How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids While Pregnant

How Can I Prevent Hemorrhoids From Forming

Cure Bleeding Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy : Get rid of Hemorrhoids in Early Pregnancy

One way to prevent hemorrhoids is to minimize straining. That includes avoiding heavy lifting, like picking up your three-year-old. To alleviate the strain of constipation, Toronto-based registered dietitian Cassandra Reid recommends changing your diet. Along with hormonal fluctuations, she says, constipation in pregnancy can also be caused by a lack of fibre. Eating during pregnancy can be hard, says Reid. Hormonally, you might be going for more of your wants versus what you really need, which is a balanced diet. Along with foods that are rich in fibre, Reid also suggests drinking plenty of water and taking probiotics.

Be Active And Exercise Regularly

The key to good health is being active and exercising on a regular basis. The same applies to pregnancy. Kegel exercises and muscle building exercises are extremely effective in providing relief from piles during pregnancy. However, please consult your physician before practising any form of physical exercise.

What Can I Do To Prevent Haemorrhoids

There are lots of things which can be done, but there is no guarantee of success. But you could try any or all of the following tips to try and reduce the likelihood of you developing pregnancy haemorrhoids

  • Avoid constipation. Hard, dry bowel motions are much more difficult to pass and they contribute to haemorrhoids.
  • Drink lots of water aim for at least 2.5 litres a day. Water helps to keep poos soft and makes them easier to pass.
  • Fruit juice, herbal teas and fluids all help to avoid constipation.
  • Avoid sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. Stay for as long as you need to but avoid placing any unnecessary and prolonged pressure on the bowel and rectum.
  • Place your feet on a stool when you’re doing a poo. This helps to build the right level of intra-pelvic pressure.
  • Avoid straining to poo. If you don t need to go then get up and move away from the toilet.
  • Don t ignore the sensations of needing to empty your bowels. Overriding this signal leads to problems with constipation. Over time, it also affects the tone and sensations of the lower bowel so it does not work as effectively as it should.
  • Make sure your diet is high in fibre and roughage. Fruits, vegetables, bran, oats, cereals and wholegrains are bulk forming and easier to pass.
  • Avoid eating large amounts of red meat, white bread and processed foods. Indigestible fibre works like a broom in the bowel and helps to avoid sluggishness.

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When To Call Your Doctor About Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

If you experience any bleeding, be sure to see your doctor. It could be it’s the hemorrhoids bleeding or it may be an anal fissure . But it’s best to check in with your practitioner just to be safe.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

What Causes Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Can You Use Hemorrhoid Suppositories While Pregnant? what ...

Several contributing factors lead to developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy. These include the following:


While its true that the food you eat can cause constipation, hemorrhoids can still develop even when you watch your diet. This is because during pregnancy, the progesterone hormone level increases, which relaxes your intestinal muscles. A relaxed intestine means a slower metabolism, and a slow metabolism can lead to constipation.

I advise my patients to drink lots of water and always include fiber in their diet to avoid constipation. If constipation continues despite making these dietary changes, medications are indicated to avoid straining, says Dr. Folch-Hayek. I also advise them to make changes in their toilet habits.

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Do Hemorrhoids Go Away After Pregnancy

Your hemorrhoids may disappear completely after pregnancy and delivery without any treatment as your hormone levels, blood volume, and intra-abdominal pressure decrease after delivery.

The most common times hemorrhoids develop during pregnancy is in your third trimester and during and immediately after childbirth. You may develop hemorrhoids from childbirth if you experience extended straining during the second stage of labor.

Why Are Hemorrhoids More Common During Pregnancy

Some people are predisposed to them, but for most women, hemorrhoids are more common during pregnancy. One reason is that moms-to-be frequently find themselves dealing with constipation. The straining causes blood vessels to become swollen, says Candice Wood, MD, an assistant clinical professor at the University of Arizona and Banner University Medical Center Phoenix. In addition, higher progesterone levels cause the vessels to relax and swell.

During pregnancy, a womans blood volume will also increase significantly, by about 50 percent. That means theres more circulating blood and fluid inside the veinsso the veins are bigger just from being pregnant. Exacerbating matters is that blood flow from the lower half of the body tends to be sluggish and obstructed because of the enlarged uterusand a growing baby puts even more pressure on the blood vessels. The weight of the baby and uterus on the rectum helps push hemorrhoids out. Thats why when moms-to-be have hemorrhoids, they tend to have the worst symptoms late in the third trimester. And guess what? Youre not the only one suffering silently back there: Almost all women have hemorrhoids during pregnancy to a greater or lesser degree, Minkin says.

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How Can You Treat Hemorrhoids While Pregnant

How do you treat hemorrhoids while pregnant? Hemorrhoids are likely to develop during pregnancy, but there are ways to try and prevent them, and there are tried and true ways to treat hemorrhoids if they do develop. Ill use this section to explain both treatments and prevention strategies, because they go hand in hand in relieving symptoms.

Treatments include lifestyle changes, OTC products and home remedies, and Ill go through them all. OTC and home remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are best to immediately fight painful and irritating symptoms, and lifestyle changes are best to promote healing and reduce the duration of flare-ups.

Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Why Having HEMORRHOIDS While PREGNANT is Common | How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
  • Take a warm water bath, put some warm water in tub and soak affected area for 15-20 minutes. If you want then you can mix baking sodain water for faster relief.
  • To fight against itching hemorrhoids, you can simply put dry or wet baking soda on your affected area.
  • Avoid sitting for longer period of times.
  • Eat food which is rich in fiber rich food for smooth bowel moment.
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    Why And When Do Pregnant Women Get Hemorrhoids

    Mostly, pregnant women get hemorrhoids at the last months of pregnancy or during the labor time.

    During pregnancy, our body tends to produce everything in excess. Same is the case with the blood flow. There will be surplus blood flow through the veins and in a few instances, it will pool up in parts of the body especially in the rectal area.

    Moreover, the growing uterus puts an additional pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava thus slowing down the return of blood from the lower limbs. This will contribute much pressure on the veins below the uterus resulting in the inflammation of that region.

    For few others, hemorrhoids develop during the time of labor. This is caused when women exert much effort to push the baby out. This will result in the veins in the rectal area and anus to bulge.

    The other reason for hemorrhoid is straining exerted by a constipated pregnant woman. Constipation during pregnancy is usually caused by the intake of iron tablets and fewer amounts of water and fiber intake.

    A hike in the hormone progesterone also plays a role in developing hemorrhoids. The increase in the progesterone hormone relaxes the walls of the veins and slows down the intestinal tract. This also results in the formation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

    How Are Haemorrhoids Treated During Pregnancy

    Because constipation worsens haemorrhoids, treatment options centre around preventing or managing constipation, or reducing pain associated with haemorrhoids.

    Treatment options include the following:

    • Lifestyle changes having a diet high in fibre and drinking lots of water will help ensure you dont need to strain on the toilet. External haemorrhoids can be treated by placing an icepack on the affected area to reduce swelling. Taking a warm bath may also help to reduce the pain.
    • Laxatives these help ease any straining associated with constipation. They help you pass bowel movements more easily.
    • Pain relief medicine paracetamol can help address pain associated with sore, swollen veins, and can be taken during pregnancy. Be sure to follow the directions for use.
    • Haemorrhoid creams help address itchiness, pain or inflammation, and contain active ingredients such as corticosteroids or local anaesthetics.

    Speak with a health professional such as pharmacist before using medicines or creams while pregnant.

    Avoiding constipation is the best way you can reduce your chance of haemorrhoids. A healthy gut helps stop you from straining during a bowel movement. Eat a diet high in fruit, vegetables and wholegrains, and drink plenty of water.

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    How To Cure And Prevent Hemorrhoids

    The presence of the fetus makes dealing with hemorrhoids a bit more complicated than usual for pregnant ladies. Having said that, it can still be accomplished with the right natural remedies and approaches.

    1. Prevent Constipation: This can easily be attained through the diet regime. Just need to ensure that you are getting adequate soluble dietary fiber . Fiber alone however might not provide the result that you are hoping for. You will also need to have sufficient intake of plain water daily. This will make certain that your stool is soft and easily release during bowel motion. Be mindful to increase your fiber intake gradually as over dose could possibly lead to looseness of the bowels, which can also adds to hemorrhoid development.

    2. Regularly workout: Exercise regularly not only improve your general wellness, it also aids in your digestion and assists with defecation. Avoid any strenuous exercise when pregnant. Slow leisure walk is the best option if you are not generally active.

    3. Do not strain your rectum: Dont compel yourself to go to the washroom if you do not have the urge. If you are having difficulty in releasing your stool, leave the toilet and attempt once again when the urge is there. Do not exert pressure on the anus and attempt to force out the stool. Do your bowel release swiftly and leave the toilet bowel once its done. The longer you seated on the toilet bowel, the more strain it exerts on the pelvis.

    How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

    Pin on hemorrhoids how to get rid of

    Hemorrhoids tend to be more common later in pregnancy. Learn how to get rid of these uncomfortable varicose veins while expecting.

    Hemorrhoids are itchy, painful varicose veins in your rectal area. Many women develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy because their blood vessels are swollen with a higher blood volume than usual. The extra blood can cause hemorrhoids to plump up to the size of a marble, and your growing uterus exerts more pressure on the pelvic veins, increasing the swelling.

    Pregnant women can implement several strategies to prevent hemorrhoids. For example, they can avoid constipation by consuming plenty of fluids, eating a high-fiber diet, and regularly exercising, says Jeanne Faulkner, R.N. Even when following this advice, though, hemorrhoids might still be inevitable.

    So how long does it take for hemorrhoids to go away? Depending on the severity, they can stick around for days, weeks, or monthsbut you dont have to suffer in silence. Learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids with these tips and tricks.

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    How Can You Treat Symptoms During Pregnancy

    If you experience symptoms, try one of these remedies:

    • Cold therapy can help reduce swelling and bring temporary relief. Apply an ice pack to the affected area.
    • Soak in warm water several times a day. If you don’t have a bathtub, you can buy a sitz bath. After getting out of the tub, pat the area dry, and then point your hair dryer on low heat on the area. It can feel quite comforting.
    • If sitting is uncomfortable, get a donut-shaped pillow to ease the pressure.
    • Apply witch hazel pads to the area and change the pads frequently. Witch hazel has a cooling effect and helps reduce swelling.
    • Baking soda used wet or dry can be applied topically to help alleviate itching.
    • Coconut oil can relieve pain and inflammation. So can pure aloe vera without added chemicals and fragrances or arnica.
    • Stay clean and use soft, unscented toilet tissue or unscented wipes to avoid more irritation in the affected area.
    • Acupuncture.

    Do You Need To See A Doctor

    You dont usually need to see a doctor for hemorrhoids. Natural remedies will usually take care of them in a few days.

    If youve tried all the aforementioned remedies and pregnancy hemorrhoids symptoms persist, call your midwife or doctor.

    If you have severe symptoms like more than a smear of blood, a lump on the rectum, or have rectal pain, call your midwife or doctor.

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    Include Beans In Your Diet

    Keep pregnancy piles in check by including beans in your diet. All forms of beans are effective in dealing with piles during pregnancy. Beans are rich in natural soluble fibrewhich makes them one of the best herbal remedies for piles during pregnancy. The soluble natural fibre in beans also helps in managing blood sugar levels and is good for gestational diabetes.

    What Are The Signs Of Hemorrhoids

    How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy? How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy?

    Hemorrhoids develop when the veins in and around the anus become swollen due to the pressure caused by the weight of your pregnant uterus. The most common symptoms are anal itching and burning, and pain when you poo. Internal hemorrhoids will bleed when a hard bowel movement passes over the swollen veins. External hemorrhoids appear as swollen, bluish-coloured lumps on the outside of the anus and are painful but usually dont bleed.

    Hemorrhoids tend to show up either in your first trimester or your last. In the first couple of months of pregnancy, women tend to become constipated due to hormonal changes. They strain, and we know straining is a risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids, says Arthur Zaltz, chief of obstetrics and gynaecology, and head of the Women and Babies program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. In the final trimester of pregnancy, he says, your heavy uterus puts pressure on nearby veins, causing tiny clumps of blood vessels in and around the rectum to bulge.

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    Helpful Tips On How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

    So far, there are two major causes of hemorrhoidsweight gain and constipation. If youre wondering how long pregnancy hemorrhoids last, Dr. Folch-Hayek OBGYN says that they start healing as soon as the cause goes away. But there are ways to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, and several things that you can do to lessen your risk or relieve the pain.

    Diet and exercise

    Since constipation is a primary factor for developing hemorrhoids, make sure to increase your fiber and water intake. These will help with digestion, which happens slowly during pregnancy. Exercises also help with fluid and blood circulation, as well as speed up the metabolism a little.


    If pain is present, Tylenol will help alleviate it. Although it is perfectly safe for pregnant individuals, you should consult your primary care provider to know how to take this medication. Some topical creams that are safe for use during pregnancy may also help ease the pain and itching but, once again, ask your OBGYN for recommendations. Usually, what we can only do during this time is pain management, says Dr. Folch-Hayek.

    Donut cushion

    Donut cushions may also provide relief. They wont necessarily treat the hemorrhoids, but they help reduce the pressure in the inflamed area and can provide pregnant individuals comfort, suggests Dr. Folch-Hayek. These soft pillows can also help if youre having discomfort after childbirth.

    Physical exam

    Why Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

    Well having hemorrhoids during pregnancy is very common among most of the womens. Normally it is observed that if you had hemorrhoids before you are more likely to have it again during pregnancy but there is nothing to worry about, they normally go away soon after you give delivery to your baby. Now let me tell you why most of the women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

    Constipation is one of the common reason for having hemorrhoids.

    During pregnancy enlarged uterus puts pressure on anal veins which is another reason to have hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

    Irregular and hard bowel moment also leads to hemorrhoids, this happens because womens intake more protein rich food during pregnancy.

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    Creams And Ointment For Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

  • One of the best hemorrhoids cream for pregnant women is Witch Hazel Hemorrhoid cream. This was the first cream used by my wife to treat her itching and burning hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This hemorrhoid cream is specially developed for pregnant womens and hence it gives quick relief from hemorrhoid pain. As it is made especially for pregnant womens, they have used all natural ingredients which are safe during pregnancy.
  • Along with using Witch Hazel Hemorrhoid cream my wife was also using Preparation H wipes for quick pain relief from hemorrhoids pain. This Preparation H wipes works like magic wand when you are in rush and dont have time to apply cream or ointment on your affected area. With the help of medicated hemorrhoid wipes you dont only get relief in pain but it also helps you in reducing itching sensation.
  • If you are someone who dont like sticky creams then you can use Lavender Oil for hemorrhoid treatment. Pure lavender oil has anti inflammatory property and hence it helps in giving instant relief from hemorrhoids and also reduces swelling.
  • If you are looking to heal hemorrhoids with natural method, then you must try Formule H tablets. They are made up with years of research and uses totally natural ingredients which will give you long lasting relief from hemorrhoids. This is one of the best natural hemorrhoid medicine which is tried and accepted by many.
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