What Is The Best Way Not To Get Pregnant

When Am I Most Likely To Get Pregnant

How to get pregnant FAST (TIPS) – Doctor Explains

During the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one of your ovaries and travels down the fallopian tube.

The egg only lives for 24 hours after ovulation, and a sperm must meet the egg within that period for pregnancy to happen.

This doesn’t mean that a woman has to have sex on the day of ovulation, as sperm can survive in your body for several days after sex.

If you want to get pregnant, having sex every couple of days will mean there are always sperm waiting to meet the egg when it’s released.

If you think you might be pregnant, read about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and doing a pregnancy test.

How Do I Take It

You will be given three pills to take immediately, and three pills to take 12 h later. If you will be unable to take them in 12 h, you can delay your first dose so that you can take the second dose 12 h later. For instance, if it is 10 oclock at night, and at 10 tomorrow morning you will be in math class, you can wait until midnight to take the first pills and take the next ones at lunchtime. The second dose of pills is very important.

  • Do not drive or drink any alcohol for the next 24 h after the second set of pills. The medication that you take to prevent nausea may make you feel drowsy.
  • Do not take any extra birth control pills. They will not decrease your chance of getting pregnant and will likely increase nausea and vomiting.

Positions Orgasms And Lube

There are a lot of myths about sex, fertility, and how to make pregnancy more likely. Some of these recommend different positions or keeping the hips elevated after sex for a period of time.

Others claim that if the woman orgasms , conception is more likely. Unfortunately, there are no studies that support these claims.

The one thing you should think about is your lubricant. Certain products can decrease sperm motility and viability. These are important when trying to get pregnant.

Youll want to avoid:

If you need to use a lubricant, try:

These products wont interfere with your partners sperm.

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Best Time To Get Pregnant You Might Be Surprised

Article updated September 2019

Timing sex correctly is critical to getting pregnant. If you dont have sex on the handful of days that youre fertile each month, sadly, you wont get pregnant. But figuring out when those fertile days are isnt always easy. Theres a lot of misinformation out there and the best time to get pregnant may not be when you think it is!

In this article, Ill be looking at some of the myths and facts around the best time to get pregnant, and how to ensure you get your timing right!

How Hard Is It To Get Pregnant While Using A Condom


According to the HHS Office of Women’s Health, with typical use , the chance of getting pregnant with male condoms is about 18%, and with female condoms, it’s 21%. With perfect condom use every single time, those odds decrease to 2%.

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Tools Providers And Instruction

Natural family planning methods require varying levels of training and technology to use correctly. For calendar-based methods, women may use a physical calendar or CycleBeads to track the days of their menstrual cycle. However, most methods now have mobile apps, including iCycleBeads. Some apps simply make it easier for women to log their biological fertility markers online. For example, Kindara, a fertility awareness app, even syncs with its own Bluetooth-enabled BBT thermometer, called the Wink, to track a womans temperature throughout her cycle. Other apps actually interpret these data to predict a womens daily risk of pregnancy. Cycle Technologies, in partnership with the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, is a prominent developer of natural family planning methods and mobile apps, including CycleBeads, the 2Day Method, and Dynamic Optimal Timing . DOT is currently undergoing an extensive efficacy study with funding from US Agency for International Development , with results expected in fall 2018.

Insurance coverage and cost

Stop Using Birth Control

Obviously, if you want to get pregnant, you need to stop using birth control. What you may not know is that you may need time for your fertility to return. It depends on what kind of birth control you were using.

With most forms of birth control, your fertility will return the next cycle after you stop using it. There may be a few bumpy months while your cycle regulates itself, but its also possible to get pregnant in your first official fertile month.

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What Are The Health Risks For Smokers Who Use Birth Control

If you smoke and are 35 or older, you should not use hormonal birth control. Smoking tobacco and using hormonal birth control raises your risk for blood clots and high blood pressure. Smoking and high blood pressure are risk factors for a heart attack or stroke. The risk for a heart attack or stroke also goes up as you age.

Tips For Getting Pregnant Faster

How to Get Pregnant Fast – Tips for Quick Conception

You are ready to get pregnant. Now. Once you are ready to start a family, waiting is the last thing you want to do.

Although Mother Nature has a hand in the timing, there are some things you can do — or not do — to help increase your chances of getting pregnant ASAP. Read on for seven expert-approved tips for getting pregnant.

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Using An Ovulation Test

If you get your period on the same day every month , you can use an over-the-counter ovulation kit, which works by detecting the hormone LH in your urine. As LH levels spike, or surge, you are about to ovulate. To predict ovulation, count 17-18 days backwards from when you would get a period in your shortest cycles. Then use an ovulation kit to test your LH levels beginning on that day. For example, if you usually have a 30-day cycle, start testing day 12 or 13, and test once a day, around the same time, until your kit shows a positive. A good rule of thumb is to purchase the most affordable kit with the least bells and whistlesno need to overcomplicate the process.

Know When To Seek Help

Both the woman and the man should consider having an infertility evaluation if the woman is 35 or older and has not become pregnant after six months of having sex regularly without using birth control, Pavone said.

Pavone also recommended that a woman who is under 35 and her partner should consult a fertility specialist if she hasn’t become pregnant after one year of having unprotected intercourse on a regular basis.

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Increasing Your Sperm Count

  • 1Wear boxers instead of briefs to keep your testicles cool. Tight-fitting underwear can diminish your sperm count, probably due to your testicles being kept at a higher temperature from being closer to your body. If you’re trying to conceive, opt for looser-fitting underwear instead.XResearch source
  • Avoid tight-fitting pants, hot tubs, and saunas for the same reason.
  • It will take about 3 months for your sperm level to reach its maximum after you switch to boxers.
  • 2Follow a healthy, balanced diet. To boost your sperm count, eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like chicken. In addition, eat fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and bluefin, which may have an increased effect on your sperm production.XResearch source
  • Opt for foods rich in antioxidants, like leafy greens and fresh fruits, to help improve your sperm count.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Tip: In addition to cutting out unhealthy snacks like chips and sweets, especially avoid processed meats like bacon. Processed meats may lower your sperm count more than other unhealthy foods.

  • 3Exercise for an hour at least 3 times a week. An active lifestyle is associated with higher sperm counts. This may be due to the testosterone boost that men get when they undergo intense physical activity. To make the most of this, exercise at least 3 times a week, although every day is even better.XResearch source
  • How Hard Is It To Get Pregnant Over 44 Years Old

    How to Avoid Pregnancy after Unprotected Sex

    According to Dr. Ross, people over the age of 44 have a less than 5% chance of getting pregnant each month. That said, age in and of itself is not an effective method for avoiding pregnancy. You should continue to use other birth control methods until you’ve officially entered menopause , which varies from person to person.

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    Record Menstrual Cycle Frequency

    A woman who wants to have a baby should monitor the intervals between her periodsin other words, whether the first day of her period tends to occur the same number of days apart every month, which is considered regular. Conversely, her periods may be irregular, meaning her cycle lengths vary from month to month. By tracking this information on a calendar, a woman can better predict when she might be ovulating , according to research published in The New England Journal of Medicine . This is the time every month when her ovaries will release an egg. There are also some apps that can help with the tracking, such as GlowOvulation period tracker .

    A woman’s egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release, while a man’s sperm can survive in a woman’s body for up to five days according to the American Pregnancy Association .

    Best Sex Positions To Get Pregnant Fast

    Now, here are some of the best sex positions that can help you get pregnant faster. If you and your spouse are adventurous, then go and try all of them too.

    The best sex position to conceive will depend on your preferences, and no matter which one you choose, these good sex positions to get pregnant should be enjoyed.

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    Start Taking Folate Supplements

    Also known as vitamin B9, folic acid is incredibly important if you are trying to conceive. Folic acid supports the neural tube formation of your baby, ensuring proper brain development.

    Doctors recommend taking at least 400 micrograms of folic acid a day leading up to conception and for the following 12 weeks after conception.

    Why should you start taking folic acid before youre pregnant? The neural tube begins to develop quite soon after conception and is usually complete just four weeks into your pregnancy. Therefore, it might start to develop before you know youre pregnant.

    Start taking a prenatal vitamin with folate as soon as you start trying for a baby. You can also get folate from eating beans, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains like brown rice.

    How To Avoid Pregnancy After Sex Naturally

    7 Ways to Not NOT Get Pregnant

    Many couples want to get pregnant but only with proper planning and when they are ready to have a baby. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, many females use other contraceptive pills or other methods. But, it is likely to happen that she may skip her pill or have intercourse without any contraceptive method.

    Luckily, there are some simple yet effective home remedies to prevent pregnancy. The female can use them after having unprotected sex to avoid pregnancy. These methods though highly effective but it is not 100% sure that you will not get pregnant after it. The best advice is to consult a gynecologist near you, who can suggest to you the best and most effective ways to avoid pregnancy.

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    Cut Back On Strenuous Workouts

    Being physically active most days of the week can help a woman’s body prepare for the demands of pregnancy and labor , and has been associated with a reduced risk of fertility problems, scientists reported in the March 2020 issue of the journalHuman Reproduction . But getting too much exercise or doing frequent strenuous workouts could interfere with ovulation,Live Science reported .

    Doctors see a lot of menstrual disturbances in women who exercise heavilymeaning to the level of training for a marathon, for instance, or exercise equivalent to the training undertaken by Olympic athletes and a lot of times these women need to cut back on their workouts if they want to become pregnant, Pavone told Live Science.

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    Have Emergency Contraception Handy

    Contraceptives sometimes fail, but you still have options. EC can help prevent pregnancy if youve had unprotected sex or your birth control didnt work. There are two types of EC available:

    Hormonal EC pills. You can take hormonal EC pills right away, or up to five days after sex. But its most effective when taken within the first 72 hours. You can purchase EC pills at your local pharmacy, or, if youre insured, get a prescription for free because its considered preventative care. You should also keep one or two EC pills on hand just in case you may need it in the future.

    Emergency IUD contraception. Your doctor can insert the Copper IUD up to five days after sex to prevent pregnancy, and can last for up to 10 years. As with EC pills, the emergency IUD can be free or low-cost with most insurance plans.

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    How Soon Before Or After A Period Can A Person Become Pregnant

    Fertility increases sharply around 1214 days before menstruation, so unprotected sex is more likely to result in pregnancy during that time.

    It is unlikely but possible that conception will occur in the 1 or 2 days following a period since sperm can survive for up to 7 days after sex.

    For example, a couple may have sex the day after a period ends. If ovulation occurs on that day or within the next 6 days, pregnancy is possible.

    People with shorter menstrual cycles are more likely to become pregnant in the days after a period ends because they ovulate earlier.

    Don’t Worry About The Best Positions For Getting Pregnant

    Getting Pregnant Is Not Easy For Everyone

    Myths abound about the best positions for getting pregnant, but they are just that — myths. There is really no scientific evidence saying that the missionary position is better than the woman being on top when it comes to maximizing your chances of making a baby.

    “Very rarely, a woman’s cervix is in an unusual position where certain positions can make a difference,” Goldfarb tells WebMD.

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    The Emergency Contraceptive Pill

    There are two kinds of emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the “morning after pill”.

    Levonelle has to be taken within 72 hours of sex, and ellaOne has to be taken within 120 hours of sex.

    But it’s important to remember that the sooner you take emergency contraception after sex, the more effective it will be. Both work by preventing or delaying ovulation.

    But You Still Should Have A Birth Control Plan

    Though your chances of unexpectedly getting pregnant are greatly reduced if you fall into one of these categories, they aren’t nonexistent. Therefore, if you want to avoid pregnancy, it’s best to have an effective birth control method that you will use correctly and consistently.

    And since no form of birth control method outside of abstinence is 100% effective, you may also want a backup such as emergency contraceptives on hand.

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    Using Prescribed Hormonal Birth Control

  • 1Talk to your doctor about a prescription for birth control pills. Birth control pills work by either keeping eggs from leaving the ovaries or making cervical mucus thicker which keeps sperm from travelling to the eggs.XResearch source There are several different brands your health care provider can recommend one that is best for your health and sexual activity.
  • Discuss side effects and risks associated with any birth control you are prescribed. For example, women over 35 who smoke are more susceptible to blood clots when they take birth control pills.
  • Birth control pills require you to diligently take the medication at the same time, every day. A missed dose could potentially increase the likelihood of pregnancies if sex is engaged in the period it is missed.
  • 2Ask for a birth control shot. The birth control shot, or Depo-Provera, is an injection of synthetic hormones that protects you from pregnancy. You will need to get a shot every 12 weeks.XResearch source
  • Depo-Provera releases a hormone called progestin which prevents the body from releasing eggs into the uterus and thickening the cervix mucus wall to prevent sperm from travelling.
  • Always discuss health risks and side effects whenever you decide to take birth control.
  • A 2-pill dose of emergency contraception requires a prescription.XTrustworthy SourceUS Department of Health and Human ServicesFederal department responsible for improving the health and well-being of AmericansGo to source
  • Does A Lubricant Affect The Odds Of Getting Pregnant

    How to get pregnant fast? | Dr. Sudeshna Ray

    Just under of women use a lubricant during sex, but there have been questions about whether these products might affect sperm quality. In lab studies, water-based lubricants like Astroglide and K-Y Brand Jelly reduced sperm movement by 60 to 100 percent.

    Before you panic and throw out the lube tube, of actual couples trying to conceive have found no negative effect on fertility. In fact, lubricant might aid in your efforts to get pregnant by making sex comfortable enough to have more often.

    If youre concerned about lubricant reducing your chances of getting pregnant, try sperm-friendly brands like Pre-Seed.

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