When You Donate Your Eggs Can You Get Pregnant

Pregnancy After Egg Donation Or Embryo Adoption

How Do You Get Pregnant? | Planned Parenthood Video

In a pregnancy after egg donation or embryo adoption the embryo is not responsible for estrogen and progesterone production in the ovary because ovary is inactive and cannot respond to embryonic HCG stimulation. Instead women receive these two hormones from outside as medication that they take on the regular basis according to their individual treatment plan. So the possible bleeding just tells us about the reduction in estrogen and progesterone levels in female body and doesnt indicate a primary problem in embryonic development. Bleeding indicates that it is not enough medication in the body. By increase of medication under control of our medical team the bleeding stops and pregnancy continues.

There Are Three Main Ways Of Donating Your Eggs: Through An Agency Through A Clinic That Runs A Donor Service Or Doing A Directed Egg Donation

Agencies are basically headhunters and can pay more depending on the specifics of a donor. Compensation varies but Dr. Devine says, Appropriate compensation for eggs donors should be based on the local cost of living and should cover her lost wages, mileage, parking, and other expenses. For example, she explained that in the Washington DC area, compensation for donors ranges from $6,000 $8,000. Going through an agency, however, you can earn up to $25,000 for donation. You can also seek out an agency or clinic with a donor service on your own, without being headhunted by them. Theres also directed egg donation, which could be a donor donating eggs directly to a family member or friend, but without the process of the agency or clinic doing the matchmaking for them. Levine also adds that some families who have specific criteria, like wanting a donor who goes to Harvard, might put an ad in the Harvard newspaper and pay anywhere from $25,000-$50,000 for that directed donation.

How Common Is Postmenopausal Pregnancy

Whether you have postponed starting a family to pursue your career and/or higher education or you wish to grow your family with a new spouse, postmenopausal pregnancy is very much possible with frozen donor egg!

A recent study shows that more than 40% of women in the U.S. believe it is advantageous for career-minded women to hold off on having children until they reach their forties, and with a 2% rise in IVF for women over the age of fifty between 2013 and 2014, statistics show that postmenopausal pregnancy is a practice that is gaining ground.

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What Are A Woman’s Chances Of Getting Pregnant With A Donor Egg

One should keep in mind that the egg cells used have been donated by young, healthy egg donors, which makes them high-quality eggs. For this reason, the average success rates of donor-egg IVF are high. However, as stated earlier, it may depend on significant factors such as sperm quality, endometrial receptivity, the profile of the donor-egg recipient, etc.

For further information, we recommend that you read the following post: Pregnancy success rates with donor eggs.

How Can Recipients Cope With Feelings Of Regret After Using Donor Eggs

Should You Use Donor Eggs? What to Know About Process, Cost, Success

The loss of one’s own genetics is a dramatic step in many women’s lives. The good news is that grieving the use of one’s own egg cells is a normal part of the process, and many women understand that parenting is not 100% about genetics after a few months.

Remember that the donor may be the genetic DNA source, but she is not the mother. You are the one who is going to be a mom, regardless of whether it is a donor-conceived or biological child.

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What Are The Risks

Studies have shown similar risk factors between pre- and postmenopausal women, with about the same incidence of complications such as gestational diabetes. In any case, as long as the woman is healthy in every other way, it should be possible for her to carry a child to term.

A postmenopausal woman using her own eggs to become pregnant would be risky for several reasons, mainly because there is a higher risk for chromosomal birth defects, stillbirth and other complications. Though it is possible for a woman to conceive any time before and even during menopause, the quality of her eggs declines significantly, and postmenopausal egg freezing is not a good option. With age, eggs accumulate potential issues, such as an increased risk for miscarriage, or chromosomal defects such as Down Syndrome. For women over forty, using a frozen donor egg can minimize these risks, as the donor has been prescreened and the eggs frozen during her peak fertility years thereby decreasing the likelihood of chromosomal defects.

Embryo Or Egg Donation Pregnancy

Yet, in an embryo or egg donation pregnancy there were no eggs created by the recipients ovary. On the contrary, womans ovaries have been sleeping in this cycle and havent produced any follicles at all. This leads to the situation that, there is no corpus lutheum in an ovary and hence no own estrogen/progesterone production even there an embryo present in the uterus that produces HCG. That is why in the first 12 weeks it is vital for a woman to take external progesterone and estrogen to imitate the function of the corpus lutheum and to keep their levels high. After the full 12 weeks of pregnancy the placenta takes charge of the progesterone and estrogen production. The placenta originates form embryonic cells and hence is present in all kinds of pregnancies, maintaining them no matter how they were created.

Embryo-maternal dialogue in the first trimester of naturally conceived pregnancy

Different embryo-maternal dialogue in the first trimester of egg donation pregnancy

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If I Use A Donor Egg Will The Baby Have My Dna

It is true that when using a donor egg, the baby will inherit DNA from the egg donor and the sperm and not the recipient mother, but heritability is more complicated than that. For DNA to function it has to receive instructions, just like computer hardware has to receive instructions from the software program. In nature, the software is called epigenetics and is very much present inside the uterus as the baby grows. Studies have shown that birth mothers, including women carrying a donor egg baby, can influence such important factors as metabolism and brain development through epigenetic modulation while their baby is developing in the uterus.

Your Chances Of Giving Birth After Egg Donation

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Women of advanced reproductive age, unfortunately, have low chances of creating a pregnancy with their own eggs and carrying it to the full term mainly due to egg quality that dramatically decreases after the age of 40. Luckily, the alternative of using donor eggs or donor embryo restores your chances to the level of 25-year-old and helps you become pregnant and have a healthy child soon.

By looking at two graphs below you will see that the live birth rates for women who went through embryo adoption or egg donation are the same as for women under the age of 30 years old who use their own eggs. Moreover, the risk of miscarriage after egg donation is much lower compared to the own egg pregnancies in women above 40 years old. All this is due to the low incidence of chromosome abnormalities in younger eggs that are used for the treatment.

Live birth rates by age for egg donation and own egg IVF

Percentages of Transfers That Resulted in Live Births for Assisted Reproductive Technology Cycles Using Fresh Embryos from Own Eggs and ART Cycles Using Fresh Embryos from Donor Eggs, by Age of Woman, 2009. Reference: American national summary on assisted reproductive technology success rates, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, December 2011.

Miscarriage rates for women using their own eggs in IVF treatment

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Accepting A Large Payout For A Specific Directed Egg Donation Isnt Always Recommended

The suggested compensation guidelines are specifically in place to make the process of egg donation not financially coercive. Michele Purcell, director of the egg donor program at Shady Grove Fertility in Maryland, discourages that practice, and says You really want to identify women that are doing it for the right reasons. And thats that theyre helping someone else while also helping themselves, and sometimes, those ads that patients may place, the emphasis is much more on the financial benefit. And you worry about situations like that, that the woman might be donating her eggs just based on the financial compensation. Then in the long run, she might regret that donation could impact her for the rest of her life.

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A 2011 study that followed 25,000 Dutch women for 15 years found that infertile women who went through IVF were four times as likely to get ovarian cancer much later in life than infertile women who didnt have the procedure, though the likelihood is still very low.

But infertility already predisposes women to a number of health risks, said Chavkin. She said that data from IVF studies cant be used to draw conclusions about all egg donor risks. Theres only the one piece in common , which is the original stimulation and the retrieval. After that, once the embryo is implanted, the IVF recipient is going to go under a number of other hormonal changes, including pregnancy, she said.

There simply isnt any long-term health information to give egg donors, Kahn said: Theyre signing an informed consent, but how informed can your consent be if we dont have the information?

She and Chavkin say theres no incentive for anyone to study the health risks to egg donors because the system as it now stands seems like a win-win-win: Fertility clinics get business, egg donors are well-compensated, and infertile couples have a better chance to conceive a baby.

A for-profit business has found a willing group of consumers and sellers and run with it, Chavkin said.

Added Kahn: There is no eagerness to find anything wrong.

The biggest thing egg donation did was scare me. I felt used.

Catherine Fonseca

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Future Fertility: If I Donate My Eggs Can I Still Have Kids

Helping a family by donating eggs might get you thinking about the day when you start to create your own family. Chances are you dont want a baby yourself right now, but someday you probably want to be a mom. Women who are thinking about donating sometimes worry that being so generous now could affect their own ability to have kids later. Heres the short answer: it wont. Whew!

Research has never shown any evidence that egg donation affects future fertility, and a recent small study in Belgium which followed up with egg donors after their donation found that out of 60 women, 54 got pregnant within a year once they started trying, and three more got pregnant within 18 months, all without needing any help. The final three women all got pregnant too, after fertility treatment, but two of those needed treatments because of fertility problems with the male partner. Still worried? Here are some answers the most common questions we get about this topic.

Egg Donation Risk And Reward

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When I signed the consent form to sell my eggs through a fertility clinic , the paperwork clearly laid out all of the short-term risks I was agreeing to take. I had a 0.000004% risk of dying during the egg retrieval, 0.1% risk of internal bleeding, 0.5% risk of infection, and a 2-6% chance of developing pain and swelling in my ovaries as a result of the self-injected hormone treatments.

The consent form claimed there were no known long-term risks. No numbers, no statistics, no list of what those risks might be. I didnt know it then, but no known risk doesnt mean there are no risks. It means no one knows because no one has bothered to find out.

In vitro fertilization using donated oocytes was introduced in the 1980s. Today, thousands of infants are born each year to families previously unable to conceive, and that number is increasing. Researchers have had decades to detect any long-term health risks associated with the hormonal treatment and surgical procedure of egg retrieval. Long-term risks include effects on fertility, chronic disease, or cancers that develop years later as a result of the donation.

We should protect and value their lives at least as much as the ones they help create.

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Will A Baby Conceived By Egg Donation Look Like Me

Its common for women thinking about undergoing a donor egg pregnancy to be concerned about the genes of their child. A baby conceived using an egg donor will have the genetic load of the donor, therefore, they will likely share some similarities in appearance with the donor.

However, heredity is a complex concept. Epigenetics suggests that a baby conceived through egg donation can still inherit DNA traits from the egg recipient.

Does Donating Eggs Deplete My Egg Supply

This is the most common myth about egg donation. It makes sense why people worry about that. When you ovulate naturally, your body releases one egg. When you donate eggs, your body might mature 10 to 20 eggs per cycle. Heres the thing: every cycle, your body starts to mature 15 to 20 eggs, which all fight it out to be the one winner that makes it to ovulation. The losers get reabsorbed into your body and disappear. The only difference in an egg donation cycle is that your body matures all of those eggs at once. At the end, you have the same amount of eggs left in reserve that you wouldve had anyway.

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A Swollen Abdomen And A Pounding Heart

It was a cold February morning in 2014 when Catherine Fonseca walked into Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey. She was there for the final step of egg donation the egg retrieval process. For weeks, Fonseca had been injecting herself with hormones to nudge her ovaries to produce more eggs. By day 10 of pricking her stomach with a hormone-laden needle, her abdomen had swollen so large that she couldnt fit into her pants.

Most donors produce somewhere between 10 and 25 eggs, which are then sucked out of their fallopian tube with a hollow needle inserted through the vagina. Fonsecas ovaries had produced no less than 59 eggs.

Every one of those eggs would become the property of the Portuguese couple who chose Fonseca as their donor for her lustrous dark hair, big, bright brown eyes and elegant, expressive brows all features common in Portuguese ancestry.

Many women donate eggs for the money compensation is commonly around $5,000 to $10,000, though it can range higher for those with the most desirable traits. Fonseca, whos now 26, was motivated in part by altruism. She liked the idea of helping a couple conceive she was in nursing school at the time of her donation, and also on the bone marrow registry.

Still, by the time she went to the clinic on that morning, she was ready for the swelling and injections to be over.

Typical ovaries are about the size of walnuts. Hers had swelled to the size of grapefruits, displacing her other organs.

Can I Still Get Pregnant If I Donate My Eggs

Making $10,000+ Doing An Egg Donation (USA) Part 1

During your egg donation, instead of the eggs which you dont need being removed as part of your period, you can donate a few of these eggs to another woman, who is unable to produce healthy eggs from her own ovaries to conceive a child.

During your egg donation approximately 10 to 20 eggs are retrieved to be used by a woman in need of healthy eggs. These are eggs that you would not have used but discarded. Egg donation does not affect your ability to get pregnant.

Many women also ask if there will be enough eggs left after donating?

When their menstruation starts, most women have around 200,000 eggs. The 20 or so eggs retrieved during an egg donation are a tiny percentage of this number. Even if you donate the maximum number of times allowed by law you will still have thousands of times more eggs than you need to get pregnant.

Even so, at Cape Fertility, we make absolutely certain that you have sufficient eggs to protect your own fertility and to ensure you have ample eggs to donate a few by making sure that certain medical checks are done before you can donate.

Before you donate with us at Cape Fertility, a detailed screening visit will be arranged to confirm that you are medically suitable to proceed.

At Cape Fertility, we have facilitated thousands of egg donations over the last 27 years. Our egg donors go on to have children of their own if and when they decide. Follow up studies have shown that the fertility of egg donors is not affected.

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How To Get Paid For Donating Your Eggs

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 70,479 times.Learn more…

Donating your eggs can be a great way to earn extra income and help a family that’s struggling to conceive. Egg donation can result in a large payment, which you can then use towards debt or other financial goals. In order to get paid for donating your eggs, you will first need to apply for donation through a licensed fertility clinic. You will then sign a contract for payment for donating your eggs. Once the donation is complete, recover properly so your body remains healthy and fertile.XResearch source

Get A Medical Evaluation

Once you have provided all the required information about yourself in the application process, the next step is to go for medical screening.

The egg donor agency you enroll with gets physician to do a physical examination which includes an ultrasound and blood test to check your potential egg count and your hormone levels.

Most agencies dont charge for any screenings and neither do they ask for insurance information. So you dont you have to deal with any costs.

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