How Does Nexplanon Keep You From Getting Pregnant

What Are The Side Effects Of Nexplanon

Trying To Get Pregnant After Nexplanon Removal

The common side effects that a lot of implants face are Changes in menstrual bleeding, Headache, Vaginal infections, Acne, Weight gain, Breast tenderness or pain, hair loss, nervousness, dizziness, increased appetite, Irritation or pain at site of implant. In a few cases there might be few more severe and uncommon side effects such as breast enlargement, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, oedema and constipation. In very rare cases side effects can also be blood clot formation, liver disease and rise in blood pressure.




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Does Nexplanon Cause Brown Discharge

Certain types of birth control can cause brown discharge during your period, or even between periods. These include birth control implants such as Nexplanon, known as the bar. Birth control affects your hormone levels, so in many cases brown discharge is normal, even at the beginning of your period.

What Happens If Youre Pregnant On Nexplanon

If you are pregnant while on Nexplanon than you have higher chances that you pregnancy will be ectopic than the women who do not use birth control. Ectopic Ectopic pregnancy A condition where fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. pregnancy occurs when the fertilized eggs gets attached to any place other than the uterus .

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Fast Facts On Birth Control And Weight Gain:

  • Women have long complained of weight gain when using hormonal birth control.
  • A 2014 Cochrane Review found no significant effects on weight.
  • Changes in hormones can affect many processes within the body.
  • Women should report any side effects they experience to their doctor promptly.

The research on weight gain related to birth control is mixed. If birth control implants do cause weight gain, it is not clear why this might happen.

One theory is that the hormone progestin may increase body fat. A 2015 study found a 2 percent increase in body fat among women who used the implant for 12 months.

Another possibility is that progestin causes water retention, making women feel bloated and slightly heavier, without changing their body fat percentage.

Some doctors argue that women do not gain weight on birth control, but if they believe birth control causes weight gain, then they gain weight, and later they attribute this to the birth control rather than to anything else.

From young adulthood into middle age, Americans gain an average of 1 to 2 pounds per year. These are womenâs prime childbearing years, too, and the time when they are most likely to use birth control implants and other hormonal contraceptives. So, gaining wait through age coincides with birth control use.

Are There Any Positive Nexplanon Side Effects

Getting Pregnant After Birth Control Implant

Side effects arent always a bad thing many people use the implant because some of the side effects can be really helpful. The hormones in the implant can help with painful or heavy periods. The implant may ease cramps and PMS, and it will usually make your period lighter. 1 in 3 people even stop getting their period altogether after a year on the implant.

Its totally safe to not get a period while youre on the implant. And you dont need to worry about being pregnant even if you dont get a period, because the implant is really good birth control its more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

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When Does The Contraceptive Implant Start Working After Giving Birth

After giving birth you are able to have the implant fitted any time and it is fine to use if you are breastfeeding. If fitted up to 21 days after giving birth you will be immediately protected against pregnancy. If the implant is fitted after 21 days, you will need to ensure that you use another method of contraception such as condoms for 7 days after the implant is fitted.

How Is The Contraceptive Implant Taken Out

The implant can be left in the arm for 3 years. The implant can be taken out earlier if you want to get pregnant or if you don’t want to use this type of contraception anymore. The implant is taken out:

  • under local anaesthetic

The implant must be taken out 3 years after it was put in. If you want another implant a new implant can be put in the same arm immediately after the old one is removed. Your periods will go back to normal soon after the implant is taken out. If you do not want to get pregnant you need to use another method of contraception as soon as the implant is removed.

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How Does The Implant Work To Prevent Pregnancy

The contraceptive implant works by slowly releasing a hormone called progestogen into your bloodstream which stops you from releasing an egg each month.

It will also thicken the mucus in your cervix, making it much more difficult for sperm to travel through, and also thin the lining of your womb making it harder for a fertilised egg to implant. This makes the implant more than 99% effective.

Who Can Get An Implant

My nexplanon is gone, I have spotting and pregnancy signs, but a negative test. Why?

Almost anyone, at any age, can have an implant.

It is good if you forget pills, appointments for injections, or if you have a medical reason that stops you using the combined pill.

If you have had breast cancer or you are taking some medications, you should not get the contraceptive implant. Tell the nurse or doctor if you are taking regular medication.

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How Effective Is The Implant

The implant is one of the best birth control methods out there its more than 99% effective. That means fewer than 1 out of 100 people who use Nexplanon will get pregnant each year. It doesnt get much better than that.

The implant is so effective because there’s no chance of making a mistake. Since its in your arm, you cant forget to take it, or use it incorrectly. It protects you from pregnancy all day, every day for up to 5 years. If you decide you want to get pregnant, a nurse or doctor can take it out and you can get pregnant right away.

The implant doesnt protect you from STDs, so use condoms along with the implant to help protect you from both pregnancy and STDs. Thats how you make sex worry-free.

Getting Contraception During Coronavirus

If you need contraception, call your GP surgery or a sexual health clinic as soon as possible. Only go in person if asked to.

It might not be possible to have an implant fitted or replaced at the moment.

You normally have a contraceptive implant for 3 years, but it can be left in and will continue to work for up to 4 years.

The risk of getting pregnant during the 4th year is very low. If youre worried about getting pregnant, you could use condoms or the progestogen-only pill as well.

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What Are The Disadvantages

  • You might have irregular periods or periods that last longer. This is quite common in the first 6 months but it can last as long as you use the implant. This can be annoying, but its not harmful and the implant will still work. If the bleeding is a problem, you can get pills to help.
  • You might have a sore or bruised arm after the implant is put in or taken out. There is a small risk of infection
  • Sometimes its not easy for the nurse or doctor to find the implant and you might have to see someone else to take it out.

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How Is The Contraceptive Implant Put In

Nexplanon Insertion : birthcontrol

The contraceptive implant is about the size of a matchstick and is placed under the skin of the inner side of your upper arm.

  • An injection of local anaesthetic is used to numb the skin.
  • A special device is used to place the implant under the skin. The wound is dressed and will soon heal just like any other small cut.
  • The area around the implant may be bruised and tender for a few days.
  • Once it has healed, knocking the implant will not do it, or you, any harm.
  • You do not need to have an internal vaginal examination or a genital examination to have an implant.

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Myth: Who Can Use The Method

Some women who seek family planning believe that implants should not be used by women who are young or who have not had children.

Fact: Nearly all women can use implants safely and effectively

Implants are suitable for women of any age, regardless of whether they have had children or not. Implants do not make women infertilefertility returns as soon as implants are removed. Breastfeeding women can use implants if at least six weeks have passed since they have given birth.

Implants may not be suitable for women who require a family planning method without hormones. For example, women who have or have had breast cancer and women with active, serious liver disease should choose an alternative method.

What Is The Nexplanon Birth Control Arm Implantation Procedure Like

Your healthcare provider should discuss the insertion of the birth control implant in your arm with you beforehand. This is your opportunity to let them know if you have any questions or concerns about the implant procedure.

Your healthcare provider will first sterilize and apply a local anesthetic to the back of your upper arm. After checking that your arm feels numb, they will then use a special device that looks like one side of a stapler to insert the implant into your arm. This is placed right underneath the skin.

The whole process takes less than 30 minutes. Since your arm will be numb, the procedure will only hurt as much as the anesthetic injection. Afterwards, the area of your arm where the implant is will feel tender for a few days and may bruise for up to 2 to 3 weeks.

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Are There Alternatives To The Birth Control Implant

Yes, there are a number of other birth control options for women available. If you are looking to obtain birth control, you will most likely need to have a consultation with your doctor first. They will discuss all of the options available to you and determine which method is best suited for your lifestyle. Some other available options include:

Does Birth Control Cause Weight Gain

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The 2014 Cochrane study quoted earlier in this article did not directly evaluate implants, but it did look at pills and patches, containing the same hormones as birth control implants. It strongly suggests that women are unlikely to gain weight from using birth control implants.

A study published in 2017 looked at weight loss in overweight and obese women after giving birth. One group received a birth control implant, and the other group used birth control that did not use hormones. Slightly fewer implant users had lost weight 6 months into the study. However, the difference in weight loss between the two groups was no statistically significant. This is evidence that hormonal implants probably do not cause weight gain. Even if they do, the gain is minimal.

However, other studies contradict the findings of these two studies.

The 2015 study mentioned early compared 75 users of the implant to 75 users of a non-hormonal IUD. Implant users had modest increases in body size and a 2 percent increase in body fat.

A 2016 study found that the hormonal birth control implant did not directly cause weight gain. However, women who were told that the implant might cause weight gain were more likely to think they had gained weight. In some cases, this caused them to stop using the implant.

A 2015 study arrived at a similar result to this last example. It concluded that teens who used hormonal birth control, including the implant, were likely to perceive weight gain.

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Who Can Use Implantable Contraception

Anyone who wants want long-term protection against pregnancy may be interested in implantable contraception.

Some health conditions make it less effective or more risky to use. The implant is not recommended for those who have had:

  • unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • some types of cancer

People with diabetes, migraine headaches, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gallbladder problems, seizures, kidney disease, or other medical problems should talk with their doctor.

Anyone who thinks she might be pregnant should not have a contraceptive implant inserted.

Contraception And Future Fertility Our Conclusions

Contraception doesn’t generally affect future fertility. Its not something to be afraid of, and you can discuss any concerns you have with us in greater detail so that you know your future pregnancy plans wont be challenged by contraception.

O& G is a team of obstetricians, gynaecologists and womens health professionals based in Adelaide, Australia. However, the information in this blog is not a substitute for personal medical advice. We designed it to prepare and guide you, not take the place of a consultation. Always talk to your doctor or call O& G to arrange an appointment.

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How Does Nexplanon Work

Nexplanon contains etonogestrel. Etonogestrel is the synthetic form of naturally occurring female hormone, progesterone. Nexplanon releases etonogestrel into the blood stream of the implant. The main way in which Nexplanon prevents pregnancy is that it releases high amount of synthetic progesterone, tricking the body into believing that ovulation has already occurred and prevents the eggs from being formed in the ovary. Etonogestrel also effects the natural mucus at the cervix. This increases the thickness of the mucus making it difficult for the sperm to enter the womb and hence successful fertilization.

Where To Get More Information And Support

The Nexplanon female long term contraceptive implant for long acting ...

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Sexual Health Victoria acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which our offices stand and in the regions in which we provide our services. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.

Sexual Health Victoria is committed to providing respectful, inclusive services and work environments where all individuals feel accepted, safe, affirmed and celebrated. With our commitment to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of reproductive and sexual health services, we welcome all people irrespective of cultural or linguistic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, religion or spiritual beliefs, socio economic status, age or abilities.

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Pregnancy Symptoms But Negative Test

If you feel the pregnancy symptoms while on Nexplanon, first take a pregnancy test to know whether you are actually pregnant or not. It might be a false positive or false-negative result. Generally, false positives are rare. False negatives are more prevalent. If you have pregnancy symptoms, but the test is negative, mostly there is no potentially serious reason behind it. Some of the reasons may be the following:

Nexplanon: An Overview Of Birth Control Implant

NEXPLANON is a birth control option to prevent pregnancy in the long term. It is an implant that can last up to three years. It is not an Intrauterine Device . Nexplanon is an arm implant that is placed under the skin of the upper arm on the inner side by a healthcare provider. A thin, flexible, and small contraceptive can be over 99% effective, just like a contraceptive pill.

This contraceptive implant prevents pregnancy when it releases hormones that can thicken cervical mucus and prevent the ovary from releasing eggs.

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What Type Of Birth Control Is Nexplanon

Nexplanon is a small plastic rod that is implanted by your specially trained healthcare provider just under the skin of your upper arm. It contains 68 mg of the estrogen-free, progestin hormone called etonogestrel. The implant releases a small amount of the progestin hormone into your body each day. The amount of hormone it releases is enough to prevent pregnancy for up to three years.

Implant Insertion Appointment: What To Expect

Contraceptive implant: how does it work?

A person needs to visit a doctors office, where the doctor will insert the flexible tube into their upper arm. People interested in having a Nexplanon implant should make sure that the doctor has experience in performing the procedure.

During the procedure, the doctor will make a small incision with a tool designed to insert Nexplanon. The procedure only takes a few minutes and does not require any downtime.

The doctor can insert the device at the same time as they remove an old one. To remove the device, they will administer a local anesthetic to the area, make a small incision underneath the implant, and grip the device with forceps to pull it out gently.

A range of healthcare professionals and birth control services offer Nexplanon and other birth control options online.

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