What To Expect During Your First Pregnancy

What Happens To The Baby

First Trimester of Pregnancy What to Expect

Through the first trimester, your baby goes from being a fertilised ovum to a fetus of about 6cm in length at 12 weeks. By the end of the first trimester, your babys heart is starting to beat, and the brain, stomach and intestines are developing. There are little bumps known as ‘buds’ where arms and legs are starting to grow.

Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists studies link high consumption of caffeine to miscarriage and other problems in pregnancy. They advise expectant mothers to limit intake to no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day about the equivalent of one 11-ounce cup of coffee. Hot tea is a great transition away from that double shot espresso latte.

Commonly Asked About Food Items

Looking for a bit more details about medicines, food, and drinks you can or cant eat while pregnant? Weve written on several different popular items including Coleslaw & Potato Salad, Fontina Cheese, Corned Beef, Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Ranch or Caesar Salad Dressing, Onions, Poppy Seeds, Fish Sauce, Sour Cream, Shakeology, Hot Dogs, Goats Cheese, Pepperoni, Nyquil, Subway, Dunkin Donuts Coffee, Calamari, Summer Sausage, Clam Chowder, Almond Milk, Sweet or Iced Tea, Cerviche, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chinese Food, Hot Cheetos, Chicken Salad, Crawfish, Imitation Crab and lots more!

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Symptoms To Pay Attention To During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

In the first trimester, it is especially important to carefully monitor the changes in your body and state of health to detect any disorder early.

You should seek medical help in the case of:

  • vaginal bleeding
  • body temperature rise
  • vaginal discharge and itching
  • pain or burning when urinating
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases

Your Babys Development In The First Trimester

First Trimester Pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, what starts as a tiny bundle of cells quickly turns into an embryo and then a fetus that’s about the size of a large plum.

In these first few weeks of pregnancy, your little oneâs brain, spinal cord, heart, and tiny limbs â complete with fingers and toes â will form.

Meanwhile, your uterus is becoming a comfortable home for your little one, who will be nourished by the developing placenta and umbilical cord.

By the end of third month of pregnancy, all essential organs and body parts will be in place â albeit in teeny-tiny size.

Thereâs a lot happening in the first trimester. Here are a few of the most exciting fetal development milestones:

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More About Morning Sickness

The first thing to know about morning sickness is that it can hit you at any time of day.Probably a result of your changing hormones, it usually starts about week six and settles by week 14. The good news is that you may feel better if you:

  • drink small amounts of fluid, often. Try flat lemonade, sports drinks, diluted fruit juice, weak tea, clear soup or a hot drink make of stock
  • suck on ice or ice-blocks
  • try ginger tablets, dry ginger ale or ginger tea
  • eat small amounts of food more often, so you dont have an empty stomach
  • eat a dry biscuit when you wake up in the morning, to avoid feeling sick when you get out of bed
  • try salty foods such as potato crisps or salty biscuits
  • suck on barley sugar or boiled lollies
  • avoid fatty, rich or spicy foods
  • avoid the smell of hot food
  • avoid cooking dishes with strong smells
  • rest as much as you can.

A small percentage of women have prolonged and excessive vomiting , which can lead to dehydration if it is not treated. See your doctor if you have severe morning sickness.

In some extreme cases, women need to be rehydrated in hospital, using intravenous fluids.

How Is A Miscarriage Diagnosed

If youre experiencing any of the above symptoms, call your practitioner. He or she will evaluate the bleeding and then possibly measure your hCG levels, check whether your cervix is open , perform an ultrasound to look for a healthy gestational sac and placenta and listen for a fetal heartbeat. The results of these tests will help your health care provider determine whether youve miscarried.

In rare cases, miscarriages can be misdiagnosed. If youre bleeding and your practitioner cant find a fetal heartbeat which can sometimes be tricky even in a healthy pregnancy there’s a slight possibility that he or she might diagnose a miscarriage when an embryo is still thriving. If you stop bleeding, however, and continue to have pregnancy symptoms, a second ultrasound where the heartbeat is hopefully heard could confirm that your baby is still thriving.

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How Do My Nausea And Vomiting Affect The Baby

Mild or moderate nausea and occasional vomiting due to morning sickness do not usually threaten the health of the baby. Even if you do not gain weight during your first trimester, that is usually not a problem, so long as you stay hydrated and can keep some food down. Most of the time your appetite returns and you will start gaining weight once the nausea subsides.

Problems arise when the nausea and vomiting keep you from eating a balanced diet for long periods of time. Make sure you take a prenatal vitamin to get the nutrients you need. Severe or prolonged vomiting is associated with low birth weight babies, preterm births, and smaller sized newborns. A large study of women hospitalized due to their vomiting determined that those who could gain at least 15 pounds during their pregnancy had no worse outcomes than other pregnant women, according to BabyCenter.

How To Care For Your Mental Health During Your Pregnancy

What to expect in your First Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week

Pregnancy can have such a major physical impact that it can be easy to forget the mental toll it can take. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Here are some of the best ways to keep yourself mentally healthy throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

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Welcoming Baby To The World

Its normal to feel nervous about giving birth as your due date draws closer, but remember, your health team has done this so many times and will take care of you.

The Braxton Hicks contractions usually become more frequent now, and you may feel pressure in your vagina and lower abdomen as your baby changes position.

Expect to make frequent trips to the bathroom, so try not to be too far away from a toilet!

Its nearly time to meet your little one, who may launch an exodus from your womb at any time of the day .

Make sure you have a bag ready and a solid plan for how youre going to get to the hospital. Remember to consider who will look after your other children or pets while youre at the hospital. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see a useful checklist for the final weeks of pregnancy.

Dont be alarmed if your due date passes but baby still hasnt arrived. Its not uncommon for pregnancies to continue for up to 10 days past the original date. Your obstetrician may recommend induction of labour, which involves medical intervention to trigger the birth.

What To Expect With Labor

There are three stages of childbirth: labor, delivering the baby, and delivering the placenta. There are also three phases of labor:

  • Early Labor This phase is usually the longest, but also the least painful. It can range from 8-12 hours or even a couple of days, especially for first-time moms. Youll experience mild contractions that may or may not bother you. Those contractions will last between 30-45 seconds and happen every 5-30 minutes. Your cervix will efface and dilate to 3 cm during early labor, and you could experience several labor signs, such as cramping, pelvic pressure, backache, indigestion, or your water breaking.
  • Active Labor This is the point where you need to be ready at the hospital or wherever youre giving birth. Youll know youre in active labor because your contractions will go from mild to strong. Theyll also be closer together, lasting between 45-60 seconds and happening every 3-5 minutes. Your cervix will dilate from 4-7 cm. You may also experience increased discomfort in your legs, back, and with the contractionsyou may not be able to talk through the contractions. To help alleviate these pains and discomfort, you can ask for an epidural or use more natural relaxation techniques. Your water will also break during this phase, either on its own or by your OB/GYN or midwife, if it hasnt already. On average, active labor lasts between 3-5 hours.
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    Things To Avoid In First Weeks Of Pregnancy

    Now that you know what to expect in the first weeks of pregnancy, you may be wondering if there are certain things you shouldnt do while pregnant.

    Perhaps the most important thing you should think about during those first weeks of pregnancy is how youll stay healthy, both for you and your growing baby. The first weeks of pregnancy are a great time to check in with your diet and lifestyle. Youll need to make sure that youre getting enough nutrients for you and your baby through your diet, and that you stay active with light exercise. You should also quit smoking and/or drinking alcohol, if thats part of your lifestyle.

    First Month Of Pregnancy Symptoms

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    A missed period is usually the first symptom of pregnancy. In addition, you may also have the following symptoms.

    1. Tender Breasts

    Your breasts will start to look swollen and feel tender to touch. This happens due to hormonal changes that make your breasts feel heavier and fuller. You may want to buy a good maternity bra to alleviate the discomfort.

    2. Morning Sickness

    Morning sickness is common and it can strike you any time of the day or night. In some cases, you will have episodes of nausea with or without vomiting as early as three weeks after conception. Eat small portions and eat often to control your nausea.

    3. Frequent Urination

    Be ready to see a substantial increase in the number of bathroom visits. Frequent urination is one of the first pregnancy symptoms. This usually happens when your growing uterus exerts more pressure on your bladder. An increase in blood volume during pregnancy will also put your kidneys into overdrive.

    4. Fatigue

    Feeling tired is also a symptom you are more likely to experience during first month of pregnancy. The level of progesterone increases during early pregnancy, and this can make you feel sleepy.

    5. Strong Reaction to Food

    You will be amazed to notice that the food you once loved irritates you more than anything else does. Food cravings and food aversions are the outcome of hormonal changes.

    6. Light Vaginal Bleeding

    7. Mood Swings

    The increase in hormone, mainly progesterone, will make you feel weepy and emotional.

    8. Other Symptoms

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    Make A Pregnancy Plan

    Depending on where you want to give birth and who youll be seeing during your pregnancy, youll want to discuss a plan for who to call or where to go if you require medical attention. Most doctors and midwives will provide you with contact information if you experience cramping, bleeding or any other signs of concern.

    What Happens To Your Body During The First Trimester And What Should You Do

    • Your belly will get bigger as your pregnancy progresses. You will gain weight. Your doctor will tell you about your weight gain goals.
    • Your breasts will get larger, possibly up to a cup size bigger or more if this is your first pregnancy. They may also become painful or sensitive.
    • Your skin may change. It might get brighter, darker or even get some pimples.
    • Your hair may get fuller and your fingernails may grow faster.
    • The amount of blood in your body will rise by 50 percent during your pregnancy. Many women report feeling like they always have a stuffy nose while they are pregnant.
    • You will have to urinate more frequently. This is a combination of the increased blood flow in your body as well as your growing uterus pressing on your bladder.
    • You will probably feel extra tired while you are pregnant. Sleeping might be difficult or very uncomfortable, especially when your belly gets larger. You may also have more frequent or unusual dreams.
    • The stories about odd food cravings are true, too. Cravings, as well as food aversions, are very common during pregnancy.
    • Heartburn, headaches, low back pain, leg cramps, swollen feet and hands, nausea, dizziness and other complaints are common during pregnancy. Women generally report they feel best during their second trimester. Some women say they feel great the entire time they are pregnant.

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    What Is The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

    The first trimester is the earliest phase of pregnancy. It starts on the first day of your last period — before youre even actually pregnant — and lasts until the end of the 13th week. Its a time of great anticipation and of rapid changes for both you and your baby. Knowing what to expect will help you get ready for the months ahead.

    What To Expect During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

    First Trimester Overview | Not What You Would Expect

    While pregnancy is one of lifes most joyful events, the first trimester can be overwhelming for first-time mothers. The first three months are marked by an invisible but amazing transformation within your body and the baby, too.

    The baby develops rapidly during the first trimester, which lasts from fertilization to the 13th week. The fetus begins to develop a brain, spinal cord and other organs. Even the babys heart begins to beat during this time.

    Dr. Mejebi Mayor, Physician Executive at Royam Medical and Consultative Services who holds a MD degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology, further elaborates that, the first trimester of pregnancy refers to the first 13 weeks of gestation, which is the time of organogenesis or when the baby is being formed. Therefore, it is essential to avoid any medication that can affect the babys development during this period. If you are already on certain medications that might harm your baby, check with your provider to switch to a safer alternative, if possible.

    However, the best time to make the required changes to your medication is before conception. You must also make sure that you are taking folic acid in the right dosage from before the onset of pregnancy, to help reduce the risk of spinal congenital problems later.

    The rapid hormonal changes that go along with pregnancy also trigger a lot of changes in the mothers body.

    Here are some of the changes you can expect during the first trimester of pregnancy.


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    What Will Happen At My First Prenatal Visit

    Practitioners also have their own to-do lists for the first prenatal appointment. Heres what to expect:

  • Youll get an official countdown. If you know when you conceived and the date of your last period , make sure to mention it. Your OB/GYN or midwife will calculate your due date using your LMP, a check of your cervix and uterus for signs and approximate gestational age of the pregnancy, your hCG levels, and, most likely, an ultrasound.
  • Youll chat about yourself and your baby. To give you the best possible care, your practitioner will want to know a lot about you. The first prenatal appointment is the time for your practitioner to get up to speed on your health history and fill you in on how to care for yourself and your growing baby, as well as address any concerns you have . Its helpful to take notes your doctor or midwife is sure to share plenty of info you’ll want to remember .
  • First Time Pregnant Heres What To Expect

    For most mothers, there arent many times in life that compare to the moment when you realize youre pregnant for the first time. The thrill of getting the news, realizing a little life is growing inside you, and then sharing it with family and friends are things you never forget. It marks a new chapter in life and the moment when your family started growing.

    And while the excitement and anticipation of this season in life are wonderful, there are very important things you should be aware of and actions to take as you protect your health and that of your unborn child.

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    Eat As Healthfully As You Can To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy

    Fill your kitchen with healthy food, including a variety of proteins, fruits, multigrain pasta, yogurts, and vegetables. Your body will need many nutrients to grow a baby and provide energy. While you can get many vitamins from your prenatal vitamin, your calories and most of your nutrients must come from food. Read more about gain here.

    Your Doctor Will Ask For Your Medical History Including:

    What to expect during each pregnancy trimester. #pregnancy ...
    • Medical and/or psychosocial problems
    • Blood pressure, height, and weight
    • Breast and cervical exam
    • Date of your last menstrual period
    • History of abortions and/or miscarriages
    • Hospitalizations
    • Medication allergies
    • Your familys medical history

    Your healthcare provider will also perform a physical exam which will include a pap smear, cervical cultures, and possibly an ultrasound if there is a question about how far along you are or if you are experiencing any bleeding or cramping.

    Blood will be drawn and several laboratory tests will also be done, including:

    • Hemoglobin/ hematocrit
    • Rh Factor and blood type
    • Rubella screen
    • Varicella or history of chickenpox, rubella, and hepatitis vaccine
    • Cystic Fibrosis screen
    • Specific tests depending on the patient, such as testing for tuberculosis and Hepatitis C

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