How Long After Taking Plan B Can You Get Pregnant

Will Restrictions On Abortion Impact Access To Plan B

What No One tells you about taking Plan B

Plan B and other emergency contraception brands have been approved since 2013 for purchase without a prescription, ID or age restriction. Plan B can be found at all major retailers across the country, in every US state, in the family planning aisle.

The availability and access of Plan B is governed nationally by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . Plan B is not in any way connected to Roe v Wade. Plan B will continue to be made available at all major retailers without a prescription, ID or age restriction regardless of any rulings on abortion restrictions.

Foundation Consumer Healthcare will continue to advocate that no legal barriers should limit a womanâs access to Plan B emergency contraception.

You Can Take Plan B As Often As It Is Necessary

You can take plan B as often as you think necessary, but taking it more than once in the same week does not make it more effective, says Zaher Merhi, MD, founder of the Rejuvenating Fertility Center in New York City.

You can take plan B up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex, but the longer you wait the less effective it is. Because plan B primarily works by preventing or delaying ovulation, taking it more than once in the same week, even if you’ve had unprotected sex twice, will not make it more effective, Merhi says.

While it’s safe to take plan B as often as you think necessary, it can cause some uncomfortable side effects, Merhi says. These include:

Antiprogestin Emergency Contraception Pill

Available by prescription in the USA

Antiprogestin emergency contraception pills are the most effective form of emergency contraceptive pill and available only by prescription in the USA. This pill should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex , but you can take it up to five days later .

This emergency contraception pill changes the way progesterone works in your body . It works by preventing or slowing ovulation . When ovulation is postponed or halted, there is no egg for sperm to fertilize, and pregnancy is prevented.

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How Long Do I Have To Get Emergency Contraception

You can use emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex. So its important to act quickly so you have the best options possible. It can take time to get emergency contraception, so the sooner you start looking for it, the better.

IUDs and ella are just as effective throughout the five days. Plan B, My Way, Take Action, and other levonorgestrel morning-after pills work less well after three days .

Who Can Use The Iud

How Many Days After Unprotected Intercourse Can You Take A Pregnancy ...

Most women can use an IUD, including those who are HIV positive. A GP or nurse will ask about your medical history to check if an IUD is suitable for you.

The IUD might not be suitable if you have:

  • an untreated sexually transmitted infection or a pelvic infection
  • problems with your womb or cervix
  • unexplained bleeding between periods or after sex

The emergency IUD wont react with any other medicines youre taking.

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Last Thoughts On Plan B And Pregnancy

Can you get pregnant after using Plan B? Yes. The pill is only effective at preventing pregnancy from a previous incident of unprotected sex. It does not stop future incidents from resulting in pregnancy.

You may even get pregnant within the next 24 hours after taking the pill. However, this will depend on whether you are ovulating and other fertility factors.

While Plan B offers an effectiveness between 89 and 95%, it is not intended as a regular form of birth control. Women are encouraged to use it as a backup plan when they forget to take one of their regular pills or when other birth control methods, such as condoms, do not work.

Plan B Does Not Prevent Stds

Another thing to be aware of is that Plan B doesnt protect against sexually transmitted infections. The only way to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis, or other STDs is to correctly and consistently use latex condoms or practice abstinence. Some vaccines can prevent hepatitis B and HPV but will not protect against other STDs. The CDC recommends that children get their first dose of the HPV vaccine at age 11 to 12, but the vaccine is also recommended for everyone up to age 26 if they havent been vaccinated.

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Emergency Contraception Morning After Pill

Emergency contraception provides an important safety net when you have sexual intercourse and no contraception is used or the contraception used is compromised .

Emergency contraception pills are hormone-containing pills taken to give you a burst of hormonal contraception, which will likely prevent ovulation, fertilization, and/or implantation. Emergency contraception will not harm an already existing pregnancy.

You should take the emergency contraception pill as soon as possible up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.

Emergency contraception pills are free to all Yale students and Yale Health members when acquired at the Yale Health Center.

Does Plan B Affect Your Hormones

Can you still get pregnant after taking Plan B?

Plan B contains the same type of hormone used in some oral contraceptives, albeit in a single, higher dose. This causes a change in hormone levels since the dose is approximately three times more than a regular birth control pill. The concentrated dose may cause some side effects but they should not be extreme or severe.

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The Side Effects Of Plan B

The way emergency contraceptives work is that they contain a large dose of levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone that mimics the sex hormone progesterone, which prevents ovulation and, hence, pregnancy.

Plan B and other emergency contraceptives contain 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel. That’s three times more than what you get in a regular birth control pill. As a result, this large, concentrated dose can cause side effects like:

  • You might also notice changes to your menstrual cycle, like irregular bleeding.

Less common side effects include:

  • Breast tenderness

While plan B side effects can be uncomfortable, they shouldn’t feel excessively extreme or severe. Pelvic pain and a disruption in your cycle should be the most severe side effects of taking plan B.

If you experience side effects that go beyond these symptoms, or if they worsen after more than a few days, consider consulting a doctor. Moreover, if you notice irregularities in your period persisting for more than one cycle, take a pregnancy test.


Is Plan B Effective For Preventing Pregnancy

The manufacturers of Plan B recommend that you use the pill as a backup option. You may use it when you make a mistake with your normal birth control method, such as forgetting to take your regular pill. You may also choose to use Plan B after a condom breaks or if you did not use a birth control method.

Plan B may be less effective if you attempt to use it a second time within the same menstrual cycle. It is only intended to be used once per cycle to protect against pregnancy.

Plan B is designed to be an effective form of birth control. However, no birth control method offers a 100% guarantee to prevent pregnancy, other than abstinence.

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How Do I Use Emergency Contraception

Following package directions, take EC as soon as possible after unprotected sex. The sooner you start the EC, the more effective it is in preventing pregnancy. Eating a snack or drinking a glass of milk can help reduce nausea.

EC is taken as one or two doses or pills, depending on the product. Take the first pill as soon as possible and, if there is a second pill, you may take it 12 hours later, or take it at the same time the next day.

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How Effective Is Plan B And How Long Is It Effective For

Can Plan B Terminate An Early Pregnancy

Whether you forgot to take the pill or the condom broke, you still have an option for preventing pregnancybut you have to act fast. Plan B One-Step is a morning-after pill that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or birth control failure. Emergency contraception can offer peace of mind, but many women still wonder: How effective is Plan B?

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What Are The Downsides Or Health Risks Of Emergency Contraception

  • EC will not provide protection from sexually transmitted infections .
  • EC is not intended for regular use and is not as effective as other forms of birth control. Talk to your health care provider about other long term options that may be right for you.

You may have some negative side effects while using EC. Nausea and vomiting are the most frequent side effects. If you are worried about feeling nauseous or vomiting, you can use anti-nausea medicine about one hour before taking the pill. You may also want to eat a snack or drink a glass of milk before taking the pills to reduce nausea.

Other side effects may include: breast tenderness, irregular bleeding, abdominal pain, fatigue, dizziness, or headaches.

How Long Does Plan B Work

Plan B One Step is an emergency contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy from occurring after an act of unprotected sexual intercourse. You can take Plan B if you had sex without using any protection at all, or if you did use protection but you think it may have failed such as if a condom broke or slipped, or you think you may have skipped a dose of your regular daily oral contraceptive.

So, does taking Plan B mean that youre safe for a while? How long does Plan B actually work?

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How To Take Plan B

Some brands of levonorgestrel, including Plan B, are taken as one pill others are taken as two. In order for the drug to be effective, you must take the single pill as soon as possible within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. If you’re taking it in two doses, swallow the first pill within 72 hours and take the second one 12 hours later.

Planned Parenthood says that you can take emergency contraceptive pills as late as five days after having unprotected sex. Just know that the sooner you use it, the more likely it is to be effective.

Note that you should not take a double dose of levonorgestrel or two different brands of emergency contraception. Doing so will not increase the effectiveness of the drug and may even make you sick.

One of the possible minor side effects of taking levonorgestrel is nausea and vomiting. If you vomit within two hours of taking the pill, call your doctor. It’s possible that you will need to take a second dose. Other side effects associated with taking emergency contraception include:

  • Breast pain or tenderness

Although taking the pill will not cause a miscarriage , you also may notice that when you have your next period it’s heavier than usual. It’s just as likely, however, that your flow could be lighter. Some people have experienced spotting or bleeding between periods after using emergency contraception.

What Are Your Options For Terminating A Pregnancy

How late can your period be after taking Plan B?

If your test comes back positive and you want to terminate the pregnancy, there are options.

The best first step is to book an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional. Theyll confirm your pregnancy and tell you about the available abortion procedures.

Generally, these fall into medical and surgical options. But they do differ, depending on where you live and how long youve been pregnant.

A medical abortion involves taking two pills: mifepristone and misoprostol. Sometimes, the first pill is taken in the clinic and the second at home. You can usually take the abortion pill until 11 weeks after the first day of your last period. However, the success rate goes down slightly after 7 weeks.

This option might not be suitable if you have an IUD fitted or if you have an ectopic pregnancy.

Surgical abortions are often used later in a pregnancy beyond 16 weeks after your last period in some cases.

There are two types of surgical abortion: a suction abortion, or vacuum aspiration, empties the uterus via suction, while a dilation and evacuation uses a combination of suction and instruments.

If youre in the United States and arent sure how or where to access an abortion near you, our state-by-state guide can help.

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When To Use Plan B

You might be advised to use the morning-after pill in situations such as:

  • You had sex without using any birth control.
  • You forgot to insert your ring or apply your patch.
  • You missed taking at least two or three active birth control pills in a row.
  • Your partner didn’t pull out in time.
  • You used a condom but it slipped off or broke.
  • You were forced to have sexual intercourse.
  • You were wearing a diaphragm that slipped out of place.

Be aware that Plan B and other morning-after pills will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections. The only way to prevent STIs is by always using a condom or by not having sex at all.

Shifting To Regular Contraception

Following use of ECPs, women or girls may resume or initiate a regular method of contraception. If a copper IUD is used for emergency contraception, no additional contraceptive protection is needed.

Following administration of ECPs with levonorgestrel or combined oral contraceptive pills , women or girls may resume their contraceptive method, or start any contraceptive method immediately, including a copper-bearing IUD.

Following use of ECPs with ulipristal acetate , women or girls may resume or start any progestogen containing method on the 6th day after taking UPA. They can have an LNG-IUD inserted immediately if it can be determined they are not pregnant. They can have the copper IUD inserted immediately.

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Is The Morning

The Plan B One-Step® pill and other progestin-only forms of emergency contraception are available over the counter. However, ulipristal is a prescription-only medication. You should also talk to your healthcare provider before taking combined birth control pills to make sure you take the correct dosage .

A note from Cleveland Clinic

The morning-after pill is a form of emergency contraception thats meant to help prevent pregnancy. This medication doesn’t end an already established pregnancy. If you take a morning-after pill, its important to remember that the medication will be the most effective the sooner you take it. You typically have between three to five days after unprotected sex when the morning-after pill is most effective at preventing pregnancy. If you have any questions about emergency contraception, talk to your healthcare provider.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/01/2022.


Is Plan B One

Can You Get Pregnant After Taking Plan B?

No. RU-486, sold as Mifeprex, is a prescription drug for medical abortion. Mifeprex is used after a woman is already pregnant. Plan B One-Step is an emergency contraceptive. It is used to prevent pregnancy. While some people do feel that pregnancy begins at the time of conception, many doctors and the FDA do not describe Plan B One-Step as an abortion pill but as emergency contraception.

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Chances Of Getting Pregnant After Using Plan B

The effects of Plan B do not last long. It is recommended that you resume your normal birth control method immediately, as Plan B will not continue to protect against pregnancy. It is even possible to get pregnant within 24 hours after taking the pill, depending on your fertility factors, such as ovulation.

The pill only protects against previous incidents of unprotected sex. It can prevent pregnancy from occurring up to 120 hours after unprotected sex by preventing ovulation and transportation of the egg through the fallopian tube. As mentioned, it only works once per menstrual cycle.

For example, if you have unprotected sex on Monday and take the pill on Tuesday, there is an 89 to 95% chance that the pill will prevent successful fertilization. If you then have unprotected sex on Tuesday night, the pill will not protect against pregnancy.

It should also be noted that Plan B will not end a pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, the pill does not offer a safe solution for terminating the pregnancy.

When To Take Plan B

To prevent pregnancy, Plan B or any other form of emergency contraception should be taken as soon as possible . Some forms of emergency contraception consist of one pill that should be taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, while other options consist of two pills, one which should be taken within the initial 72 hours and the second 12 hours after the first dose.

Per Verywell Family, Plan B is usually advised to be taken if you’ve had sex without any form of birth control or protection, you forgot two or more active pills of your regular birth control or forgot to apply your patch or ring, a condom became broken or slipped off of your male partner, a diaphragm slipped out of position, or you were forced into intercourse without your consent. Plan B won’t terminate a pregnancy, cause a miscarriage, or protect you from sexually transmitted diseases .

After taking Plan B or another type of emergency contraception involving levonorgestrel, you may experience side effects including headache, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, abdominal pain, and changes in your menstruation . You should not take products containing levonorgestrel, including Plan B, if you’re aware that you’re pregnant. You should also avoid Plan B if you have an allergy or sensitivity to any of its ingredients. If you know that you’re already pregnant, or if you have any questions about taking Plan B, always consult with your healthcare provider.

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