What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Kyleena

/15 Can People Who Have Not Had Kids Get It


A long time ago, doctors would not let women who had not had children get an IUD, for various reasons. Thankfully, weve caught up with the times now. Yes, women with no children can get the Kyleena IUD, as well as other IUDs as well.

Its a non-surgical method of preventing pregnancy long-term, so its a better option than, say, surgery or anything with a long recovery time for a busy woman who has to get back to their daily routine quickly.

There are some doctors who will still not write a prescription for a women who has not had children an IUD, but if that happens, keep searching, because for every doctor that wont, theres at least 1 that will. More and more doctors are recognizing that this is a womans choice as to if they want kids or not, so they arent interfering nearly as much as they used to.

Talk to the doctor, theyre usually more than willing to help.

/15 How Long Does It Last

Unlike birth control pills, which you have to take daily, Kyleena is good for about 5 years, which is when the amount of hormones in the device drops to a level that makes pregnancy possible again. If pregnancy is not in the future plans, then Kyleena needs to be removed after the 5th year, and replaced, or another birth control method needs to be used after removal.

It can be replaced with a new Kyleena device if continued contraceptive protection is wanted.

Kyleena, due to how it needs to be inserted and all that jazz, does need a prescription and a doctors visit to get, so unfortunately, its not something like condoms where all it takes is a quick trip to the pharmacy.

However, once its in, its in for the 5 years, unless something happens and it comes loose, which most of the time will happen before that follow up visit and will be easily spotted by the doctor.

Drug Forms And Administration

Kyleena, Mirena, and Liletta are all intrauterine devices . An IUD is a form of birth control thats inserted into your uterus by a healthcare provider.

IUDs can be left inside your uterus for the maximum amount of time that theyre effective. Your doctor can remove an IUD from your uterus after the IUD is no longer effective, or whenever youd like to stop using it within the effectiveness period.

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What Happens When An Iud Is Removed

A doctor or nurse removes the IUD in their office, and it only takes a few minutes. You will lie down in the same position you used for the IUD insertion, and then your provider will:

  • Look for your IUD strings.

  • Grasp the strings using a medical instrument called forceps.

  • Gently and steadily pull on the strings, which gets the IUD out.

  • Check the IUD to make sure its been removed in one piece.

  • When it comes to removing an IUD, sometimes there are no IUD strings to pull on. That makes the process a little more complicated. This usually means the IUD has shifted.

    In these cases, you will need an ultrasound scan and a pregnancy test to look for the IUD and check for pregnancy. If the IUD is still present, but its hard to reach, then you will need another procedure with a specialist to remove the IUD.

    Why Are Condoms Not 100 Percent Effective

    Kyleena: uses, taking, side effects, warnings

    People are not perfect, which is why condoms are not 100% effectivethis goes for other birth control methods too. Condoms can also fail as an effective method by breaking or being put on incorrectly.

    The above information is for general informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor/primary care provider before starting or changing treatment.

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    How Will I Know When Im Fertile After My Iud Removal

    You may be surprised to learn your fertility will be restored almost immediately upon IUD removal. The IUD has no impairment on fertility after it has been removed, as numerous studies have proven. It is true, however, that a female coming off any form of contraception will experience different effects on her hormones, periods, and fertility, albeit, usually only for a short time.

    As a matter of fact, the IUD is one of the least disruptive ways to regain your natural fertility and start menstruating normally again. Some women even become pregnant during their first cycle without the IUD, as the hormones used to prevent pregnancy are removed along with the IUD itself.

    How Should I Use Kyleena

    Kyleena is placed by your healthcare provider during an in-office visit.

    You may experience pain, bleeding or dizziness during and after placement. If your symptoms do not pass within 30 minutes after placement, Kyleena may not have been placed correctly. Your healthcare provider will examine you to see if Kyleena needs to be removed or replaced.

    Should I check that Kyleena is in place?

    How soon after placement of Kyleena should I return to my healthcare provider?

    Can I use tampons with Kyleena?

    Yes, tampons may be used with Kyleena.

    What if I become pregnant while using Kyleena?

    If possible, also do a urine pregnancy test. If you get pregnant while using Kyleena, you may have an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the pregnancy is not in the uterus. Unusual vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

    Ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that often requires surgery. Ectopic pregnancy can cause internal bleeding, infertility, and even death.

    How will Kyleena change my periods?

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    /15 Does It Mess With Periods

    It can, and it likely will, at least for a short time. During the first 3-6 months after Kyleena is inserted, periods can end up being all over the place. Expect irregularity, longer periods , spotting, and even heavier bleeding. Yes, really. It can suck for a while.

    But, once the body gets accustomed and used to the device, periods can actually get shorter, with less spotting! Its just like the Mirena in that regard, which is awesome! Some peoples periods may even disappear altogether!

    While it does mess with periods, this isn’t news to most women. Most IUDs can and will mess with periods when theyre initially inserted, so like many of the other side effects, this is par for the course. Speak to the doctor to determine if Kyleena will have a higher chance of messing with periods and whatnot due to risk factors that are beyond their control .

    Myth: Sexual Desire And Sexual Pleasure

    I Got Pregnant With An IUD

    Fact: It might make you more relaxed about unintended pregnancies and enjoy sex even more!

    There is no reason why an IUD should negatively affect sexual pleasure. On the contrary, being free from fear of pregnancy may allow both partners, especially the woman, to enjoy their sexual life.

    There is no reason why an IUD should cause discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse unless the woman is already having cramps, which sometimes occur during the first few weeks after insertion. Sexual intercourse cannot displace an IUD.

    Sometimes a man can feel the strings if they are too long. If this bothers him, cutting the strings shorter should solve the problem. Sometimes a man can also feel discomfort if the strings are cut too short. To remedy the problem, the provider can cut them even shorter so they are not coming out of the cervical canal. The woman should be told beforehand, however, that this will mean she may not be able to feel the strings to check her IUD, and removing her IUD may be more difficult. Alternatively, she can have the IUD replaced with a new one and the strings cut to the correct length. The strings should be cut so that 3 centimeters hang out of the cervix. A man may feel discomfort during sex if the IUD has started to come out through the cervix. If a woman suspects this, she should see a doctor or nurse immediately. Proper counselling of the male partner may be appropriate.

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    When Will My Period Get Back To Normal

    Many women who have an IUD get very light periods, infrequent periods, or a total absence of periods. It may concern you after you remove the IUD about how you will be able to track when you are ovulating, given you probably havent had a period in recent memory. This concerns women who want to track their monthly menstrual cycles to determine when their fertile window will occur.

    Its easy to pin the blame on a past IUD if you dont get pregnant within the first few months after removal. Remember, though: Your fertile window, i.e. when you are most likely to conceive every month, is very short. It helps to read up on tips for how to track your fertility using your period as an indicator.

    How Does An Iud Work

    Selina Sandoval, M.D., a complex family planning fellow based in Kansas City, says that in order to understand your chances of getting pregnant after IUD removal, it helps to know how they work. There are two main categories of intrauterine devices: the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD. Both are small plastic T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus.

    Copper IUD: This device IUD releases copper into the uterus, which interferes with the sperm’s movementmaking it more difficult to reach an egg in the uterus.

    Hormonal IUD: The hormonal IUD releases progestin into the uterus, which thickens cervical mucus. This thins the uterine lining while also making it harder for sperm to fertilize an egg.

    But here’s the key, according to Dr. Sandoval: “Neither of the IUDs provide contraception by inhibiting ovulation. This is important because it means that when you place/remove your IUD, your ovulation should not be affected and you can become pregnant right away following removal.”

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    /15 How Effective Is It

    Very effective. Its over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, and this was proven by clinical trials with over 1,450 women. 22% of the women quit the trial early due to adverse reactions, which is pretty normal because not every medication works for everyone, and that statistic is comparable to other IUD options as well.

    That being said, fewer than 1% of the testers got pregnant, which is proof that the device does its job.

    Where does that leave it compared to other methods? Well, it depends, because with perfect use, yes many birth control methods have efficiency rates in the 95% and up range, thats not the typical use. With typical use, the hormonal patch has a 92% efficiency rate, as does the pill, and the Nuvaring. Diaphragms and spermicides are 84% effective with typical use, and the male condom is 85% effective.

    In comparison, the Kyleena is up there with the other methods that have no real typical use stat, because its error-proof : it stays in the 99% range.

    Getting Pregnant After Removing An Iud

    Missed period on nexplanon : birthcontrol

    Although getting pregnant with an IUD is rare, its easier to conceive after you remove the device.

    If you have decided to try to conceive, give your OB-GYN a call to have your IUD removed, and get busy trying. Some doctors recommend waiting three months to give your body time to bounce back to its usual menstrual cycle. This will help you get a sense of ovulation and fertility cycles. But according to Dr. Perez, theres no medical need to wait: You can ovulate and get pregnant the next month!

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    Can Iuds Impact Fertility After They Are Removed

    IUDs are a popular method for birth control. In most cases, IUD devices have no impact on your ability to have children once they are removed.

    Intrauterine devices are a popular method for birth control. These long-acting, reversible contraceptives can be an ideal option for women who are looking for an alternative to the pill.

    A commonly asked question about IUDs is whether they impact long-term fertility after they are removed. Fortunately, most studies have shown that IUDs do not impact long-term fertility. Read on to learn more about how IUDs work, how they prevent pregnancy, and what you can expect after removal.

    How Do IUDs Work?

    IUDs are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. They come in two forms: hormonal and copper, and both work by preventing fertilization through intercourse.

    Hormonal IUDs release small amounts of the hormone progestin, the same hormone that is in most birth control pills. They last on average for 3 to 6 years. For some women, IUDs can ease menstrual pain in addition to preventing pregnancy. Popular hormonal IUDs include Skyla, Mirena, Liletta, and Kyleena.

    Copper IUDs are hormone-free and last about 10 years. The copper that is wrapped around the plastic T triggers your immune system to prevent pregnancy. Copper IUDs can make your periods heavier, especially after initial insertion.

    Will an IUD Impact Your Fertility After You Take It Out?

    What Hormones Are In The Different Hormonal Iuds

    All hormonal IUDs use the same hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy and help treat painful and heavy periods. Progestin is a safe, synthetic form of a hormone called progesterone that your body makes naturally.

    Mirena hormones are the same as in all other hormonal IUDs Mirena uses progestin to prevent pregnancy and make your periods lighter and less painful. Liletta, Kyleena, and Skyla also have progestin in them.

    Some hormonal IUDs have a little bit more progestin than others. But the amount of hormones in an IUD only affects how long it lasts it doesnt change how well your IUD prevents pregnancy. All hormonal IUDs are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

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    What Are The Benefits Of A Hormonal Iud

    In addition to preventing pregnancy, many people use hormonal IUDs to help with period problems. Hormonal IUDs can cut down on cramps and make your period way lighter. Some people stop getting their periods at all while they have the IUD. Hormonal IUDs can also help treat the symptoms of things like endometriosis and PCOS.

    There are lots of other benefits to IUDs. Theyre super convenient once your IUD is in place, you dont have to think about birth control for several years. IUDs are also one of the most effective methods of birth control you can get. Theyre more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. And if you decide you want to get pregnant, you can get your IUD removed whenever you want and your fertility will go back to whats normal for you right away.

    What To Expect During Kyleena Insertion

    Whats the Chance of Pregnancy with an IUD? (IUD FAST FACT #1, @dr_dervaitis)

    You have a few options for having the Kyleena IUD inserted:

    • During the first seven days of your menstrual cycle
    • Right after giving birth
    • Immediately after a first- or second-trimester miscarriage or abortion

    When it’s placed within these timeframes, Kyleena is immediately effective. You will not need to use any back-up contraception.

    However, if you have your Kyleena IUD inserted at any other time during your menstrual cycle, you will need to use another contraceptive method during the first week after having Kyleena put in. Pregnancy protection from the IUD will begin after seven days.

    If you have or are suspected to have an infection in your uterus, youll need to wait for it to clear before you can get Kyleena inserted.

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    When Will It Be Available

    This month!! Thats right, Kyleena is available this October 2016! That being said, some doctors may take longer to to get a hold of Kyleena for their patients, so make sure to ask. This also leaves more time to ask about Kyleena and find out if its the right choice. And sometimes, it gives us the chance to save up the money to get the IUD.

    Pricing has yet to be released for Kyleena, but the medical exam and insertion alone can cost upwards of $500 to $900 according to Planned Parenthood. That having been said, insurance may cover it, so check with them to find out what theyll cover.

    Kyleena may be the right choice if lower hormone dosages are whats needed. IUDs arent for everyone, but with this lower dose option, I can see the market growing even more and revolutionizing more so than it has thus far, and thats saying something!

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    In Rare Instances Its Also Possible For Your Body To Expel The Iud

    This basically means it can fall out, leaving you unprotected against pregnancy. But dont get too nervous about this. Although theres not a ton of science on the subject, the available data indicate that this doesnt happen that often. According to the ACOG, expulsion happens in anywhere from 2 to 10 percent of all IUD users. This is most likely to take place soon after insertion, which is why that follow-up and checking your strings can be so important.

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    Chances Of Getting Pregnant Using A Birth Control Implant

    The birth control implant called Nexplanon is a small rod inserted in your arm by a doctor. Once its in, you dont have to think about it again for five years. Like other LARC methods, it is more than 99% effective, meaning fewer than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant within a year while using it.

    Its Also Possible To Get Pregnant If An Error During Insertion Means Your Iud Doesnt Stay In Place


    For instance, if the IUD moves from the upper cavity of the uterus into the lower segment, it may not be as effective, Dr. Shepherd says.

    Sometimes its even possible for the IUD to perforate the uterus, meaning it punctures the wall of the organ or goes all the way through it. However, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , this only happens in about 1 out of 1,000 people with IUDs, based on all the available data .

    In any case, this is why doctors recommend that anyone who gets an IUD comes back a month later to make sure it’s still nestled in the right place in the uterus. Dr. Whelihan says that many people dont show up for that visit because they feel fine and its an inconvenience, but its important.”

    This is also why doctors typically recommend that people who just got IUDs check their strings monthly for at least the first three post-insertion months. Being unable to feel the strings hanging from your cervix doesnt automatically mean your IUD has migrated and left you vulnerable to pregnancy the strings can curl up around the cervix or just generally be hard to feel. But if you cant feel the strings and are experiencing any strange symptoms like pain, cramping, and bleedingor if you have those symptoms even if you can feel the stringsyou should see your ob/gyn to make sure everything checks out.

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