What Is In Vitro Pregnancy

What Is The Difference Between Fresh And Frozen Transfers

What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

IVF is a process where retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body and then implanted back into the uterus. The lining of the uterus must be in the proper condition so that the embryo implants successfully.

The timing of the process is critical so in some cases, embryos may be implanted within days of fertilization. This is considered a fresh transfer. Other times, the mothers body may not be ready to receive the implantation, so the embryos are frozen to be transferred at a later date. A frozen transfer allows for the window that the embryo is able to implant and the uterus is able to receive the embryo to better line up.

Miscarriage And Ectopic Pregnancy

The rate of miscarriage after IVF is similar to the rate following natural conception, with the risk going up with the mothers age. The rate of miscarriage may be as low as 15% for women in their 20s to more than 50% for women in their 40s.

There is a small risk of an ectopic pregnancy with IVF however, this rate is similar to women with a history of infertility. If an ectopic pregnancy occurs, a woman may be given medicines to end the pregnancy or surgery to remove it. If you are pregnant and experience a sharp, stabbing pain vaginal spotting or bleeding dizziness or fainting lower back pain or low blood pressure , and have not had an ultrasound confirming that the pregnancy is in the uterus, call your doctor immediately. These are all signs of a possible ectopic pregnancy. There is a 1% risk for a heterotopic pregnancy after IVF. This is when an embryo implants and grows in the uterus while another embryo implants in the tube, leading to a simultaneous ectopic pregnancy. Heterotopic pregnancies usually require surgery . In most cases, the pregnancy in the womb can continue to develop and grow safely after the tubal pregnancy is removed.

Revised 2015

Egg And Sperm Preparation

In the laboratory, for ICSI treatments, the identified eggs are stripped of surrounding cells and prepared for fertilisation. An oocyte selection may be performed prior to fertilisation to select eggs that can be fertilized, as it is required they are in metaphase II. There are cases in which if oocytes are in the metaphase I stage, they can be kept being cultured so as to undergo a posterior sperm injection. In the meantime, semen is prepared for fertilisation by removing inactive cells and seminal fluid in a process called sperm washing. If semen is being provided by a sperm donor, it will usually have been prepared for treatment before being frozen and quarantined, and it will be thawed ready for use.

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Probability Of Twin Pregnancy By Ai

In artificial insemination there is also a previous step of ovarian stimulation, but in a much gentler way than in the case of IVF. This difference lies in the fact that AI is only intended to achieve the development of 1-2 ovarian follicles. Otherwise, if there is a major development, the AI will be cancelled.

Therefore, low doses of hormonal medication are used in an AI treatment. This allows greater control of the exact time of ovulation and follicular growth. When the follicles have reached the desired size, the patient will be given medication to induce ovulation and the insemination will be scheduled.

According to the 2018 statistical report of the Spanish Fertility Society , the percentage of twin birth with AI is 10.5% while the singleton birth rate is 89.3%. In addition, these results vary depending on whether it is an AI with conjugal sperm or donor sperm at 10, 9% and 10% respectively.

How Is The Baby Made The Natural Way

Ivf Fertilization Process

In order to understand IVF Treatment, we first need to take a look at the natural process of baby making. Roughly 15 days before fertilization can happen, the anterior pituitary gland secretes Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH, which ripens a handful of follicles of the ovary that then release estrogen. Each follicle contains 1 egg and on average, only 1 follicle becomes fully mature. As it grows and continues to release estrogen, this hormone not only helps coordinate growth and preparation of the uterus, it also communicates to the brain how well the follicle is developing.

When the estrogen level is high enough, the anterior pituitary releases a surge of Luteinizing Hormone , which triggers ovulation and causes the follicle to rupture and release the egg. Once the egg leaves the ovary, it is directed into the Fallopian tube by the finger-like Fimbriae. If the egg is not fertilized by sperm within 24 hours, the unfertilized egg will die, and the entire female reproductive system will reset itself, preparing to create a new egg and uterine lining the following month.

The egg is the largest cell in the body and is protected by a thick extracellular shell of sugar and protein called the Zona Pellucida. This protective lining thwarts the entry of more than 1 sperm, which is the smallest cell in the body. It takes a man 2 to 3 months to make a sperm, then the process constantly renews.

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How Soon Can I Take A Pregnancy Test After A 5 Day Ivf Transfer

The earliest you can check a pregnancy test after a blastocyst transfer is 9-10 days.

Beta human chorionic gonadotropin , the hormone that indicates that the fertilized egg has implanted into the uterine wall, rises at around 7 8 days after implantation.

With that said, I recommend that you dont check a urine home pregnancy test. Instead, it would be best if you have your doctor perform a blood pregnancy test.

What Is The Ivf Success Rate

The likelihood that a cycle of in vitro fertilization will result in pregnancy depends on a number of factors, including:

Your age. The younger you are the better your IVF success rate, especially if youre under 35. Thats because the older you get, the less likely your ovaries will respond well to the hormone-stimulating drugs, which in turns means fewer eggs. Whats more, the older you are, the lower the quality of your eggs generally speaking , which means they may have a harder time implanting in your uterus. Although it can be complicated to calculate it, heres a breakdown of your approximate odds of a live birth per treatment cycle based on age and using the womans own eggs:

  • For women under age 35: 53.9 percent
  • For women ages 35 to 40: 26-40.2 percent
  • For women ages 41 and over: 3.9-12.6 percent

Your ovarian reserve. The better your ovarian reserve , the higher the chances for IVF success.

Your fallopian tubes. The healthier your fallopian tubes, the higher your IVF success rates. Women with a fluid-filled blockage in one or both fallopian tubes have lower success rates, even though in vitro fertilization bypasses the fallopian tubes altogether. A simple procedure called salpingectomy before attempting IVF can bump up your odds for success.

Your lifestyle. The less healthy your lifestyle , the lower your chances for IVF success.

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Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Reproductive endocrinology and infertility as a field are highly interdisciplinary. It requires a team consisting of physicians, nurses, embryologists, and other personnel in order to provide successful treatment to patients. Good communication among staff and patients are critical in helping the patient navigate the complexities of IVF treatment. Furthermore, it is important to note the increased psychological stress that many patients face when going through IVF. Patients often do not have adequate emotional support from their close social contacts, and research suggests such lack of support leads to lower conception rates and one of the main reasons for attrition from IVF treatment. It is, therefore, critical that all members of the treatment team take the time to have open lines of communication with the patients and provide patient-centered care.

How Is Ivf Pregnancy Different Than Natural Pregnancy

What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

Learn about the risks and complications of undergoing IVF treatment.

Many women struggling with infertility choose in vitro fertilization as an assisted conception method. The procedure involves extracting eggs from a womans ovaries, mixing them with sperm, and inserting them directly into the uterus. Given the unique method of conception, women may wonder how IVF pregnancy differs from natural pregnancy. As it turns out, the risks and complications are pretty similar.

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How Safe Is Ivf

IVF is generally very safe and most who have it experience no problems with their health or pregnancy. However, there are some risks to be aware of, which include:

  • having a multiple pregnancy or birth , which can cause serious health problems to both mum and babies
  • having an ectopic pregnancy
  • possible birth defects .

Its very important you understand all the risks of IVF and know when to spot the symptoms of something serious.

Expect To Feel Pregnant Even If Youre Not

One of the most difficult situations for IVF pregnancy that isnt as common with non-IVF pregnancy is this: you may feel pregnant even if you are not.

According to experts, the reason you may feel pregnant is because of your hormones. To prepare for a successful IVF pregnancy, youre given hormone treatments. These treatments raise your HCG levels and progesterone levels. HCG is known as the pregnancy hormone and progesterone is required to maintain a pregnancy. With these hormone levels high, you may feel pregnant and have symptoms that are commonly linked with pregnant women.

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If I Conceive With Ivf Will My Pregnancy Be More Complicated

Having a multiple pregnancy is more likely with IVF, particularly when more than one embyro is transferred. These pregnancies carry significant risks, including:

  • Preterm labor and/or delivery: premature babies are at higher risk for health complications such as lung development problems, intestinal infections, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, language delay, and behavior problems
  • Maternal hemorrhage
  • Delivery by cesarean section
  • Pregnancy-related high blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes

The more embryos that are transferred into the uterus, the greater the risk. Your doctor should transfer the minimum number of embryos necessary to provide a high likelihood of pregnancy with the lowest risk of multiple pregnancy. For more information about multiple pregnancy, see the ASRM booklet titled . One way to avoid multiple pregnancy is to choose to transfer only one embryo at a time. For more information about this, see the ASRM fact sheet

How Many Weeks Pregnant Are You After Ivf

In Vitro Fertilization. How it works.

If you had a Day 5 transfer today, you would be approximately 2 weeks and 4 days pregnant .

If you had a Day 3 transfer today, you would be approximately 2 weeks and 2 days pregnant .

Your gestational age and due date are calculated from when your egg began to mature , not from the time of conception.

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How Many Embryos Should You Transfer

The transfer procedure is simple, but sometimes, the decision about how many embryos to transfer is more complicated. The goal of this decision is to give you the best chance for pregnancy with the lowest chance for multiples twins or triplets.

Some patients are unaware that multiple pregnancies are high risk and can lead to a number of complications both during the pregnancy and delivery. For the safety of the patient and baby, it is the goal of Shady Grove Fertility to encourage singleton pregnancies.

The morning of the transfer, the embryologist will make a final assessment of your embryos and provide a recommendation on the number to be transferred.

These recommendations are based on overall embryo quality and the age of the embryo, day 3 or day 5-7 blastocyst stage embryo. The doctor will use the information provided by the embryology department and other factors related to your case such as your age and experience with previous treatments to make this recommendation.

Ultimately, the decision about how many embryos to transfer is the patients though Shady Grove Fertility will not transfer more embryos than are suggested by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine guidelines.

Speaking To Your Gp About Ivf

If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, you should start by speaking to your GP. They can advise on how to improve your chances of having a baby.

If these measures don’t work, your GP can refer you to a fertility specialist for a treatment such as IVF.

IVF involves 6 main stages:

  • suppressing your natural cycle the menstrual cycle is suppressed with medication
  • boosting your egg supply medication is used to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs than usual
  • monitoring your progress and maturing your eggs an ultrasound scan is carried out to check the development of the eggs, and medication is used to help them mature
  • collecting the eggs a needle is inserted into the ovaries, via the vagina, to remove the eggs
  • fertilising the eggs the eggs are mixed with the sperm for a few days to allow them to be fertilised
  • transferring the embryo 1 or 2 fertilised eggs are placed into the womb
  • Once the embryo has been transferred into your womb, you’ll need to wait 2 weeks before taking a pregnancy test to see if the treatment has worked.

    Read more about what happens during IVF.

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    Continued Blood Tests For Monitoring

    Your fertility doctor will also likely continue to check your hormone levels for at least a few weeks following a positive pregnancy test. There are a few reasons for this:

    • Checking for: Rising hCG levels
    • Monitoring: Estrogen levels, especially if symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are present
    • Watching: Progesterone levels for a healthy pregnancy

    Profit Desire Of The Industry

    What is IVF Treatment? In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) | IVF Pregnancy

    In 2008, a California physician transferred 12 embryos to a woman who gave birth to octuplets . This led to accusations that a doctor is willing to endanger the health and even life of people in order to gain money. Robert Winston, professor of fertility studies at Imperial College London, had called the industry “corrupt” and “greedy” stating that “one of the major problems facing us in healthcare is that IVF has become a massive commercial industry,” and that “what has happened, of course, is that money is corrupting this whole technology”, and accused authorities of failing to protect couples from exploitation: “The regulatory authority has done a consistently bad job. It’s not prevented the exploitation of people, it’s not put out very good information to couples, it’s not limited the number of unscientific treatments people have access to”. The IVF industry has been described as a market-driven construction of health, medicine and the human body.

    In the US, the Copyright Clause provides innovators with a temporary monopoly over their respective work. As a result, IVF is prohibitively expensive for patients as providers have to also cover the costs of patents. For example, 23andMe has patented a process used to calculate the probability of gene inheritance.

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    How Does In Vitro Fertilization Work

    One cycle of in vitro fertilization is typically a seven-week process, including ovarian suppression, ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

    IVF Weeks One to Five

    The first five weeks of the IVF cycle are dedicated to ovarian suppression via oral contraceptives. This helps to optimize the chances of uniform follicle growth and improves the ovarian response during stimulation which can result in better egg recovery.

    IVF Week Six

    During the sixth week of the IVF cycle, you will have daily injections to prompt ovarian stimulation. You and your partner will learn how to use injectable fertility medications safely and easily at home. Some people experience fullness in the ovaries or skin reactions, but side effects generally tend to be minimal. During this time, you will likely have several appointments for ultrasounds and monitoring your blood hormone levels.

    IVF Week Seven

    During the seventh week, you will have a surgical egg retrieval. The procedure takes 30-45 minutes under intravenous sedation. A needle is inserted vaginally into the ovaries and follicular fluid containing eggs is removed. A sperm sample is collected during this time. Several hours later, the sperm and eggs are combined in a lab where they are incubated for five days.

    Following your egg retrieval, you will start taking progesterone to help a healthy pregnancy develop. Within five days, the embryos will be transferred to your uterus in a short procedure that requires no anesthesia.

    Pregnancy Testing After An Ivf Transfer: When To Check & Why

    The first step in determining the success of an embryo transfer after an IVF cycle is waiting for a positive pregnancy test.

    Depending on the day of your transfer, it can take ~10-14 days for the pregnancy hormone b-hCG to be detectable in your body.

    In this article, youll learn:

    • How soon you should check a pregnancy test after an embryo transfer,
    • What is b-hCG, and what levels indicate a positive result,
    • Who should wait longer before taking an IVF pregnancy test

    Lets get started.


    Although I am a physician by profession, I am not YOUR physician. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and does not establish any kind of doctor-client relationship by your use of this website. Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not intended for the prevention or treatment of disease and it is not a substitute for medical or professional advice. You should not rely solely on this information. Always consult your physician in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any decisions whatsoever. Those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any damage, loss, or injury which may occur.

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