What Can I Not Eat And Drink When Pregnant

Foods To Eat During Pregnancy

What Can You Eat or Drink While Pregnant? – Video

With a few exceptions, pregnant women should follow the same healthy and varied diet thats recommended to everyone. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, lean meats or vegetarian protein foods such as beans, lentils and pulses. Drink lots of water, too.

Pregnant women need to ensure they are getting enough calcium, so try to include lower-fat milk products such as natural yoghurt, semi-skimmed milk, or calcium-fortified non-dairy products in your daily diet.

Don’t be tempted to “eat for two”. Pregnant women need surprisingly few extra calories each day. The inevitable fatigue and cravings may make you reach for a quick pick-me-up in the confectionery aisle. Keep sweets and treats to a minimum and opt for slow-release energy foods that give you more of the vitamins and minerals you need.

Pregnant Mothers Should Avoid Raw And Undercooked Animal Products

Raw or undercooked animal products have the potential to foster harmful bacteria.

The most common types of bacterial infection include Salmonella and Listeria. They have the ability to cross the placenta and harm the baby, which can be life-threatening.

Uncooked food such as raw sushi, raw eggs, and unpasteurised milk should be completely avoided.

Refrigerated, ready-to-eat animal products such as deli meats, soft and semi-soft cheeses, and even soft-serve ice cream are also potential sources of harmful bacteria.

The risk of exposure from these products is actually extremely low, but the risk exists nevertheless .

If you do decide to continue eating soft cheese or deli meat during pregnancy, choose the freshest foods , eat them by the next day at the latest, and ensure the food is consistently stored below 4°C .

Summary: Raw and undercooked animal foods contain potentially harmful bacteria and should be avoided. Ready-to-eat animal products such as deli meats and soft cheeses can also contain unsafe bacteria, but the risk is extremely low.

Eating For Healthy Pregnant Women/ng Kai Totika M Te Wahine Hap

Eating well and doing moderate physical activity during pregnancy are important for you and your baby. Nutritional needs are higher when you are pregnant. Meeting these needs helps protect the long-term health of both you and your baby.

Seek antenatal care as soon as you think that you are pregnant.

Some pregnant women may need special advice from a dietitian about eating. This includes women who:

  • are 18 years old or younger
  • have a medical condition affecting their eating, such as diabetes
  • are having more than one baby
  • eat very little or have a history of eating problems
  • are vegetarian or vegan
  • are very overweight
  • are underweight.

If you think you should see a dietitian, ask your lead maternity carer to arrange this for you.

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Avoid Unsolicited Dietary Supplements When Pregnant

Unless otherwise specified by your doctor or dietitian, dietary supplements may not be suitable during pregnancy.

Or to be more accurate, they are not worth the risk.

Several types of dietary supplements contain super-loaded quantities of abortifacient compounds. An abortifacient is a substance that causes contractions of the uterus wall, inducing abortion.

Abortifacients used today are pharmaceutical drugs, such as the Morning After Pill. However, this was not always the case.

Foods naturally high in abortifacient compounds were commonly used during the pre-pharmaceutical era. Herbal, ritualistic and spiritual preparations were trusted, although the effectiveness of these has never been confirmed through scientific method .

While the effects of abortifacient-like food supplements are limited to animal studies and anecdotes , it makes sense to avoid varieties known to have abortifacient properties.

Take Fenugreek supplements for example, commonly used to improve blood sugar response and even to stimulate lactation for optimal breastfeeding.

However, when given to pregnant rats in moderate doses, it is suspected of causing birth defects, particularly related to spinal development .

It was also shown to have an anti-fertility effect in both male and female rats. Therefore it would be wise to avoid fenugreek supplementation during pregnancy, just to be safe.

What Cant You Eat When Pregnant The Top 6 Foods To Avoid

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Home » Women’s Health » What Cant You Eat When Pregnant? The Top 6 Foods To Avoid

What you eat during pregnancy is crucial.

The embryo is completely dependent on the availability and supply of nutrients provided by the mother.

The quality of these nutrients helpful or harmful is determined entirely by her nutrient stores and eating patterns.

So its troubling that a review of 25 studies found most women do not receive adequate nutrition education during pregnancy

With that in mind, the frequent question What cant you eat when pregnant? becomes all the more important.

So here are the top 6 foods to avoid when pregnant, supported by current research.

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Undercooked Meat And Poultry

Its wise to stay away from many undercooked products during pregnancy, and meat and poultry are no different. Salmonella poisoning is most likely to come from these products, so make sure all meat – especially poultry – is well cooked, says Nutritional Therapist Tracey Strudwick. Take care when handling raw meat and store it separately in the fridge to avoid cross-contamination.

Dr Critchley agrees. Stay safe with meats and make sure that they are well cooked, he says. Raw or undercooked meats, even at your local salad bar, can contain parasites such as toxoplasmosis which can have serious implications for your babys health.”

Foods To Eat Or Avoid When Pregnant

Use this handy guide to help make decisions about what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy.

It highlights some foods that are not recommended for pregnant women.

Foods to avoid are listed for a range of reasons, but in most cases there is a higher risk those foods may contain harmful bacteria such as listeria or salmonella.

Red = Don’t eat

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Meat, Poultry & Seafood

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Raw Eggs Or Undercooked Eggs

The safest eggs to eat are British Lion eggs , these can be eaten raw or runny. This is because they are less likely to have salmonella in them, which can cause food poisoning.

If you eat eggs that are not British Lion, or that are not hens eggs, make sure they are cooked thoroughly.

Using eggs in cooked recipes is safe. Try to avoid foods that have raw egg in them, such as homemade mayonnaise or mousse, unless you have made them with British Lion eggs.

Find out more about eating eggs during pregnancy.

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

What NOT to Eat During Pregnancy: Foods and Drinks to Avoid While You’re Pregnant

You want to eat right when youre pregnant, but sometimes it can be hard to know just what that means.

In addition to getting extra calories, taking your prenatal vitamins to get nutrients like folic acid and iron and eating a well-balanced diet, theres also the subject of what not to eat when youre pregnant.

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Food For A Healthy Mother And Baby

Eat a variety of healthy foods every day from each of the four main food groups below:

  • vegetables and fruit
  • breads and cereals
  • milk and milk products
  • lean meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.
    • Limit your intake of foods and drinks that are high in fat , salt and/or sugar foods and drinks.
    • If using salt, choose iodised salt.
    • Take care when buying, preparing, cooking and storing food so that the food is as safe as possible to eat. Follow the food safety guidelines in the section Food Safety in Pregnancy.
    • Drink plenty of fluids each day, especially water and reduced- or low-fat milk.
    • Avoid alcohol during pregnancy.
    • Aim for a healthy weight gain by eating well and being physically active each day .

    Traditional Mori and Pacific foods can be healthy choices.

    Certain Kinds Of Fish

    Fish is a good source of many vitamins and minerals. If fish is part of your diet, you should aim to eat at least 2 portions of fish a week. You should also aim to eat one portion of oily fish a week, such as salmon, trout, mackerel or herring. Oily fish helps your baby’s nervous system to develop. However, you should not eat more than 2 portions of oily fish a week as they may contain pollutants that can harm your baby.

    You should also limit how much tuna you eat, because it has more mercury in it than other fish. If you eat too much mercury, it can be harmful to your unborn baby. You should eat no more than 2 tuna steaks or 4 medium-size cans of tuna per week.

    There are some other types of fish you should limit. Don’t eat more than 2 portions a week of:

    • dogfish
    • cola and other energy drinks
    • chocolate.

    It is recommended to reduce your caffeine intake as much as possible below 200mg a day during your pregnancy.

    You can work out how much caffeine you have each day with this caffeine calculator.

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    Raw Fish And Shellfish

    • Sushi: The common advice from doctors is to not eat raw fish sushi while youre pregnant, as raw fish can contain parasites and bacteria that can make you sick. However, if you regularly go to a sushi place and havent gotten sick there, you may be okay to keep eating there during your pregnancy.
    • Raw shellfish: You should avoid eating things like raw oysters while youre pregnantthose parasites and bacteria again.

    And dont forget: fish thats low in mercury is good for you and your babythose omega 3 fatty acids can help your babys brain and visual development. So dont shy away from eating cooked fish like salmon and mackerel.

    Hot Dogs And Deli Meat

    Pin on Pregnant foods to avoid

    That double turkey, salami and onion with extra mustard might be tempting your pregnancy-crazed appetite, but it may not be the healthiest option out there right now.

    As a mom-to-be, you’ll want to steer clear of those foods that have been preserved with nitrates and nitrites, chemicals used in food preservation that aren’t good for a developing fetus.

    Along with that double-decker sandwich, you might want to forgo hot dogs and pâté. Besides being loaded with preservatives , these foods also run the small risk of carrying Listeria.

    If giving up deli is too big a sacrifice, switch to nitrate-free lunch meats and heat them up until steaming to get rid of any bacteria before you eat them .

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    Food And Drinks To Avoid In Pregnancy

    There are some foods to avoid or take care with when you’re pregnant as they might make you ill or harm your baby.

    These include:

    • unpasteurised dairy – pasteurisation kills bacteria in milk through heating
    • cheeses such as brie and camembert
    • blue cheeses such as Danish blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort
    • pâté
    • foods made with raw or under-cooked eggs, such as homemade mayonnaise
    • raw or under-cooked meat
    • cold cured meats such as salami, parma ham, chorizo and pepperoni
    • liver – including liver sausage, haggis and pâté containing liver
    • shark, swordfish, and marlin
    • limit tuna to one 150g cooked weight fresh tuna steak or two 240g cans – 140g drained weight – per week
    • raw fish
    • soft-serve ice cream

    Food products that are not pasteurised, or are mould-ripened, may contain bacteria that is dangerous for your baby, such as listeria.

    Liver And Other Foods Containing Vitamin A

    Avoid liver and liver products, such as liver pâté and liver sausage. Liver products have lots of vitamin A in them. This can be harmful to an unborn baby. It is not safe to take multivitamins containing vitamin A or fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil. It is fine to eat low levels of vitamin A found naturally in foods like carrots. But it is important to avoid any foods that have vitamin A added . It is okay to use cosmetic products, like face cream, that contain vitamin A.

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    When To Avoid Sex In Pregnancy

    Your midwife or doctor will probably advise you to avoid sex if you’ve had any heavy bleeding in this pregnancy. Sex may increase the risk of further bleeding if the placenta is low or there’s a collection of blood .

    You’ll also be advised to avoid sex if:

    • your waters have broken it can increase the risk of infection
    • there are any problems with the entrance to your womb you may be at a higher risk of going into early labour or having a miscarriage
    • you’re having twins, or have previously had early labours, and are in the later stages of pregnancy

    If you or your sexual partner are having sex with other people during your pregnancy, it’s important you use a barrier form of contraception, such as a condom, to protect you and your baby from sexually transmitted infections .

    Should Pregnant People Completely Stop Drinking Alcohol


    There is no known safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy. It is safest to drink none at all.

    Alcohol in the blood passes to the fetus via the umbilical cord, and too much exposure to alcohol can seriously undermine fetal development.

    Also, there is a risk that the baby will develop a . This can result in vision or hearing problems, issues with attention, and low body weight, among other complications.

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    Unwashed Fruit And Vegetables

    Youre hopefully already in the habit of washing your fruit and veg before eating it – but if not, nows a great time to start, according to Dr Critchley. “After a busy day at work we may be more inclined not to wash our fruit and vegetables, he says. However, traces of soil can increase your risk of infection such as toxoplasmosis, so make sure you take extra care in washing your greens through with a colander.”

    Why You Need To Know What Drinks To Avoid During Pregnancy

    What you eat and drink and even what you put on your body is vitally important during pregnancy. Your body absorbs and utilizes everything that is on and in it and sends most of that right through the placenta to the baby. Thats why its important to learn how to best avoid toxins while pregnant.

    Sure, you know that drinking too much alcohol can have permanent negative effects on your baby, but did you know that lots of other foods and drinks can too?

    Through a newer branch of science called epigenetics, every year we learn in more detail about how what you consume during pregnancy effects gene expression in your baby.

    But what does that even mean?

    It means that having bad genes that you might pass on to your child is a misnomer. Sure, some genetic traits are strong and move through the generations no matter what you do. But a lot dont have to.

    Your diet can alter their propensity to get heart disease as an adult, their cognitive function as a child, and how their metabolism functions. Directly by your diet!

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    Unpasteurized Foods And Raw Meat

    According to the USDA, pregnant women are at high risk of getting sick from two different types of food poisoning: listeriosis, caused by the Listeria bacteria, and toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.

    Listeriosis is about 20 times more common in pregnant women than in the rest of the population, according to a study published in the journal Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The CDC says that Listeria infection may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term labor, and illness or death in newborns.

    To avoid listeriosis, the USDA recommends avoiding the following foods during pregnancy:

    • Unpasteurized milk and foods made from it, such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined cheeses, queso blanco and queso fresco. Pasteurization involves heating a product to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
    • Hot dogs, luncheon meats and cold cuts, unless heated to steaming hot before eating to kill any bacteria.
    • Store-bought deli salads, such as ham salad, chicken salad, tuna salad and seafood salad.
    • Unpasteurized refrigerated meat spreads or pâtés.

    Can You Eat Liquorice When Pregnant

    What NOT To Eat While Pregnant

    While a little bit of liquorice is absolutely fine, according to research, if you have an addiction to the sweet stuff, you may have to wean yourself off it once pregnant.

    Recent research carried out by the University of Helsinki concluded that women should avoid consuming large amounts of liquorice during pregnancy after studying the effects on 400 young adolescents, says Soutter. The findings showed evidence that youths who were exposed to large amounts of liquorice while in the womb performed less well than others in cognitive reasoning tests.

    However, if you love the sweet treat, dont despair. The researchers, however, stressed that occasional consumption of liquorice during pregnancy is not dangerous, and there are no current UK guidelines which suggest pregnant women should avoid liquorice, she adds.

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    Wrapping Up What Not To Drink During Pregnancy

    Your body may be telling you it wants something or telling you it hates something and those things change week to week, if not day to day. Do your best to make healthy choices when planning your pregnancy drinks and give yourself grace when you dont.

    Learn ways to replace your favorite unhealthy drinks with healthier alternatives: like a virgin mixed drink so you dont feel like youre always missing out, infused water for fruit juice, or seltzer water for sodas or even a zevia for a treat on occassion.

    Now check out which drinks you want to guzzle down during pregnancy!

    Foods To Avoid When Pregnant

    6-minute read

    There are some foods you should not eat when you’re pregnant because they might make you ill or harm your baby. Make sure you know the important facts about which foods you should avoid or take extra care with when you’re pregnant. The best foods to eat are freshly cooked or freshly prepared food.

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