How To Know For Sure If You Are Pregnant

You Get Inexplicably Tired


Any of us would expect to be exhausted after a long and difficult day. This is totally normal, and, when considered by itself, is probably not a sign youâre pregnant. However, pregnancy causes women to experience fatigue, even when theyâre taking things easy and slow. The hormone responsible for making you tired goes off the charts when youâre expecting a baby, so your significantly lower energy levels may be something to look into. This intense fatigue can begin as early as one week after conception.

Contact Your Obgyn As Soon As You Think You Are Pregnant

Call your OBGYN clinic as soon as you find out youre pregnant. When you call in, your provider will review your medical history to determine the timing of your first prenatal visit. If you are a woman with no medical problems and under the age of 35, your first prenatal appointment will likely be 3-4 weeks after your missed period.

Some women should be seen sooner than others. For instance, if a woman has a history of ectopic pregnancy , she should be seen within a couple of days. Certain other medical conditions warrant an immediate visit with the provider.

Note: Ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus, such as in the fallopian tube. The earliest symptom of ectopic pregnancy is typically light vaginal bleeding soon after a positive pregnancy test. If this happens, call your OBGYN to schedule an ultrasound right away. The ultrasound will identify if the fertilized egg is growing in the uterus or if it has attached somewhere else.

An ectopic pregnancy cannot be moved to the uterus and requires treatment such as medication or surgery. If the ectopic pregnancy continues growing to 5 or 5.5 weeks after conception, it could cause more serious complications, such as a ruptured fallopian tube, which can result in life-threatening internal bleeding. Symptoms of a ruptured fallopian tube include sudden and severe pain, abnormal bleeding, lightheadedness, and shoulder pain.

Can My Due Date Change

Due dates are only an estimate. Providers consider a pregnancy to be full term after 37 weeks. So, keep in mind that you may very well deliver your baby before or after your due date.

When you see your provider for an ultrasound, they may tell you that your due date has changed. Sometimes the babys measurements show that you arent as far along as you thought. Or, if your baby is bigger than expected based on your due date, your provider may adjust your due date to make it a few days earlier. This is all perfectly normal.

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How Do I Calculate My Due Date

You can calculate your due date by using:

The date of your last period

You can calculate your due date if you know the first day of your last menstrual period before you got pregnant. Your due date is 40 weeks after the day you started your last period.

This method is a good way to estimate when your baby is due because many women remember the day they started their period. But it might not always be accurate, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle or are on birth control.

The date you conceived

If you know the exact day you conceived, you can use that information to figure out when your baby is due. Count ahead 38 weeks from the day you got pregnant. That day is your due date.

This method is only accurate if youre sure about the day you got pregnant. You may only know the specific day you got pregnant if you know when you ovulated. Ovulation happens when your ovaries release an egg. Usually, women ovulate about 14 days after the first day of their period. You can track your ovulation by:

What Happens During Week 3

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The fertilized egg moves down your fallopian tube and divides into more and more cells. It reaches your uterus about 34 days after fertilization. The dividing cells then form a ball that floats around in the uterus for about 23 days.

Pregnancy begins when the ball of cells attaches to the lining of your uterus. This is called implantation. It usually starts about 6 days after fertilization and takes about 34 days to be complete.

Pregnancy doesnt always happen, even if an egg is fertilized by a sperm. Up to half of all fertilized eggs pass out of your body when you get your period, before implantation is complete.

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Food Aversions And Sensitivity To Smell

Sensitivity to certain smells is a common symptom for pregnant women. You may also find that your tastes have changed for certain types of food.

Any of the above signs can mean youre pregnant, but there are women who conceive and experience none of them. Likewise, you can experience all ten and not be pregnant. The best way to confirm pregnancy is to schedule an appointment with a provider, preferably your gynecologist.

If you notice a few of the early pregnancy symptoms above and think you may be pregnant, wait one or two days after your missed period and take a pregnancy test. If the test is negative, wait a few more days and take another, just in case the first was a false negative. If the test is positive, schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN.

At Baptist Health, were committed to helping women through every stage of their health journeys. If youre trying to conceive or thinking about getting pregnant, read through our preconception to-do list, or if you have an upcoming OB/GYN appointment, learn how you can get the most out of your visit.

How Do You Know If Youre Pregnant

While the only way to find out for sure is to visit your GP, this quiz will let you know the likelihood of pregnancy based on your current symptoms.

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If you are trying for a baby or think you might have conceived, you’ll probably be on the watch for pregnancy signs. Small changes in the way you feel both physically and emotionally can be detected as early as a week after conception and some women report ‘feeling pregnant’ long before their changing hormone levels are picked up on a test.

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How Do You Know When Youre Ovulating

The best way to know when youre ovulating is to take steps to pinpoint your fertile and ovulation windows, which well get to in the next section. But you may also experience one or more of the following ovulation symptoms:

  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Increased sex drive
  • Changes in the position and firmness of your cervix

Do You Have Pregnancy Symptoms

How to Confirm Pregnancy Without Taking a Test

Most pregnancy symptoms dont show up until about the time that you miss your periodabout two weeks after you ovulate, and about four weeks since your last period. There are a lot of symptoms of pregnancy, but the most common ones reported include fatigue, nausea and/or vomiting, and sore breasts.

Even if you do not have these symptoms , you may consider a pregnancy test if you have missed your period. Sometimes you will not experience pregnancy symptoms until your period is two weeks late, or your symptoms may be masked by something else.

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How Soon You Can Take A Pregnancy Test

Step back from the supermarket shelves you should wait until the first day of a missed period before you do a pregnancy test . This is usually about two weeks after you think you conceived. So get your diary out and start counting.

Too keen to wait? Some tests are more sensitive than others and can be taken earlier . This might be four or five days before your period is due .

If you can though, its most reliable to wait for the first day of your missed period. And that way you wont get any upset from an inaccurate result.

Weight Gain During Early Pregnancy

Weight gain becomes more common toward the end of your first trimester. You may find yourself gaining about 1 to 4 pounds in the first few months.

Calorie recommendations for early pregnancy wont change much from your usual diet, but they will increase as pregnancy progresses.

In the later stages, pregnancy weight often shows up in the:

Hormones can cause the valve between your stomach and esophagus to relax. This allows stomach acid to leak, causing heartburn.

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Key Indicators Of A Possible Pregnancy

Many women experience one or more pregnancy symptoms during a normal menstrual cycle, so you shouldnât panic if youâre a little nauseous, tired, or experiencing cramping. If youâve noticed several of the indicators below over the last few weeks, however, itâs worth a closer look. These signs often signal a pregnancy, but only an official pregnancy test or doctorâs visit will be able to tell you for sure.

Morning Sickness Or Nausea

How Soon Can You Tell If You

That telltale, queasy feeling known as morning sickness can hit you at any time of day and it typically begins when youre about 6 weeks pregnant, though it can vary and strike even earlier. For most women, nausea starts by week 9.

Hormones, mainly increased levels of progesterone , can cause the stomach to empty more slowly, resulting in this early pregnancy symptom resembling seasickness.

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Cramping In The Abdomen Or Pelvis Due To Implantation

Mild cramping in the pelvis, lower back, or abdomen commonly occurs early in pregnancy, as the embryo attaches itself to the uterus.

These cramps should feel more like discomfort than pain, the Cleveland Clinic cautions. Severe cramping or pain mostly on one side of the body could indicate an ectopic pregnancy or other complication. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience cramps like this.

I Have To Go To The Toilet More Often Is That A Sign

Oh yes, dashing to the loo more than often can be early sign that youre pregnant. During pregnancy your body increases the amount of blood it pumps around the body. That means the kidneys process more fluid than usual which leads to more fluid in your bladder . For more information on early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

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When To Contact A Doctor

If a pregnancy test result is positive, a person should contact a midwife or doctor. They can confirm the result with a blood test or schedule an early ultrasound.

If the person is pregnant, they should start prenatal care or discuss other options as early as possible.

If a person misses a period but is not pregnant, a healthcare professional can help diagnose any underlying cause.

Light Bleeding Or Spotting

Am I Pregnant? Ways to Know for Sure | Parents

Implantation bleeding is the light vaginal bleeding that typically occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. It shouldnt cause anything more than mild spotting, which you may notice in your underwear. Implantation bleeding can also be accompanied by mild cramps that resemble the cramps of menstruation.

If the bleeding is heavy or if the cramping is severe, contact a health care provider for advice.

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Herbs And Supplements To Take During Pregnancy

Even though theres a large variety of healthy foods containing key nutrients during pregnancy, it can be hard to get as much of those nutrients as you need from food alone, particularly folate and iron. Because of this, your doctor or midwife will likely recommend or prescribe certain supplements.

Prenatal vitamins are a common example. As the name implies, prenatal vitamins are made specifically for pregnant people and people planning to get pregnant. Prenatal vitamins provide a combination of vitamins and minerals that support healthy pregnancies , and are available over the counter in a wide range of stores.

Your care provider may also prescribe supplements based on other factors, like dietary restrictions. If youre lactose intolerant and cant eat dairy, for example, you may be prescribed a calcium supplement.

You may also want to use herbal supplements to help provide relief from pregnancy symptoms. Peppermint leaf and ginger root are commonly used to help with nausea and morning sickness. However, there are some herbs to avoid.

If I Have A Negative Pregnancy Test After I Have Missed My Period Does That Mean I Am Not Pregnant

A negative result can mean that you are not pregnant, you took the test too early, or you took the test wrong. Pregnancy tests vary in their sensitivity , and you may not have given your body enough time to produce enough hCG hormones that will show up on the test.

Also, if you let a test sit for too long , the test is invalid. It is best to follow the instructions and wait until you have missed a period before taking the test. Some women show up accurately on a test the day they miss a period, while others may not show up positive until 3-4 weeks after a missed period.

We encourage women to test after a missed period if the result is negative they should wait a week and test again if a normal period has not started.

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What Will Happen At My First Prenatal Visit

Practitioners also have their own to-do lists for the first prenatal appointment. Heres what to expect:

  • Youll get an official countdown. If you know when you conceived and the date of your last period , make sure to mention it. Your OB/GYN or midwife will calculate your due date using your LMP, a check of your cervix and uterus for signs and approximate gestational age of the pregnancy, your hCG levels, and, most likely, an ultrasound.
  • Youll chat about yourself and your baby. To give you the best possible care, your practitioner will want to know a lot about you. The first prenatal appointment is the time for your practitioner to get up to speed on your health history and fill you in on how to care for yourself and your growing baby, as well as address any concerns you have . Its helpful to take notes your doctor or midwife is sure to share plenty of info youll want to remember .
  • Why Do I Calculate From The First Day Of My Last Period Not Conception

    First Response Pregnancy Test 2 Lines One Faint

    Before we understood the physiology of ovulationand that women dont ovulate until a couple of weeks after their period, so they really cant get pregnant until that timethe only thing that primitive physicians and midwives knew was that from the first day of the last period, it was about 280 days before a woman gave birth, says Scurfield. All of the research and medical literature have been based on that formula being used.

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    How To Tell If You’re Pregnant Without A Test

    This article was medically reviewed by Lacy Windham, MD. Dr. Windham is a board certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Tennessee. She attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis and completed her residency at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2010, where she was awarded the Most Outstanding Resident in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Most Outstanding Resident in Oncology, and Most Outstanding Resident Overall. This article has been viewed 1,167,044 times.

    If you think you might be pregnant, it’s important to take a home pregnancy test and schedule an appointment with your doctor to find out — this is the only way you’ll know for sure. Before you do that, though, you may be able to notice several telltale signs. Some of these signs begin within a week of conception, so you may be able to tell fairly early on when you get pregnant. Everyone’s body is different, and you may experience all, none, or only some of these symptoms. See your doctor to determine whether you’re pregnant.

    How Early Can You Tell If Youre Pregnant

    Again, youll need to take a pregnancy test at the right time to confirm your hopes or suspicions. But when it comes to the first symptoms of pregnancy, everyone is different. Some people start to notice changes within a week after conception. Others might not notice anything until they miss their period.

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    Medical Treatment For A Miscarriage

    Theres no treatment that can stop a miscarriage. Instead, miscarriage treatment focuses on preventing excessive blood loss and infection, which can happen if the uterus isnt completely cleared of tissue. Once a miscarriage has been confirmed, options for treatment may include:

    • Medication: Medication can be used to speed up the passing of pregnancy tissue.
    • Surgery: If theres leftover tissue in the uterus or signs of heavy blood loss or infection, a minor surgery called dilation and curettage may be performed. In a D& C, the cervix is dilated so that the remaining tissue can be gently removed. This option can also be chosen based on preference.

    How Should I Prepare For My First Pregnancy Appointment

    5 Things You Need To Know If You Are Pregnant | NewsMo

    Once the date is on your calendar, do a little prep work to make the most of your visit. These tips are a great place to start:

    Make a list of key health facts. Your practitioner will want to discuss all the details of your medical history, so check your records at home or call your primary care doctor for a refresh. Come prepared with at least some basics about:

    • Your personal medical history: immunizations youve had, previous major illnesses or surgeries, known allergies including drug allergies
    • Your mental health history: any history of depression, anxiety disorder or other mental health disorders
    • Your gynecological history: age of your first period, details about your cycle, whether you have problems with PMS or PMDD, prior gynecological surgeries, history of abnormal Pap smears or STDs
    • Your obstetrical history: previous pregnancies, including pregnancy complications or losses and details about previous deliveries
    • Potential disease exposure: Any contagious diseases you may have been exposed to

    Take stock of your medicine cabinet. Your OB/GYN or midwife will also want to know the names and possibly the dosages of any medications and supplements you take .

    Find out about health conditions that run in your and your partners families. Learn what illnesses your family has a history of, so you can clue in your practitioner from the get-go.

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