How To Prevent Pregnancy Complications

Warning Signs When Exercising During Pregnancy

How to Avoid Health Complications during Pregnancy

If you experience any of the following during or after physical activity, stop exercising immediately and see your doctor:

  • swelling of the face, hands or feet
  • calf pain or swelling
  • deep back, pubic or pelvic pain
  • cramping in the lower abdomen
  • walking difficulties
  • an unusual change in your babys movements
  • amniotic fluid leakage
  • Tel. 8376 8888 for further information on cycling and pregnancy

Visit The Doctor Regularly During Pregnancy

Regular prenatal appointments are critical to monitor both your health and the health of your growing baby. At each appointment, Dr. Serrano checks your vital signs and measures the babys progress. If potential issues are identified, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, we develop a treatment plan to give you the healthiest possible pregnancy and birth.

Taking steps to improve your health before and during pregnancy can make a big difference for you and your baby. Call us today at 761-5309 or request your first appointment online to get started.

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Am I At Higher Risk For Pregnancy Complications

Everyone with lupus has a higher risk of pregnancy complications. But some things may raise your risk even more, like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Problems with your blood, like blood clots or not having enough platelets
  • Having a certain type of proteins in your blood that may increase your risk for blood clots and pregnancy loss.

Your risk is still higher if you had these problems in the past, even if you dont have them now. Your risk is also higher if you had complications during a past pregnancy.

Talk with your doctor about your risk for pregnancy complications and make a plan to help prevent them.

If you work closely with your doctors and wait to get pregnant until your symptoms are under control, you have an excellent chance of having a healthy pregnancy.

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Tips To Prevent Having A High

Only 6-8% of all pregnancies are high-risk. Although most women experience normal pregnancies, learning more about common complications during pregnancy can help you make smart choices for your health and your babys health.

Every pregnancy is different. Some pregnancies start out low-risk and complications like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia develop mid-pregnancy, and mom and baby need special medical care. In other cases, women may have high-risk pregnancies from the start.

If youre pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, schedule an appointment with Christopher Serrano, MD, to understand if you may face a high-risk pregnancy. Dr. Serrano and our team provide comprehensive pregnancy care to women in San Antonio, Texas, and were here to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Some factors that contribute to high-risk pregnancy cant be changed. Women carrying multiples, including twins or triplets, are often high-risk. But there are changes you can make to increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Find out more about six things you can do to prevent a high-risk pregnancy, and book your first prenatal appointment today.

Take Care Of Your Health


It is necessary to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The presence of a sexually transmitted infection during pregnancy almost always leads to complications. For example, chlamydia becomes the cause of amniotic fluid, abnormalities of the placenta, and damage to the internal organs of the fetus.

Prevention of complications necessarily includes examination of women by specialized specialists in preparation for conception. Intensive metabolism, weight gain, changes in the location of internal organs and other changes in the body that occur during pregnancy can worsen the health of women with chronic diseases. The opposite is also true: diseases of internal organs affect pregnancy. For example, pyelonephritis can lead to premature birth, premature rupture of fetal membranes, acute respiratory failure syndrome in the newborn. Hypertension is a frequent cause of delayed intrauterine development and preeclampsia. Insulin-dependent diabetes often leads to fetal death, gigantism.

Besides, drugs taken for chronic diseases can cause complications in pregnancy. Some antimicrobial drugs have a toxic effect on the fetus, and taking anti-tumor drugs during pregnancy can lead to fetal growth retardation, skull abnormalities, and even death. To prevent pregnancy complications, reread the instructions for the medications you take on a regular basis. If pregnancy is listed as a contraindication, talk to your doctor about which medications you should switch to during this period.

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Quit Smoking And Drinking

Whatever you consume, the baby does also. So when youre drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, those harmful substances are going directly to the baby, negatively affecting them, too. Preterm birth is serious complication and direct side effect of smoking and drinking while pregnant, and it is strongly recommended that a woman quits as soon as she is trying to conceive and/or when she finds out that she is pregnant. Even though it can be difficult to quit, remembering the risks that come along with a preterm birth such as infant death and long-term disabilities in your child will make the process easier to complete.

Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy offers many physical and emotional benefits. Physical activity may also help manage some symptoms of pregnancy and make you feel better, knowing youre doing something good for yourself and your baby.

Some of the benefits of regular exercise throughout your pregnancy include:

  • reduced back and pelvic pain
  • preparation for the physical demands of labour
  • fewer complications in delivery
  • prevention and management of urinary incontinence
  • improved posture
  • reduced risk of anxiety and depression
  • improved sleep and management of insomnia
  • increased ability to cope with the physical demands of motherhood.

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Exercising And Changes Associated With Pregnancy

Your body will undergo many changes during pregnancy. Some will affect your ability to exercise, or require you to modify your exercise routine, including:

  • Hormones such as relaxin loosen ligaments, which could increase your risk of joint injuries .
  • As pregnancy progresses, your weight will increase and you will experience changes in weight distribution and body shape. This results in the bodys centre of gravity moving forward, which can alter your balance and coordination.
  • Pregnancy increases your resting heart rate, so dont use your target heart rate to work out the intensity of your exercise. In healthy pregnant women, exercise intensity can be monitored using a method known as Borgs Rating of Perceived Exertion scale. This measures how hard you feel your body is working.
  • Your blood pressure drops in the second trimester, so it is important to avoid rapid changes of position from lying to standing and vice versa so as not to experience dizzy spells.

Who Is At Risk For Complications

Preeclampsia & eclampsia – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

If you already have a chronic condition or illness, talk to your doctor about how to minimize any complications before you get pregnant. If youre already pregnant, your doctor may need to monitor your pregnancy.

Some examples of common diseases and conditions that can cause complications during your pregnancy include:

  • sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV
  • kidney problems

Other factors that may increase your risk for complications include:

  • being pregnant at age 35 or older
  • being pregnant at a young age
  • having an eating disorder like anorexia
  • smoking cigarettes
  • having a history of pregnancy loss or preterm birth
  • carrying multiples, such as twins or triplets

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Goal: Prevent Pregnancy Complications And Maternal Deaths And Improve Womens Health Before During And After Pregnancy

Women in the United States are more likely to die from childbirth than women living in other developed countries.1 Healthy People 2030 focuses on preventing pregnancy complications and maternal deaths and helping women stay healthy before, during, and after pregnancy.

Some women have health problems that start during pregnancy, and others have health problems before they get pregnant that could lead to complications during pregnancy. Strategies to help women adopt healthy habits and get health care before and during pregnancy can help prevent pregnancy complications. In addition, interventions to prevent unintended pregnancies can help reduce negative outcomes for women and infants.

Womens health before, during, and after pregnancy can have a major impact on infants health and well-being. Women who get recommended health care services before they get pregnant are more likely to be healthy during pregnancy and to have healthy babies. Strategies to help pregnant women get medical care and avoid risky behaviors like smoking or drinking alcohol can also improve health outcomes for infants.

Pelvic Floor Exercises And Pregnancy

Your pelvic floor muscles are weakened during pregnancy and during birth , so it is extremely important to begin conditioning the pelvic floor muscles from the start of your pregnancy. Appropriate exercises can be prescribed by a physiotherapist. It is important to continue with these throughout your pregnancy and resume as soon as is comfortable after the birth.

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Will My Baby Be Born With Lupus

No but some babies born to mothers with lupus get a condition called neonatal lupus. Neonatal lupus is not the same type of lupus adults get, and it doesnt mean that these babies will have lupus when they grow up.

The most common symptom of neonatal lupus is a rash on the babys face. The rash usually goes away within 6 months after birth. Rarely, babies with neonatal lupus get a condition called congenital heart block that can be identified during pregnancy. Babies with congenital heart block require immediate care after birth and may need a pacemaker to help control their heartbeat. Seeing a perinatologist during pregnancy is an important part of a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby.

During pregnancy, your doctor will test your blood for anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La antibodies certain proteins that increase your babys risk for a heart block. You may also need a test called an ultrasound to check for problems with the babys heart.

Remember, most babies of mothers with lupus are born healthy. You can work together with your doctors to have a healthy pregnancy.

This resource is available as a PDF in English, Spanish, and Chinese . Download now to print and share.

Maintain Or Achieve A Healthy Weight Before Pregnancy

Dilatation and Curettage: Indications and Complications

Being overweight or obese while pregnant increases your risk of developing a variety of complications, like high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and stillbirth.

If youre planning to get pregnant, achieving a healthy weight before pregnancy reduces your risk of complications. Follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. While pregnant, follow the doctors guidelines for weight gain to ensure a healthy labor and delivery.

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Checking The Fetus In A High

A biophysical profile may be scheduled for women whose pregnancies are considered high-risk. This is a test that checks fetal health. It combines a nonstress test with an ultrasound exam, and it’s usually done after the 28th week of pregnancy.

An NST is usually done to evaluate the health of the fetus. It involves placement of a fetal monitor on the mother’s abdomen and interpretation of the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movements. It generally takes 20 to 30 minutes, and you donât need to stay overnight in the hospital.

Interpretation of the nonstress test can sometimes be misleading there is a relatively high rate of false-positive results, which means the test may come back positive when the fetus is actually well. It’s hard to decide what to do next.

The BPP makes that less likely by combining the nonstress test with an ultrasound exam. It also takes 30 minutes and can be done on an outpatient basis.

The ultrasound exam checks four things:

Stress And Cell Damage

The cells in our body undergo whats called oxidative stress. This happens when there is an increase in free radicals, compounds that damage cells. Antioxidants, compounds such as those found in pomegranate juice, protect against free radicals. In complicated pregnancies, elevated oxidative stress has been shown to contribute to problems with the placenta, which often causes complications such as preeclampsia, a condition where the mother suffers from high blood pressure. Placental problems in pregnant women may also lead to lower weight babies and preterm birth. Women give birth to babies who have problems related to placental issues in five to 10 percent of pregnancies worldwide.

These results are very exciting, says senior author Michael Nelson, MD, PhD, maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and the Virginia S. Lang Professor and vice chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine. My hope is that giving pomegranate juice to women with high-risk pregnancies late in their first trimester or early in their second trimester will help them have healthier babies.

In this study, pregnant women were randomly selected at 35-38 weeks into the pregnancy to be given either 8 ounces a day of pomegranate juice or a placebo until delivery. Placental tissues from 12 patients were collected for analysis of oxidative stress.

If this works, it could help thousands of women and babies each year, Nelson says.

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How To Prevent Complications During Pregnancy & Steps To Consider

Learning simple steps for how to prevent complications during pregnancy can give you peace of mind and may help you have a smoother experience. While its always important to consult your pregnancy healthcare professional for guidance during pregnancy and before making any lifestyle changes, these methods may help you along your way.

Some simple steps you can take for how to prevent pregnancy complications include:

  • Eating healthily and avoiding dangerous foods
  • Learning how to lower blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Getting better sleep while pregnant
  • Avoid all alcohol, cigarette smoke, and other potentially dangerous substances
  • Managing stress levels while pregnant

Frequently Asked Questionsexpand All

Complications: Preeclampsia, HELLP Syndrome, Amniotic Fluid Abnormalities – Maternity – Pregnancy
  • What is a birth defect?

    A birth defect is a condition that is present at birth. Some birth defects can be seen right after the baby is born, such as a clubfoot or extra fingers or toes. Special tests may be needed to find others, such as heart defects or hearing loss. Some birth defects are not noticed until later in life.

  • What causes birth defects?

    Some birth defects are caused by genes that can be passed from parents to children. Others result from a problem with chromosomes. A small number of birth defects are caused by exposure during pregnancy to certain medications, infections, and chemicals. For many birth defects, the cause is not known.

  • What can I do before or during pregnancy to decrease my risk of having a baby with certain birth defects?

    Most birth defects cannot be prevented because their cause is not known. For a few birth defects, you may be able to decrease your risk by taking certain steps:

  • See your doctor before getting pregnant.

  • Know your risk factors.

  • Take a daily multivitamin before and during pregnancy.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Take care of medical conditions before pregnancy.

  • Do not use alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs for a nonmedical reason.

  • Prevent infections.

  • Avoid known harmful agents.

  • What factors increase the risk of having a baby with a birth defect?

    You may be at an increased risk of having a baby with a birth defect if you:

  • Have a family or personal history of birth defects

  • Have had a child with a birth defect

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    How To Avoid Complications

    • Diet: Eat fresh food. Most women require taking iron and calcium supplements. You may discontinue folic acid supplements.
    • Exercise: Performing antenatal exercises under supervision is recommended. Yoga helps staying physically and mentally fit during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period. Familiarise yourself with the care providers and hospital facilities to prepare yourself mentally.
    • Posture: Wear low-heeled shoes and hold yourself well to avoid back injury. Avoid bending in your back. If you need to bend, say to pick up something from the floor, go down on your knees. When getting up from the bed, turn to one side and then rise slowly. Standing suddenly can cause giddiness.

    At the end of 16 weeks: Undergo blood tests to detect abnormalities such as Downss syndrome and neural tube defects in the baby. A detailed sonography is performed from 16 to 20 weeks to detect any abnormality in the baby. This is called an anomaly scan and checks the baby from head to toe. A normal scan at this stage almost completes the investigative process to detect an abnormally developed baby.

    Prevention: What You Need To Do To Prevent This

    • Visit your doctor regularly to check on the babys growing status using ultrasound scan
    • Monitor and maintain your good health by monitor closely your blood pressure and sugar level using your home test kit
    • Watch out for any bleeding or spotting. Seek for medical help immediately if you have suspicion of bleeding.
    • Eat healthy food and live a good healthy lifestyle.

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    Exercise Suggestions During Pregnancy

    Pre-exercise screening is used to identify people with medical conditions that may put them at a higher risk of experiencing a health problem during physical activity. It is a filter or safety net to help decide if the potential benefits of exercise outweigh the risks for you. Read through the pre-exercise self-screening tool before embarking on a new physical activity or exercise program.If you have been cleared to exercise, and you participated in physical activity before you were pregnant, it is recommended that you:

    • Do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week.
    • Let your body be your guide. You know youre at a good exercise intensity when you can talk normally and do not become exhausted too quickly.
    • If you are healthy and you are not experiencing complications in your pregnancy, continue this level of activity throughout pregnancy, or until it becomes uncomfortable for you to do so.
    • Be guided by your doctor, physiotherapist or healthcare professional.

    If you have been cleared to exercise, but you were inactive before your pregnancy:

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