How Months Pregnant Am I

Can I Plan My Due Date

Pregnancy Week 31: How Many Months Pregnant Am I?

Whether you’re trying to avoid being very pregnant in the middle of summer or are a teacher who wants to maximize time off with your little one, you can try to time when you conceive in order to “plan” your due date. But even if you’re one of the lucky ones who’s able to get pregnant when she really wants to, just remember that you probably won’t be able to map out exactly when you’ll give birth to the day .

Still, you can try our Ovulation Calculator, which uses the date of your last menstrual period and your typical cycle length to discover the days you’re most likely to be fertile and increase your chances of conceiving.

Remembering How Many Weeks Pregnant You Are

As your pregnancy progresses, you might find it challenging to remember how many weeks pregnant you are . If ever you get confused, go back to the first day of your last period, and count from there.

Heres how the weeks translate into trimesters:

Second trimester: Weeks 13 to 27

Third trimester: Weeks 28 to 40

Could My Due Date Change

As you can see, calculating your due date is not an exact science, and its possible it will change as more information comes to light. For example, if your period is irregular, your originally calculated due date, based on the first day of your last period, might change after a dating ultrasound. Similarly, if your fundal measurement is above average, it may be determined that you are actually further along in your pregnancy than originally thought.

Due dates are important, as they help doctors and midwives make assessments on how your pregnancy progressing and when to consider induction if youre overdue. But remember, there are no guarantees for when youll go into labouryour guess for when your baby will be born is as good as any!

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What To Expect At 30 Weeks Pregnant

At 30 weeks pregnant, a lot of those early symptoms are returning. Ugh. Youre probably starting to feel exhausted and moody again, and you need to pee all the time again too. This can be frustrating , but with just 10 more weeks to go, you can do this. Rest as much as you can and find ways to take care of your physical and mental health.

How Is The Due Date Calculated

How many months am I , if I

The expected date of delivery is calculated by adding one year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period . The result is approximately 280 days from the LMP.

Example: LMP = 8 May 2019+ 1 year = 8 May 2020- 3 months = 8 February 2020+ 7 days = 15 February 2020

The calculation method above does not always result in a 280 days because not all calendar months are the same length, not does it account for leap years. In modern practice, calculators, reference cards, or sliding wheel calculators are used to add 280 days to LMP.

LMP may not be the best date to use as the basis of a due date calculation, but it remains popular because few women know exactly what day they ovulate or conceive a pregnancy, and because no algorithm can predict the exact day that spontaneous labour will occur no matter what considerations are taken into account.

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How Accurate Is My Due Date

The due date is a guesstimate of when the prospective mother will give birth. It is just an estimation and it is not necessary that the birth of your child takes place exactly on the same date as the due date. It is okay for a baby to arrive between 37 weeks and 42 weeks of pregnancy.


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Pregnancy By Month: Emphasis On Third Trimester

This weekly pregnancy breakdown includes every moment from the last normal menstrual cycle and considers the fact that some women have their babies earlier than forty weeks.

  • Month 1: Week 1 through week 4
  • Month 3: Week 9 through week 12
  • Month 4: Week 13 through week 16
  • Month 5: Week 17 through week 20
  • Month 6: Week 21 through week 24
  • Month 7: Week 25 through week 28
  • Month 8: Week 29 through week 32
  • Month 9: Week 33+

As you can see from the two schedules, there are different ways to describe which month of pregnancy you are in based on how you interpret the weeks. There is no right or wrong way to answer when people want to know how far along you are. Simply provide the week or month you feel is appropriate for your gestational age.

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What Should I Do Next

If you dont already have a midwife, you may be able to self-refer to your local maternity unit directly for your antenatal care. Visit your local hospitals website to find out more.

Speak to your GP if you cant self-refer or if you think your pregnancy may be high-risk. For example, if you have a long-term condition, had complications in a previous pregnancy or experienced a late miscarriage or stillbirth. Your GP will tell the midwifery team you are pregnant.

You will be given a date for your first appointment with a midwife. This should happen before you are 10 weeks pregnant.

We know pregnancy can be an overwhelming time. We created our Healthy Pregnancy tool to try to take away some of this anxiety by giving you a personalised set of tips for your pregnancy.

Not pregnant yet?

Disclaimer About The Calculator

How many months pregnant am I? PREGNANCY UPDATE WITH BABY #4

Our calculator strives for the highest accuracy, but your pregnancy progress may differ from the calculator’s results for several reasons including possible miscalculation errors in input data individual variations in the timing of ovulation, and/or conception.

The information provided regarding pregnancy progress and fetal development is a guide through the weeks. It is not specific information for a specific individual but serves as a general guide only. As each pregnancy differs, any dates, weights, and lengths should be considered general information for interest only.

Our week-by-week guides use both standard and metric units of measure including pounds and kilograms.

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How Accurate Is The Due Date

The pregnancy calculator gives you an approximate due date. It is worked out by adding 280 days to the first day of your last menstrual period. This is based on a 28-day cycle but is adjusted for longer or shorter cycles.

Your period and ovulation are counted as the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. If you have the baby on your due date, your baby has been growing for 38 weeks, not 40, but you are still classed as 40 weeks pregnant.

Remember that only around 5% of babies are born on their due date so its just an estimation.

Smell Sensitivity And Food Aversions During Early Pregnancy

Smell sensitivity is a symptom of early pregnancy thats mostly self-reported. Theres little scientific evidence about smell sensitivity during the first trimester. However, it might be important, since smell sensitivity may trigger nausea and vomiting. It may also cause strong distaste for certain foods.

You may experience either a heightened or lessened sense of smell during pregnancy, according to 2017 research. This is especially common during the first and third trimesters. Heightened smell is more common than lessened smell. Some smells that never bothered you before may become less pleasing or even trigger nausea.

The good news is that your sense of smell usually returns to normal after delivery, or within 6 to 12 weeks postpartum.

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What Causes Preterm Births

There are many factors that may lead to a preterm birth. Women who have had a previous preterm baby are at highest risk for another preterm baby. Women carrying twins or triplets or have uterine or cervical tumors are also at high risk.

Other factors that put you at risk for a preterm birth include:

  • Problems with the placenta or bleeding
  • Overweight or underweight

How Soon Can I Take A Pregnancy Test

How Do The Months Go In Pregnancy

A missed menstruation cycle is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Thats why we usually recommend waiting until youve missed your period before taking a pregnancy test. If you cant wait that long and you know the day of your last period we can calculate possible conception and your pregnancy due date.

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Why Pregnancy Is Counted From The Last Menstrual Period

Pregnancy is counted from a women’s last menstrual period because the start of a period is easily observable and usually known to a woman whereas the date of conception is much less likely to be known.

Historically, the first day of the last menstrual period became the date from which pregnancy is counted even though conception occurs about two weeks later.

The LMP formula is good for working out an initial age of pregnancy but ultrasound is more accurate. The age of pregnancy may be revised following your ultrasound scan.

Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Healthcare Provider

At this point in your pregnancy, you may want to ask your healthcare provider a few questions. Remember, you are on this journey together, and your provider is there to support you. Consider the following questions, but feel free to ask more:

  • Are there any pregnancy screenings or tests that you need to schedule during the rest of this trimester?

  • Is it necessary to drink filtered tap water?

  • Are there any foods to prioritize at 24 weeks pregnant? Any foods you need to avoid?

  • Are there any vaccinations needed during pregnancy? When is the best time to have them?

  • What help is available if youâre feeling down while pregnant?

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How Do I Calculate My Due Date

Wondering how your practitioner estimated your due date? Its calculated counting from the first day of your last menstrual period , not the day you conceived. So try to remember the first day of your last period and add 40 weeks to that.

You can also calculate your due date with the following formula:

  • Subtract three months from the first day of your last menstrual period

For example, if the first day of your last menstrual period was June 2, 2022, subtract three months to get March 2, 2022. Add seven days and you’ll get March 9, 2022. Finally, add one year to find your estimated due date of March 9, 2023.

How To Calculate How Many Weeks You Are

  • Start by counting the recurring day of your last menstrual period
  • Stop counting recurring days when you reach the present time.
  • The number of recurring days you count is the number of weeks you are now.
  • Example:count one week to the nextuntil you reach the present date.

    LMP = December 2, 2022

    1st Wed = December 9, 2022 = 1 Week2nd Wed = December 16, 2022 = 2 Weeks9th Wed = February 3, 2023 = 9 WeeksYou are 9 Weeks and 1 Day pregnant

    Another method to calculate how many weeks pregnant you are is to:

  • Count the days from the first day of your Last Menstrual Period until you reach today’s date.
  • Now divide the counted days by 7.
  • The answer will be how many weeks you are now.
  • How Many Weeks Am I Formula:LMP = Last Menstrual PeriodHow Far Along Am I Formula:LMP = Last Menstrual Period*LMP date may be adjusted if unknown or following ultrasound.

    Each of these methods will give you the gestational age of your pregnancy.

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    What Do I Need To Know About Using A Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

    A due date calculator may not be completely accurate. This is especially true if you arent exactly sure when you had your last period, you have irregular periods or you dont know when you conceived. You should see your provider for a more precise test, such as an ultrasound, to confirm your due date.

    Weeks Pregnant: First Ultrasound

    You wont necessarily be having your first ultrasound when youre 5 weeks pregnant. In many cases, your doctor will schedule an appointment and ultrasound around weeks 8 or 9.

    If there are any risks associated with your pregnancy, you might still get an ultrasound this week. A specialist is able to see the fertilized egg approximately in week 5 of the pregnancy. The heartbeat can be heard in week 6.

    Usually, during pregnancy, an ultrasound is carried out using an abdominal sensor, but during the early pregnancy stages, a doctor can still perform a transvaginal examination.

    The first ultrasound examination helps to confirm the heartbeat of the fetus and the fact that the pregnancy is not ectopic. Later, it allows you to see the location of the placenta and the umbilical cord, as well as to assess the overall condition of the child. Ultrasound enables one to monitor a successful course of pregnancy.

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    How Many Months Pregnant Am I

    The average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the day of the last regular menstrual period. Most doctors and midwives use the pregnancy estimation of weeks rather than months because it is more specific.

    Answer: We talk a great game about having 9 months of pregnancy. But if you look at it mathematically, there are approximately 40 weeks in a regular pregnancy. If you calculate a month as being four weeks, that makes 10 months of pregnancy in every 40 weeks.

    The issue with this estimation is that it has 28 day months, which is not the norm in our calendar months.

    There is likewise the concern of when you in fact are pregnant. Now this truthfully does not truly matter much to most people, because thats just how pregnancy is determined. And, by the time you have a favorable pregnancy test, you are 4 weeks pregnant. Here are some typical breakdowns of the months of pregnancy and their descriptions:

    Pregnancy Symptoms Week 5

    How pregnant am I? Pregnancy by weeks, months, and trimesters

    During week 5 of pregnancy, your hormones are running the show. Estrogen, progesterone, and hCG are elevated to keep your pregnancy on track. These hormones can cause many symptoms, and lots of women start feeling their effects during week 5 of pregnancy. Some of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy include:

    • Fatigue: this is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. Most of your energy is going to your baby, so its normal to feel tired often.
    • Morning sickness: morning sickness can actually happen at any time of the day. Nausea and vomiting are more common during the first trimester, and they tend to subside later in your pregnancy.
    • Tender breasts: at 5 weeks pregnant, your breasts could feel sore and swollen.
    • Cravings: many women experience food cravings and aversions during their pregnancy.
    • Frequent urination: the hormones in your body increase the blood flow to your pelvic area and to your kidneys which means youll need to take more frequent trips to the bathroom.
    • Cramps: some mild uterine cramping is perfectly normal at this stage. It could be due to your uterus getting slightly larger or a sign of embryonic implantation.
    • Light spotting: dont be scared if you have light spotting on week 5 of pregnancy. This is another sign that the embryo has implanted inside your uterine lining. But if the spotting – or cramping – doesnt stop or gets worse, dont hesitate to call your doctor.

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    What Are The Complications During Pregnancy

    A pregnant woman and her doctor will monitor the pregnancy to exclude or prevent certain pregnancy conditions. The physician will also treat non-pregnancy-related medical conditions in such a way as to promote the appropriate physical and neurological development of the fetus. Conditions of particular importance include:

    High-risk pregnancy: If you are considered prone to certain complications during pregnancy, she will be classified as high risk. Examples include pregnancies in women with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. Age-related complications can occur in women such as teenagers, women who are over the age of 35, or those who have been treated for infertility and have pregnancies resulting from the use of assisted reproductive technology.

    Ectopic pregnancy: This is a pregnancy in which the egg implants somewhere other than the uterus. This complication can be life-threatening. Ectopic pregnancy must be diagnosed early to avoid damage to the Fallopian tubes and to prevent serious maternal illness or death. It is also called tubal pregnancy or extra-uterine pregnancy.

    Cervical incompetence: This is a condition in which the cervix begins to open and/or efface without contractions before the pregnancy has reached term. Cervical incompetence can be a cause of mid-pregnancy miscarriage.

    Preterm Labor: In this condition, the uterus begins to contract before the baby has reached full term.

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    What To Ask Your Doctor

    During your weekly appointment, try to discuss your preferred birth plan with your partner. Some centers will also let you check-in before youre in labor, which can be a good way to get some of the paperwork out of the way before the big day. You can also ask your doctor for nutrition tips for these last few weeks, as well as for breastfeeding. Many pregnant women experience forgetfulness, so write down any questions you might have and bring them to your appointment.

    Now that youre on week 36 of your pregnancy, having your baby in your arms is a very real prospect. Its normal to feel anxious as delivery approaches, but try to enjoy yourself during these last few days after all, your body has nearly finished creating a wonderful, tiny human being!

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