Can You Get Pregnant While On Nexplanon Birth Control

Myth: Who Can Use The Method

PREGNANT?|| WHILE on NEXPLANON / IMPLANON implant birth control

Some women who seek family planning believe that implants should not be used by women who are young or who have not had children.

Fact: Nearly all women can use implants safely and effectively

Implants are suitable for women of any age, regardless of whether they have had children or not. Implants do not make women infertilefertility returns as soon as implants are removed. Breastfeeding women can use implants if at least six weeks have passed since they have given birth.

Implants may not be suitable for women who require a family planning method without hormones. For example, women who have or have had breast cancer and women with active, serious liver disease should choose an alternative method.

Side Effects And Risks

Nexplanon has several potential side effects, which means that this option may not be suitable for everyone.

According to the FDA, over 10% of people who use Nexplanon may experience one or more of the following common side effects:

Certain people should not use Nexplanon. The FDA states the following groups should avoid using it:

  • people who have had serious blood clots
  • people who may be pregnant
  • people who have or have had breast cancer
  • people with allergies to anything in the product
  • people living with liver tumors or disease
  • people with unusual vaginal bleeding

A person will also need to take additional steps to prevent STIs. This may include using condoms or avoiding sexual contact while their partner has any flares in symptoms.

What Should You Avoid When Using

When you are using Nexplanon implant, avoid smoking. This is because smoking elevates your chances of developing blood clots, serious complications like stroke, and heart attack. These risks increase with age; the older you are, the more risky you are to develop blood clots and stroke or heart attack. Hence, when you are over 35 years of age and smoking, do not use Nexplanon implant.

Nexplanon implant cannot protect you against sexually transmitted infections. Use a condom to protect you against STIs.

Reference List

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Should You Use The Same Type Of Birth Control You Used Before You Got Pregnant

It depends; some methods are more effective and comfortable pre-pregnancy and some are incompatible with nursing.

For example, some women who love their diaphragm before giving birth feel afterward that the spermicide is uncomfortable or drying. Do you find it inconvenient that you have to be re-fitted after birth to make sure it fits you properly ? Next, please!;

Its also possible your period will change after pregnancy, though whether its for the better or worse is variable. Some women find that their cramps are much less severe once theyve had a baby, while others have the opposite experience.

If youre one of the unlucky ones, you may want to opt for a hormonal IUD or the pill, which will lessen the severity of your symptoms . Skip the Paragard since;heavy, longer periods is a common side effect at least for the first few months.;

And of course if you’re breastfeeding, your hormonal birth control options are limited to the mini-pill and others without estrogen.

Myth: Health Risks And Side Effects

The Most Effective Birth Control Available in Canada ...

Some women who seek family planning do not want to use implants because they have misconceptions about implants causing illness or problems such as cancer, blindness, or birth defects.

Fact: Implants have several known health benefits

In addition to changes in menstrual bleeding, the most common side effects of implants are headaches, abdominal pain, and breast tenderness. These side effects are not an indication of illness and usually lessen or go away within the first year of use. Studies have not shown increased risk of cancer, blindness or birth defects with the use of implants.

They have been shown to greatly reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and protect against symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease. Implants may also help protect against iron-deficiency anemia.

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When Do You See A Doctor

After Nexplanon implant, some women can have swelling in the face, allergic reactions or difficulty in breathing. Get emergency medical assistance if you show the above symptoms. Other signs and symptoms that you must call a doctor are as follows:

  • When the site of the implant becomes swollen and some discharge emanating from it
  • You feel symptoms of depression such as difficulty in sleeping, fluctuating moods, and fatigue
  • You feel pain, swelling, and redness in one or both of your leg
  • When you have sudden severe headaches
  • If your skin and eyes become yellow, a condition called jaundice
  • You experience pain or cramping in your pelvic region
  • If you feel numbness or weakness on one side of your body
  • If you feel pain in your chest

How Is A Contraceptive Implant Fitted Or Removed

A local anaesthetic is used to numb the area on the inside of your upper arm.

The implant is then inserted under your skin it only takes a few minutes to put in and feels like having an injection. You wont need any stitches after your implant has been fitted.

Nexplanon works for 3 years before it needs to be replaced. You can use this method until you reach the menopause, when a woman’s monthly periods stop naturally.

The implant can be removed at any time by a specially trained doctor or nurse. It only takes a few minutes to remove, and a local anaesthetic will be used. The doctor or nurse will make a tiny cut in your skin to gently pull the implant out.

As soon as the implant has been removed, you’ll no longer be protected against pregnancy.

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Contraception And Future Fertility Our Conclusions

Contraception doesn’t generally affect future fertility. Its not something to be afraid of, and you can discuss any concerns you have with us in greater detail so that you know your future pregnancy plans wont be challenged by contraception.

O&G is a team of obstetricians, gynaecologists and womens health professionals based in Adelaide, Australia. However, the information in this blog is not a substitute for personal medical advice. We designed it to prepare and guide you, not take the place of a consultation. Always talk to your doctor or call O&G to arrange an appointment.

Connery House

Correlation Between Implanon Birth Control Implant And Panic Attacks

Signs of Pregnancy on Birth Control | Early Signs

Has anyone heard of the correlation between the birth control implant and severe anxiety and depression? I have had the implant place in Feb, and panic attacks have started with a vengeance, everyday and sometimes multiple times in a day for almost a month. I have read articles that it can cause an increase in anxiety and blood pressure . Does anyone else have experience with this?

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How Effective Is The Implant At Preventing Pregnancy

The implant is a very effective method of long acting contraception, and while no form of contraception is completely failsafe, using it makes the risk of a woman getting pregnant far less likely.

It is estimated that 84% of women would get pregnant within a year if they had regular, unprotected intercourse.1

For women using the contraceptive implant, the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%, providing the implant has been in place for less than three years. So, for every 100 women with an implant having intercourse, less than one will become pregnant over the course of one year.2

This number is similar to the efficacy of the combined oral contraceptive pill .

While your implant is in place, it releases a steady amount of the hormone progesterone. However, the amount it releases decreases slightly year on year. This is why it needs replacing after three years. Research has shown that during this three-year period, for women of a healthy body weight, the implant becomes no less effective at preventing pregnancy however.3

Other methods of contraception including the copper coil, the Mirena coil, and the contraceptive injection, all have similar failure rates to the implant. If you compare this to the withdrawal method, which has a 27% rate of pregnancy within a year when used typically,5 you will see why this is not a recommended method of contraception.

Birth Control : : Nexplanon And Weight Gain

I’ve had Nexplanon for a year now and within a month of getting it put in, I’ve gained almost 30 pounds with no change to my diet, exercise or daily routines. I’ve tried dieting and exercising and can’t seem to lose more than ten pounds. I’m finally getting it removed but I’m having a hard time deciding what BC to use next because I really want to lose this weight and I’m scared the next BC I use is going to give me the same issue. Has anyone else had this issue and found a BC that was better without the weight gain?

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How Does The Nexplanon Implant Work

This birth control implant is tiny, like a matchstick, and is called Nexplanon. The name of the older version of Nexplanon is Implanon. The doctor or a healthcare worker will insert the implant under the skin of the upper arm and releases the hormone progestin, which stops the woman from getting pregnant.;

These hormones are present in the birth control implant, and can prevent pregnancy in 2 ways:

  • Progestin can stop the egg from leaving the ovaries , meaning there will be no egg to be fertilized. If the eggs arent released at all, a woman cannot get pregnant. The sperms that enter the body will have no egg to fertilize.
  • The hormone can also thicken the mucus in the cervix, which will stop the sperm from getting through to the egg. Again, if the sperm doesnt meet the egg, there will be no fertilization.

The good thing about implants is that it can last for a good amount of time as long as five years. However, it isnt permanent. If a woman decides to remove the implant or have children, then it is easy to remove.;

The fertility period resumes after that, and a woman can get pregnant anytime after. It is important to understand that these implants only prevent pregnancy but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Using a preventive barrier like condoms can prevent the chances of contracting STDs.

Does Breastfeeding As Birth Control Work

Can You Get Pregnant on The Implant (Nexplanon ...

The short answer: No, breastfeeding is not a reliable form of birth control.

The longer answer: While it is true that you may not get your period if youre breastfeeding, you can still ovulate, and if youre ovulating, you can get pregnant.;

When you breastfeed exclusively, defined as nursing at least every;four hours during the daytime and at least every six hours at night, for the first six months postpartum and before;the return of your period,;you typically no longer ovulate, and your chances of getting pregnant are much lower.;Only about 2 out of 100 women who breastfeed according to these exact criteria get pregnant.

But if you know you want to;space your children out;over a specific period of time, or you simply know youre closing up shop for good , you’ll definitely want to use some form of birth control.

This is especially true once your baby is;ready to start solid food , as youll likely get your period again. It’s also true if you start supplementing with formula or don’t stick to all the criteria of exclusive breastfeeding.

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Birth Control : : Nexplanon Expired But Still No Pregnancy

I have had nexplanon since July 2012 as soon as I got it inserted my menstrual cycle completely went away. I had no cramping, or symptoms what so ever. I never have had to purchase feminine products as well. My nexplanon is coming up on its expiration date July 2016. Five weeks ago I started spotting and by the end of the week I was on an actual period. It will not go away I’m going on my sixth week. It’s not easing away at all. I get an occasional cramping but nothing like before. I told my doctor and she mentioned to take at home pregnancy test but it came back negative. I’m not sure why she would have me What can I do for my cycle to end? Is my birth control still effective? Is this normal?

When Can You Start Using Birth Control After Pregnancy

It depends on what method youre using. Some, such as an IUD, you can use immediately. In fact, you can even schedule your IUD insertion on D-Day, whether you deliver vaginally or via C-section.;

With others, such as combined hormonal methods like the pill or the patch, you have to wait at least three or four weeks before you start due to the;higher risk of blood clots immediately following birth .;

You may also want to think about breastfeeding. If you know you want to nurse, your practitioner will probably caution you against taking anything with estrogen such as the pill because it could impact your milk supply.

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The Side Effects/ Not So Great Of Nexplanon

Like with anything, there are always some not so great things that come with the great.

For one, the first 6 months of Nexplanon were kind of sucky. My period was all over the place. I would go one to two months without one and then be spotting for almost an entire month the next. I always had a tampon on me in case of an emergency and that was annoying. Not to mention that guys just had to get over the fact that I was probably going to be on my period for a while, thanks to my body adjusting to this new birth control.

After I got over that hump , I then started to experience breakouts like I did in high school. All of the acne that had started to pop up was clearly hormonal because I had never had pimples form on my chin or neck before. The acne thing was definitely something that almost made me get it taken out, and I know a lot of other people who have had it taken out for that exact reason. It honestly just depends on how much you can handle and if you can find a way to manage your breakouts like I have.

How Is The Nexplanon Implant Used

Conceiving n Fertility Getting Pregnant after Nexplanon Implant Birth Control Removal x Conception

Nexplanon is inserted through a needle into the skin of your upper arm, just inside and above the elbow. After the implant is inserted, your arm will be covered with 2 bandages. Remove the top bandage after 24 hours, but leave the smaller bandage on for 3 to 5 days. Keep the area clean and dry.

The timing of when you receive the Nexplanon implant depends on whether you were using birth control before, and what type it was.

You should be able to feel the implant under your skin. Tell your doctor if you cannot feel the implant at any time while it is in place.

The Nexplanon implant can remain in place for up to 3 years. If the implant is placed correctly, you will not need to use back-up birth control. Follow your doctor’s instructions.

You may have irregular and unpredictable periods while using Nexplanon. Tell your doctor if your periods are very heavy or long-lasting, or if you miss a period .

If you need major surgery or will be on long-term bed rest, or if you need medical tests, may need to have your Nexplanon implant removed for a short time. Any doctor or surgeon who treats you should know that you have a Nexplanon implant.

Have regular physical exams and mammograms, and self-examine your breasts for lumps on a monthly basis while using this medicine.

Before You Begin Trying

Not getting your period after stopping birth control isnât necessarily a sign you canât get pregnant. You might ovulate without getting your period. If you ovulate, you can get pregnant.

An ovulation predictor test can tell you if youâre ovulating. You can buy one at a drugstore. There are also apps you can download that can help you figure it out.

If your body temperature goes up a little bit, that can be a sign of ovulation. So can cervical mucus thatâs stickier or more like raw egg whites.

If youâve recently quit using birth control and you’re not ready to get pregnant right away, use a backup method .

If youâve been trying to get pregnant for 6 months or longer, make an appointment to talk to your doctor. Most women successfully conceive within a year of trying. But itâs still a good idea to discuss whether there are steps you can take to make conception more likely.

Human Reproduction: âPregnancy and lifestyle study: the long-term use of the contraceptive pill and the risk of age-related miscarriage.â

Mayo Clinic: âMinipill ,â âBirth control FAQ: Benefits, risks, and choices,â âDepo-Provera ,â âDepo-Provera .â

University of Colorado OB-GYN & Family Planning: âGetting Pregnant After Birth Control.â

Obstetrics & Gynecology: âRate of Pregnancy After Using Drospirenone and Other Progestin-Containing Oral Contraceptives.â

Kaiser Permanente: âGetting Pregnant After Stopping Birth Control,â âThe Birth Control Patch.â

If You’re Under 16 Years Old

Contraception services are free and confidential, including for people under the age of 16.

If you’re under 16 and want contraception, the doctor, nurse or pharmacist won’t tell your parents as long as they believe you fully understand the information you’re given, and your decisions.

Doctors and nurses work under strict guidelines when dealing with people under 16. They’ll encourage you to consider telling your parents, but they won’t make you.

The only time a professional might want to tell someone else is if they believe you’re at risk of harm, such as abuse. The risk would need to be serious, and they would usually discuss this with you first.

Page last reviewed: 9 March 2021 Next review due: 9 March 2024

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