How Does Your Lower Stomach Feel In Early Pregnancy

Weeks 13 To 1: A Little Baby Bump

How does your lower stomach feel in early pregnancy?

At this time during your pregnancy, you’ve reached the second trimester. It’s often considered the âhoneymoon periodâ of pregnancy as many women feel their best during this trimester. You might notice that your baby bump is starting to show, as your baby is growing quickly.You may feel less worried and more confident now, given that the risk of pregnancy loss drops after the first three months. You might even be ready to start sharing the news! There are many creative ways to announce your pregnancy if and when youâre ready.

At about 14 weeks, your baby’s reproductive system is shaping up. But when it comes to a baby boy vs baby girl belly bump, thereâs not much difference in terms of belly shape or growth. What can impact the shape or size of your baby bump is the weight and positioning of the fetus, not the gender. For example, if the fetal position is slightly sideways, your pregnancy belly may appear wider rather than longer.

Does Your Stomach Hurt In Early Pregnancy

In general, the sorts of pain youll feel in your belly or lower abdomen in early gestation are connected to:

  • Nausea sometimes happens between 2 and eight weeks when conception.
  • Cramping these will feel just like pre-menstrual cramps and might be a proof of implantation.
  • Bloatingandabdominaldiscomfort just like PMS symptoms.

Below I speak about additional concerning nausea, which is common in early gestation .

So within the sense of feeling nauseous, affirmative your belly can hurt. Some women feel some lightweight cramping at the terribly starting of their gestation. Which can or might not be in the course of recognizing . This sometimes happens round the time of the period, or some days before.

Feeling hardness in your belly or pain in your stomach thats not associated with queasiness or lightweight cramping. However, isnt a documented sign of gestation, particularly within the first trimester. It may be due to a variety of alternative problems, or probably by stress.

If you feel extreme pain in your abdomen, you ought to see a doctor quickly. It may be a proof of something serious, together with an ectopic gestation .

Most abdomen pain and cramps in the gestation area unit nothing to fret concerning. however their area unit some symptoms you must realize as they might be a proof of one thing a lot of serious.

Weeks 17 To : The Halfway Mark

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby will experience quite a bit of development, and you may see the same with your bump! You might even start to feel your baby move and kickâa joyful experience and a sign that all is well. At week 20, youâre basically at the halfway mark of your pregnancy. You can start to track your baby bump as your healthcare provider begins to monitor fetal development by taking fundal height measurements.

  • Your uterus will expand all the way to your navel, so unless you are quite tall and your belly is stretched due to your height, youâll most likely notice that growing baby bump!

  • Tiny flutterings in your stomach that seem like âbutterfliesâ may be your baby moving around! These little movements tend to become stronger and more regular as your pregnancy progresses.

  • With an expanding uterus, you might feel off-center or clumsy, and some back and lower abdomen pain is common.

  • As your ligaments stretch to accommodate your pregnant belly as it grows, you might feel a sharper pain or cramp. This may last several minutes, and you may find some relief by changing position or by not moving at all. This stretching isn’t harmful for you or your baby, but be sure to consult with your healthcare provider if you experience pain regularly or if you have any concerns about what you’re feeling.

  • More skin darkening may occur, including on your nipples and face.

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    Digestive Changes Can Also Play A Part

    The stomach may feel relatively âhardâ during pregnancy due to the way a growing fetus can affect your digestive system. âSometimes women’s stomachs become more hard in pregnancy due to gas,â says Dr. Mao. âThe hormone progesterone causes women’s bowels to move slower and gas to accumulate, so bloating is common as soon as you’re pregnant,â she explains, making your stomach feel hard. Excess gas may not be the most glamorous aspect of pregnancy, but itâs extremely common.

    What Can I Do About These Symptoms

    Early First Signs of Being Pregnant and How Your Stomach Feels

    Most weird pregnancy symptoms are unavoidable and no cause for concern. These benign symptoms can be made more tolerable in a number of ways.

    • In response to bloating, it’s a good idea to adopt small, simple meals while avoiding fried or fatty foods and gas-inducing foods like cabbage, beans, and onions.

    • In the case of cramps, a warm bath is your friend. Avoid ibuprofen, since there is some evidence that ibuprofen may increase chances of miscarriage in the first month of pregnancy.

    • Nausea can be alleviated by taking many small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals, eating a good breakfast as soon as you wake up, and going for brisk walks after meals to settle the stomach.

    It’s important to take as much rest as possible. Also make sure to visit a doctor regularly for check-ups, and always consult them about medication, severe pain, or any vaginal bleeding. Fainting spells and physical trauma in the region around the uterus also warrant medical attention.

    In case you are receiving negative results on pregnancy tests but are experiencing several of the described symptoms persistently, go to a doctor at once to diagnose the underlying problem.

    Don’t Miss: Chemical Pregnancy Mayo Clinic

    What You Can Do To Relieve The Lower Stomach Cramps

    Abdominal cramps in first weeks of pregnancy is often a minor complaint when it is not risk related. They could be quite sporadic and could last a couple of days or weeks as the case maybe.

    Take calcium or magnesium supplement to help tone down the cramping and muscles. Buy calcium supplement on Amazon.

    Drink lots of water and be sure to incorporate enough fiber in your daily diet. This should be around 30 grams of fiber. You can support your fiber intake with some supplements. This should relieve the constipation.

    To help the acid flux, try exempting a few hours after food prior to retiring to bed. This allows for the digestion to occur thereby making your sleep comfortable.

    You might also want to sleep on some pillows such that your head region is well elevated than the stomach region.

    To relieve mildly frequent urination, try cutting down on too sweet or carbonated drinks that well up the bladder. This adds to the unnecessary pressure in addition to the pressure of your budding babys head. We all agree that you do not need all that right now.

    To relieve the discomfort of winding and bloating, you might want to consume small meals at intervals masticate or ingest slowly avoid drinking while eating do not wear tight clothing do not chew gum and try to always sit up right especially during meal time.

    Treatment For Abdominal Tightening During Pregnancy

    If your stomach feels tight and stiff during pregnancy, here is what you can do.

    • If its a mild case of abdominal tightening, drink lots of water and fresh fruit juices to keep yourself hydrated.
    • Sometimes, how you sit or stand decide the occurrence of Braxton-Hicks contractions. If you experience contractions while sitting or standing, try to change your position. Try putting your legs up or lying down.
    • Dont get up from a chair or bed too quickly. Take your time to do so.
    • Consult your doctor and get yourself massaged well.
    • Take a warm shower or a bath. You could also use hot water bags or heating pads.

    These home remedial measures will relieve the stiffness in your belly. If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant and notice symptoms of preterm labour like bleeding, increased pressure in the pelvis, or continuous fluid leakage from the vagina, contact your doctor immediately. Apart from these symptoms, you should also talk to your doctor if you have had 4-6 contractions in an hour.

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    Pregnancy Belly Week By Week

    While you’re on the lookout for any signs of baby bump growth, your healthcare provider will monitor your progress at your regular prenatal checkups and make sure that you and your baby are staying healthy. At about week 20 of your pregnancy, the provider will start measuring the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus, which is called the fundal height measurement.

    Tracking fundal height gives the healthcare provider a way to assess your baby’s size and growth rate. The measurement roughly equals the week of pregnancy in week 20, for instance, your fundal height may be about 18 to 22 centimeters.

    Here, weâve set out guidelines for how your pregnant belly may grow and how your body might change week by week. You can also check out our pregnancy calendar for more details on the weeks, months, and trimesters of pregnancy.

    Video: Common Discomforts In Your First Trimester

    How does your lower stomach feel in early pregnancy?

    This video discusses some discomforts you will encounter in early pregnancy.

    From the validation of conception, the wholefertilization process happens right in a tube known as follicle tube. After thesemen and the fertilized egg goes in the uterus, it gets attached to theuterine walls.

    All the changes that later occurs in thepregnant body sets off from this point. The physical, emotional, mental andgeneral alterations a woman begins to experience afterwards has just begun.

    Varying according to individual differences,the first trimester is usually tough for most expectant mothers. It could alsobe just like every other day for some.

    The actual trigger for all the changesexperienced during pregnancy is owing to hormonal changes occurring in thewomans body. As soon as you get pregnant, everything changes into a totallydifferent scenario.

    Gases might start to fill up in the stomach, lowercramps could follow, and retention of fluid. On some days, your emotions couldbe all over the place and dont get us started on the weird cravings at veryodd timing.

    Round ligament discomfort will come and gowhich can give rise to some sharp to moderate pain around the lower stomach.This is simply aided by the ligaments being stretched to support the growinguterus.

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    Weeks 33 To 3: Getting Into Position

    Your baby may arrive soon, and your baby bump probably gives it away. If youâre having multiples, expect your belly to be bigger, as itâs a snuggly home to more than one! Because of this growth, late-stage pregnancy can be a bit uncomfortable, but, soon enough, itâll all be worth it.

    If the nesting urge didnât get you last month, you may experience it more at this point in your pregnancy. Nesting is not just a myth, and it can help you alleviate any stress or anxious thoughts as that baby bump grows. For any physical discomforts, stretching and light exercise, like prenatal yoga, go a long way.

    • Sometime soon, your baby will “drop” into position to prepare for delivery. You may notice your baby bump shifting downward.

    • As your baby moves down toward the birth canal, you might even feel some relief in your upper abdomen, but there could be more pressure on your pelvis and bladder. If your baby doesnât assume into the typical birthing position , your bump could be a bit wider or top heavy!

    • A top-heavy pregnancy belly is more common if your baby is breech in your belly.

    • As your baby moves into position, you might also notice some relief in digestive symptoms such as heartburn or constipation.

  • This month is an important weight-gaining period for your baby, so no need to worry if you see four or more extra pounds on the scale.

  • Vi Nausea And Vomiting

    At the starting of your pregnancy, youll feel sick by the smell of some foods and have hassle keeping food down. This sense, called morning illness, can happen at any time throughout the day or night and will reduce by the halfway of your pregnancy.

    This nausea and vomiting dont hurt you or your baby if gentle, however, if it gets severe, you cant keep any foods or fluids down, and you start feeling in stomach early pregnancy & start to reduce weight, you must see your doctor.

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    How Does The Stomach Feel At The Beginning Of Pregnancy

    One is ought to feel some Abdominal twinges in simple words that pulling feeling from the inside of the stomach in the early stage of pregnancy. These sensations are observed in the lower abdomen or the belly are of woman.

    The pain is driven by various biological reason arising from conditions like nausea, cramping and bloating. The cramps are almost the same that one can feel during their periods. These cramps are usually the sign for implantation in the uterus.

    A lot of the symptoms are usually similar as one might go through during periods. One might feel the stomach getting bloated for no reason. The bloating feeling is similar to the one which is felt after having a very heavy meal or drinking loads of water just after the meal.

    All that being said, the early signs in the first trimester is quite normal and you do not go through a major change in your belly. It will often feel like it is full and unnecessarily bloating out.

    For more baby and pregnancy related queries you can visit

    Which Pregnancy Books Should I Buy

    14 Early Signs of Pregnancy and How Your Stomach Feels

    If you are expecting or trying for a baby, you might want to buy some pregnancy books to help you prepare for motherhood. Weve put together some recommendations below, along with descriptions to help you decide whether or not these books are suitable for you or not.

    First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in your babys first year, by Lucy Atkins

    This includes surviving the first few days, adapting to your new routine, why your baby is crying, sleep advice, and so much more. Her guide also includes information on single parenting, and on adopted, multiple and special needs babies.

    The Modern Midwifes Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond, by Marie Louise

    Senior Midwife Marie Louise created this book to share up-to-date findings and expert insights into pregnancy, and this book is suitable for any women. Whether youre planning a pregnancy, you are pregnant, or youre well into your third trimester, this book is packed with facts and advice.

    From incredible facts about breast milk to educating about labour, Maries guide is designed to help women understand more about their body and their growing baby, and what they can do to support them.

    Were Pregnant! The First Time Dads Pregnancy Handbook, by Adrian Kulp

    If youre a Dad whos expecting, or someone who wants to prepare their partner for what to expect, then this seems like the book for you.

    How to Grow a Baby Journal, by Clemmie Hooper

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    Heartburn And Acid Reflux

    Aside from constipation, the production of progesterone, the hormone that relaxes muscles in preparation for labour and birth, during pregnancy can cause heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux in pregnant women. Progesterone causes the valve at the top of the stomach to relax and so allows gastric acid to escape up the oesophagus, which can cause discomfort. This problem occurs particularly at night when lying in bed. Heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux can all begin in the first trimester but usually become more of a problem in the third trimester when the size of your baby is also pushing against your stomach. If you’re having difficulty sleeping at night because of these conditions, try allowing two or three hours after eating before you go to bed to allow digestion to occur, and sleep on a couple of pillows so that your stomach is lower than your head.

    What Triggers Bleeding In Women During Earlystage Of Pregnancy

    There are numerous reasons that can lead towomen bleeding in the early trimester of pregnancy. These include:

  • Internal irritation induced by using progesterone pessaries during fertility treatment.
  • Pimples and in grown vagina/pubic hairs
  • Uterus or cervix polyps.
  • Side effect from increase of blood flow/blood vessels which is essentially supporting the developing baby.
  • Vaginal bleeding during early stage of pregnancy could also indicate miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Howbeit, implantation bleeding could just be a polite way for doctors to explain the cause of slight bleeding. They do not want to cause little or no anxiety at all.

    In the real sense, implantation bleeding probably does not exist. There are quite a range of details why a pregnant woman can bleed at this stage.

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    What Is Abdominal Tightening During Pregnancy

    Abdominal tightening is absolutely normal during pregnancy. As pregnancy advances, the abdomen tends to feel stiff and tightened. As days pass, the discomfort may escalate as the stomach becomes hard like a rock. With tight stomach in the second trimester, you may experience round ligament pain or sharp pain in your abdomen. In the 3rd trimester, abdominal tightening could be a sign of labour.

    Experiences Of Another Mom

    How does stomach feel in early pregnancy

    This testimony from a woman who has experienced abdominal pains during pregnancy is an example of how the discomfort may prove to be too unbearable, even if it is a completely normal side effect:

    The pain in my abdomen became present at almost exactly the same time I got pregnant. When the pain became too much to bear, I decided to visit my doctor and underwent some tests to make sure I was not suffering from UTI. The results indicated that I had no infection and was otherwise healthy. Nevertheless, the pain I felt in the abdominal area persisted for a few more weeks after I first got pregnant, and was accompanied by round ligament pain and cramping episodes. Although my condition was perfectly normal, I suggest other women visit their doctors just to be safe and to help ease any pain they may also feel.

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