Can I Get Pregnant At Any Time During My Cycle
Yes, but its unlikely youll get pregnant just before or just after your period. You are most fertile when you ovulate, so this is when youre most likely to get pregnant. Understanding your cycle and knowing more about what is happening month during the month, can help you learn the best days to get pregnant.
Find out more about ovulation and fertility, including top tips for finding your fertility window.
When Can You Get Pregnant
It is possible to have an idea of when you will be most fertile. You have to keep track of when your period starts every month. Also, count the number of days between each period. It is also a good thing to notice any changes that happen in your body during that time.
The very first day of when your period starts is the first day of your cycle. For a 28-day cycle, you should expect ovulation to happen between day 12 and 17. You will notice certain changes in your body during this time. In a 35-day cycle, the signs of ovulation may appear around day 20 or later. Therefore, it is important to first determine the length of your cycle to know if it is possible to become pregnant when you have unprotected sex before period. The following chart gives the ranges:
You will experience certain symptoms when you ovulate, which is extremely helpful if your period is irregular. For instance:
- You will notice cervical mucus becoming very thin, slippery, and clear like egg whites. If you take some of it on your fingers, it will stretch.
- You may also notice lower abdominal pain by the time you ovulate. It is usually nothing more than a twinge in the lower abdomen. Some women even experience a backache by the same time.
- Your basal body temperature will increase by 0.4-1.0°F after ovulation.
Getting Pregnant With An Irregular Period
If you have an irregular period, some natural methods may increase your odds of conception. For example, using an ovulation calculator for irregular periods may be helpful these detect the surge in luteinizing hormone that occurs shortly before ovulation. Monitoring basal body temperature and cervical mucus changes might also work. The most important thing, though, is having regular unprotected sex.
Those with irregular periods should see a gynecologist or fertility specialist before trying to conceive. He/she will check you with a physical exam and a few blood tests. Depending on the findings, your provider might suggest different options for trying to conceive, ranging from acupuncture to fertility medications, says Dr. Hakakha. Your doctor may also try treating underlying medical conditions that cause irregular periods.
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How Irregular Periods Impact Your Ability To Get Pregnant
The unpredictability of irregular periods can be frustrating for anyone, but what about when youre trying to conceive? Not being able to easily track your menstrual cycle and find your fertile window can add an obstacle on the path to pregnancy, but that doesnt mean conception wont happen.To better understand irregular periods and how they can impact fertility, we sat down with OB-GYN and Modern Fertility medical advisor Dr. Jennifer Conti, MD, MS, MSc. Keep reading for the answers to the following questions:
- When it comes to period length and frequency, whats considered irregular?
- How can irregular periods impact fertility and getting pregnant?
- If you use birth control to regulate your periods, what should you do when youre trying to conceive?
- How can you increase your chances of getting pregnant when you have irregular periods?
- Do you need to talk to your doctor if youre trying to get pregnant and have irregular periods?
- What fertility treatments can help when you have irregular periods?
Irregular Periods May Occur After Miscarriage Pregnancy Loss
Also referred to as a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage happens when an embryo or fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy. After 20 weeks, pregnancy loss is considered a stillbirth. After these events, it can take a couple of months before you will start having regular periods again, says Lynn.
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How To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods: Home Remedies
So, let the research begin and look for articles written by other women who have successfully gotten pregnant with irregular periods.
Understand, if youre looking for how to get pregnant with irregular periods fast, youre in for a rude awakening. This does take some work and learning about your body. Sometimes, learning what your body needs and can take some time. But, you may find underlying health issues that you can fix, making a pregnancy easier down the road!
Take this mom for example:
I love her story because there are so many similarities between her TTC journey and my own. And she shares a lot of similar information that I used in order to get pregnant naturally with my own irregular cycles. And much of it had to do with my hormones being out of balance. I did things at home to fix that.
So, heres a list of ways to get pregnant when you have irregular periods
How Do You Know You’re Pregnant If You Have Irregular Periods
When you’re trying to conceive, your life is a rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety, disappointment and happy surprises all based around charting your period. Now imagine trying to conceive when you don’t know when Aunt Flo is coming to town. How do you know you’re pregnant if you have irregular periods? Lots and lots of patience, even more pregnancy tests, and a really supportive network of friends and family.
On the road to having a baby, every woman is charting her period to figure out the big occasion: ovulation. According to Parents, you are the most fertile when you ovulate because your body releases the egg. Parents added that if the egg isn’t fertilized during the next 36 hours, chances of conception decrease. If you have irregular periods, which means that your cycles are not consistent and, according to The Bump, can last as long as 45 to 60 days, or just vanish from month to month without warning, it’s a lot harder to chart your cycle. According to the American Pregnancy Association, ovulation occurs about midway through your cycle, which makes charting unreliable with irregular periods. You can use ovulation predictor kits, but with irregular periods, you’re going to be going through a whole lot of these suckers, because the kits only test positive when you’re ovulating, not right before.
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When Is A Menstrual Period Considered Irregular
A normal cycle from the first day of one period to the first day of the next can be anywhere from 21 to 35 days, says Becky Lynn, MD, the director of the Evora Center for Menopause and Sexual Health and an adjunct associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Saint Louis University in Missouri: We all think that 28 days is the normal cycle, but there’s actually some room for variability. To determine whether your menstruation schedule is irregular, count from the last day of your previous period and stop counting on the first day of your next. Repeat this for three months. If the number of days between stopping and starting your period is outside of the 21 to 35 days range, you have an irregular cycle. Menstruation can also be considered irregular if your cycle length varies by more than 20 days from month to month.
The Causes Of Irregular Periods You May Be Overlooking
One of the main causes of an irregular period is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome . PCOS is an imbalance in the hormones controlling the reproductive system. PCOS causes irregular ovulation, cysts on ovaries, bleeding, and infertility. Research shows PCOS cases double miscarraiges and premature deliveries.
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Monitor Your Basal Body Temp
Your basal body temperature is your bods temp when youre completely at rest.
That means youll have to check it first thing in the morning. Youll need to track your temperature every day, all month long.
There will be a slight decrease right before you ovulate, followed by a slight increase about half a degree or so when you ovulate.
When To Take A Pregnancy Test With Irregular Period
Another problem with irregular period is you dont know when your next cycle will start and you dont know when to take a pregnancy test.
If you have irregular periods, try counting 36 days from the start of your last menstrual cycle or four weeks from the time you had sex. At this point, if you are pregnant, your levels of hCG should be high enough to detect the pregnancy.
If your test says you are not pregnant, but you still think you may be pregnant, wait a few more days and take another pregnancy test or you can go for a blood test as well.
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Should Women With Irregular Periods Panic
Irregular periods are concerning. More so if getting pregnant is on the cards. Missing periods can also be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Theres no need to panic. Take action early. Seek advice from your OB/GYN, as doctors can help increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
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How To Track Ovulation With Irregular Periods
Many mothers-to-be often ask How can I track ovulation with irregular periods?. This question is very common and there are multiple solutions available.Irregular periods create a challenge in tracking ovulation and knowing when the best time is to have sex in order to get pregnant. The good news is that tracking ovulation with irregular periods is pretty easy to pinpoint. You can even track your ovulation with a good amount of precision thanks to the advancement of modern medicine.
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Tracking Your Period Can Help You Understand Your Cycle
Tracking your cycle may give you a better idea of how long your periods usually last and when you will ovulate. For example, some apps track symptoms like changing body temperature or cervical mucus that can help you pinpoint when you are ovulating in any given month.
Another possible sign of ovulation is mid-cycle spotting which can occur when estrogen levels dip. However, there are a number of other reasons for why you might bleed in between periods including the following:
- Birth control. Hormonal birth control can lead to mid-cycle breakthrough bleeding, especially when you’re using a new prescription or missed a dose.
- An infected or inflamed cervix. Sexually transmitted infections as well as chemicals from a douche, spermicide, or tampon can irritate the cervix and cause bleeding.
- Implantation. If an egg is fertilized, it will attach itself to the endometrium within a week, causing light spotting.
Tracking your cycle carefully can help you recognize when bleeding between periods is normal for you, or is a reason for you to talk with your doctor. You’ll also be able to determine whether or not it’s actually your period.
“There are many women who think that any vaginal bleeding is menstruation,” Copel says. A risky assumption if they have unprotected sex because it could lead them to incorrectly estimate when their fertility window falls.
Consult A Health Care Provider
Lifestyle changes can sometimes help improve the chances of conceiving, but they cant replace medical treatment for underlying conditions. A health care provider can determine the cause of irregular cycles that may be making conception difficult.
A health care provider will probably perform a physical examination and ultrasound, and may order laboratory tests to measure hormonal levels. This will give them the necessary information to diagnose any health conditions that might be causing irregular cycles.
Theyll also ask about menstruation and look for symptoms of anovulatory cycles .
Once they have determined a diagnosis, a health care provider may be able to prescribe treatment. They may also be able to advise on how to get pregnant fast with irregular periods naturally or make a referral for a fertility specialist.
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How Many People Have Irregular Periods
In a South Korean study published in PloS One in March 2019, over 14 percent of 4,709 adult women ages 19 to 54 reported having irregular menstruation. In another, occupational status was found to have an effect: Service, manual overnight shift and sales workers, and unemployed women had higher risks of developing irregular menstrual cycles.
These Tips Can Help You To Get Pregnant Fast With Irregular Periods
Menstrual cycle is an important part of life. It is a natural process that happens in the reproductive system of females to prepare for a possible pregnancy. It includes several changes in the body of a woman. During a menstrual cycle, the egg is released from one of the ovaries and this process is known as ovulation. With ovulation, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy but if fertilization doesnt happen, the uterus lining sheds and comes out of the vagina. Normally, women have 11 to 13 menstrual cycles in a year but irregular period may decrease the number of menstrual cycles and hence fewer chances to conceive. It is more difficult to get pregnant with irregular periods or abnormal bleeding..Also Read – Do You Really Lose Weight by Eating Fat-Free And Sugar-Free Foods During Navratri?
It is important to know the reason behind the irregular periods as it will affect the womans ability to conceive. Some of the common conditions that could cause irregular periods include abnormalities in pituitary or adrenal glands or thyroid problems. Sometimes, irregular periods may be because there is no ovulation and without ovulation, a woman cannot conceive. Medical assistance is required in such cases. Knowing the reason for the irregular period can help in regularizing the menstrual cycle and help you in conceiving. Also Read – Is There Any Relation Between Irregular Periods And Unhealthy Heart in Women? Find Out
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Tips To Improve The Chances Of Getting Pregnant With Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Improve the chances of getting pregnant
First and foremost know that your periods are irregular and consult your doctor to restore the regularity of your periods. The increased ovulation frequency will increase the chances for getting pregnant. Here are some more tips to get pregnant with irregular menstrual cycle.
What If My Cycle Is Irregular
It can be more difficult to get pregnant if you have irregular periods because you may not ovulate regularly.
There are many possible causes of irregular periods, which may affect your fertility. For example:
- medical conditions such as thyroid problems or polycystic ovary syndrome.
Having irregular periods does not mean you wont get pregnant and there are things you can do to boost your chances of success.
See your GP if your periods have stopped, youre missing monthly periods or you have irregular periods and are struggling to get pregnant.
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How Do I Know If Im Ovulating With Irregular Periods
If your doctor confirms that you are ovulating and there are no serious health conditions causing your irregular periods, it is usually possible for you to get pregnant. One of the biggest challenges for these couples, though, is tracking ovulation. An irregular period simply makes it more difficult to know when you should have sex to get pregnant.
Thankfully, there are a number of tools couples can use. To start, always track your periods using a paper calendar or app. Even if your cycle is irregular, you still may see patterns and you can share these with your doctor.
In addition to tracking, the American Pregnancy Association suggests:
- Testing cervical mucus consistency
- Tracking your basal body temperature
- Using an ovulation predictor kit that detects luteinizing hormone in your urine
Another option is to have sex more frequentlythree to four times a weekso you increase your chances of intercourse lining up with ovulation.
Tips To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods
Ovulation occurs midway during the menstrual cycle. If a woman has a 28-day cycle, it is almost certain she will ovulate around day 14. But in the case of the irregular cycle, predicting ovulation and planning intercourse is difficult. Other than ovulation predictor, the following tips are also helpful :
- Increase in Cervical Mucus
Thick white discharge from the vagina is a clear indication of ovulation.
- Regulation of Basal Body Temperature
The first thing in the morning is to measure basal body temperature before the woman gets out of bed. Preparing an all month chart is beneficial. At the time of ovulation, an increase in one to half a degree is noticed. This signifies the ovulation has taken place and thus it is not a good predictor to predict the fertile period.
- Frequent Sex
For most of the couples predicting the right time intercourse for pregnancy can be difficult therefore they may have it frequently almost all the days in the month so that the chances of pregnancy increase.
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When You Can Get Pregnant On Your Period
You can get pregnant while on your period if you happen to ovulate early during a short cycle. For example, someone with a cycle of 24 days might ovulate as early as day seven. So, if your period lasts the full week ending on day seven and you have sex during that time, you could get pregnant.
The likelihood of ovulating close to your period is low, but not impossible. A 2013 study in Human Reproduction estimated the date of conception for 5,830 pregnancies. More than half, about 58%, of people conceived around day 12 or 13 of their cycle. However, 2% of participants were within their fertility window on day four, which would almost certainly overlap with their period.
Moreover, the length of a cycle is extremely broad. For example, a review, published in 2019 in Digital Medicine, analyzed more than 81,600 cycles and found that only 13% were 28 days long. Some were as short as 15 days, and others as long as 50.