How Do You Know If You Get Pregnant During Ovulation

Swollen Inguinal Lymph Node

Getting Pregnant: Everything you need to know (tips from a Fertility Doctor)

This little-known ovulation sign occurs for up to 70 percent of women around ovulation, according to Toni Weschler, author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility. The inguinal lymph nodes are small glands located on either side of your pelvis. You may experience inguinal lymph swelling on the same side of your body that the egg is released from that cycle.

Keep A Diary Of Your Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of a womans period to the day before her next period.

Womens menstrual cycles vary in length. The average is 28 days, although both longer and shorter cycles are normal. It doesnt matter how long your cycle is, for most women ovulation will usually occur 10 to 16 days before the start of your next menstrual cycle. Check out our ovulation calculator here.

Keeping a record of when your period usually starts and stops will help you find your fertility window.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle you may be able to work out when youre likely to ovulate but be wary of narrowing it down too much in case you get it wrong.

Can You Get Pregnant Anytime In Your Fertile Window

If youre trying for a baby, then youll likely want to do everything you can in order to conceive. And with conception, timing is often really important. For the highest probability of getting pregnant, research has highlighted that its best to have sex in the days just before you ovulate and during ovulation rather than on the days following ovulation. This is because eggs only live for up to 24 hours following ovulation.

Approximately 5 days prior to expected ovulation, its recommended that you have unprotected sex every other or every day and then 2 to 3 days after expected ovulation, advises Flanagan, explaining that this helps to ensure viable sperm are present when the viable egg is released.

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What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Ovulation Day

Its no secret that in order to get pregnant, egg and sperm need to meet. An egg is only released during ovulation, about midway through your cycle.

Once an egg has been released, they can only survive for 12-24 hours. That means sperm has a really short amount of time in which it can fertilize the egg.

Additionally, his sperm needs some time to swim all the way through your reproductive system to reach the egg. Because of both of these factors, the chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day are about 20%.

You may be surprised by how low that number is we sure were! The good news is that ovulation day is not the only day each cycle when its possible to get pregnant. Lets keep going.

Fertility And Your Menstrual Cycle

8 Signs of Ovulation to Detect Your Most Fertile Time

The most fertile time of your menstrual cycle occurs around ovulation, when your ovaries release a mature egg for fertilization. This window varies from woman to woman, depending on the length and regularity of her menstrual cycles. For those with a 28-day menstrual cycles, ovulation usually occurs between days 13 to 15.

Once an egg is released, it has 12 to 24 hours to be fertilized before it dissolves. Sperm, on the other hand, can stay alive in the body for 3 to 5 days, making a woman fertile for about 5 to 7 days.

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Changes In Cervical Mucus

Cervical mucus consists primarily of water. It changes in consistency during your fertile window because of changes in the levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone and may provide clues about ovulation.

The change in cervical mucus consistency around the time of ovulation helps transport sperm to an egg.

During your fertile window, this nutrient-rich, slippery fluid increases in volume. It also becomes thinner, stretchy in texture, and clear in color. Cervical mucus is often described as having an egg-white consistency during this time.

In the days leading up to ovulation, you may notice more discharge than usual because of an increase in cervical mucus volume.

When youre at your most fertile, cervical mucus may help keep sperm alive for an average of 3 days but potentially up to . This increases your chance of conception and provides lubrication for intercourse.

You can check the consistency of cervical mucous by observing it in your underwear liner.

You Can Only Conceive On Two Days Each Cycle

This is not true. The ‘fertile window’ lasts up to 6 days. You are at your most fertile the and the day before. However, because sperm can survive for up to five days, having sex on the days leading up to ovulation can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

  • can help you pinpoint up to four days when you are most fertile.
  • is designed to identify all of your fertile days by detecting the two fertility hormones estrogen and luteinising hormone .

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Days Before And After Ovulation

Ovulation usually occurs between days 11 and 21 of your cycle . The first day of your period signifies the beginning of your next cycle. When youre ovulating, an egg is released from your ovaries and moves down the uterine tube towards your uterus.

An egg lives 12-24 hours following ovulation, but sperm can live in the female reproductive system for up to five days after sex. Therefore, having sex from five days before or one day after ovulation can result in pregnancy.

A 2019 study found that women who have unprotected sex one day before ovulation had the highest probability of getting pregnant .

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Changes In The Cervix

Get pregnant by tracking your ovulation | Fertility doctor tips

During ovulation, your cervix may become higher, softer and more open. You can check your cervix, along with your mucus, for ovulation symptoms, but it can take time to learn the differences youre feeling for and is often more difficult than watching for the other signs of ovulation mentioned above. If youd like to try and get more comfortable checking for cervical changes as a sign of ovulation, Moore recommends standing in whatever position you use to insert a tampon and using your finger to feel inside. In many women with a regular cycle, right before ovulation the cervix will be softer, like touching your lips, but after ovulation it will feel harder, more like touching the tip of your nose. An OB can also check for cervical changes using a speculum and help give you more guidance on how to do it at home.

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Calculating Your Monthly Fertility Window

Your fertility window is the time during your menstrual cycle when youre most likely to get pregnant. For most people, its the five days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation. Calculating your monthly fertility window can help you target the optimal time to have sex if youre trying to conceive. However, natural family planning is a less reliable form of contraception and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Did I Ovulate Or Not 7 Signs Ovulation Is Over

Shelby Hale

Katerina Shkodzik


If you are trying to conceive , knowing exactly when you will ovulate is a key first step in your pregnancy journey. This brief window of time around ovulation is when you are considered to be at peak fertility meaning you should aim to have sex with your partner during this time in order to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant.

If you have been monitoring your fertility for a while, you may already be comfortable with anticipating when this fertile window will occur. However, you may not quite know for sure how to tell when its over.

To help, heres a look at the most common signs that ovulation is complete, along with an overview of tried and true methods for predicting and confirming ovulation. Well close this article by discussing ways that Mira can help you monitor your fertility hormones in order to accurately predict and confirm ovulation.

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How To Predict And Track Ovulation

If youre trying to get pregnant, you may find it helpful to track your ovulation. Even if you are not trying to conceive, monitoring your cycle may be a useful way of understanding more about your overall health, energy levels, mood changes, and when you can expect your period to start.

To track ovulation, try to keep a record of the following information:

  • your menstruation dates
  • descriptions of your menstrual blood
  • descriptions of your cervical mucus
  • your BBT readings
  • physical changes, such as cramps, pain, bloating, or breast tenderness
  • other relevant information, such as your mood, libido, and energy levels

You can use any calendar or journal to track ovulation. There are a number of printable templates to track your menstrual cycle available online. In addition, organizations such as the American Pregnancy Association and the provide online ovulation predictors.

Fertility charts are another option. They require you to plot your morning temperature readings on a graph, providing a handy visual of the rise in your BBT after ovulation.

Finally, there are a number of apps you can use to help you track your cycle. While these apps may help you determine when youre most likely to be fertile, they may not be able to reliably predict the day of ovulation, according to a 2018 study.

How Else Can I Prepare For Pregnancy

Pin on General Infertility Resources

In addition to tracking your ovulation to determine your fertile window, its important to schedule preconception counseling with your doctor. There are a variety of screenings and lifestyle modifications that can help increase your chances of a successful planned pregnancy.

If youre under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year, or if youre over 35 and have been trying for six months, it may be time to talk to your doctor about why you cant get pregnant.

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Changes In Your Basal Body Temperature

While you may not actually feel this symptom, it can still be a sign of ovulation. As mentioned above, your basal body temperature will rise during ovulation and stay elevated during that time. After tracking your basal body temperature for a few months, youll begin to more easily notice the patterns and identify notable changes.

Understanding when you ovulate is key to getting pregnant, but it can also give you clues about why youre suddenly experiencing certain symptoms. When you know the signs of ovulation, you can be better prepared, regardless of whether or not youre trying to conceive. The more in tune you are with your body, the better youll be able to predict when ovulation will occur.

About the experts:

Donnica L. Moore, MD, is a womens health expert and advocate, as well as president of Sapphire Womens Health Group in Chester, New Jersey. She has been a womens health contributor for NBCs Later Today and guest on NBCs Weekend Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The View, Good Morning America and CNN-International.* She received her medical degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine.

Patricia Pollio, MD, is the director of OB-GYN at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, New York. She received her medical degree from Joan Sanford I Weill Medical College Of Cornell University in 1989 and has been in practice for more than 30 years.

Plus, more from The Bump:

Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Ovulation Day

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm successful ovulation at home.

Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to check for successful ovulation at home.

If youre trying to conceive, you may know by now how important timing is. After all, timing intercourse around ovulation is critical to conception.

As you move through the different phases of your cycle, your chances of getting pregnant change as well. Understanding the chances of getting pregnant throughout your cycle especially your chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day may be the key to your success!

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Take Your Prenatal Vitamin

Start popping that prenatal at least a month before you begin trying for a baby. One study showed that women who were taking their prenatal vitamins while undergoing fertility treatments were twice as likely to get pregnant as those who were only taking a folic acid supplement while going through the same treatments. So while itâs not a guarantee that youâll hit the baby jackpot sooner, itâs definitely worth a shot!

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What Time Of Day Should You Have Ttc Sex

Does early ovulation (or late ovulation) make it harder to get pregnant?

If you’re wondering what time of day to have sex to conceive, the morning may be your best bet. Or, specifically, after your partner gets a good night’s rest, says Melissa M. Goist, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The Ohio State University Medical Center.

When sleeping, their body regenerates the sperm lost during the day. Although the average sperm cell has a pretty short shelf life, even stalwart swimmers can hit their expiration date early if they get too warm from hot tubs or exercises like bike riding, Dr. Goist says.

According to one study in Zurich, the best time to have sex to conceive a baby is before 7:30 a.m. during the months of March, April, and May. That may sound odd, but it turns out that sperm may be at its healthiest during the spring months. Not only that, but sperm appears to have it’s own internal 24-hour clock that helps it determine the best time to travel to an egg.

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Basal Body Temperature Charting

Basal body temperature is the temperature when the body is at rest.

Charting BBT for a series of months by measuring every morning after waking up will help predict ovulation.

During or when ovulation approaches, there is a slight increase in BBT. A person can use a digital thermometer to track these small changes in temperature.

Monitoring BBT can help tell when ovulation occurs and therefore predict the days in the cycle when pregnancy is possible.

Truth: You Can Get Pregnant During Your Period

You can get pregnant if you have sex during your period. Your ability to get pregnant is dependent on when you ovulate, and not directly associated with menstruation.

Some women mistakenly believe that if they are still on their period, they arent yet in the “fertile window.” But if your cycle is short, and you ovulate on day 7 or 8, you can conceive from sex during your period.

Another misconception people have is that menstruation will “wash out” any sperm along with period blood. But thats not true. Your period wont stop sperm from swimming up to your reproductive system.

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Why Did I Not Get Pregnant During Ovulation

There are many possible reasons, including ovulation irregularities, structural problems in the reproductive system, low sperm count, or an underlying medical problem. While infertility can have symptoms like irregular periods or severe menstrual cramps, the truth is that most causes of infertility are silent.

It’s Possible To Predict The Most Fertile Days In Your Cycle Learn The Physical Signs Of Ovulation Including Cramps Cervical Mucus And Discharge

Pin on Ovulation symptoms

Kimberly Zapata is the Associate Editor at Parents. Her parenting, health, and wellness work has been published on numerous websites, including Health, Healthline, Parade, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Oprah, The Mighty, Mic, and Vice. She is also the founder and creator of Greater Than: Illness, an organization dedicated to empowering teens and young adults struggling with mental illness. And when she is not writingor workingshe is caring for her two children, aged 8 and 3.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, learning to recognize the signs of ovulation can be a key factor in your success. Ovulation is the process by which your body releases one or more eggs from your ovary. If the egg is fertilized and successfully implants, you’re pregnant. But if you miss the fertilization window, you’re not.

Here’s everything you need to know about ovulation, from what it is to the most common signs.

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Whens The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test

If youre trying to conceive, its normal to be antsy for results! The most accurate and reliable results will show up best from the first day of your missed period likely around 13 to 15 DPO. It may be best to wait at least three weeks after conceiving before taking a test if you dont have regular menstrual periods.

Some pregnancy tests may have instructions specific to the test you take. Check the packaging on the test before taking it.

How To Know When Youre Ovulating

Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for sex at the right time and improve your chance of getting pregnant. You can keep track of your menstrual cycles on a chart, in a diary, or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone.

To work out the length of your menstrual cycle, record the first day you start bleeding . This is day 1. The last day of your cycle is the day before your next period begins.

  • Some people think the menstrual cycle and a period are the same thing.

    A period is when you bleed .

    A menstrual cycle starts on the day when a period starts and ends the day before the next period. A cycles length is considered normal if its between 21 and 35 days. They can vary between women and from one cycle to the next.

  • Working out your average menstrual cycle length

    If your menstrual cycles are different lengths you can work out your average cycle length.

    The number of days in a womans menstrual cycle can vary month to month. Periods are not always regular. It can be useful to work out an average cycle length, based on the length of three menstrual cycles, to estimate when youre most likely to be ovulating.

    If you add the number of days in three cycles and divide the total number by three, it gives you your average cycle length.


    Sarah tracked her last three menstrual cycles by counting the time from the first day of one period, to the day before the next period.

    Cycle 1 was 28 days Cycle 2 was 32 days Cycle 3 was 27 days

    28 + 32 + 27 = 87

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