Does Medical Abortion Affect Future Pregnancy

What Happens During A Medical Abortion

Can an Abortion Affect Future Pregnancy?

Medical abortion involves taking medication orally or through the vagina. It does not require anesthesia or surgery. It works by using a combination of two drugs that, when used together, induce an abortion. Mifepristone works by blocking progesterone. Without progesterone, the uterine lining will thin, and the embryo will not stay attached. When misoprostol is taken, it causes the uterus to contract, bleed and expel the embryo.

The most common medical abortions are:

  • Mifepristone and misoprostol : You will take mifepristone with your healthcare provider or once you are home. Then, you will take misoprostol 24 to 48 hours later at home.
  • Mifepristone and misoprostol : This is the same medication, except the misoprostol is taken through the vagina or dissolved in the cheek or under the tongue. It is also taken within 24 to 48 hours of the first medication.

The most severe side effects from a medical abortion start shortly after taking the second pill. After both doses of medication have been taken you can expect the following to occur:

  • Bleeding and cramping that starts between one and four hours after taking the second pill.
  • Heavy bleeding with blood clots for the next several hours.
  • Heavy cramping for several hours.
  • A low fever or chills that last about a day after taking the second pill. Others report feeling tired, nauseas and dizzy, and having diarrhea.

When Can Someone Get A Medical Abortion

Medical abortions are performed up to around nine weeks of pregnancy. It can be done as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Your healthcare provider will use an ultrasound to confirm you are pregnant and how long you have been pregnant. If you are beyond nine weeks of pregnancy, there are other options for ending the pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can talk to you about other options and help you decide which would be best for you.

What Types Of Abortions Happen During The Second Trimester

About 1 in 10 abortions happen in the second trimester, before 20 weeks of pregnancy and about 1 in 100happen at or after 21 weeks.

What’s important to know here is that 42 states have restrictions on abortions when the pregnancy is considered “viable” , unless a pregnant person’s life or health is endangered. Healthcare providers generally consider the timeline for “viability” to start around 23-24 weeks and the chance of survival if delivery occurs before 23 weeks is about 5%-6%.

In the second trimester, the procedural abortion method dilation and evacuation is most common, but induction abortion is also an option.

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How Soon After An Abortion Can You Get Pregnant

Ovulation can occur as soon as 2 weeks after an abortion. This means that a woman may become pregnant again before her next period. However, menstrual cycles vary in length, and women with shorter cycles may ovulate sooner.

Another factor that influences the timing of ovulation is the duration of the pregnancy before the abortion. If a pregnancy was farther along, a woman may not ovulate for several weeks after the abortion. This can occur when pregnancy hormones linger in the body.

To avoid pregnancy soon after an abortion, use contraception. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a woman can use any contraceptive method, including an intrauterine device, immediately after a pregnancy ends.

Anyone who wonders whether they have become pregnant soon after an abortion should take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, see a doctor, who can determine whether there is a new pregnancy, or whether leftover pregnancy hormones are present.

How Does Abortion Affect Future Pregnancies

Does Abortion Affect Fertility?

Abortion does not affect future pregnancy health. Dr. Amersi says when patients who have had an abortion have a miscarriage, they often worry that the two are related. But she assures them it’s completely unrelated. “There’s no increased risk of miscarriage ,” says Dr. Amersi.

Furthermore, if you decide to become pregnant again after having an abortion, you don’t have to worry about facing additional side effects. The signs of pregnancy after abortion do not differ from the typical signs of pregnancy.

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Will Abortion Affect Your Fertility

If you are considering an abortion, or if you already had that procedure and now youre ready to start a family, this question is surely concerning you.

Nowadays, complications during surgical abortion are extremely rare. Still, it is a much more complicated procedure than medical abortion, and its done in the first trimester of pregnancy. The main difference between surgical and medical abortion is that medical abortion can be done in the early stages of pregnancy. Taking two doses of medications called mifepristone and misoprostol causes an effect similar to a miscarriage. Chances for serious infections or damaging organs that might affect your fertility are quite low. Most women who had an abortion wont experience any difficulties and complications in the next pregnancy. There is also a fact that the number of illegal abortions in non-sterile conditions was enormously higher a few decades ago when women had nowhere else to go. The situation changed, and abortion is legal in most countries, but one of the ways of preventing complications is going to the nearest abortion clinic.

What Do You Do To Prepare For A Medical Abortion

You will need to meet with your healthcare provider for an evaluation and exam. This usually includes:

  • A physical exam and confirmation of pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound to view the pregnancy in the uterus.
  • Determining length of pregnancy and that its not an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Explanation of the procedure, risks and side effects.

You will have bleeding and cramping afterwards, so be prepared to stay home or in a comfortable location for a few days. Purchase a supply of absorbent pads to contain the bleeding, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief and a heating pad for cramping.

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What Are The Side Effects Of The Abortion Pill

The physical side effects of taking the abortion pill can vary from woman to woman, but there are potential side effects and risks that you should be aware of.

Some of the more severe side effects include:

  • Uterine Cramps
  • Bleeding Not Related to Menstrual Period
  • Backache
  • Low Amounts of Potassium in the Blood

While less severe, the following side effects are extremely common after taking the abortion pill:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Overgrowth of the Uterine Lining
  • Joint Pain
  • Fluid Retention in the Legs, Feet, Arms, or Hands
  • Loss of Appetite

What Is Asherman Syndrome

Does Dilatation and curettage (Gynecological procedure) affect future pregnancy? – Dr. Sagar Bumb

Asherman syndrome is a rare complication that can occur after a woman has a surgical procedure, such as D& C, that can potentially damage the uterine lining.

The condition can cause scarring to develop in the uterine cavity. This can increase the likelihood that a woman may have a miscarriage or have problems conceiving in the future.

Asherman syndrome doesnt happen very often. However, if it does, doctors can often treat the condition with surgery that removes the scarred areas of tissue inside the uterus.

After a doctor surgically removes the scar tissue, they will leave a balloon inside the uterus. The balloon helps the uterus remain open so it can heal. Once the uterus has healed, the doctor will remove the balloon.

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Do You Have To Have A Follow

Your healthcare provider will want to see you for a follow-up appointment within two or three weeks. In this appointment, they are likely to:

  • Perform a pelvic exam.
  • Look for signs of infection.
  • Discuss how much bleeding you had, when it stopped, the color and if there were clots.
  • Check your uterus with an ultrasound.
  • Talk about contraceptives to avoid future pregnancies, if you choose to do so.

How Long After An Abortion Should You Wait To Get Pregnant

If you terminated a pregnancy because of a complication or medical problem, you may be thinking about trying to conceive again fairly soon. After a pregnancy loss, a woman is generally physically able to get pregnant again once her periods resume .

With that general timeline in mind, it’s worth talking with your doctor before making any decisions about getting started. Getting the green light that your body is ready can help ease some of the fears you might have around trying again. It’s also a chance to have a preconception checkup and address any underlying health problems to ensure you have the healthiest possible pregnancy.

Of course, there’s also the matter of when you feel ready emotionally, which could take a little longer. Deciding to end a pregnancy for medical reasons can be a gut-wrenching decision, and it’s normal to need time to grieve and process your loss before you feel ready to move forward.

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What Are The Different Types Of Abortions

There are medical and surgical abortions. Some differences between the different types of abortions include:

  • Medical abortions : A woman will take two different medicines . The medication is given by a healthcare provider and is either taken in the providers office or at home . Your healthcare provider will give you specific instructions about how and when to take the medications.
  • Surgical abortions: In this type of abortion, a healthcare provider will surgically remove the embryo from the uterus. These types of abortions require mild sedation, local anesthesia or general anesthesia . Some other terms for surgical abortions are in-clinic abortions, aspiration abortions and dilation and curettage abortions. Some reasons women have a surgical abortion are personal preference, too far along in pregnancy or a failed medical abortion.

Lack Of Access To Treatment

Can an Abortion Prevent Future Pregnancies?

Medical abortions are typically completed at home, meaning most women expel the pregnancy tissue without medical supervision. While the abortion pill seems fairly straightforward, its still a serious medical procedure and can lead to serious health complications. Because of this, its recommended that women avoid taking the abortion pill if they do not have access to convenient emergency healthcare in the case of a complication.

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When Should You Contact Your Doctor

Regardless of the type of abortion you had, you should contact your doctor if you dont get your period within eight weeks of the procedure. Speak to your doctor if post-abortion bleeding is especially heavy, lasts for more than two weeks, or contains blood clots larger than the size of a walnut. Finally, keep in mind that you can begin using birth control as soon as youve had an abortion.

At South Avenue Womens Services, we can discuss your birth control options with you and even insert an intrauterine device following the abortion procedure. To learn more about our abortion services, give us a call at , and we will be happy to supply you with all the information you need!

Is It Hard To Get Pregnant After An Abortion

Experts agree it’s no harder to get pregnant after having an abortion. It’s actually a bit more of the opposite: “You now have proven fertility,” explains Dr. Amersi. “Now we know you can get pregnant.” That said, there’s no reason to believe it’s easier to get pregnant after an abortion. Everyone is different and there are many factors to consider when assessing fertility, abortion is just not one of them.

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Can Abortion Affect Future Pregnancies

9 Jul 2020

There are many women who, after going through an interruption of surgical or chemical abortion, question whether they can become pregnant again or if, on the contrary, the abortion will have affected their fertility.

Cases of sequelae after a voluntary termination of pregnancy are very rare provided that it is practiced properly, in a trusted medical center and with qualified professionals.

The majority of health professionals rate abortion as a low-risk procedure with no serious effect on fertility and the general health of women

In spite of this, it is still a surgical intervention and, as such, it has some risks that must be taken into consideration and to clear up any doubts with the doctors.

At South Avenue Womens Services We Are Dedicated To Providing Safe And Effective Medical And Surgical Abortions As Well As Accurate Information About Abortion To Any Woman Who Needs It

Do abortions affect fertility?

We define our care by three words: confidential, compassionate, and caring. Our experienced medical professionals will answer your questions, give advice if you need it, and help you make an informed decision about your body and future. If you should decide an abortion is right for you, well arrange the safe and skilled services you need.

Give us a call at today to schedule your private consultation!

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Can Having An Abortion Affect My Fertility

Having an abortion will not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant and having normal pregnancies in the future.

But there’s a very small risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection during the procedure that’s not treated promptly.

The infection could spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries, known as pelvic inflammatory disease .

PID can increase your risk of infertility or an ectopic pregnancy, where an egg implants itself outside the womb.

But most infections are treated before they reach this stage, and you’ll often be given antibiotics before an abortion to reduce the risk of infection.

Get medical advice as soon as possible if you experience any signs of infection after an abortion, such as:

  • severe pain

Abortion Complications And Future Fertility

Complications after safe abortions are extremely rare: According to one retrospective observational cohort study, the major complication rate was 0.31% for medication abortion, 0.16% for first-trimester aspiration abortion, and 0.41% for second-trimester or later procedures.

To detect any possible abortion complications, ACOG advises reaching out to your healthcare provider if you experience severe abdominal/back pain, heavy vaginal bleeding , foul-smelling vaginal discharge, or fever.

Asherman’s syndrome: One possible complication after certain types of abortion is a rare acquired condition called Asherman’s syndrome, which is marked by adhesions inside the uterus. Ashermans may occur in up to 15%-20% of people who undergo D& C to induce abortion or after a miscarriage.

“The true prevalence of Asherman’s is difficult to establish because what estimates we do have are based on cases done by the older D& C procedure, not the gentler suction approach that is used today,” says Dr. Conti. The suction approach “doesnt scrape or disrupt the uterine lining and lead to this scar tissue.” Reminder that although D& C is sometimes used interchangeably with standard first-trimester abortion procedures, the actual D& C procedure has largely been replaced by the safer and faster vacuum aspiration in the first trimester.

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What Types Of Abortions Happen During The Third Trimester

Unless a pregnant person’s life or health is endangered, or a significant fetal anomaly is present, abortions in the third trimester are either banned or fall under “viability” restrictions in 43 states. Since the third trimester begins after 28 weeks of pregnancy, that means third-trimester abortions are banned in those 43 states. In states and instances where third-trimester abortion is allowed, the procedure is typically very time intensive and only a very small number of clinics are trained to perform it. Abortions in the third trimester are incredibly rare, accounting for < 1% of all procedures, and only done via labor induction after first using specialized medication to ensure the pregnancy is not viable.

How Does Abortion Affect Pregnancy

Does Having An Abortion Affect Your Fertility?

Posted by Harshita Arya | Pregnancy

Abortion refers to the practice of planned termination of a pregnancy. WHO recognizes it as a certified human right, but the topic still raises innumerable queries. Do you also believe that it is difficult to conceive after a woman undergoes an induced abortion? If yes, then this article is for you as it takes a deep dive into the mentioned domain and tries to debunk related myths.

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Can An Abortion Affect Your Fertility

Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility.

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Do abortions make you less fertile?

Grace, Santa Cruz, Calif.

Symptoms After An Abortion

After-abortion symptoms are common following your procedure. It’s normal to experience:

  • Abdominal pain or cramping

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

It’s worth keeping in mind that some of these symptoms especially nausea or vomiting can overlap with the symptoms you may have been experiencing while you were pregnant. But in general, the queasiness should ease up within three days.

In some cases, post-abortion symptoms could be a sign of an infection or complication. You should call your provider if you experience severe abdominal or back pain, heavy vaginal bleeding , foul-smelling vaginal discharge, or a fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Different Kinds Of Abortion

Firstly, to thoroughly understand the subject, we need to know about the different types of abortions and their reasons. Broadly, there are two kinds of abortions: Medical and Surgical. It depends on the stage of pregnancy and several other factors of a particular individual. The above methods are associated with no or very low risks involved. But only if performed under clean, safe surroundings and with proper medical assistance by a professional surgeon.

  • Medical Abortion This includes taking oral pills to remove all the products of conception from the body. It makes it possible to conceive again in the future. The gestational age up to which this method you can opt is around 12 weeks, and the kind of medicines prescribed depends further on other factors.
  • Surgical Abortion This is a bit complicated method and comparatively involves higher risk. It includes either ending the pregnancy or removing its remaining products. The gestational age-related to this method is around 16- 24 weeks approximately. Vacuum Aspiration, Dilation and Evacuation and Induction Abortion are various techniques to remove the fetus and placenta from the uterus.

Oral pills to avoid pregnancy

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