Your Feelings And Emotions During Pregnancy
During pregnancy you will probably feel many ups and downs. You may experience some or all of these emotions :
- surprise if your pregnancy is unexpected. You may then feel joy or fear or both
- happiness, particularly if you have been trying to have baby and you feel well
- anger, which can result from your bodys hormonal changes, from a sense of being vulnerable, or from pregnancy symptoms that are uncomfortable or painful
- fear for the babys health, if you have concerns about your baby having an illness or disability. If you are worried about a particular risk, talk to your midwife or doctor
- fear of birth, which is a recognised psychological disorder. Counselling and talking with your midwife or doctor can help you overcome this fear
- love for your baby, your partner and your family
- sadness or disappointment if you have illness or complications during your pregnancy, or you cant have the birth plan that you would prefer
- general sadness about the world, whereby you find it hard to watch the news or hear sad stories about children or families
- grief, if you suffer a miscarriage, a loss at a later stage of pregnancy, or a stillbirth
- prolonged sadness from perinatal depression. In this case, you will need the help of health specialists.
Preparing For Being A Parent
It can be helpful for both expectant mums and dads to learn about ways to help themselves and others through this time of change.
Read parenting books, talk to family members and friends about their experiences as new parents and take some time to think about who might be able to provide support if you need it. It can help to develop a network with others who are also pregnant or who have children of a similar age.
While preparation is important, it is also good to remember that you can’t prepare for everything.
Fertility Drug Side Effects
If you are working with a doctor to improve your chances of conceiving, it’s important to know that fertility drug side effects can sometimes be mistaken for early pregnancy symptoms. Progesterone supplements can cause nausea and a frequent urination. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation treatments like oral clomiphine citrate drugs or injectable gonadotropin may lead to moodiness, sore breasts, and bloating.
Be sure to keep in close touch with your fertility specialist to understand all possible side effects of any medications you are taking. This is a good idea to not only ensure you are in good health throughout treatments, but to also help temper expectations month to month.
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What Is Implantation Bleeding
Implantation bleeding is light bleeding from the vagina that happens in some women 10 to 14 days after conceiving a baby.
You may think its just a light period, but its an early sign of pregnancy. Its not dangerous, and you dont need treatment.
But heavy bleeding can be a sign of a problem. Call your doctor if you bleed a lot, with or without fever, chills, or have cramps that get worse.
When To Seek Medical Attention In The First Trimester
I am not a health care professional and this is not medical advice it is just my opinion on when you should seek a professional for pregnancy-related help.
- Increased or consistent pain in the lower abdomen
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting more than normal
- Not feeling baby move, especially if you had felt movement before
- Blurred vision
- High fever that lasts 24 hours of longer
- Pain that is hot in your calf
- Muscle weakness
If you feel any of these symptoms you should go to your nearest hospital and get checked by a medical professional right away.
Okay now that youve gone through this post, I hope you feel a little better than feeling pregnant or feeling less pregnant in the first trimester doesnt happen to everyone.
To review make sure you take pregnancy tests if you feel something is off, relax your body by taking a few extra naps, start taking prenatal vitamins and go to your OB as soon as you can.
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How Can I Treat A Uti Naturally While Pregnant
Without further ado, here are the top 6 home remedies to fight UTI. Drink plenty of fluids. Hydration status has been linked to the risk of urinary tract infection. Increase vitamin C intake. Drink unsweetened cranberry juice. Take a probiotic. Practice these healthy habits. Try these natural supplements.
Signs Of Ovulation To Know If You’re Trying To Get Pregnant
Even if you’re not using an app, it’s possible to predict the most fertile days in your cycle as long as you’re paying attention. Learn more about the physical signs of ovulation, including cramps, cervical mucus, discharge and other symptoms that can predict you’re ovulating.
If you’re trying to get pregnant, learning to recognize the signs of ovulation can be a key factor in your success. Ovulation is the process by which your body releases one or more eggs from your ovary. If the egg is fertilized and successfully implants, you’re pregnant. But if you miss the fertilization window, you’re not.
So, here we go. Here are the most common observable symptoms that can indicate ovulation:
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Changes To Your Body At 1 Month Pregnant
You probably wonât be noticing any changes to your body just yet, but that doesnât mean there isnât a lot going on under the surface. At this point, itâs important to prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth by paying attention to your overall health and nutrition. This often means taking a multivitamin supplement to make sure you have all the nutrients you and your little one will need for the months ahead. Talk to your healthcare provider at your first prenatal visit to make sure youâre getting the right amounts of the right vitamins. It can also be helpful to begin or continue an exercise routine this month. Check in with your provider to make sure your favorite activities are safe during pregnancy, but in general, getting regular exercise can help build the strength and endurance youâll need throughout your pregnancy.
When Does Implantation Bleeding Happen
After a sperm fertilizes your egg, the combination becomes an embryo. It travels to your uterus, where it implants itself into the lining.
Sometimes, as the embryo attaches, it causes a little bleeding. This usually happens about the time you would have your period. You may even confuse it with your period and not realize youre pregnant. Implantation bleeding is normal and doesnt mean you or your baby will have problems.
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Third Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms
The physical symptoms got worse during my third trimester. My legs hurt every second of the day. I couldnt walk up the stairs without getting winded and my thighs burning. I had to change up my commute so I could have access to escalators and elevators. This is a common complaint Ive heard from other mothers and pregnant women.
My body felt more discomfort and more cramps with each inch that my belly grew. If I walked for an extended period of time, I would feel the pain in my legs for days.
Those were just part of the physical changes.
Emotionally, pregnancy threw me into a whirlwind. I cried much more than I normally would. I became increasingly anxious. I worried about:
- being a bad mother
- not being able to provide enough security and love
- working and going to school during those nine months
I became more cautious about what I did and what I said, of the places I would go, and how long I would stay there.
On the flipside, I felt more magical. With each passing day, I became more eager to meet my son. I kept my hands on my belly, always protecting him. I would put my hands on my belly for weeks after giving birth.
There was pep in my slow, lumbering step. And I had a glow, according to my family. I was a bit of a contradiction: As overwhelmed as I felt, I was also happy.
Maybe it was because the journey was ending and I would soon get my body back, as they say.
When Will I Start To Show
You shared your exciting news with family and friends, and now you’re just waiting for your belly to make the announcement to the rest of the world!
The size of your pregnant belly and when it appears depends more on you than it does on the size of your baby. These factors play a role in your growing belly:
- Body shape
- Height
- Weight
We hope that, after looking at some of the factors above, its clear that each pregnant belly is unique, and its best not to compare yours with your friends, colleagues, or even sisters.
Once your belly does start showing, the shape it takes on might not be what you see in the movies or online.
For example, a woman who carries more weight around her waist may not have a bump thats very defined early on because the fat tissue around the area may prevent you from seeing a protrusion until much later in the pregnancy.
On the other hand, a woman with less body fat may show much earlier.
Another key factor that affects when you start showing is whether or not this is your first pregnancy. Women who have been pregnant before tend to develop a bump a few weeks earlier than first-time moms. They may also have bigger bumps.
The reason for this is simple: If youve been down this pregnancy road before, then your stomach muscles tend to not be as tight as they were the first time, so theyll naturally stretch out a little faster.
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What Being Pregnant Feels Like As Your Baby Grows
Once you have your answer to the question, How do you feel in early pregnancy? you are probably just as curious to know the answer to this question: What does it feel like being pregnant as your baby continues to grow? After all, this is the one of the biggest questions from people curious about the pregnancy process carrying a living human being inside of you is such a foreign idea to those who havent experienced it themselves.
Again, every womans pregnancy is unique, and only you will be able to know what it is like to be pregnant in your later trimesters. For many women, the earlier side effects of pregnancy lessen as they enter their second and third trimesters, but thats not the case for everyone. Sometimes, the side effects of early pregnancy are replaced with more constant side effects that a woman cant alleviate until her baby is born.
When you carry a child inside of you, your body reacts in certain ways. A lot of your energy is going toward creating this child, and you cant expect your body to feel the same as it did when you were not pregnant. In addition to the symptoms listed above, you may also feel:
- The constant urge to urinate, a lot
- Fatigue and muscle soreness from carrying an ever-growing child inside of you
- Irritability due to difficulty sleeping and getting comfortable with an expanding stomach
- Mood swings due to changing hormones
- Constipation and other upset stomach
- Heartburn and backache
- And more
Varicose Veins Hemorrhoids And Constipation
Varicose veins, usually found in the legs and genital area, happen when blood pools in veins enlarged by pregnancy hormones. Varicose veins often go away after pregnancy. To help prevent them:
- avoid standing or sitting for long periods
- wear loose-fitting clothing
- wear support hose
- raise your feet when you sit
Hemorrhoids varicose veins in the rectum are common during pregnancy as well. Your blood volume has increased and your uterus puts pressure on your pelvis. So the veins in your rectum may enlarge into grape-like clusters. Hemorrhoids can be very painful, and can bleed, itch, or sting, especially during or after a bowel movement .
Constipation is another common pregnancy woe. It happens because pregnancy hormones slow the passing of food through the gastrointestinal tract. During the later stages of pregnancy, your uterus may push against your large intestine, making it hard for you to have a BM. And constipation can contribute to hemorrhoids because straining to go may enlarge the veins of the rectum.
The best way to deal with constipation and hemorrhoids is to prevent them. Eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of liquids daily, and exercising regularly can help keep BMs regular. Stool softeners may also help. If you do have hemorrhoids, talk to your health care provider about a cream or ointment that can shrink them.
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Why Do I Feel So Tired
Feeling very tired is another common symptom of early pregnancy. Your body is working hard to adjust to all the new physical changes. This can cause extreme fatigue. You may need to sleep longer than usual at night. If possible, you can take short naps during the day. Your energy will most likely return in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Your Relationships With Family And Friends
Pregnancy is not only a special time for you and your partner there may be a lot of other people around you who are interested in your pregnancy, such as your family and friends.
People can offer a great deal of help in all sorts of ways, and you’ll probably be glad of their interest and support. But sometimes it can feel as if they’re taking over.
Being pregnant may also put you on the receiving end of a lot of advice and perhaps criticism. There will be times when you appreciate the advice but also times when the advice is not wanted or helpful.
The important thing is to decide what is right for you. After all, it is your pregnancy and your baby.
If unwanted advice is becoming a problem, explain gently that there are some decisions that only you and your partner can make, and some things that you prefer to do on your own.
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How Will My Baby Develop Week By Week
First Trimester
At 4 to 5 weeks:
- Your baby’s brain and spinal cord have begun to form.
- The heart begins to form.
- Arm and leg buds appear.
- Your baby is now an embryo and one-twenty-fifth inch long.
At 8 weeks:
- All major organs and external body structures have begun to form.
- Your baby’s heart beats with a regular rhythm.
- The arms and legs grow longer, and fingers and toes have begun to form.
- The sex organs begin to form.
- The eyes have moved forward on the face and eyelids have formed.
- The umbilical cord is clearly visible.
- At the end of 8 weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more like a human. Your baby is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than 1/8 of an ounce.
At 12 weeks:
- The nerves and muscles begin to work together. Your baby can make a fist.
- Eyelids close to protect the developing eyes. They will not open again until the 28th week.
- Head growth has slowed, and your baby is much longer. Now, at about 3 inches long, your baby weighs almost an ounce.
Second Trimester
At 16 weeks:
At 20 weeks:
- Your baby is more active. You might feel slight fluttering.
- Your baby is covered by fine, downy hair called lanugo and a waxy coating called vernix. This protects the forming skin underneath.
- Eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails have formed. Your baby can even scratch itself.
- Your baby can hear and swallow.
- Now halfway through your pregnancy, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 ounces.
At 24 weeks:
Third Trimester
At 32 weeks:
At 36 weeks:
Weeks 37-40:
Do All Women Get Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy
Every woman is different. So are their experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next.
Also, because the early symptoms of pregnancy often mimic the symptoms you might experience right before and during menstruation, you may not realize you’re pregnant.
What follows is a description of some of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy. You should know that these symptoms may be caused by other things besides being pregnant. So the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. The only way to tell for sure is with a pregnancy test.
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Tummy Twinges Pinching And Pulling
Some women experience feelings inside their stomachs in the early stages of pregnancy that replicate the sensation of their muscles being pulled and stretched. Sometimes referred to as abdominal twinges, these tingles are nothing to worry about.
Layla Rumble, midwife at The Portland Hospital, which is part of HCA Healthcare UK, said, Abdominal twinges and mild pains are very common during pregnancy and usually nothing to worry about. Twinges and abdominal pain is usually caused by constipation, ligament pain, or trapped wind all of which are a normal part of pregnancy.
Twinges, and pains can be alleviated by regular light exercise, eating smaller, frequent meals, having plenty of fibre-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water to help empty your bladder regularly.
If you find that you experience intense and ongoing pains, or pain accompanied by bleeding, it is important to seek medical advice from your midwife or GP to rule out anything serious.
What else could it be?If youve been heavily exercising or straining your muscles, you could be experiencing some tension from that, especially if youve focused on ab workouts. A tight stomach can also be due to other factors such as digestive issues, stress or hormonal changes, and doesnt necessarily mean youre pregnant.