How Many Weeks Into Pregnancy Can You Get An Abortion
Pregnancy can either be a time of joy, or a time of confusion. If you were not planning to have a baby yet and you are considering an abortion, there are a few questions you may need answers to. One of those questions is often, If I need an abortion, how many weeks into pregnancy can I be?
While late-term abortions can be performed, they are usually carefully weighed with the risks, the preferred time is prior to 13 weeks. This article will discuss the safe time frames for abortion and the procedures performed at certain stages of pregnancy. The final decision should come from a discussion between you, your partner if they are present, and your doctor.
Medical Abortion Vs Suction Aspiration
Medical abortion can be conducted up to 10 weeks from the first day of the last period while suction aspiration can be done upto 12 weeks. In both these procedures, cramping and discomfort, like that experienced during a heavy menstrual period, are to be expected. Both these techniques have an approximate 99 percent success rate. If a medical abortion fails, then you will need to get a suction aspiration. When a suction aspiration fails, it might have to be repeated.
- Risks
The risk of health complications in a medical abortion is at least 10 times less than that in continuing a pregnancy. It is very rare to see major problems in this type of termination. The pills used for medical abortions have been in circulation since the 1980s. The risk factors for surgical aspirations are also the same. They are safest in the first eight weeks and problems are almost non-existent when done in the first trimester.
- Advantages
In medical abortions, there is no need for anaesthesia, surgical instruments or even a visit to the hospital. It feels more like a natural miscarriage and can be done early in the pregnancy. Aspiration abortions see much less bleeding and can be done even if the pregnancy has progressed.
- Disadvantages
Medical abortions need at least two days and bleeding can last up to two weeks. Aspiration abortions are more invasive and require the use of anaesthesia. Therefore they are also susceptible to anesthesia side effects.
The Bottom Line On When You Can Get An Abortion
This all might sound super scary, but there’s good news when done in the first trimester, abortions are a safe medical procedure the risk of major complications is less than 0.05 percent, according to research from the Guttmacher Institute. To put that into context, the risk of death from childbirth is 11 times greater than the risk of death from an abortion procedure during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. That being said, the earlier the better when it comes to terminating a pregnancy after 20 weeks, the risk of death from abortion is about the same as childbirth, according to Planned Parenthood.
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You Are Not Aloneabortion Services At Choices Womens Medical Center
An abortion is a legal and very safe procedure to end a pregnancy. Choices was one of the first medical clinics to offer abortion services when New York State legalized abortion in 1971, two years before it became legal nationally in 1973. Since that time, millions of women in the U.S. have chosen to have abortions. One in four women in this country has an abortion before the age of 45.
What To Expect During An Abortion
When you go in for an abortion appointment, the clinic may ask that you chat with a counselor or healthcare staff member about your decision. This person should answer any questions you have, and let you know about your options for birth control after the abortion, although you donât have to start birth control if you donât want to. They will also want to make sure that your decision is your own, and that you arenât being pressured by anyone.
A healthcare provider will do a physical exam and some tests, sometimes including blood tests. They may do an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy gestation and your abortion options. They should provide written instructions about medication, who to contact if you have questions once you’re home, plus what to expect during and after the abortion.
You might also want to prepare for an abortion by having some comforting things around you, like a hot water bottle, menstrual pads, or a friend with massage skills. If youâre having an in-clinic abortion, youâll also need to arrange for someone to drive you home.
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Can I Get Counselling Before An Abortion
Yes, you can. Counselling is an important part of the when you are considering whether to have an abortion. You should understand all of your options and make the decision that is right for you.
Your doctor or clinic will talk to you about your choices and offer support services so you can talk to someone.
If you can, talk to family and friends, but you shouldnt allow anyone else to pressure you. You should also make sure you seek advice and support from counselling services that will give you unbiased information and wont try to talk you into making a decision that is not right for you.
How Early Can You Have An Abortion
There are two main types of abortions: medical and surgical/in-clinic. Medical abortions can be used during the first 11 weeks of pregnancy, according to Planned Parenthood.
And when can you get an abortion if you’re not taking that route? Surgical abortions can be done during the first or second trimester, and include procedures such as aspiration and dilation and evacuation , according to Planned Parenthood. Aspiration involves a gentle suction through a tube that goes through the cervix and empties the uterus. Dilation and evacuation involve entering the uterus through the cervix and removing tissue from the uterine lining with a scoop-like surgical instrument. While these types of abortions are called “surgical” there are no incisions involved and it takes about 10 minutes to do, Debra Stulberg, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Chicago previously told Shape.
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Profile Of Women Seeking Abortion
A client profile study focusing on the socio-economic profiles of women seeking abortion services, and costs of receiving abortion services at public health facilities in Madhya Pradesh, India, revealed that “57% of women of who received abortion care at public health facilities were poor, followed by 21% moderate and 22% rich. More poor women sought care at primary health level facilities than secondary level facilities, and among women presenting for postabortion complications than induced abortion.” Further, the study found that women admitted to spending no money to access abortion services as they are free at public facilities. Poor women, it was reported, “spend INR 64 while visiting primary level facilities and INR 256 while visiting urban hospitals, primarily for transportation and food”. The study concluded that the “improved availability of safe abortion services at the primary level in Madhya Pradesh has helped meeting the need of safe abortion services among poor, which eventually will help reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity due to unsafe abortion”.
I Am Afraid I Wont Wake Up After Deep Sedation Can That Happen
The deep sedation anesthesia that we offer is safe, effective and short acting. You will be asleep from 5-20 minutes depending on the procedure. There is always some degree of risk with any anesthesia, but serious complications with deep sedation are very rare at Choices. Most complications occur when a patient has had food or liquid within 8 hours of surgery. Tell your Counselor and doctor if you have had prior complications with anesthesia, if you have any allergies to medicine, or if you have had anything to eat or drink within 8 hours prior to your surgery.
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Surgical Dilatation And Curettage
Approximately 6% of abortions reported in Canada used this method.19
Local or general anesthetic is given to the mother before her cervix is dilated. The cervix is dilated with laminaria or rigid dilators sometimes, the prostaglandin Misoprostol is also given to soften and dilate the cervix.
A loop-shaped knife called a curette is inserted through the cervix. The curette cuts the fetus and its placenta from the uterine wall and breaks it up. Then the fetal parts and the placenta are scraped out of the uterus through the cervix and discarded.20
Months Pregnant: Symptoms And Fetal Development
At two months pregnant, you might be feeling overwhelmed, excited, worried, happy â or all of the above, and more. Thatâs pregnancy for you! Thereâs no doubt youâll have a lot on your mind this month. Read on to learn more about common pregnancy symptoms, how your baby is developing during the coming weeks, and what else is in store for you at two months pregnant.
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What Happens During A Procedural Abortion
Some clinics will do everything in a single appointment. Others will ask you to come first for a check-up and some medication to help the cervix open, and then come back for the procedure a few hours to a day later. Before the procedure, youâll likely be given some painkillers and antibiotics .
You may have the choice of being fully awake, sleepy, or asleep during the procedure. A local anesthetic is an injection given in the cervix to block pain, and allows you to be awake and aware during the procedure. It can be combined with sedation that makes you very sleepy but conscious. A general anesthetic puts you completely asleep. Talk to your clinic about this beforehand so you know what your choices are and what to expect.
Find Out What Your Costs Could Be
To find out how far along you are and what the cost of an abortion could be for you, schedule a free pre-termination evaluation with CompassCare today.
1 Jones R., Ingerick M., Jerman J. Womens Health Issues. 2018 May-Jun 28: 212218. Differences in Abortion Service Delivery in Hostile, Middle-ground, and Supportive States in 2014. Retrieved from NCBI, U.S. National Library of Medicine on 06/04/19.
2 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. How do I get the abortion pill? Retrieved from on 06/04/19.
3 CompassCare Pregnancy Services. Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online? Retrieved from on 06/04/19.
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What Happens During A Medication Abortion
If youâve chosen to have a medication abortion, youâll probably be given one pill to take at the clinic, and another pill to take at home. Some clinics will ask that you come back for a second visit to take the second pill.
Most of the time, the first pill youâll take is a medication called mifepristone. An embryo needs progesterone to stay attached to the uterine lining and develop, and mifepristone blocks the progesterone your body is producing. Youâll then get another medication to take home with you, and, in some places, schedule a follow-up appointment a week or two after your abortion.
At home , youâll take a medication called misoprostol. Most guidelines recommended that you wait 1-2 days before taking the second pill . The timing of when you take it may depend on factors that your healthcare provider will discuss with you .
Misoprostol causes your uterus to cramp and shed its inner lining and contents. The drug is a type of prostaglandin, similar to what causes regular period cramps . Youâll also likely take a pain medication and an anti-nausea medication half an hour or so before taking the misoprostol. Do not take Aspirin or any pain medication that might increase bleeding .
What Is A Medical Abortion
A medical abortion is an abortion caused by medicine. It is usually done in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. The most common type of medical abortion uses a medicine called mifepristone. This is a pill that blocks progesterone, a hormone needed for pregnancy. It causes the lining of the womb to become thin and break down. Other medicines used for this purpose include methotrexate, misoprostol, prostaglandins, or a combination of these medicines.
In general, this type of medical abortion is a 3-step process:
- A woman visits her doctor and takes the mifepristone.
- She comes back a few days later to take misoprostol. Misoprostol makes the uterus contract and empty. Many women have bleeding for about 2 weeks after taking misoprostol.
- After about 2 weeks, the woman returns to the doctor for a follow-up visit. Her doctor checks to be sure that the medicine was effective. Light bleeding or discharge may continue for several weeks.
The exact process will vary by state. States regulate how many times youll need to see the doctor and which tests he or she must perform.
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Abortion At Home Complications: Signs Effects & Recovery Tips
1. After Abortion Signs:
How do you know that you have had a miscarriage? Are there any symptoms to watch out for? What is normal and what is not? Read on to know about them:
Whether it is a natural miscarriage or a self-induced abortion, you will likely experience these commonly found changes in your body.
- Medium To Heavy Bleeding, along with slight to severe spotting
- Severe Cramping in the lower abdominal region, which can go all the way to buttocks and vaginal area.
- Fatigue and extreme weakness
- Shooting pain in your back
And in extreme cases, you might also experience:
- Uncontrollable vomiting or nausea
- Burning sensation in the urinary bladder
- Heavy Blood loss leading to hemorrhage
In both cases, you must immediately contact a doctor and seek proper medical attention on time.
2. Effects of Home Abortion:
As per studies, induced abortion, when performed under strict medical supervision is not likely to cause any serious, long term health effects. However, in certain cases, a woman might have increased risk of these issues in the future:
- Mood Swings, Depression
- Pre-term labor in subsequent pregnancies
- Delayed Childbearing
- Infertility
- Higher chances of getting Breast Cancer
- Deaths, in cases where abortion is performed under dangerous circumstances, half-knowledge or using unproven practices.
3. How To Recover After Abortion:
1. Will Abortion Home Remedies Affect my Future Pregnancy and Periods?
2. Is Aspirin for Abortion a Safe Method and Does it work?
Earliest Date You Can Have An Abortion
Abortions can be carried out as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. In most cases, this will be after your first missed period at 4 weeks. You can make your first appointment at the abortion clinic before you miss a period if you already know that youre pregnant. However, many women wait a little longer before taking a pregnancy test or visiting the clinic. About 80% will speak to a doctor within the first 10 weeks of the pregnancy.
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Procedural Abortion Is An In
A procedural abortion is a procedure to remove the contents of the uterus. This happens in a clinic or hospital. A procedural abortion is usually available until about week 16 of pregnancy . After that amount of time, the procedure and availability can differ. In some clinics procedural abortions can be performed as soon as someone finds out they are pregnant. Other clinics only offer this type of abortion after week 5 or 6 from the first day of the last period.
Medication is usually given an hour or two before the procedure. A type of anesthetic is then offered to block pain, and/or make you feel sleepy or be completely asleep. A healthcare provider then inserts an instrument into the vagina, through the cervix, to reach the uterus. Then the contents of the uterus are suctioned out. The procedure usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes . After the procedure, half an hour or so is spent resting in the clinic before heading home.
First trimester procedural abortions are safe and effective: 99 times out of 100, everything works well the first time . In rare cases, a follow-up procedure may be required. More serious complications are very rare, occurring in less than 0.2 per 100 cases in the US .
Benefits of procedural abortion:
Risks of procedural abortion:
Is Abortion Legal In Australia
Abortion law in Australia varies across states and territories. Abortion is legal in all states and territories under certain circumstances and when it is done by a registered medical professional.
In most states and territories, it is illegal to protest within 150m of a clinic or service that provides abortions.
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Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before An Abortion
Hormonal changes cause the early symptoms of pregnancy. About 6 in 10 people will notice new symptoms within a week or two after a âmissedâ period, and 9 in 10 will have noticed symptoms within a month after a âmissedâ period . Some of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy include nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, changes in appetite, and increased urination .
Spotting: Light spotting can also happen early in pregnancy. About 1 in 10 people experience spotting within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy . That means itâs possible to mistake pregnancy spotting for a menstrual period. In many cases, this spotting is light enough that someone might only notice it when wiping with toilet paper. For just under 2 in 10 people, the spotting may be heavier, but still not as heavy as a typical period .
If you’ve been getting your period for a number of years, and it’s similar every cycle, then you’ll likely notice the difference between pregnancy spotting and a period. Heavier bleeding can happen too, but often indicates a miscarriage â itâs not uncommon for a very early miscarriage to seem like a heavy, late period and/or otherwise unusual period .