What Percentage Of Pregnancies Are Aborted

The Problem With The Label Medically Necessary

Teenage Pregnancies and Abortions

The term medically necessary is nothing more than a ruse used by the abortion industry to justify abortions of convenience.

As we explained above, AAPLOG has said that the term medically necessary is deliberately misleading. In fact, pro-abortion legislators use this vague term to enact laws that allow abortion on demand. Studies by the Guttmacher Institute , the worlds leading pro-abortion research organization, show that only from one percent to three percent of all abortions are performed for medical reasons, while a whopping 96.5% are performed for economic and social reasons.4 One point that this study by the AGI demonstrates is that medical necessity is not even considered by the vast majority of mothers who intend to abort.

Although not the primary goal of the study, it is clear from the data presented that more developed countries have far fewer claims that abortion is medically necessary . In fact, in the United States, abortions are performed most often for reasons of convenience such as finances or relationship status.

For more on how this abuse of terminology began and developed, visit Dr. Brian Clowes article Shouldnt We Permit Abortion Only to Save the Life of the Mother?

Women Resident Outside England And Wales

This section covers abortions carried out in England and Wales to women who are residents of other countries.

In 2020, there were 943 abortions to women recorded as residing outside England and Wales, a decrease from 2,135 in 2019. Most non-residents came from Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic . The large decrease in the number of abortions for residents outside of England and Wales may be explained by travel restrictions in place throughout the year relating to the Coronavirus pandemic .

Abortions Reach Highest Percentage Among Black Women Since 2000

Abortions on Black women have now reached their highest percentage since 2000, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control .

The abortion data, released in November and analyzed by Live Action News, reveals that in 2016, while Black women accounted for 38 percent of reported abortions, population estimates for 2016 show that African Americans made up just 12 percent of the population. This news comes on the heels of deliberate efforts by the abortion lobby to market abortions among women of color as a positive.

Abortion percentage by race and ethnicity CDC 2000 to 2016

Abortion percentage by race/ethnicity : In 2016, 623,471 abortions were reported to the CDC from 48 reporting areas. However, due to limited state requirements, abortions for race/ethnicity were recorded in just 32 reporting areas. According to the CDC, the percentage is based on a total of 383,485 abortions reported among the 32 areas that met reporting standards for race/ethnicity.

  • Non-Hispanic white women accounted for 35% of reported abortions.
  • Non-Hispanic black women accounted for 38% of reported abortions.
  • Hispanic women accounted for 18.8% of reported abortions.
  • Other 8.2% of reported abortions.

Estimated abortions by race :

Live Action News has estimated the total number of abortions by using the CDCs percentages for race/ethnicity and multiplying it against all reported abortions reported in 2016:

2016 Abortions by race CDC

Black Abortions in 2016:

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What About Mental Health

There is substantial evidence from several sources, including the Journal of Child Psychology and PsychiatryandBMC Medicine, that abortions do not solve mental issues, and usually aggravate them, even when compared with the issues that sometimes develop in miscarriage cases and others. The research presented by the British Journal of Psychiatry concludes that long term mental health problems in the wake of induced abortions increase, and the probability of depression, anxiety, guilt, etc. goes up by 81% compared to mothers who carried their baby until birth. It is clear that mental health reasons worsen with abortion and compound the problem, rather than relieving such symptoms.

A handful of recent studies that allege that abortion is beneficial to the mental health of women invariably suffer from an extreme conflict of interest since they are usually either done by organizations that perform abortions themselves or aggressively advocate for them.6

Description Of The Surveillance System

gatech1101abortion / Abortion Facts

Each year, CDC requests aggregated data from the central health agencies of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining legal induced abortions in the United States. Not all persons who obtain abortions identify as women the term women has been maintained in this report to be consistent with the collection and reporting of denominator data used to calculate abortion rates and ratios. This report contains data voluntarily reported to CDC as of April 9, 2021. For the purpose of surveillance, legal induced abortion is defined as an intervention performed within the limits of state law by a licensed clinician intended to terminate a suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and that does not result in a live birth. All abortions in this report are considered to be legally induced unless stated otherwise.

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Warning Signs Of Spontaneous Abortion

Vaginal bleeding, with or without cramping, is a possible indicator of spontaneous abortion. Low back pain or passing clots or tissue through the vagina are also signs of potential pregnancy loss.

Contact your OB/GYN if you experience any of these symptoms. Gather any clots or material you pass and bring them with you for examination.

Incidence Of Unintended Pregnancy

Global levels and trends

Unintended pregnancy rate per 1000 women aged between 1549 years Abortion rate per 1000 women aged between 1549 years Unintended pregnancies ending in abortion
199094 Change from 199094 to 201519 Probability of change Change from 199094 to 201519 Probability of change Change from 199094 to 201519 Probability of change
West Asia and north Africa 126
Oceania 82

World Bank income groups

SDG regional groupings

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Weeks Of Gestation And Method Type

Among the 43 areas that reported gestational age at the time of abortion for 2019, 79.3% of abortions were performed at 9 weeks gestation, and nearly all were performed at 13 weeks gestation . Fewer abortions were performed at 1420 weeks gestation or at 21 weeks gestation . Among the 34 reporting areas that provided data every year on gestational age for 20102019, the percentage of abortions performed at 13 weeks gestation changed negligibly, from 91.9% to 92.0% . However, within this gestational age range, a shift occurred toward earlier gestational ages, with the percentage of abortions performed at 6 weeks gestation increasing 8% and the percentage of abortions performed at 79 weeks and 1013 weeks gestation decreasing 0.5% and 14%, respectively.

Among the 47 areas that reported by method type for 2019 and included medical abortion on their reporting form, 49.0% of abortions were surgical abortions at 13 weeks gestation, 42.3% were early medical abortions , 7.2% were surgical abortions at > 13 weeks gestation, and 1.4% were medical abortions at > 9 weeks gestation other methods, including intrauterine instillation and hysterectomy/hysterotomy, were both uncommon . During 20102019, 35 reporting areas provided continuous data and included medical abortion on their reporting form. Among these 35 areas, use of early medical abortion increased 10% from 2018 to 2019 and 123% from 2010 to 2019 .

Is In Her Late 20s

Many adolescent pregnancies unintended, abortion rife – Report

A majority of abortion patients are in their 20s. Just 9 percent are under 20, and around a third are over 30. Teenagers used to make up a higher share, but there has been a sharp decline in teen pregnancy in the United States, starting in 1991, and a corresponding drop in abortions among teenagers. Today, American women of all demographics are having children later in life.

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What Kind Of Society Do We Want To Be

The abortion debate is too frequently a binary one over choice or anti-choice. The questions here though are far more complex. They are about what kind of society we want to be.

Do we want to be ruthlessly loyal to science, shunting away lives that may be complicated but also courageous, or do we want to respond with compassion and love? Compassion and love sound like the better option, but it is also the hardest. It requires us to look deeply at what our society is and what it should be.

How can we make our health-care system more easily prioritize the needs of people with disabilities, or fund our education system more fully so that children with disabilities can learn to their greatest potential and contribute in their own way to enriching our society? You cant fit the answer to that question on a bumper sticker.

Talbotts son, Ron, is in school now, taking mainstream classes. Hes a Boy Scout. He can read. He can swim. He may go to college or maybe not, but like any 11-year-old, right now he is more interested in working at a pizza shop or a Halloween costume store. His life has meaning and value.

You can imagine what that would feel like in real life, Talbott said, if someone thought your life had no value and actually suggested that you never be born in the first place.

Alex Hubbard is a columnist for USA TODAY Network Tennessee. Email him at , or follow him on Twitter .

Abortions Up 50 Percent In Greece Since Start Of The Crisis

The number of abortions carried out in Greece has risen 50 percent since the start of the crisis and miscarriages have doubled. Births at public hospitals, meanwhile, have dropped 30 percent in the same period and assisted pregnancies by 20 percent. These are but some of the findings that were presented on October 17-18 in Athens at the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Family Planning organized by the Greek Society for Family Planning, Birth Control and Reproductive Health.

According to the experts, the crisis has affected women across all age groups and socioeconomic strata, as well as the behavior of young people and teenagers in particular.

Greece has become an abortion leader. Ten years ago, there were 200,000 abortions a year among a population of 11 million, while today this figure has risen to 300,000, according to the figures presented at the conference. It is estimated that 140 in 1,000 pregnancies end in abortion. This usually concerns women who already have one or two children.

At the Alexandra Maternity Hospital, the biggest public institution of its kind in Greece and the benchmark for the study, births have dropped 30 percent since the start of the crisis.

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Trends In Abortion Statistics

As of December 2020, the CDC had reported abortion data for the years 1970 through 2018, and the Guttmacher Institute had reported abortion data for the years 1973 through 2017.

The Guttmacher Institute has always found a higher abortion rate than the CDC. For 2017, the Guttmacher Institute reported 13.5 abortions and the CDC reported 11.2 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age.

Here are some of the reasons the CDCs data is incomplete:

  • States are not legally required to report abortion data to the CDC. For 2018, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire failed to report abortion data. In particular, the lack of data from California, a populous state with a high abortion rate, reduces the reported overall abortion rate.
  • New Jersey and the District of Columbia do not require abortion providers to report abortions to a governmental health agency, so data for these areas may be incomplete.
  • Among states that require abortion providers to report abortions, compliance varies.

The Guttmacher Institutes data is incomplete in a different way: it does not collect abortion data for every year. Currently, it skips every third year and estimates data for missing years by interpolation.

Guttmacher Institute data
11.3 189

Independent clinics provide 60% of abortions in the United States while Planned Parenthood provides 35% of abortions in the United States.

Latinas Are Pushing Back Against The Law

Maps of percentage of pregnancies aborted in the United ...

Hispanics are often thought of as more conservative than other Americans on the issue of abortion.

However, a Pew Research Center survey found that in 2021, 58 percent of Hispanics believed abortion should be legal in all or most cases, about the same as white people, 57 percent. Forty-two percent of Hispanics and 40 percent of white people thought it should always be illegal.

Almost 70 percent each of Asians and Black people said it should be legal in all or most cases.

The Hispanic opposition is showing as Latinas push back on Texas’ new law. They are running for office on abortion rights planks or helping women in need go to providers out of state, donating to funds that help pay for travel and the procedures.

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The Women Who Choose Abortion

Abortion is a routine part of reproductive health care. Approximately 25 percent of women in the U.S. will undergo an abortion before the age of 45. The Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy institute in New York City, has been tracking these data for the last 50 years.

American women have abortions with similar frequency to women living in other developed nations. The bulk of abortion patients are in their 20s.

Women of all races and ethnicities choose abortion. In 2014, 39 percent of abortion patients were white, 28 percent were black and 25 percent were Latinx. Similarly, women of all religious affiliations choose to end their pregnancies at similar frequencies.

Most of these women understand what it means to parent a child. More than half of abortion patients in 2014 were already mothers.

Poor women account for the majority of abortion patients. Fifty-three percent of women pay out-of-pocket for their abortion. The rest use private or state-funded insurance plans.

Women choose abortion for multiple reasons. The most common reason cited is that pregnancy would interfere with education, work or ability to care for dependents.

Financial stress also plays a major role in womens decision-making. Seventy-three percent of women reported that they could not afford a baby at the time. Nearly half cited relationship difficulties or wanting to avoid single motherhood. More than a third of women felt their families were complete.

Who Is Doing The Abortions

  • In 2017, abortions were performed in 1,587 different facilities, a 5% decline from 2014. .
  • In 2017, there were 808 abortion clinics in the United States, a 2% increase from 2014.
  • Between 2014 and 2017, the number of hospitals performing abortions declined by 19%, from 638 to 518 .
  • In 2017, 72% of U.S. abortion clinics performed abortion through , 25% performed abortion through , and 10% performed abortion through .
  • In 2014, 4% of U.S. abortions occured in hospitals 1% occured in physician’s offices. The other 95% occured in freestanding abortion clinicswithout any established doctor-patient relationship .

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Cdc: 18% Of All Pregnancies End In Abortion 730322 Is A New ‘low’

Exactly 18 percent of all pregnancies ended in abortion, for a total of 730,322, with most to unmarried women, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But that is good news, the agency added, because it was an “historic low.”

The latest figures are from 2011 and show a downward overall trend in abortions since 2002, especially among younger women. But the numbers are up among women 25 and older, with a big jump among women over 40, said CDC.

The report is titled “Abortion Surveillance United States, 2011,” and was released Friday.

The good news was in the lower rates of abortion among women aged 15-24. CDC said that abortion rates were down and it suggested that education and birth control were key factors.

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“Providing women and men with the knowledge and resources necessary to make decisions about their sexual behavior and use of contraception can help them avoid unintended pregnancies,” said the CDC report.

Overall, however, abortion rates were at their lowest. “Large decreases in the total number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions from 2010 to 2011, in combination with decreases that occurred during 2008-2010, resulted in historic lows for all three measures of abortion,” said the CDC.

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Key findings from the 2011 data:

Most were to women in their 20s, or 57.8 percent.

Estimation Of Due Date

Access to Safe Abortion in the Philippines

Due date estimation basically follows two steps:

  • Determination of which time point is to be used as origin for gestational age, as described in the section above.
  • Adding the estimated gestational age at childbirth to the above time point. Childbirth on average occurs at a gestational age of 280 days , which is therefore often used as a standard estimation for individual pregnancies. However, alternative durations as well as more individualized methods have also been suggested.

Naegele’s rule is a standard way of calculating the due date for a pregnancy when assuming a gestational age of 280 days at childbirth. The rule estimates the expected date of delivery by adding a year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the origin of gestational age. Alternatively there are mobile apps, which essentially always give consistent estimations compared to each other and correct for leap year, while pregnancy wheels made of paper can differ from each other by 7 days and generally do not correct for leap year.

Furthermore, actual childbirth has only a certain probability of occurring within the limits of the estimated due date. A study of singleton live births came to the result that childbirth has a standard deviation of 14 days when gestational age is estimated by first trimester ultrasound, and 16 days when estimated directly by last menstrual period.

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