What To Do If You’re Spotting And Worried
If your bleeding in early pregnancy is very minimal and you otherwise are not having any symptoms, you may wish to wait until your next appointment to talk to your doctor. But if you experience spotting along with severe cramping, fever, unusual or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, or pain, you should tell your doctor right away.
If you are feeling at all concerned, give your doctor’s office a call. Pregnancy can be a stressful time, and being able to talk to your doctor about your symptoms can be very reassuring.
Potential Causes Of Bleeding During The First Trimester
You may experience some spotting when you expect to get your period. This is called implantation bleeding and it happens around 6 to 12 days after conception as the fertilized egg implants itself in your womb. This bleeding should be light perhaps lasting for a couple of days, but its perfectly normal.
Since miscarriages are most common during the first trimester, its normal to worry about bleeding early in your pregnancy. But as Dr. Alexis Svokos, an OBGYN at Geisinger explains, Once a heartbeat is seen on an ultrasound, more than 90 percent of women who experience first trimester vaginal bleeding do not miscarry.
During pregnancy, extra blood is flowing to the cervix. Intercourse or a Pap test, which cause contact with the cervix, can trigger light bleeding.
Bleeding And Cramping Early Pregnancy
If you are experiencing bleeding and cramping in early pregnancy, its hard not to worry about miscarriage.
Early pregnancy miscarriage often happens before a woman know she is pregnant. Many women have a period a little later or heavier than usual.
Most often a miscarriage happens early in pregnancy due to the fertilised egg not being viable in some way. This might be to do with a chromosome problem which means the fetus would not develop.
Cramping can be associated with implantation, when the fertilised egg settles into the uterus wall. A small amount of spotting isnt uncommon at this time.
Heavier bleeding with cramps should be investigated by your care provider in case there is another issue, such as ectopic pregnancy. This is when the fertilised egg is still in the Fallopian tube.
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How A Vaginal Examination Is Done
A vaginal examination can be done by the caregiver using:
Their gloved fingers: This involves the woman partially undressing from the waist down and lying on her back on the bed, resting comfortably with her knees bent, feet together and allowing her knees to fall comfortably apart. The caregiver usually puts a small amount of white antiseptic cream on their gloved fingers and places their first 2 fingers inside the womans vagina until they feel her cervix. If they are also feeling the uterus , they will use their other hand on the top of the womans abdomen, to try and feel the top of the uterus.
A speculum: This is a metal or plastic instrument, shaped a little like a ducks bill. The woman needs to lie on her back on the bed and rest comfortably with her knees bent. Her bottom needs to rest on the lower edge of the bed and her feet are usually placed on a slightly lower platform, at the bottom of the bed . This position helps the caregiver use the speculum correctly and makes the procedure more comfortable for the woman. The end of the speculum is warmed in water before the caregiver gently slides it into the womans vagina. Once in place, the caregiver uses the handle on the speculum to slowly open the bills of the instrument. This separates the walls of the vagina, allowing the caregiver to look inside and view the womans vagina and cervix.
Pregnancy Tumor: A Rare Cause Of Nosebleeds
Also known as a pyogenic granuloma, a pregnancy tumor is a noncancerous, rapidly growing mass of capillary blood vessels that bleeds easily. Research suggests the masses form due to the influx of hormones during pregnancy.
Approximately 5% of pregnant women develop pregnancy tumors, which typically form in the gums between the teeth but can also form in the nose. The masses can appear anywhere on the body and generally disappear after the baby is born.
Treatment usually consists of either a medicated gel or nasal spray, which helps control bleeding. Some women need to have the tumor removed if it is causing breathing problems or excessive nosebleeds. The exact procedure to remove the tumor depends on where the tumor is located. For pregnancy tumors of the nose, most can be removed endoscopically without any external incisions or stitches.
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What Should I Do If I’m Bleeding During Pregnancy
First and foremost, take a breath. Remember that not all types of bleeding are a cause for concern in pregnancy. Don’t stress too much too soon.
Second, go ahead and put on a pad. If you aren’t already wearing one, start now. If you’ve had any bleeding, it is easier to describe what you’re seeing and how much of it there is if you are wearing a pad.
Next, you should call your doctor. Let your doctor know what you are experiencing. Give him all of the details that you are able to give and take his advice on what to do next.
No matter what type of bleeding you’re having, you should refrain from putting anything in the vagina until it has resolved. That means no tampons and no sex. Nothing.
Like I mentioned earlier, if you are having a lot of bright red bleeding, gushing, flowing, or running red blood, with or without sever abdominal pain, you can skip all phone calls all together. If you feel that your bleeding is an emergency, then treat it that way. Call 911 or get to the hospital as soon as possible to prevent any poor outcomes possible.
What Causes Nosebleeds In Pregnancy And Tips To Manage Them
Pregnancy is full of quirky side effects including nosebleeds. One in five patients get nosebleeds during pregnancy , compared with 6% of women who get them when not pregnant.
Over the course of pregnancy, your total blood volume doubles to support the growing baby. To accommodate this extra blood, the blood vessels in your body dilate. The pressure of the extra blood can sometimes cause the more fragile vessels to rupture and bleed more easily.
Your nose is rich in tiny blood vessels that can get dried out from normal breathing, which can lead to breakage and bleeding. For most pregnant patients, the occasional minor nosebleed is no cause for alarm. Its mostly just annoying.
I’ve invited my colleague, Ashleigh Halderman, M.D., an ear, nose, and throat specialist from UT Southwestern’s Otolaryngology Department, to talk about what causes nosebleeds during pregnancy, how women can prevent them, and how to stop them when they do occur.
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When To Worry About Spotting During Pregnancy
Spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not expected and may be abnormal, but it is not always a cause for concern. However, it is important to contact your healthcare provider to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing. The good news is that 50% of women with bleeding during pregnancy go on to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Any spotting or bleeding in the second or third trimesters should be reported to your healthcare provider immediately. In the first trimester, spotting is somewhat more common, but should also be reported to your doctor or midwife.
Call your obstetrician especially if you notice heavy bleeding similar to a menstrual period to make sure the bleeding is not a result of pregnancy complications, such as an ectopic pregnancy. Abnormal bleeding in late pregnancy may be more serious because it can signal a complication with you or your baby. Call your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any bleeding in your second or third trimester. Your healthcare provider will most likely check for cervical polyps, and make sure your cervix is closed.To help manage your spotting during pregnancy and to increase the probability of continuing with a healthy pregnancy, your healthcare provider may encourage you to do the following:
When Is Pelvic Exam Performed During Pregnancy
Usually, pelvic exam is performed during the first and third trimester unless there is some complication in the pregnancy and the pregnant woman needs continuous monitoring.
- If you have a medical condition that increases risk of a preterm labor
- If you experience spotting
- If you experience some vaginal infections
- If there is some growth in pelvic area
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Symptoms That Accompany Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy
As well as bleeding, you may notice other gum symptoms:
- Swollen, sore gums. Along with bleeding gums, you may notice that your gums are swollen, sore, and red. Youre totally right: Its a pain but its also totally normal.
- Pregnancy tumors. It may sound dangerous, but these are generally harmless, and
Treatment Of Bleeding Problems During Early Pregnancy
The bleeding may be light and stop in a day or two. Many people go on to have a healthy baby at full term after such a bleed.However, sometimes the bleeding becomes heavy and a miscarriage is likely to happen. While you still need to see a doctor, in such circumstances there is no emergency care that will save your pregnancy.Sometimes, during a miscarriage, some of the pregnancy tissue may remain inside the uterus. This can lead to very heavy bleeding if it is not treated. Your doctor will tell you if you need further treatment.If you are Rhesus negative , you may require an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin to prevent problems related to possible blood incompatibility in future pregnancies.
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What Are The Signs Of A Bloody Show
The biggest sign that the bloody show has occurred is you may notice a bloody mucus discharge from your vagina. In some cases, there are no signs.
Some women experience other symptoms of labor with a bloody show:
- Cramping: You may feel period-like cramps that come and go over the course of hours or even days.
- Pelvic pressure: As the baby drops down from your abdomen, you may experience pressure in your pelvis , vagina or back.
- Contractions: You may feel tightening in your uterus that increases in duration and intensity.
These signs are good indications that your cervix is dilating to prepare for labor.
Scanning In Early Pregnancy
An ultrasound scan is used during pregnancy for a number of reasons. In the first three months of pregnancy it can be used to check the presence of the babys heartbeat, which can be reassuring if you have experienced a problem, such as vaginal bleeding or pain. A scan will also be used to check to see if the pregnancy is in the correct place and to accurately predict the estimated date of delivery by measuring the end points of the embryo or fetus.
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Is Bleeding Normal During Pregnancy
Thankfully, bleeding during pregnancy does NOT mean automatic miscarriage or poor outcome. Bleeding in pregnancy CAN be normal after all. Whether or not your bleeding during pregnancy is normal depends on when the bleeding begins, how long it lasts, and what it looks like.
Bleeding Vs. Spotting
Being able to differentiate between bleeding and spotting is really important.
Spotting refers to a few spots of blood, whether pink, brown or red, on your underwear or toilet paper after using the restroom. This type of bleeding doesn’t require a pad and would hardly call for a panty liner.
It’s most common in the first trimester but typically would not be cause for alarm in any trimester of pregnancy as long as it does not continue or get worse.
If you find that you’ve had a few small spots of blood on your underwear or toilet paper, let your doctor know about it and keep an eye on it. If your spotting gets lighter over time and then subsides all together, it is usually nothing to be concerned about.
On the other hand, if you feel like the amount of blood that you’re having warrants wearing a pad because otherwise it would soak your clothes, stain your sheets, or run down your leg, that is considered bleeding not spotting.
Bleeding like a period is more serious and is never considered normal in pregnancy. If you experience this level of bleeding at any point in your pregnancy, get to the hospital right away.
First Trimester
After Cervical Exams
After Sex
In Labor
Vaginal Infections During Pregnancy
If you have any infection during pregnancy, it may cause irregular bleeding. Some of the vaginal infection are:
- Vaginal scratching or itching
What to do if i have vaginal infection in pregnancy?
Inform your doctor ASAP. Most vaginal infections during pregnancy can be treated and cured. Your vaginal samples will be collected and tested before treatment.
If you fail to treat your infection when pregnant, you may have a miscarriage, bleeding or preterm delivery.
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What Should I Do If I Experience Bleeding During Pregnancy
If you experience bleeding, it is wise to have this checked out. If you have been seen in the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit during your pregnancy, you may contact us directly, up to 15 weeks + 6 days of pregnancy. Your GP or midwife can also help you.
If you have been seen in the EPAU and you then experience more bleeding contact the EPAU. Depending on how much bleeding and for how long the nursing staff will decide if you need to be seen again. A rescan is not always necessary. Sometimes the nurse will advise that you monitor this bleeding at home. A rescan will only be performed if bleeding heavy with clots. If there is a significant change in your symptoms then the nurse will make an appointment to come to EPAU and be either rescanned or to be assessed by the doctor. If bleeding unmanageable then the nurse may advise to be assessed on ward 30 or the Emergency department depending on your symptoms.
What Are The Signs Of A Miscarriage
Call 911 or go to an emergency room immediately if you have any of these signs of miscarriage:
- Severe pain or cramps low in the abdomen
- Severe bleeding, with or without pain
- Vaginal discharge containing tissue
- Chills
- Fever higher than 100.4° F
If you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, dont use a tampon. Wear a pad and dont change it before heading to the emergency room, says Dr. Svokos. Doctors need to know how much youre bleeding whether the blood is pink, brown or red and if its smooth or full of clots. Be sure to bring any tissue that passes through your vagina in for testing, too.
Your doctor will use vaginal and abdominal ultrasounds to determine the cause of your bleeding. If a miscarriage does occur, it often means the baby wasnt developing normally.
Most women who miscarry go on to have healthy pregnancies, but having a miscarriage is one of the most challenging things a woman and her partner can go through. Dont rush the grieving process. Finding a support group or counselor can help a lot.
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Can You Bleed And Still Be Pregnant
Yes. It is possible to still be pregnant after bleeding. If your bleeding is due to vaginal infections, threatened miscarriage or during intercourse then its possible you are still pregnant. However, if bleeding during pregnancy is due to incomplete miscarriage, septic miscarriage and missed miscarriage then its unlikely you are pregnant.
What Can You Do About Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy
Proper oral care before, during, and after your pregnancy will help prevent these issues and keep your baby as healthy as possible while they’re in your belly and after delivery.
- Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Brush at least twice a day.
- Don’t forget to brush your tongue.
- Clean between your teeth with floss, a water flosser, or an interdental brush.
- Use an antimicrobial mouth rinse.
- Use a tongue scraper.
- Visit your dental professional.
Your dental professional will be able to monitor the health of your teeth and gums for any developing conditions, including gingivitis, and will be able to offer you tips and guidance to keep your bleeding to a minimum. If you notice a lot of blood on your toothbrush or when you spit, call your dental professional and let them know. They will probably schedule an appointment as a safety precaution to ensure you don’t have a more serious condition.
If you have gingivitis symptoms while you’re pregnant, don’t worry, it’s actually pretty common. Just be sure to take the necessary steps to keep it under control and keep in touch with your dental professional. Together, you can discuss the best options tailored specifically to your individual needs, and you’ll be able to feel great about having a healthy baby and a future of oral health that will make you smile.
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