Could I Get Pregnant After My Period

At A Glance: Facts About Natural Family Planning

Is it possible to get pregnant if I have unprotected sex a day after my period?
  • If natural family planning is followed consistently and correctly, it can be up to 99% effective .
  • It is less effective if the instructions are not carefully followed.
  • There are no physical side effects, and you can use it to plan when you get pregnant.
  • You have to keep a daily record of your fertility signals, such as your temperature and the fluids coming from your cervix it takes 3 to 6 menstrual cycles to learn the method.
  • Your fertility signals can be affected by illness, stress and travel.
  • If you want to have sex during the time when you might get pregnant, you’ll need to use contraception, such as a condom, diaphragm or cap.

Chances Of Getting Pregnant While On Your Period

Its very unlikely you will get pregnant in the days immediately before your period. However, we are all unique and our cycles are not the same and so our peak fertility varies. This means for some women the days before menstruation are fertile. Getting pregnant 5 days before your period is a possibility for some women, if they ovulate close to the end of their menstrual cycle, but typically peak fertility occurs earlier in the menstrual cycle.

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How Often Should You Have Sex To Get Pregnant

If you are wanting to become pregnant, then its advisable to have sex every two to three days throughout your cycle. Its not necessary to track your cycle and pinpoint when you are going to ovulate, for some couples this may even cause stress. Because sperm can live for seven days, regular sex every few days will mean there are sperm ready and waiting in the fallopian tubes to fertilise an egg when ovulation does occur.

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Is It Possible To Get Pregnant Right Before Your Period

Well, the chances are too low for conceiving just before your period. Women with typically longer cycle can have sex just before the period. Because the ovulation generally occurs between day 11 to day 21. And egg stays alive for only 24 hours. So you can easily have sex before your period without any worry!

If you have a shorter menstrual cycle then also you can get indulged right before your period. But you must always track your ovulation day to be on the safe side.

When you ask for the actual safe days, we will answer- the 2-3days before your period is the safest.

Now you know all about the safe days to have sex for avoiding pregnancy. But many women have asked like can I get pregnant 6 days before my period? Well, if you have a similar query than here is your answer. Have a look.

What Is The Period With The Highest Pregnancy Rate

Can You Get Pregnant Without Having a Period?

The fertile window is the period when a woman is most likely to become pregnant. The fertility window, which can vary depending on the menstrual cycle, usually lasts six days. Ovulation and egg release are the days when you are most likely to get pregnant. In a woman with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, the first day is considered when bleeding begins. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day. During the few days before and after day 14, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. However, this is not a rule. Every womans menstrual cycle is different, and it is possible to get pregnant outside of the fertility window.

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Can I Get Pregnant After Period With Irregular Cycle

Yes, chances of pregnancy after period increase with irregular cycles. With an irregular cycle, it means that you ovulate as soon as your period ends.

Women with irregular cycles get into their fertility days earlier than those with a normal cycle.

An irregular cycle is usually around 21-25 days. A sperm can last in a womans body for about five days. If for instance, you have unprotected sex 1 or 2 days before your period ends, you are likely to conceive 5 or 6 days later. This is because ovulation comes earlier than usual.

Barrier Methods Of Birth Control Types And Side Effects

Barrier options prevent fertilization of the egg by a sperm cell. These either prevent contact between egg and sperm via a physical block or kill sperm cells before they are able to fertilize an egg. Examples of physical barrier contraceptives include the diaphragm, condoms, and the cervical cap or shield.

Contraceptive sponges contain a spermicide cream to kill sperm cells, and other forms of spermicides are available as well. Spermicides may be used in combination with barrier methods for greater effectiveness.

Side effects of barrier methods of birth control

Side effects of barrier methods of birth control can include:

  • An increased risk for developing urinary tract infections if using a diaphragm and spermicide.
  • Leaving a diaphragm or cervical cap in for longer than 24 hours increases your risk for toxic shock syndrome.
  • Some people may have allergies to the chemicals used in spermicide creams or other spermicide products. They may develop irritation of the vagina or penis.

One of the advantages to the use of barrier methods is that they can decrease the risk of sexually transmitted diseases . None of them eliminates this risk.

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Check Your Basal Body Temperature

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to the signs that your body is ready to ovulate. Checking your basal body temperature is one way to do this.

The BBT is your temperature first thing in the morning. Just after you ovulate, it rises slightly — sometimes by less than a degree — and stays higher until your period starts. If you record your temperature every day, you can spot the subtle changes that mean one of your ovaries has released an egg.

To take your BBT, you need to:

Use a basal body thermometer. It’s more sensitive than a standard one and will show temperature changes down to a fraction of a degree. You can get them at many pharmacies for less than $20.


Take your temperature at the same time each morning. Always do it before you get out of bed. Even getting up to go to the bathroom can affect your body temperature. So can smoking, drinking, or getting a bad night’s sleep.

Remember, your BBT won’t tell you exactly when you’ve ovulated, and it may take a couple of months before you start to see a pattern. You’re most likely to get pregnant 2 or 3 days before your ovary releases an egg, and then another 12 to 24 hours after that. When your temperature has spiked for 3 days, your chances of conceiving drop.

How Long Is The Menstrual Cycle


Womens cycles can vary in length and from month to month, but the average is around 28 days. Its normal to have regular cycles that are longer or shorter than this .

It doesnt matter how long your cycle is, most women will ovulate around 10 to 16 days before the start of their next menstrual cycle.

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Pregnant Symptoms But Got My Period And Negative Test

If you had an early period, pregnancy symptoms with a negative pregnancy test, then its likely because of implantation bleeding.

During implantation, your bodys human chorionic gonadotropin is still very low and increases twofold every 48 hours. A pregnancy test taken a few days after implantation may be negative.

If you got your period early with pregnancy symptoms and a negative pregnancy test, you should wait until a week after your period and retake your test.

If you missed period with a negative pregnancy test, you should learn the other reasons why your period is late.

When You Don’t Ovulate

Even women with the most consistent menstrual cycles can suddenly skip their period, which most likely means they didnt ovulate. The reason is usually something simple like experiencing higher than normal stress, but a missed period could also have a medical reason. The most obvious medical reason is pregnancy, and testing for it is quick and easy. Women who recently had babies and are still breastfeeding also dont usually ovulate although they could, so birth control is still important.

If you are nearing 50 years of age, you could be experiencing perimenopause symptoms, which include irregular ovulation and periods. Certain types of birth control, such as intrauterine devices , can also affect ovulation and periods, as can low body weight, particularly low body weight related to an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa. Serious medical conditions are less likely but possible and could include polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease and premature ovarian failure.

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When Can I Get Pregnant

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Knowing when you’re likely to release an egg can help you plan or avoid pregnancy. Find out when ovulation occurs in the menstrual cycle, and when you can get pregnant.

During the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one of the womans ovaries and travels down the fallopian tube.

The egg only lives for 24 hours after ovulation, and a sperm must meet the egg within that period for pregnancy to happen. However, this doesn’t mean that a woman has to have sex on the day of ovulation, as sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for several days after sex and still fertilise the egg when it’s released from the ovary.

Understanding The Menstrual Cycle

Best Time To Conceive A Baby After Periods

Pregnancy is said to have occurred when a mans sperm fertilizes a womans egg, and the fertilized ovum implants itself into the uterine.

If this does not occur the fertilized egg breaks down together with the thickened endometrium and shedding of the lining occurs.

Here are the activities of the menstrual cycle:

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Facts You Should Know About Breasts

  • The breasts are medically known as the mammary glands.
  • The mammary glands are made up of lobules, milk-producing glandular structures, and a system of ducts that transport milk to the nipple.
  • Lymphatic vessels in the breast drain excess fluid.
  • Breast growth begins at puberty in humans, in contrast to other types of primates in which breasts enlarge only during lactation.
  • Breast tissue develops in the fetus along the so-called “milk lines,” extending from the armpit to the groin.

Can You Get Pregnant A Week After Your Period

Yes, you can get pregnant a week after your period. There lies a possibility to conceive a week after your period if you have sex without contraception. It is more likely for women with a shorter menstrual cycle since their fertile window gets activated earlier.

Take home message: Always use effective contraceptive methods while having intercourse unless you are planning pregnancy, as none of the days of the month in menstrual cycles can be claimed as 100% safe days.

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While Youre On Your Period

As any woman with a calendar and a bunch of best friends will tell you, the amount of days each woman spends menstruating can vary a lot.

Your menstrual flow may start to diminish and lighten in color, or turn brown towards the end of your cycle. It feels and looks like youre still menstruating, but your body is already gearing up for your next fertile time.

If you have sex towards the end of your period, you may actually be getting close to your fertile window, especially if you have a short cycle. Lets take a look at the math.

Say you ovulate early, about six days after your period starts. You have sex on the third day of your period. The sperm have no egg to fertilize, but theyre also in no hurry to die so they hang out, doin what sperm do.

A few days later, while theyre still swimming around, you ovulate and theyre drawn to that egg like a fish to water. One gets through, and there you have it fertilization has occurred as a result of period sex.

How Not To Get Pregnant

Could I Get a Period and Still Be Pregnant?

If you want to get pregnant, plan to get frisky halfwaybetween periods for the best chances. But if pregnancy is what youre trying toavoid, there are much, much better methods than using your period as a guide.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is to use a reliable form of birth control, Dr. Stephens says.

Yeah, you probably already knew that. But now you know the whole story.

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Know How Many Days After Period Is Safe To Avoid Your Pregnancy

To calculate the safe days, you need to track your menstrual cycle first. If you have a longer cycle of 28 days or 30 days, then having sex right after your period wont affect much. But if you have a short cycle of 21 days or 25 days then, yes, there are chances of getting pregnant.

Ovulation occurs before 2 weeks of the period. So the women with short cycle generally ovulate within 5-6 days after period. Now if you have intercourse during your period, the sperm can stay alive in your vaginal canal for 5-6 days. Hence, there are probabilities of conceiving just after .5-6 days of your period. Its better to have safe sex at the time of period or after the period.

The women with long menstrual cycle generally ovulate after 12-15 days of the period. If you also have a long cycle, then you can go for sex during your periods or just after you stop bleeding. The risk of getting pregnant is almost nonexistent at this time.

However, we can say that there are low chances of conceiving while on period, but the likelihood is not null at all!

How Many Days After My Period Can I Become Pregnant

For many women, monthly menstrual cycles are very predictable, allowing them to easily track and know when to expect their monthly period. When they decide they want to have a baby, a few simple calculations can help them figure out the most fertile times to try to conceive. The technique also works in reverse, and they can estimate the best times to avoid intercourse if birth control isnt an option.

While its not possible to guarantee you can pinpoint your most fertile days for conception every month, some real science is behind the method used to calculate a best guess. Whether you want to conceive or add an extra layer of protection to your birth control method start by using these tips to calculate when you could become pregnant.

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Can I Get Pregnant A Couple Of Days After My Period Has Ended

Its possible, but also unlikely. Though there is always risk of pregnancy if you have sex without contraception. If you ovulate early when you have short menstrual cycles you may be able to get pregnant this time of the month. However, once youve finished your period youre moving into your fertility window, which means your chances of getting pregnant increase as you approach ovulation.

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Changes In Your Periods

Regular Period And Pregnant

Your periods can change for example, they may last longer or get lighter. This does not necessarily mean there’s a problem, but it does need to be investigated.

You can see your GP, or visit your nearest women’s clinic or contraceptive clinic.

Bleeding between periods, bleeding after having sex, or bleeding after the menopause needs to be checked by a doctor.

It might be caused by an infection, abnormalities in the neck of the womb or, in rare cases, it could be cancer.

You could be pregnant if you miss a period and you’ve had sex. See your GP if you’ve taken a pregnancy test and the result is negative and you’ve missed 3 consecutive periods.

They will investigate the cause and recommend any necessary treatment.

Read more about stopped or missed periods.

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What Are The Chances Of Conception

If you are trying to conceive, it is best to speak with a gynecologist first. Can you get pregnant on your period? Yes, though the chances are the lowest during this phase in the cycle. An egg typically survives between 12 and 24 hours following ovulation.Some women may find it helpful to use a period tracker app to determine when they are most fertile and least likely to conceive . Keep in mind that every womans cycle is different, meaning that lifestyle habits and biological factors affect the length of ovulation.

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How Many Days After Period Is Safe To Avoid Pregnancy

Whether you want to conceive or not, but you might have got a query like How Many Days After Period is Safe to Avoid Pregnancy? Pregnancy should always be planned. When you are not really ready, its better to avoid. You and your partner should never take pressure for having a baby, and safe sex is the key to a happy relationship.

If you can successfully skip the fertile window, you dont have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy. How to skip? Scroll down to learn from our health advisors.

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What Can I Do To Get Pregnant

If you want to get pregnant, its a good idea to talk to your doctor. Many doctors will advise a few lifestyle changes if youre trying for a baby, such as taking a folic acid or prenatal vitamin supplements, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, and trying to maintain a healthy weight. You may also want to use an ovulation test to help you identify when your most fertile days are. You can see our range of ovulation tests and fertility monitors here to help you maximize your chances of conceiving.

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