can Boost Your Fertility

    There are many myths and old wives’ tales about how eating certain foods can boost fertility, like pineapples aiding embryo implantation or protein shakes improving egg quality, but Van de Bor says there is no evidence for specific foods helping.

    However, she says that the Mediterranean diet is linked with good health and may be beneficial for fertility.

    ‘This diet is high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil, with moderate intakes of meat, dairy and alcohol. In terms of male fertility, foods rich in vitamin c, zinc, iron, folate, selenium as well as oily fish can help improve sperm quality,’ says Van de Bor.

    So What Is The Conclusion

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    The conclusion is that there really is no concise conclusion without first consulting a doctor. Diet, especially if you are undergoing fertility treatments, is something that should not be changed without the consent of a doctor. So, before you proceed on an IF diet or any diet you read about online. please be sure to consult a physician.


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    Go Nutty For Nuts And Seeds

    Nuts and seeds are great for a quick snack anytime and theyre also great to your diet for your pregnancy months because they contain so many important nutrients.

    Youre going to be getting a big dose of omega-3 here, especially if you go for walnuts, whilst also getting that super important folate at the same time.

    Why?On top of those benefits youll get a whole range of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, B Vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and a range or other micronutrients.

    A good choice is hazelnuts which are high in folate, as well as vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Zinc and Omega 6 and 9.

    Cashew nuts are delicious, either as a snack or as part of a meal, and theyre fantastic for getting a good dose of zinc in your diet.

    Zinc is important for the safe development of your baby, and cashews can help you to reach half of your daily zinc requirements.

    Almonds are another excellent way to add in some great nutrition to your diet because on top of delivering a wide range of vitamins and minerals theyre packed with good fats.

    Flax seeds, sunflower seeds and chia seeds are also easy to add to your diet, and will also give you a boost of nutrition, without much effort.

    Chia seeds will give you that omega-3 boost, but try watermelon seeds for something different, and a dose of vitamin C to boot.

    What Should A Diabetic Pregnant Woman Eat

    Dr Tripathi suggests, A pregnant diabetic can have low glycemic fruits like apple, pear, guavas, and all types of berries. He added, If sugar levels are normal, they can have medium Glycemic Index fruits like papaya, banana and mango. Dry fruits like dates and figs can be consumed sometimes in limited quantity.

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    Check Those Iron Levels

    Its time to start pumping iron. The supplement kind, that is. Consuming iron supplements and non-heme iron, which comes from plant-based foods, may decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility.

    A recent 2019 study concluded that heme iron had no effect on fertility and non-heme only had some benefit for women who already had iron deficiency.

    More evidence is needed to confirm whether iron supplements should be recommended to all women, especially if iron levels are already healthy. But making sure your iron levels are solid with your doctor is a good step.

    Non-heme iron sources are more difficult for your body to absorb, so try taking them with foods or drinks high in vitamin C to increase absorption.

    Alcohol consumption can negatively affect fertility. However, its unclear how much alcohol is needed to cause this effect.

    One 2016 study found that having more than

    involving 7,393 women found that a high alcohol intake was associated with more infertility examinations.

    However, the evidence on moderate alcohol consumption is mixed. One older study found no link between moderate consumption and infertility, while other studies report that moderate intake can affect fertility.

    Ultimately, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol is recommended. Talk to you doctor about your own intake to ensure the best outcome for you.

    Examples include:

    Foods And Things To Avoid When Trying To Get Pregnant

    The Fertility Diet: What Should You Eat if You Want to Get Pregnant?

    Many couples planning a pregnancy are asked a number of questions: «How do you increase the probability of conception?», «What mistakes can there be when trying to get pregnant?» «What is the list of products to avoid when trying to get pregnant?»and many others. In this article we will tell what cannot be eaten and what cannot be done when trying to get pregnant.

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    Men Nutrition And Fertility

    Men can also improve the chances of a pregnancy with diet because sperm quality is affected by diet. The foods that have a good effect on fertility are like those that help with womens fertility.

    • Diets high in processed meat , alcohol, caffeine, red meat, saturated fats are linked to low quality sperm.
    • Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and fish are linked to better sperm quality.
    • Eating a portion of walnuts a day was shown to help with sperm motility .

    Fact: A Low Gi Diet Might Help Some Women Conceive

    Van de Bor says: ‘A lower GI diet has been shown to improve fertility. Lower GI foods are wholegrain pasta, sweet potatoes, oats, basmati rice, dairy and fruit. Simply swap higher GI foods for these foods as part of a balanced diet.’

    The GIycaemic index gives a score to a carbohydrate food based on how it makes your blood sugar rise. Foods are put on a scale of zero to 100 with sugar being given a value of 100.

    The lower the food’s GI the slower your blood sugar rises after eating that food.

    If your diet has lots of high GI foods in it, it can increase insulin levels which in turn can increase testosterone levels and upset the balance of female hormones needed for fertility.

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    How Can Pregnant Diabetic Women Prevent The Unborn Child From Diabetes And Other Complications

    Dr Tripathi says that women must follow a standard check-up routine for high blood pressure, nerve damage, eye disease, kidney disease, heart and blood vessel disease and thyroid.

    If in case, any of these problems arise, you must keep a close watch on your medicines and diet, as recommended by the doctor.

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    How Should Women Approach Intermittent Fasting While Theyre Trying To Conceive

    Intermittent fasting is a popular diet trend that has been gaining traction over the past few years. It involves alternating periods of not eating with periods of eating, and is meant to promote weight loss, improve health, and even lengthen life.

    There are many intermittent fasting options out there. Some people choose to fast for 12 hours every day while others might fast for 16 hours one day, then eat normally the next day .

    Some women choose to follow these intermittent fasting patterns while they are trying to conceive because they believe it will help them lose weight and get their body in shape before pregnancy. However, there are some risks involved in this type of dieting during pregnancy.

    Because of this fact, it is best to consult your doctor before going on this diet while trying to conceive. If you decide to use IF while trying to conceive, it also may be advisable to cease the diet once you become pregnant.

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