How To Get Pregnant App

How To Track Ovulation To Get Pregnant Or Uncover Health Issues

FLO App Review | How To Know When You Got Pregnant

Ovulation tracking can be a powerful tool for family planning, and it’s simple to do.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or are actively trying to avoid it, tracking your ovulation is important. Being able to pinpoint the dates of that short window of time when your ovaries release an egg helps you understand your cycle and figure out when you have the best chances of conceiving, or know when to avoid sex to reduce your chances of conceiving. It’s equally as important to do if you’re experiencing health issues related to your menstrual cycle, as it can help uncover what’s happening and how to treat it.

While tracking ovulation is used as a form of birth control — also called the fertility awareness method — it is riskier than some others. There are several different types of FAMs, but collectively they are about 76% to 88% effective when used perfectly, depending on the exact method . Meaning, if you use FAM as your only birth control, you have a significantly higher risk of getting pregnant than using hormonal birth control pills , but about the same as using only condoms .

Read on for everything you need to know about ovulation and how to track it.

The Best App For Navigating Medication: Mommymeds

Free for iPhone and Android

Wondering if you can still pop ibuprofen for headaches? This app has your back. You can search or scan the barcodes of over-the-counter and prescription medication to determine if its safe to take.

You can also peruse a library of conditions and symptoms you might face during pregnancy and get a full list of baby-safe treatments.

You may have your doctor on speed dial, but for those moments when theyre not available, this app is a fantastic resource.

How Much Do Fertility Apps Cost

Most fertility apps are free to download and use on a basic level . Many remain free even as users access additional features, like message boards, reminders about fertile days, health info, and predictive data. Some options charge for in-app purchases of advanced features and some come with associated expenses .

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The Best Pregnancy App For Dads: Whos Your Daddy

$2.99 for iPhone and Android

Because dads-to-be are navigating new territory too. The customizable app gives partners a heads up on exactly what you and the baby are going through over your 9-month journey.

Theres also plenty of smart advice on the best ways to support soon-to-be moms plus handy tools like a contraction counter and a hospital bag checklist.

Can I Get Pregnant At Any Time During My Cycle

The 6 Best Free Pregnancy Apps

A common misconception is that you can only get pregnant on the day of ovulation, or that you can get pregnant at any old time. This is not the caseâyou can only get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your biological fertile window.

If you are trying to get pregnant, use the ovulation day estimated by Clue, track your basal body temperature, and monitor your cervical fluid to have a better understanding of your fertile windowâthe days when you have a higher chance of conceiving.

If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, you should not use Clueâs predicted day of ovulation estimate as a form of birth control. Using fertility indicators to avoid pregnancy requires more rules and diligence, compared to using them to get pregnant. If you are not intending to become pregnant, then you should follow a formal form of natural birth control and/or use another form of contraception, like condoms, to prevent pregnancy.

Becoming pregnant is a science, and even when you become more in tune with your cycles, body temperature, and cervical fluid, sperm quality is also a factor. The more you track in Clue, the more control, and awareness you have over your own bodily functions.

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Saliva Ovulation Predictor Kits

These test for increased levels of oestrogen and salt in the saliva, which happens when youre close to ovulating. You put some of your saliva on a glass slide, allow it to dry and look at the pattern if it makes. If it forms a fern-shaped pattern you may be ovulating.

Examples of saliva ovulations predictor brands include:

  • Fairhaven
  • Babystart
  • Maybe Baby.

How Can I Make Fams More Effective

Like all birth control methods, FAMs are more effective when you use them as perfectly as possible. How well FAMs work also depends on both partners, so its important that each of you is supportive and learns how to use the methods.

FAMs are most effective when:

  • you work with a nurse, doctor, or counselor who knows FAMs well to learn how to use them correctly

  • you have the time and discipline to check your fertility signs and chart your cycle every day

  • you and your partner dont mind avoiding vaginal sex or using another kind of birth control around your fertile days

The best way to use FAMs is to combine the temperature, cervical mucus, and calendar methods. Each of these methods relies on different signs to predict your fertile days, so using them together gives you the best picture of your fertility and makes FAMs more accurate. For example, keeping track of your cervical mucus pattern can be useful if your temperature chart gets messed up because youre sick or stressed. And using more than 1 method may help you narrow down your fertile days, so you will have more safe days each month.

You can keep track of your mucus, days, and temperatures on a fertility awareness method chart like this one.

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Best Fertility Apps When Trying To Get Pregnant And Why You Need One

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Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now with the advances in technology, there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step in doing that.

Conceiving a baby is not just luck, but knowledge and preparation should go into it as well. Use these apps to track your ovulation, clueing you into your most fertile period.

When trying to get pregnant, its important to know when you ovulate in order to time intercourse for the best chances at getting pregnant.

There is only a short window of time that, if you have sex, you may actually get pregnant. This span can typically be up to 6 days per month.

It includes the day of ovulation, 1 day after, and about 3-4 days before. Figuring out your day of ovulation can help you to determine the whole period of time that you could potentially get pregnant.

A fertility app takes into account the average womans menstrual cycle in helping you determine your ovulation, but every woman is different. Along with these apps, you can use other methods of tracking your fertility to confirm your particular cycle and help you get pregnant.

Best For Birth Control: Natural Cycles

Apps To Help Women Avoid or Get Pregnant

Natural Cycles

  • Cost: Around $90 per year or roughly $10 per month
  • Features: Basal thermometer.

Why We Chose It: Natural Cycles is a helpful birth control tool for women whod rather go au naturel.

  • Basal body thermometer with subscription

  • Levitts class gets right to what helps anxiety

  • Fertile/not fertile days clearly noted

  • Need a subscription

  • A bit expensive

Sick of worrying about the side effects of hormonal birth control and stressing about the effectiveness of barrier methods like condoms? The Natural Cycles app is a real win-win, serving as an all-natural form of birth control that puts you right in the drivers seat of your fertility: You’ll have all the info you need to know when youre fertile and when youre not.

Heres the deal: When you use this app, you basically use the fertility awareness method of birth control, which requires you to get familiar with your bodys signs of fertility, like daily temperature and cervical mucus. . You input your temperature and any other key fertility signs, and the app works its magic to tell you if today is a “green” day or “red” day .

Since Natural Cycles works as birth control and includes a basal body temperature, its not free. It is, however, cheaper than a lot of OTC and prescription forms of birth control at roughly $90 per year or about $10 per month .

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The Best Ovulation Apps If Youre Trying To Conceive

They say that getting pregnant nowadays involves a lot of effort – and a lot of tech! Thanks to inventions like ovulation apps, those who are trying to conceive can easily track when they’re most fertile to boost their chances of getting pregnant. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best ovulation apps to download if you’re trying for a baby.

This might seem cynical, but let’s face it, most of us spent the majority of our young adult lives trying to ward off pregnancy, so when it comes to planning your perfect family, we never expect it to take very long. But trust us when we say, falling pregnant is not as easy as you might think, so don’t feel too let down if there’s still no positive pregnancy test after only a month or two of trying.

Something that can really improve your chances of pregnancy is a fertility app. The clever apps track your period cycle, allowing women to learn about their ovulation patterns and feel more connected to their bodies as a whole. But with so many on the market, it can be hard to know which one to try and how exactly the app can help you.

Before we begin reviewing our top dour – just a word of warning. Most of these apps ask you to log your sexual activity so that they can track how often you have sex on a weekly basis and predict how likely you are to conceive.

How To Tell You Are Ovulating

Your body goes through certain changes when you ovulate.

  • Hormone levels change
  • You have an increase in cervical mucus
  • Your saliva pattern changes.

These might be unnoticeable to you as you go about your daily life but if you set about watching closely for these they can help you can work when you ovulate. You may find some of these methods easier to track or more reliable than others.

Most of the apps or tools on the market use one or more of the methods below. If youre using an app, its important to use one that tells you how it calculates your fertile window. Be wary of apps that only use dates as this does not give very accurate results.

In this document weve listed some of the most popular apps and tools available, including our own ovulation calculator tool. This is not an endorsement. Tommys does not endorse specific products or services.

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Your App Might Have An Agenda

The details of your cycle symptoms, from bloating to vaginal discharge, are your and your doctors business. Nobody elses.

But your app might be telling all of to platforms like Facebook or Google, and other marketing and analytics-based companies. A Federal Trade Commission complaint filed against menstrual tracking app Flo in January 2021 revealed just that, and accused the platform of misleading users and sharing personal health information between 2016 and 2019.

Aside from the ethical and security concerns, having big tech companies knowing too much about your cycle can also lead to unnecessary and increased worry and emotional distress. The medical definition of infertility, Levine explains, is when someone under 35 unsuccessfully tries to conceive for a calendar year, or when someone between the ages 35 and 40 has the same results after six months.

But typically these apps, after three cycles, start fear-mongering, he says. They start pushing content to you, pushing forums to you. And thats unfortunate.

Only around a third of people trying to conceive succeed within the first three months, says Betsy Greenleaf, an OB-GYN with a specialty in urogynecology, and a feminine health advisor at Ph-D Feminine Health. She explains that a variety of environmental and natural factors impact pregnancies before theyve even started.

The Best App To Guide You Through Your Entire Pregnancy: The Bump

How To Get Pregnant With the Help of the Flo App

Free for iPhone and Android

Plug in your due date to keep tabs on exactly how big your baby is getting with cute comparisons .

Youll also get info on the changes happening for both you and your baby plus smart advice on how to prepare for them. The planner feature makes tracking your doctors appointments a cinch, and even has helpful questions to bring up at each visit.

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Benefits Of Using A Pregnancy App

You bought the books, took the pamphlets home from the doctors office, and printed out every possible checklist and chart you could find on the internet, and now, youre left staring at a massive pile of stuff.

If that sounds familiar, youre not alone. Parents-to-be are eager for information about the next nine months, in any form they can get it. Thats why its not uncommon to see every pregnancy-related publication stacked a mile high on the nightstand or kitchen table of an expecting mom or dad.

Unfortunately, sifting through all of that paper takes time. And more than likely, time is and will continue to be, in short supply. The good news? There is a simple solution to your current situation, and its called a pregnancy app.

Pregnancy apps give you the freedom and ease to keep tabs on everything related to the health and wellbeing of your baby-to-be.

From medical appointments and fetal growth to tracking your contractions on d-day, a pregnancy app can help take the guesswork out of your most burning questions and concerns.

What They Are And How To Use Them

Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about womens health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.

Pregnancy triggers all kinds of new emotions, physical changes, and of course, lots of questions. From wondering about average baby growth to the safest foods to eat, being pregnant requires your brain to work on overdrive.

Fortunately, getting the answers to some of your most pressing questions can be as simple as downloading an app. Technology isnt it wonderful!

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Your App Has Confusing Methods For Logging Thefirst Cycle Day

Knowing the first day of your last period unlocks a plethora of relevant data. It can help you figure out when your next serious PMS craving will be, help your doctor identify a pregnancys due date, or serve as a starting point for calculating your next ovulation. People have turned to apps because they help them keep track of these important dates.

But determining the official first day of your cycle can be confusing and you cant count on your app telling you or helping you by providing the right options to log it. Some apps have different options to track spotting, and the beginning of your cycle, while others assume your cycle started when you logged spotting. Both approaches are problematic.

The first day is the first day of full-flow bleedingwhat your normal menstrual cycle flow would be, says Lauren Bishop, OB-GYN and assistant professor at Columbia University Fertility Center.

If your app is throwing you off, you can use a pictorial blood assessment chart, which Levine recommends to his patients. This score-based system uses a simple spreadsheet to help people track the timing and intensity of bleeding for each day of their cycles. He asks his patients to fill it out and bring it back to him to reveal any issues.

If you have problems reading the chart, you can bring this information to your OB-GYN on your next visit. They will be able to help you assess the data and teach you how to interpret it.

Getting Pregnant With The Best Ovulation Apps Of 2021

How to get pregnant with an app!? Crazy story Golden’s tell all Exclusive
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We spend our whole early lives making sure we avoid getting pregnant, and often times, were blindsided by how hard it can actually be. When youre ready to start a family, understanding how your body works and when youre ovulating are crucial to the process. Ovulation apps can help you do just that!

Rather than leaving things to chance, why not consider using one of the high-tech ovulation apps available to help you pinpoint when you should be getting busy?

While ovulation normally occurs any time within a specified timeframe, , most of us dont have perfect cycles. Thats why its helpful to have an app to help us determine our ovulation days.

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Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker

What it does: Another tracker, designed to predict when youre ovulating, based on your unique cycle. It provides calendars and tools to track periods, symptoms, moods, thoughts and more.

It has a health assessment option, articles and a community to ask Ovia-related questions. Ovia also has a separate pregnancy app.

What it costs: Ovia costs nothing to download and use.

What our mums said: It stored all the info I needed and seemed to be very accurate, says sammykate84.

Loved it as only use 2 months and fell pregnant, adds zaragul786sw.

I used the Ovia app and fell pregnant after using it for a month Found it really good! says Meghan B on Instagram.

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