How Long Do It Take To Find Out You Pregnant

How Accurate Are At

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When used according to the directions, a home pregnancy test can be almost 99% accuratePregnancy tests. Office on Women’s Health. Accessed 7/20/2022. . If you receive a positive result on a home pregnancy test, you should contact your doctor to confirm that you are pregnant and find out what to do next.

So How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant isnt always as easy as they make it out to be in sex ed. Here, an OB-GYN explains how many months it typically takes to conceive and the factors that can play a role.

It can be an exciting time when a couple decides theyre ready to start trying for a baby. But the truth is, those of us who arent medical experts dont always know what to expect. So, how long does it take to get pregnant?

We all know of couples who seem to conceive the moment they decide theyre ready, while others take several months to get pregnant and may experience complications along the way.

Various factors can play a role in how long it takes to get pregnant, from your age to the contraceptive method you were using previously. Here, Dr. Cynthia DeTata, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford, shares everything you need to know about how long it should typically take to conceive.

What Is A Due Date Calculator

A due date calculator helps you estimate when your baby will be born. By calculating your due date, youll have an idea of your babys birthday. But keep in mind that your due date is only an estimate. Very few babies are actually born on the day they were due.

Knowing your due date is important for several reasons. It helps you plan and prepare for your babys arrival. It also gives your provider essential information they need to monitor your health and your babys health.

You can calculate your due date at home using a couple of different methods. But these methods arent always accurate. When you visit your provider, they may give you a different due date based on the size of your baby on ultrasound and the date of your last period.

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How Soon Can You Find Out If Youre Pregnant

The symptoms of pregnancy explained above are the most common ones but often the signs and symptoms experienced are very mild and easily attributed to other reasons.

If you frequently experience headaches and can confidently chalk your mood swings up to, say, a social media article that just set you off, looking for stronger indicators like morning sickness and changes in discharge would be a good start.

If you do notice a cluster of symptoms, following up with a home pregnancy test is your best next move.

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant After Having Sex

How Long Can An Anembryonic Pregnancy Last

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Getting pregnant may seem like a rather mystical process. Once you learn the science and timing, it makes a bit more sense. Still, you may wonder how long it takes to actually conceive after having sex.

Heres more about how reproduction works , as well as how to time things and possibly up your odds of getting pregnant.

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When Should I Have Sex To Conceive

Conception can happen after unprotected sex as early as five days before ovulation. This is because some sperm can live that long inside female reproductive organs.

If youre trying to conceive, the best times to have sex are:

  • In the three days before ovulation: In this scenario, sperm will be waiting for the egg to come down the fallopian tube.
  • At ovulation or within 24 hours of ovulating: Your egg lives for only 24 hours, so if you have unprotected sex during this time, your egg may end up waiting for sperm to reach it, or they may run into each other in your fallopian tubes.

Between 45 Minutes And 5 Days After Sex: Fertilization

As we know, when sperm reach the uterine tubes, there isnt always an egg there. In that case, sperm can wait inside the reproductive tract for up to five days until an egg is released, at which point one may fertilize the new egg. Dr. van Dis explains that fertilization is the process by which sperm penetrates the egg wall. This creates a fertilized egg, or whats known scientifically as a zygote, which is what goes on to become the embryo.

Only one sperm can fertilize an egg, thanks to a clever mechanism the eggs external shell hardens immediately when the first sperm breaks through, ensuring no others can gain entry.

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Blood Test Result Timetable

Blood tests are able to detect a smaller amount of hCG and they can detect it slightly earlier than standard at-home pregnancy tests, usually nine to 12 days after conception. Blood test results are usually available the same day or within a day.

Blood tests aren’t often done to detect pregnancy because they are expensive and at-home urine tests are quite accurate and sensitive. However, people who are undergoing fertility treatments may have blood tests as part of their care.

How Long Do You Have To Wait For The Results Of A Blood Test

How soon can I know that I’m pregnant?

So youâve gone to the doctorâs office, waited to be seen, and had your blood drawn. Of course, itâs not over.

Your blood has to be sent to a lab to be analyzed. How long it takes for them to give you the results varies from lab to lab. It could take an hour or several days. A couple of days is a typical waiting period for lab results.

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What Are Some Less Common Signs Of Early Pregnancy

There are some additional signs of early pregnancy that arent as common. Just like with the most common symptoms, these signs of pregnancy may or may not happen. Its important to remember that everyone is different and experiences signs of pregnancy differently.

Less common signs of early pregnancy can include:

When To Contact A Doctor

If a pregnancy test result is positive, a person should contact a midwife or doctor. They can confirm the result with a blood test or schedule an early ultrasound.

If the person is pregnant, they should start prenatal care or discuss other options as early as possible.

If a person misses a period but is not pregnant, a healthcare professional can help diagnose any underlying cause.

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Why Is It Important To Calculate My Due Date

Its important to know your due date for planning purposes knowing your expected delivery date helps you prepare to welcome your baby. Youll have time to pack for the hospital and get the things you need for the baby, like a car seat. If you have other children, counting down the days until the new baby arrives can help siblings prepare for a new family member.

Knowing when youre due also allows you to get appropriate prenatal care. This includes taking prenatal vitamins and getting prenatal screenings at the right times during your pregnancy. Your provider will also measure your babys size and position throughout your pregnancy to ensure that your baby is growing properly.

Can You Feel Conception

How pregnant am I? Pregnancy by weeks, months, and trimesters

Not usually. You may notice signs that you’ve ovulated, such as changes in your cervical mucus or basal body temperature. However, most people don’t feel fertilization. You may feel a dull ache or experience light spotting several days after conception. This could be from the fertilized egg implanting in your uterus.

When do you start feeling pregnant?

How long it takes to feel pregnant varies. Some people may start to feel pregnant shortly after conception, while others dont have any pregnancy symptoms for weeks after a positive test.

Take a home pregnancy test if you have any of the above symptoms and think theres a chance youre pregnant. Your healthcare provider can order a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

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Are Home Pregnancy Tests Accurate

Home pregnancy tests are fairly accurate, though they may have difficulty diagnosing a pregnancy if a woman has only recently missed a period. In addition, fertility drugs or certain medications can interfere with the results.

If you are pregnant, its important to begin your prenatal care right away.

Can Pregnancy Symptoms Start Before Implantation

To ensure successful implantation progesterone rises when the ovum fertilizes, so sensitive women may notice very mild pregnancy symptoms before implantation that feels much like pre-menstrual symptoms.

But it has to be said that this is uncommon.

It usually takes a few weeks for progesterone and hCG levels to get high enough to start experiencing symptoms.

We hope weve answered all your questions about finding out how soon you can tell if youre pregnant. If you have any more let us know and well do our utmost to answer them.

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How Long Does It Take To Find Out Your Pregnant After Conception

When a couple is trying to get pregnant, having to wait to find out whether or not you have actually developed a child can be rather tough. In reality, if youre like the majority of women, you would most likely want to know the exact moment that conception takes place.

Regrettably, accurately spotting a pregnancy takes time. There are numerous women who will take a test early wishing to get a favorable decision that they are pregnant. Nevertheless, this typically just leads to inaccurate and frustrating results. This is still the case even with the production of more extremely sensitive early pregnancy tests.

What’s The Soonest You Can Find Out If You’re Pregnant

Finding Out I’m Pregnant and The First Trimester!

The only way to know for sure that you’re pregnant is through a positive pregnancy test. The earliest home pregnancy test is accurate up to six days before the day of your missed period for 76% of women who take the test .1

So, the soonest you might be able to find out for sure that you’re pregnant is by testing with a First Response home pregnancy test no earlier than six days before the day of your missed period.

So if you’re expecting your period on a Saturday, you would be able to test the Monday before .

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Your Pregnancy Tests Are Negative But You Still Think You Might Be Pregnant

While false positives are very rare, false negatives with pregnancy tests are more common. Here are some reasons you could be getting a negative pregnancy test.

If you’ve gotten negative results multiple times but are experiencing the signs of pregnancy, and especially if you’ve missed your period, then you should see a doctor who will be able to conduct additional tests and see what might be going on.

When To See A Doctor

Most women who have a positive pregnancy test should wait a week or two before calling the Ob/Gyn office for a pregnancy blood test or ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. We suggest waiting because the rate of early pregnancy loss is high, and its possible that you might have had a chemical pregnancy.

However, women with a history of ectopic pregnancy or current abdominal pain should call the doctor right away to be examined. Ectopic pregnancies implant outside of the uterus and produce hCG, resulting in positive pregnancy tests. However, these pregnancies can cause abdominal bleeding and prompt medical care is necessary. Women who have congenital heart defects or other chronic physical or mental health conditions should also see a doctor right away because treatment plans or medications might need to be altered to protect the woman and the fetus.

Advances in home pregnancy tests give women greater insight into whats going on in their bodies sooner than ever before. No matter what your childbearing plans might be, its essential to get quick, accurate results at home to plan your next steps accordingly.

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When Does Implantation Happen

After fertilization, the new zygote travels down the fallopian tube and goes through tremendous changes. It develops into a morula and then a blastocyst. Once it reaches the blastocyst stage, its ready to implant in the uterine lining and continue growing into an embryo.

Implantation is essential to achieve pregnancy. Without it, the blastocyst will break down and be expelled with the rest of the uterine lining during your period.

As for timing, implantation usually happens between days 6 and 10 days after fertilization. Symptoms you may experience are mild and include things like cramping and light spotting. Some women may notice no symptoms at all, however.

Once the implanted embryo starts producing hormones , pregnancy symptoms may begin.

The earliest symptoms include:

If you experience these symptoms or otherwise think you might be pregnant, its a good idea to take a home pregnancy test.

When Will You Start Feeling Symptoms Of Pregnancy

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Some women experience symptoms of pregnancy very early on, though many women do not. According to one study of 136 women who ended up having babies, 50% had some symptoms roughly eight days after their missed period, 70% had some symptoms roughly two weeks after their missed period, and 90% had some symptoms one month after their missed period.2

Many early pregnancy symptoms are also very similar to PMS, which can be confusing. I go into more detail about the early symptoms of pregnancy below.

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Q: I Think I Might Be Pregnant How Soon Can I Use A Home Pregnancy Test To Find Out

A: Drugstore shelves today are packed with tests with labels like “early result” or “early response,” some of which may be able to tell you’re pregnant up to five days before you’ve even missed your period — as soon as 10 days after you’ve ovulated. That’s because these tests may be more sensitive than others at detecting levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in your urine. hCG is a hormone that your body starts producing shortly after you’ve conceived. You should always read the label information to get a true sense of how accurate it is, and when. Even “early result” tests are more precise the later you use them , since hCG levels may be tricky to detect so early into pregnancy. If you get a negative test result but still haven’t gotten your period a few days later, it’s a good idea to test again. You likely got what’s called a “false negative” the first time — where the test says you’re not pregnant, but you actually are.

Copyright 2009

Types Of Pregnancy Tests

As recently as the 1970s, you had to miss your period before you took a pregnancy test, and the results could take up to two hours. Today, you can find out that you’re pregnant much earlier, faster, and with better accuracy using home pregnancy tests.

At-home pregnancy tests are easy to use and almost as accurate as those given at the healthcare providers office. However, there are some things to consider when deciding what kind of pregnancy test is right for you.

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How Does Carrying Multiples Affect My Due Date

Expecting twins or triplets is different than expecting one baby in many ways, including the due date. If youre pregnant with multiples, your doctor will use your last menstrual period and an ultrasound to determine your due date. However, every pregnancy is unique and your doctor may recommend delivery prior to the estimated due date. Talk to your provider about when you can expect to deliver twins or triplets.

How Long After Conception Will My Pregnancy Test Be Positive

FINDING OUT IM PREGNANT & TELLING MY HUSBAND (unplanned pregnancy + very emotional)

It can take between 11 and 14 days after conception to get a positive pregnancy test. At-home pregnancy tests check for human chorionic gonadotropin , a hormone released by the placenta. Your pee must have enough hCG to get a positive pregnancy test. However, your healthcare provider can check for hCG in your blood sooner around 10 days after conception.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Conception is when sperm fertilizes an egg. Its one of the many critical steps in getting pregnant. Conceiving a child is a complex process dependent on lots of factors. Being unable to conceive is a common problem, and there are lots of resources available to help you. Contact your healthcare provider if youre struggling with conceiving. They can explain the process and identify any issues preventing conception and pregnancy.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/06/2022.


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How Pregnancy Tests Work

Think you might be pregnant?

Even with the most effective birth control methods, theres always a chance for error. After all, it takes just one sperm to fertilize the egg. Finding out whether or not thats happened is as easy as taking an over-the-counter pregnancy test.

OTC pregnancy tests typically test your urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin . HCG is only present if youre pregnant. The hormone is only released if a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus or to your uterine lining.

There are different ways to collect your urine for the test. Depending on the test you choose, you may have to:

  • collect your urine in a cup and dip a testing stick into the liquid
  • collect your urine in a cup and use an eyedropper to move a small amount of fluid into a special container
  • place the testing stick into the area of your expected urine stream so that it will catch your urine midstream

According to Cleveland Clinic, most tests are 99 percent effective if taken after a missed period. The best part is that you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Simply open the test, follow the instructions, and wait for the recommended amount of time to view the results.

After the recommended waiting time has passed, the tests will display your results in one of the following ways:

  • a change in color

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