Reasons For Not Getting Pregnant When Everything Is Normal: Your Questions Answered
By Sitaram Bhartia Team | February 22, 2019 | Infertility | 2019-02-2222 August 2022
According to Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, infertility is seen to affect about 10 -14% of the Indian population.
Radha Jain, 27, and her husband Raghavan Jain, 29 were trying to conceive for some time now and wondered what could be the possible reason for not getting pregnant when everything is normal.
After months of negative pregnancy results, the couple was slowly losing hope. Trying for 8 months now, it was becoming difficult for them to visit their friends who had children.
On recommendation from close friends, the couple decided to approach Dr Priti Arora Dhamija, Infertility Specialist at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital in South Delhi.
Dr Priti listened to their predicament and took a detailed medical history. She also asked them about their lifestyle, working hours and whether they were able to spend enough time with each other.
After answering the questions, Radha hesitantly asked the doctor, Why am I not getting pregnant? Is it normal not to conceive straight away?
The doctor calmed her down and answered, Even a healthy couple takes up to one year to conceive, so dont let unsuccessful attempts discourage you.
Conception depends on many factors like age, general well-being, reproductive health and how long youve been trying to conceive.
When To Seek Help If Youre Having Trouble Getting Pregnant
There’s no downside to reaching out to your doctor any time you or your partner have a concern about conceiving. But in general, experts recommend talking to your doctor if youve been actively trying for a full year and are under 35, or if youve been actively trying for six months and are over 35. If youre over 40, its worth talking with your doctor right away.
You should also talk with your doctor if you have a health issue thats known to increase the chances for infertility. These include irregular periods or no periods, periods that are very painful, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or more than one miscarriage. Your partner should talk with his doctor if he has a history of testicular trauma, hernia surgery, chemotherapy or infertility issues with a previous partner.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.
Can You Get Pregnant If Youre Not Ovulating
There is a very slight chance of pregnancy when youre not ovulating. However, this is only because sperm can live inside the body for up to five days, so theres a chance of conception if intercourse occurs near the time of ovulation. The answer to the question can you get pregnant without ovulating is no, though.
Typically, if youre not ovulating, you will not be releasing an egg each month, and therefore you will not get pregnant. This is called having an anovulatory cycle, and it is one of the most common causes of infertility and abnormal bleeding.
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Youre Not Doing A Good Enough Job Tracking
Knowing when you are ovulating in relation to when you get your period can be a little tricky.
This can be especially frustrating if your periods are irregular. Generally speaking, women ovulate 14 days before they start menstruation.
You also need to count from the actual first day of your cycle, which is the first day you actually start bleeding.
While you should not be obsessive over it, effective fertility can drastically increase when you know your cycles timing.
Missing The Fertile Period Could Be A Reason For Not Getting Pregnant When Everything Is Normal
The chances of getting pregnant are the highest during ovulation.
Dr Priti further explains to the couple, Ovulation is the time when your mature egg is released to the fallopian tubes for possible fertilization. Make sure you calculate your ovulation period correctly and try accordingly as this is a critical step when trying to conceive.
Ask your doctor to help calculate your ovulation period based on your average menstrual cycle or get an ovulation test kit.
You could also learn how to calculate ovulation here: How to Get Pregnant: How to Have a Baby in 5 Quick Steps
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Look For A Fertility Clinic
If basic fertility treatment isn’t successful, or if your test results suggest treatments that go beyond your gynecologist’s purview, they may refer you to a fertility specialist or fertility clinic. Because your fertility treatment likely won’t be covered by insurance, focus your search for a doctor or clinic on finding the best possible care that you can afford.
When you begin researching fertility clinics, make certain you’re clear on how much the initial consultation will cost. Discuss fees ahead of time if you decide to move forward with treatment. Remember to factor in travel and lost work time if you’re considering a clinic that’s not close by. Many treatments require frequent visits.
Take Secondary Infertility Into Consideration
Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after previously being able to get pregnant. This could be due to a number of factors, such as age, health problems, or lifestyle choices.
If youre experiencing secondary infertility, then its important to seek medical help. Many treatments can help you conceive, so dont hesitate to seek out the best womens healthcare Boca Raton has to offer.
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Experiencing Stress Without Coping Skills In Place
If you’re stressed about trying to get pregnant, know that it’s totally normal, said Diana Bitner, MD, an ob-gyn at Spectrum Health Medical Group in Grand Rapids, Mich. So embrace that this is a stressful time and try to do the best you can. “Stress is a given. It’s all about how you cope with it,” Dr. Bitner addedand that goes for any stress you can and can’t control across different areas of your life.
The American Heart Association offers several ways to manage stress, including activities such as engaging in positive self-talk, reading a book, or going for a walk. There are a variety of stress-reducing options out there to use, so feel free to explore which ones can work for you.
Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant 8 Possible Reasons
Disclaimer: Please note that this blog is for educational purposes only, it includes general information on health-related topics. Womens Healthcare of Boca Raton is giving medical advice to Patients Only. Follow this link to request an appointment with Dr. Ellman.
Its a common question that many couples ask themselves at some point: why am I not getting pregnant? There are many possible reasons for infertility, and it can be difficult to determine the cause. This article will explore some of the most common reasons women cant get pregnant. Read on to learn more.
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Put Off Starting A Family Too Long
If you’re in your late 30s, you are a little less than half as fertile as you were in your early 20s. A decline in the quantity and quality of eggs and sperm with age makes it harder to conceive.Talk to your doctor about your age and your baby-making odds so you aren’t caught off guard. Men should keep this in mind, too. While the mom’s age plays the biggest role, guys over 50 are less fertile, too.
Not Seeking Fertility Treatment
If you’re having difficulty getting pregnant, know that there is help available. The best way you can know if you have fertility issues is to consult an OB/GYN. Whether you are trying to get pregnant for the first time, you’re hoping to conceive after a miscarriage, or you’ve been pregnant before but are having difficulty conceiving now. your doctor can evaluate you for fertility problems and treatment.
Many couples put off testing and treatment, thinking they should just “try a little longer” first. This is a mistake. Many causes of infertility are silent and worsen with time. The sooner you get help, the more likely fertility treatments will work for you.
Another reason couples sometimes delay testing is they feel and seem to be in perfect health. But many people who have infertility issues do not have outward signs or symptoms of a fertility problem. You may have a textbook 28-day menstrual cycle, but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed fast and smooth results when trying to get pregnant, and it doesn’t mean you may not have a fertility problem.
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What Causes Infertility
There are many possible causes of infertility, and fertility problems can affect either partner. But in a quarter of cases it is not possible to identify the cause.
Common causes of infertility include:
- lack of regular ovulation
- blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
- endometriosis where tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb is found outside the womb
Diet Exercise And Pcos
Eating a healthy diet is important for people with PCOS. This is partially due to the higher risk of becoming overweight, and partially due to their bodies trouble with insulin regulation. Is there any one diet that is best for PCOS? Thats a matter of debate.
Some studies have claimed that a low-carb diet is the best one for PCOS, but other studies have not found a low-carb advantage. The most important thing is to make sure your diet is rich in nutrient-rich foods and adequate protein and low on high-sugar foods. Avoiding junk food and processed foods is your best bet.
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Blocked Fallopian Tubes Might Be The Cause
Blocked fallopian tubes are a common problem for women who are trying to get pregnant. This is when the tubes that carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus become blocked. This can prevent the egg from being fertilized by sperm and from reaching the uterus.
If youre experiencing blocked fallopian tubes, then there are treatments available that can help unblock the tubes. This includes surgery or, in some cases, fertility drugs.
What If I Am Ovulating But Still Not Getting Pregnant
If you are ovulating but not getting pregnant, the cause is may be polycystic ovaries . Again it is not uncommon, since around 20% of women have the condition. The term refers to an increase in the number of small cysts that can be observed on the ovarys surface when analysed in an ultrasound scan. There are many women with PCO who have no problems ovulating and getting pregnant. However, some women who have this characteristic also have the condition known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome . These women have irregular menstrual cycles or even a lack of menstruation therefore they have problems getting pregnant because they do not ovulate.
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Can Pregnancy Symptoms Come & Go
Did you have a few pregnancy symptoms but then they went away?
If you did have pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester and now they are gone this is cause for worry. You should seek medical attention to verify your babys well-being.
This is only applicable if you did have symptoms and then they disappeared during the first trimester.
Most women will note that they no longer have nausea or vomiting in the second trimester. This is normal. Your body has now regulated the hormones and the second trimester is a bit easier than the first trimester.
But if you did have pregnancy symptoms and NOW you do not make sure you go to your OB or call your midwife right away to be checked as this can be a sign of early miscarriage.
Tips To Improve The Chances Of Conception
While infertility experts are there to help you at every stage of treatment, making certain lifestyle tweaks in your day-to-day routine will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Follow a healthy regime to help prepare your body as a healthy home for a baby to grow when you conceive.
- Regular health checkups: Before you start planning, get a routine medical checkup done for both you and your partner to rule out the underlying medical problems like diabetes, thyroid disease, thalassemia, etc.
- Prenatal vitamins: Folic acid is an excellent supplement to boost fertility. Make sure you ask your doctor to prescribe the right ones for you instead of buying over-the-counter.
- Say bye to cigarettes: Giving up on smoking can go a long way in improving your fertility and overall body performance. Quit tobacco a few months before starting to try to give enough time for the toxins to flush out of your system.
- Yoga, exercise, or meditation: Workout regularly to keep the body and its systems running smoothly and healthy. Exercising also releases the endorphins that help your mind relax and relieves stress. Yoga and meditation also help in balancing the hormones and eventually reduce infertility.
- Balanced lifestyle: Eat healthily, sleep well and make sure to stick to a schedule. Maintaining a healthy body, mind, and lifestyle will help improve your bodys overall fit, increasing the chances of conception.
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How Long Does It Usually Take To Get Pregnant
It’s impossible to say how long it takes to get pregnant because it’s different for each woman.
Many factors can affect a couple’s chances of conceiving, such as:
- your reproductive health
- how often you have sex
Some women become pregnant quickly, while others take longer. This may be upsetting, but it’s normal.
Why Cant I Get Pregnant
When youre ready to start a family and youre not getting pregnant, it can be frustrating and overwhelming. Especially if youve tried the conventional methods to maximize your chances: having frequent intercourse during your fertile window, tracking your temperature every morning and using tools like ovulation tracker apps and predictor kits.
You may start to wonder is this a medical problem or do I simply need to be more patient? Youre not alone. One in 8 couples struggles to conceive. Chantel Cross, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist with the Johns Hopkins Fertility Center at the Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center Green Spring Station in Lutherville, Maryland, explains what factors might be affecting your ability to get pregnant and when you might consider infertility treatment.
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When To Call A Doctor
See a healthcare provider about your fertility if
- You’re 35 years or older and have been trying for at least six months
- You’re younger than 35 and have been trying for at least one year
If either of these situations matches your experience, seek medical advice, even if you have no symptoms of a fertility problem.
What Is Anovulation
Anovulation is the medical term for when the ovaries do not release an oocyte during a menstrual cycle. This is sometimes but not always signalled by a complete lack of periods, a condition known as amenorrhoea. This is one of the most obvious infertility symptoms and one of the signs you cant get pregnant. Chronic anovulation is a common cause of infertility, however a woman who does not ovulate at each menstrual cycle is not necessarily going through the menopause. Among its causes are stress, significant weight gain or loss, excessive production of prolactin and polycystic ovaries. These are particularly important due to their complexity and widespread nature. Approximately 35% of women experience anovulation at some time during their lives, so the condition is not uncommon. It is also frequently reversible.
Health and lifestyle factors are important here. The first steps you can take to reverse the condition include avoiding stress and not smoking, plus having a healthy balanced diet and taking a good amount of exercise. We do understand that sometimes advice like this is easier said than done, but nevertheless it bears repeating since it is so crucial in re-establishing your fertility. The same advice applies to both men and women, since an unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to both anovulation for women and having a low sperm count for men.
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How Common Is It
Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive, or carry to term, another baby following the birth of one or more biological children. It affects around one in seven UK couples, according to Mr Raef Faris, consultant gynaecologist and IVF specialist at The Lister Fertility Clinic.
Typically, the women I see are between the ages of 36-44 and have been trying to get pregnant again for six months or more. There are several reasons a woman may have trouble getting pregnant second time around. It may be to do with her age a decline in the number and quality of eggs can be a factor. There may be scar tissue in the fallopian tubes or uterus following a Caesarean section or other abdominal surgery that prevents the egg from either reaching the uterus or implanting. Sometimes there may be existing issues such as endometriosis that was present when the first child was conceived but is only proving problematic this time around.
Stress, chronic tiredness and simply not having enough sex are other common factors than can delay the patter of tiny feet, according to fertility specialist Zita West.
Fertility experts have long suspected that stress hormones makes it harder to conceive, with a 2010 study by researchers at Oxford University finding that a hormone called alpha-amylase was consistently higher in women who struggled to become pregnant.
I felt I had no right to moan to friends who were still trying to get pregnant with their first baby