How To Know Know If You Are Pregnant

Your First Three Weeks Of Pregnancy

How to Know If You’re Pregnant

Hereâs the thing: Because of the way pregnancy is usually measured, youâre not actually pregnant during the first two weeks or so of your pregnancy. Healthcare providers calculate the length of an average pregnancy as 40 weeks, starting from the first day of your last menstrual periodâthis is known as the LMP dating method. So, when youâre 1 week pregnant, youâve only just started your period. At two weeks pregnant, youâre ovulating. And since ovulation happens about 14 days after the start of your period you canât really become pregnant until week 3 at the earliest.It can be mind-bogglingâwe get it. But, for the sake of calculation, and what you and your healthcare provider will consider as 1 and 2 weeks pregnant, youâre not actually pregnant! But although at 1, 2, or 3 weeks pregnant you may not notice any of those very early signs of pregnancy, there may be a lot happening on the inside.

Traditional Methods: How To Tell If Youre Pregnant Without A Test At Home During The Early Pregnancy Stages

Clinical tests and express pregnancy tests are standard procedures to detect pregnancy, but some traditional methods based on years of observations of women all over the world have gained well-earned popularity and credibility. They rely on the chemical reaction of the elements contained in urine to active substances added to it. These methods make out some sort of homemade express pregnancy tests with the help of improvised means.

  • How to tell if youre pregnant without a test baking soda. There are changes in the chemical composition and acid-alkaline balance of urine during pregnancy. After you add some baking soda into a clean container with urine the soda will start bubbling and sizzling as a result of a chemical reaction. Such a reaction indicates that youre not pregnant. If the conception has happened the soda will precipitate as white sediment on the bottom of the container.
  • Iodine application. The main principle of this method is similar to the first one. Add a drop of iodine to the urine collected in a small container. If the drop is floating on the surface as a whole and doesnt split into minor parts during the first few seconds you can suspect pregnancy. If the iodine has disintegrated immediately and never stopped on the surface the conception didnt happen.
  • For the record: traditional methods of finding out if youre pregnant dont guarantee 100% accurate results, they dont have any scientific explanation or medical proof.

    Light Spotting And Cramping

    Light spotting, also known as implantation bleeding, can occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. This can happen about 10 to 14 days after conception, around the same time that you are supposed to have your period. Light spotting may also be accompanied by cramping, which can feel similar to menstrual cramps.

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    When To Take A Pregnancy Test

    A pregnancy test measures the amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone in the urine. This hormone is only present when a woman is pregnant. As the egg grows into an embryo, the cells that surround it and later become the placenta produce hCG.

    Planned Parenthood indicate that it is best to take a pregnancy test as soon after a missed period as possible. A pregnancy test may return a positive result as early as 10 days after a person has had sex without contraception. However, it typically takes about 3 weeks before theres enough hCG in the urine to produce a positive pregnancy test.

    There are many affordable and reliable pregnancy tests available over-the-counter or online. A home pregnancy test can tell whether you are pregnant in a few minutes, with most claiming to offer almost

    1 week after a missed period. Results of a pregnancy test are either positive or negative.

    If a woman takes the pregnancy test earlier than 1 week after a missed period, it may give a negative result, even if the person is actually pregnant.

    If a person believes they are pregnant despite a negative test result, they should repeat the test after 1 week.

    To avoid a false negative result, check the pregnancy tests expiration date, and carefully follow the written directions.

    Could I Have The Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy And Not Be Pregnant

    How to Tell if You are Pregnant: How I Found Out

    Many of the symptoms of early pregnancy overlap with other medical conditions, as well as your typical menstrual cycle. Premenstrual symptoms can be very similar to pregnancy symptoms. This can make it difficult to tell the difference. You can also miss a period without being pregnant. This can happen when you exercise in extreme amounts, lose or gain a lot of weight, or even are stressed. Breastfeeding can also cause your period to stop for a while.

    The best way to know youre pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. If you have missed a period and think theres a chance you could be pregnant, consider taking a test.

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    How Can You Tell If You’re Pregnant

    Answering the burning question of whether you are pregnant or not can be easy or difficult depending on how far along you are and how well you know your own body.

    Many women can tell if they are pregnant within two or three weeks of conceiving, and some women know a lot sooner, even within a few days. It really depends on your ability to pick up on the changes occurring within your body and how sensitive you are to them.

    Of course, you’ll definitely be able to find out for sure once you have missed your first period by doing a pregnancy test . Don’t be tempted to take a pregnancy test too early, though. Doing so can increase your chances of getting an inaccurate result or maybe a faint pregnancy test line.

    Learn About Your Company’s Policies

    Consider talking to HR to learn more about your company’s maternity leave policies. You can also check your employee handbook, which should include all the information regarding best practices and policies about your pregnancy announcement and maternity leave. Find out who you need to tell in order to process your leave. For example, you may need to notify a certain HR professional in addition to your direct supervisor.

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    How Soon Can You Get Symptoms Of Pregnancy

  • How Soon Can You Get Symptoms of Pregnancy? Center
  • Early symptoms of pregnancy are usually different for every woman. Some women might experience the first symptoms a week or two after conceiving, whereas others dont feel anything for months. Many women may tell if they are pregnant within two or three weeks of conceiving, and some women know a lot sooner, even within a few days. It really depends on a womans ability to pick up on the changes occurring within the body and how sensitive they are to them. Doctors may always run a blood test, which can typically detect pregnancy as early as one week after conception.

    As per the research done on 136 women who were trying to get pregnant, they kept daily records of their symptoms from the time they stopped using birth control until they were eight weeks pregnant . The results were as follows:

    • 50% had some symptoms of pregnancy by the time they were five weeks pregnant.
    • 70% had symptoms in six weeks.
    • 90% had symptoms by eight weeks.
    • The first sign of pregnancy is usually a missed period.
    • The most common symptoms to follow are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination, breast tenderness, and swelling. These symptoms can be mild or severe.

    Some pregnancy symptoms can begin a just few days after conception, even before a positive pregnancy test, which may include:

    What Are Early Signs Of Pregnancy

    Pregnancy FAQs : How to Know When You Are Pregnant

    Your symptoms likely wont begin until your fourth week. This is when you may experience mild blood spotting and cramping and when you can expect to miss your period. But, if you are asking yourself, How do I know if Im pregnant, see if you can relate to any of these early indications:

    1. Missed Period

    According to an American Pregnancy Association survey, approximately 29 percent of women claimed their first sign of pregnancy was a missed period. Missing your period is a common symptom of pregnancy and it often leads women to do a pregnancy test. You may notice some bleeding even if youre pregnant, but it will usually be lighter and shorter than your normal menstrual period.

    2. Urinating Frequently

    A couple weeks after you conceive, you may have to urinate more. This is because of your pregnancy hormone hCG. This hormone causes an increase in blood flow to your kidneys, which helps them eliminate waste from your body more efficiently. As your uterus is growing more quickly the pressure on your bladder is greater. The amount of urine storage space you have decreases which causes you to urinate more often.

    3. Swollen, Tender Breasts

    4. Nausea and Sometimes Vomiting

    Nausea was the first pregnancy indication 25 percent of women experienced. Although morning sickness doesnt usually hit women until around a month of becoming pregnant, nausea is often felt earlier. Its thought that your pregnancy hormones are what cause nausea, but it isnt quite clear.

    5. Spotting

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    Calculate Using A Dating Ultrasound

    A dating ultrasound, which measures the length of the fetus from crown to rump, is an accurate way to estimate your due date or how far along you are if completed within the first trimester . Most women have a pretty good idea of when their last period was, within a day or two, says Scurfield. If a woman has no idea, youll want to try to get her as early as you can. Once you get past 13 weeks, the variability of the growth is such that an ultrasound can be off by a week or so.

    What Is The Best Way To Confirm Pregnancy

    The best way to confirm pregnancy is to do a blood test measuring the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. Women can also take a home pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are fairly reliable but may occasionally be a false-positive. This can occur for a number of reasons, including having a chemical or ectopic pregnancy or even taking certain medications. Following a positive home pregnancy test with a doctors visit for a urine or blood test to confirm the pregnancy is the best way to confirm a pregnancy.

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    A Final Word On Your Pregnancy Announcement

    When letting folk know of your baby news do be mindful of what some people may themselves be going through. There may be loved ones who are dealing with infertility, or the loss of a baby and a little thought into how to tell them will be much appreciated. Try to tell these people separately before your big announcement and when you are on your own with them. Remember their own sadness will tinge the excitement they feel for you.

    Can You Confirm Pregnancy From Changes In The Sleep Pattern

    9 Things to do when you find out you are pregnant

    A pregnant womans sleep pattern changes owing to the increased levels of progesterone in her body. However, a woman might lose sleep due to a host of other reasons, so it is wrong to conclude that someone is pregnant just because she is not sleeping well.

    A combination of the above-mentioned signs can indicate that you are pregnant if only one or two affect you, you are most likely not pregnant. However, do pay the doctor a visit to confirm that you are going to have a baby if you experience some of these symptoms.

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    Morning Sickness Or Nausea

    That telltale, queasy feeling known as morning sickness can hit you at any time of day and it typically begins when you’re about 6 weeks pregnant, though it can vary and strike even earlier. For most women, nausea starts by week 9.

    Hormones, mainly increased levels of progesterone , can cause the stomach to empty more slowly, resulting in this early pregnancy symptom resembling seasickness.

    I Have To Go To The Toilet More Often Is That A Sign

    Oh yes, dashing to the loo more than often can be early sign that youre pregnant. During pregnancy your body increases the amount of blood it pumps around the body. That means the kidneys process more fluid than usual which leads to more fluid in your bladder . For more information on early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

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    What Are The Signs And Symptoms When You’re 3 Weeks Pregnant

    When youâre 1 week âpregnant,â you havenât conceived yet, and so thereâs not much going on. That can change by the time youâre three weeks pregnant. Your belly can be a hive of activity, though you may not be able to tell.

    • If the sperm and egg find each other, theyâll join up in a fallopian tube to create a single cell called a zygote in a process called fertilization.

    • The zygote carries chromosomes from the mother and father and sets the first building blocks of your future babyâs genetic makeup.

    • The zygote then moves down the fallopian tube and toward the uterus as it starts dividing into a larger group of cells.

    Although thereâs more activity in your third week of pregnancy, will you feel anything? Probably not. However, read on to learn a bit more about those typical early symptoms of pregnancy and when you might notice them.

    Recognizing The Early Signs

    Pregnancy Tips : How to Know if You’re Pregnant
  • 1Think about when you last had sex. You must have vaginal sex to be pregnant. Oral sex doesn’t count in this case. Also, consider whether you practiced safe sex. If you weren’t on a birth control pill and didn’t use another form of contraception , you have a much higher chance of getting pregnant than if you did practice safe sex.XResearch source
  • It actually takes about six to ten days after you have sex for the fertilized egg to start the implantation process, which is when you officially become pregnant. That’s also when your body starts releasing hormones. A pregnancy test is most accurate if you wait until you miss a period to take it.XResearch source
  • 2Notice when you’ve missed your period. A missed period is often one of the first signs that you may be pregnant. If you go past your expected start date by a week or more, that could be an indicator that you’re pregnant.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • If you track your period, figuring out when you had your period last should be easy. If you don’t, try to remember the last time you had your period. If it’s been more than a month, it could mean you’re pregnant.
  • However, this indicator isn’t foolproof, especially if you have irregular periods.
  • On average, about 70-80% of pregnant women experience morning sickness.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
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    How Soon Can You Get Symptoms And Signs Of Pregnancy

    Most pregnancy symptoms will start to appear around five or six weeks after your last menstrual period. Usually symptoms wont appear immediately, as it takes a few weeks to develop them. Having symptoms a few days after sex isnt usually a sign of pregnancy, and can actually be due to something else such as PMS.

    However, a missed period, fatigue or morning sickness before this five-week mark could indicate pregnancy, Lesley Gilchrist, registered midwife and co-founder of My Expert Midwife, says. The most common early signs are missing a period and feeling out of sorts and not yourself- often feeling overwhelmingly tired and needing to sleep a lot.

    Morning sickness is also common and can take on several forms for different people, such as feeling nauseous at certain times of the day or all day, vomiting, dizziness or a combination of all these. The need to wee a lot can also be common and is caused by changing hormones in the early days, as are tender, swollen breasts which are sensitive when touched.

    When To Share Your Pregnancy News

    When to announce a pregnancy is a totally personal decision, and it usually also depends on who you’re telling. The general opinion is that the closer you are to someone the higher up in your pregnancy announcement schedule they should be. The last thing you want is for your Grandma to find out from her neighbour’s best friend’s window cleaner after all. Once you find out you’re pregnant, you may like to keep it to yourself and your partner for a while, or perhaps just tell a close relative or best friend who can offer some support when you’re feeling emotional and who you can bounce baby name ideas off.

    Close Friends And Family

    Many parents-to-be choose to only share their news with a very few close family and friends in the early weeks, before making the big announcement once they’ve passed their first trimester. Don’t feel pressured into telling anyone until you’re ready. You may want to share the news that you’re pregnant with a best friend early on so that you have some support in the early stages. No one knows how you’ll feel in the first weeks but it’s unlikely you’ll sail through without as much as a whiff of nausea, fatigue or unusual craving. Letting a few select people in on the secret that you’re pregnant will mean they’re there to help and support you.

    Your Employer

    Wider Friends

    Once you’ve had your first scan, and your bump has started to put in its appearance, you can let the rest of your friendship circle know about your pregnancy.

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