Why Is So Hard To Get Pregnant

How Hard Is It To Get Pregnant Over 44 Years Old

How Hard Is It To Get Pregnant?

According to Dr. Ross, people over the age of 44 have a less than 5% chance of getting pregnant each month. That said, age in and of itself is not an effective “method” for avoiding pregnancy. You should continue to use other birth control methods until you’ve officially entered menopause , which varies from person to person.

How Long Does It Take For A Woman To Get Pregnant

If you are healthy and your reproductive parts are functioning at their best, you have a 25% probability of becoming pregnant during every menstrual cycle. According to the American Pregnancy Association, with frequent unprotected sex, most healthy couples conceive within one year.

Of all couples trying to get pregnant :

  • 30 percent get pregnant within the first month .
  • 60 percent get pregnant within three months .
  • 80 percent get pregnant within six months .
  • 85 percent get pregnant in about a year .
  • 92 percent get pregnant in about 4 years .

How Do I Improve My Chances Of Becoming Pregnant

If you are female, you will have a better chance of getting pregnant if you understand your menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, but it can vary for different people.

If your cycle is regular, you will probably ovulate 2 weeks before the start of your next period. So, you can work out the best time for sexual intercourse to result in pregnancy.

If you are male, talk with your partner about their menstrual cycle.

Both you and your partner should be as healthy as you can be. Apart from anything else, this really will help your chances of getting pregnant. You can both:

  • eat a healthy diet
  • if you smoke, stop smoking and avoid passive smoking when possible

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Why Does It Get So Much Harder To Conceive Once Youre Over 35

The main reason why your fertility drops by around this age is because you dont have very many eggs left. Women are born with around 1 million eggs, but by the time you reach puberty there are only about 300,000-400,000 remaining. This number gradually drops, and by the time youre 35 there are only a few dozen that could be suitable for fertilization. You could begin to have menstrual cycles where no egg is released.

When youre older, theres also a greater chance that youve had some kind of surgery or infection that could have affected your fertility by leaving scars around the cervix or fallopian tubes. Youre also more likely to have developed conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids, which make it much harder to become pregnant.

As you age, you also experience a natural decline in cervical mucus, which plays a key role in conception by helping sperm through the cervix and into the uterus and fallopian tubes so that it can fertilize the egg.

Once youre over 35, every year can affect your chances of success in becoming a parent, so its important to seek medical assistance as soon as you see that youre having difficulty conceiving. Whether you continue your path to building your family through IVF, donor eggs/sperm, or natural conception, we hope that your experience is as smooth as possible.

Certain health conditions can play a large role in fertility.

For example,

Try To Maintain A Healthy Weight

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Your BMI is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. The ideal BMI before conception is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Being overweight

Having a high BMI can reduce your fertility and increases the risk of complications in pregnancy. Being overweight can also contribute to fertility problems in men .

If you have a very high BMI you may feel like it is an impossible task to reach the healthy range and you may have been struggling with your weight your whole life. Try not to lose heart, bringing your BMI a few points down the scale can make a big difference.There is professional support available if you need it.

Being underweight

If your BMI is in the underweight range it may affect your fertility and cause health problems during pregnancy. It may help to put on weight gradually with a healthy diet. There are many reasons why a person may be underweight. You GP can give you help and advice.

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But You Still Should Have A Birth Control Plan

Though your chances of unexpectedly getting pregnant are greatly reduced if you fall into one of these categories, they aren’t nonexistent if you’re fertile. If you want to avoid pregnancy, it’s best to have an effective birth control method that you will use correctly and consistently. And since no form of birth control method outside of abstinence is 100% effective, you may also want a backup such as emergency contraceptives on hand.

What Are Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant After 40

Getting pregnant in your 40s is absolutely possible in fact, births to mothers ages 40 and older are on the rise, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . But just how likely are you to get pregnant after age 40?

It isnt always easy to get pregnant at any age: even in their 20s, women only have a 25% chance of conceiving each month. But after age 40, getting pregnant becomes significantly harder, as your chances of conception decrease to less than 5% each month.

The older a woman gets, the fewer eggs she has and the worse quality her eggs become. Our chances of miscarriage also increase as we age. In a woman over age 40, the odds of miscarriage are between 40 and 50% for each pregnancy.

However, thanks to technological advances, getting pregnant in your 40s is easier than ever. Assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization can significantly improve your odds of getting pregnant in your 40s. The following graph summarizes pregnancy and birth rates among women ages 40-44+ using ART:

Source: CDC Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago

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Is It Hard To Get Pregnant With Pcos

It can be. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common issue among women trying to get pregnant. PCOS affects as many as 5 million women. This hormonal problem interferes with a womans reproductive system, causing the body to produce abnormal levels of androgens. Too many androgens result in egg development issues, interfering with the bodys ability to release an egg.

So, yes, PCOS can make it harder to get pregnant however, there are treatment options available. The first step is often to start eating a healthy diet if youre not already following recommended dietary guidelines. The next step is to receive a fertility assessment to determine your condition and potentially receive medication to help with fertility.

Faqs About Not Getting Pregnant

This will not make you pregnant | Dr. Sudeshna Ray

Being unable to conceive when you want to get pregnant is one of the most difficult and confusing things you can go through as a couple. If you are struggling in your TTC journey, you might still have a lot of lingering questions about what exactly is going on in your body.

In this section, well answer some of the most commonly asked questions regarding difficulties getting pregnant.

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Is It Hard To Get Pregnant How Long Should I Wait Before Seeking Help

Out of every 100 couples trying for a baby, 80 to 90 will get pregnant within 1 year. The rest will take longer, or may need help to conceive. At IVI, our standard advice is to seek medical assistance if you have not managed to conceive after one year of trying for a baby. However, depending on your age and that of your partner, you could be better advised to start the process after 6 months. When you reach the point where you have decided to seek assistance, it may be some comfort to know that currently approximately 15% of the worlds population have problems conceiving, and half of these cases are due to sperm-related problems.

Therefore for both men and women, you are far from being alone in your situation. Once youve consulted a medical specialist, it will become clear that this is a very common situation and one in which the potential remedies are varied and well established.

Conditions That Affect Fertility

Certain health conditions can play a large role in fertility.

For example,

While it may require beating greater odds if you hope to become pregnant with certain medical conditions, its not impossible. You should speak to your doctorabout a plan of action to improve your chances of getting pregnant and delivering safely.

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Because It Can Change Your Relationship

My first two pregnancies were extremely hard on my marriage. They put a spotlight on the cracks that were already there and tested my then-husbands ability to grow up, step up, and support me while I literally grew children inside my freaking body.

Spoiler alert: he totally didnt make the cut. However, pregnancy, and related health problems put a strain on my current marriage, too. Its so hard.

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Reasons Why Its So Hard To Get Pregnant In 2021

Women Dealing With Infertility Share Their Struggles

Sylvia Kang

Katerina Shkodzik


When you were growing up, it might have seemed like getting pregnant was as simple as having unprotected sex. Unfortunately, when youre actually ready to get pregnant, you quickly learn that this is not the case. Often, it takes months of trying for couples without fertility issues to conceive and it may take years for those who do struggle with infertility.

12% of women ages 15 to 44 in the United States face difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term. This process can be discouraging, especially when you have been trying to conceive for a long time without succeeding. So, why, exactly, is it so hard to get pregnant, even when you dont have underlying health issues?

The complicated answer is that factors like timing, biology, and environment can all interact to make your journey to conception straightforward or more difficult. Whether or not you struggle with infertility, here are some of the reasons why you may find it hard to conceive.

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Other Factors To Consider If You’re Not Getting Pregnant

Working outside the normal 9-to-5 schedule has been shown to impact fertility as well. Researchers think that it has to do with circadian rhythm disruption.

If you’re working a shift job or one that requires heavy labor, you’ll want to prioritize sleep, good nutrition, and exercise, said Dr. Bitner.

“I work with many nurses who work night shifts and long hours, as well as female physicians,” added Dr. Bitner. “It is possible to be rested and stay healthy, but it must be a priority.”

Start Taking Folic Acid Now

Folic acid needs to build up in your body to provide maximum protection for your baby against neural tube defects. Many women conceive within one month of trying so it is ideal to start taking folic acid two months before you stop contraception. If you have already stopped contraception, start taking a 400mcg folic acid supplement daily until you are 12 weeks pregnant.

Some women may be prescribed 5mg of folic acid.

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Are There Any Risks Once Im Pregnant

Most pregnancies in women with PCOS will be straightforward with no complications. However, having PCOS and being obese may increase your risk of certain pregnancy-related problems.

These can include:

  • miscarriage while miscarriage is common and might happen to any pregnancy, having PCOS can increase your risk by about 3 times. Your doctor may prescribe metformin to help manage this risk
  • pregnancy-induced high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia having PCOS increases your risk of these by about 3-4 times
  • gestational diabetes PCOS can triple your risk of developing this type of diabetes, which only pregnant women get
  • caesarean section delivery a higher risk of complications such as pre-eclampsia can make it more likely youll need to have a C-section

Getting Pregnant Can Be Harder Than You Thinkheres Why

Finding Out I’m Pregnant and The First Trimester!

Medically reviewed by Neka Miller, PhD on July 15, 2021. To give you technically accurate, evidence-based information, content published on the Everlywell blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.

From a womanâs ovarian reserve to a manâs sperm health, the reasons can vary. Keep reading to learn more about these and other reasons why conceiving may be more difficult than anticipated.

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Possible Reasons Why You Cant Get Pregnant

Without a medical exam, its impossible to say for certain why you are having trouble getting pregnant. That being said, there are a number of possible reasons why you may face difficulty conceiving.

Finding it challenging to conceive does not necessarily mean that you are dealing with a serious medical problem. Other factors, like lifestyle and environment, can also influence your ability to get pregnant.

When Should I See A Doctor For Secondary Fertility

The guidelines on when you should see a fertility doctor for secondary infertility are exactly the same as for any woman trying to get pregnant.

You should seek the assistance of a reproductive endocrinologist if you are under 35 years old and trying to conceive for 12 months.

It is recommended that you seek help after just 6 months of trying if you are 35 years old or older.

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What Is The Infertility Rate With Pcos

The infertility rate with polycystic ovaries is very high. these women usually will have difficulty getting pregnant and usually require treatment to improve chances for pregnancy.

Some women with polycystic ovary syndrome will ovulate occasionally others do not ever ovulate. In order to conceive, sperm must find and fertilize a mature egg so we need to ovulate.

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Are You Fertile If You Have Regular Period

Pin on Yo, Teach!

If you have regular periods, your chances of fertility are high. However, fertility is tricky as there may be reasons that could prevent conception despite having a good number of eggs.

If you have been trying to conceive for months or years and failing, then you must see a fertility specialist or gynecologist to rule out the possible causes. Also, remember that you do not always need medical assistance for conception. Certain lifestyle changes could naturally help you conceive.

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Have A Sexual Health Check

Sexually transmitted infections can affect your fertility, as well as any future pregnancy and baby.

If there is any reason to think you or your reproductive partner may have a STI, its important that you both get tested. The best places to go are a GUM clinic, sexual health clinic, your own doctor or a young peoples clinic.

Can You Get Pregnant With Secondary Infertility

The short answer is yes, you can get pregnant with secondary infertility, but you may need to seek out the assistance of a fertility doctor, and heres why.

While women over the age of 35 still have eggs left, it becomes more difficult to get pregnant because the eggs are of lower quality.

Research performed by doctors at RMA showed that a womans age impacts the viability of the embryos created from her eggs.

Namely, the older a woman, the more likely it is that her eggs have a chromosomal error which will, in turn, result in embryos being aneuploid, or chromosomally abnormal.

For example, in her mid-to-late 20s, the rate of aneuploidy in a womans eggs is a little more than 20 percent, rises to the mid-30s by age 35, is about 50 percent by age 40, and is nearly 90 percent by age 42 and 43.

This means that while about 20 percent of the embryos a woman creates may be abnormal in her late 20s, almost 90 percent could be abnormal by her early 40s. That is a significant change in a little over a decade.

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The Odds Are In Your Favor

First of all, rest assured that the odds are definitely with you. About 85 percent of all couples will get pregnant within a year, but it’s also wise to have some realistic expectations. The average time it takes to conceive, for instance, is about six months, and women under 35 should wait until they’ve tried for a year before they consider calling their doctor or a fertility specialist with concerns, says Dr. Stillman.

For older women, the picture changes. Not only could it take longer to conceive, but there are fewer chances of succeeding.

“Women 35 and older who think things aren’t quite right, maybe their menstrual cycle is off, should bring that to someone’s attention fairly quickly — within three months if they’re not pregnant yet,” says Dr. Michael Zinaman, director of reproductive endocrinology at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. “If things seem absolutely fine, then they should contact someone after six months.”

The problem is that many women nowadays who are postponing children until later in life for a variety of reasons often don’t realize until it’s too late about the reduced odds, says Dr. A.F. Haney, chairman of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Duke University Medical Center.

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