How To Produce More Milk While Pregnant

Scheduling Feedings And/or Using A Pacifier Between Feedings

Increasing Milk Supply while Breastfeeding

Your breasts make milk continuously, but the rate at which milk is made depends on how empty they are. Youll make more milk when your breasts are close to empty and less milk when they are already filled up. When your baby is feeding infrequently, because you have put him on a three- or four-hour schedule for example, or because you are giving him a pacifier to stretch out the time between feedings, your breasts are fuller for longer periods of time. That means milk production slows down. When babies are breastfed in response to their cues, they tend to have shorter, frequent feedings and this means the breasts are emptier most of the time and so they continue to produce plenty of milk.

Use A Supplemental Nursing System

Verywell / Bailey Mariner

A supplemental nursing system can be used to encourage the baby to suck at your breasts even when there is no more breast milk. If your child gets frustrated because the flow of your milk has slowed down or stopped, he or she may refuse to keep sucking at the breast.

By using a supplemental nursing system with previously expressed breast milk or even a formula supplement, you may be able to get your child to suck longer at the breast. And, adding more stimulation at the breast is a natural way to increase the amount of breast milk that your body makes.

Why Do People Lactate

The primary reason people lactate is to feed a baby. Lactation is a biological, hormonal response that occurs during and after pregnancy to feed a newborn baby. Your body triggers specific hormones to initiate milk production and ejection . All mammals lactate for this purpose and its possible to induce lactation in men and in non-pregnant women using the right hormone medications.

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Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Verywell / Bailey Mariner

You may not realize it, but some of the things you might be doing every day can affect your breast milk supply. Things that can interfere with your supply of breast milk include smoking, taking the combination birth control pill, stress, and fatigue. You may be able to increase your supply of breast milk naturally by making a few changes to your daily routine.

Use a breast pump or a hand expression technique to continue to stimulate your breasts after you finish breastfeeding your baby. The extra stimulation will tell your body that you need more breast milk.

What Are The Signs Your Newborn Is Not Getting Enough Breastmilk

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  • Less than 6 wet diapers a day after the first 5 days.
  • Your newborn doesnt gain weight after the initial weight loss.
  • Your newborn starts losing weight, once weight gain has begun.
  • After the first 5 days, stools are dark and small.
  • Urine is concentrated .
  • If your breasts are still engorged after breastfeeding.
  • Your newborn is irritable and does not seem content after feeding.
  • Your newborn is lethargic when he/she should be feeding and does not latch on properly.
  • The lists above are basic guidelines and not all-inclusive.

    If you are breastfeeding, make sure you have been thoroughly instructed about all aspects of breastfeeding before you are discharged home.

    It is easy for a newborn to experience dehydration and weight loss, especially during the first few weeks.

    If this occurs, it may require readmission to the hospital.

    Proper breastfeeding instruction is the best way to prevent this problem.

    This budget-friendly 90-minute online breastfeeding courseis the class our readers take most often.

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    Boosting Your Breast Milk Supply With Galactagogues

    Many breastfeeding moms worry about making enough breast milk for their babies. Sometimes improving babys latch, fully emptying the breast, and breast compression and massage is enough to help promote an increased supply. When mom needs more help, she can use galactagogues teas, supplements and foods that can support her breast milk production.

    The best way to increase your milk supply is to take galactagogues while you increase the number of times you pump and breastfeed your baby. Note that breastfeeding mothers have been taking galactagogues throughout history to increase milk supply.

    There are many herbs and foods that have been used traditionally for their lactogenic properties. The most popular include:

    The First Month: Coming To Volume

    After your milk has come in, the first 4-7 days after birth, represent what many lactation consultants refer to as the coming to volume phase of milk production. This phase can extend for up to a month after delivery.

    During this phase, your milk production syncs with your babys demand.

    If you were dripping milk everywhere and painfully engorged, the next week or two should bring relief. Your supply will drop. You will have fewer soaked sheets, fewer embarrassing leaks, andslightlyfewer loads of laundry.

    If you were not producing enough milk, but continue nursing or expressing frequently, your production may ramp up to meet your babys needs.

    Newborns milk intake rises during their first month of life and then plateaus until around 6 months of age.

    Heres the biggest concern during the coming to volume phase: Making sure your baby is efficiently extracting milk from the breast. Babies who are sleepy, jaundiced, or who have a tongue-tie or another health issue may suckle and seem to be nursing but not effectively drain the breast. If your baby is not moving milk, it can tank your supply.

    Recovery from supply issues can take months, and marathon nursing-then-pumping sessions. Its best just not to go there.

    During the coming to volume phase, it is essential to ensure that your baby is efficiently extracting milk from the breast.

    To ensure that your newborn is moving milk when nursing:

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    How Do You Maintain Milk Production

    Maintaining lactation is mostly based on supply and demand. The more your baby breastfeeds or the more milk you express with a breast pump, the more your body will make. There are ways to suppress lactation with hormones or oral contraceptives. If you wish to maintain lactation, some things you should do are:

    • Continue nursing on-demand or pump milk frequently .
    • Eat a healthy diet with enough calories. Low-calorie diets can decrease milk supply.
    • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Human milk is primarily water.
    • Avoid smoking, drugs or alcohol. These can reduce your supply and transfer to your milk.

    How To Drink Milk During Pregnancy

    Drinking Milk During Pregnancy Benefits, Which Type is Best & Why

    If you drink raw or unpasteurised milk during pregnancy, it can be troublesome for you and your baby. This is why we will tell you how you should drink milk while pregnant

    • Milk is absorbed well when thinned with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. So you can drink milk tea or a light milkshake.
    • Drink warm milk by taking small sips dont rush.
    • Dont drink milk after a heavy meal.
    • Keep the minimum at 3 cups a day at different times.

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    Here Is What You Need To Know About Pumping Colostrum During Pregnancy

    First, what is colostrum?

    Colostrum is the first milk that babies receive after being born. It is nicknamed “liquid gold” because it is gold in color, and because it is amazingly nutritious and awesome for babies. It is calorie-dense, filling, full of antibodies and it helps babies poop liquid gold, indeed.

    When the baby is born your body will start to express colostrum. But some people start to leak colostrum during their pregnancy.

    I am pregnant and not leaking colostrumis that bad?

    Nope! Whether or not you leak colostrum during pregnancy has no bearing on your future milk supply after the baby arrives.

    How is a milk supply established?

    In short, milk is made by a supply and demand system. The more your little boss demands the more your body will supply. Every time your baby latches or you pump, hormones are released and your body gets the message that it needs to keep making milk.

    Generally speaking, the more your breast/chest feed or pump, the more milk you will make.

    This is why we often encourage new parents to breastfeed or chestfeed on demandevery time their baby is hungry. It is exhausting to be sure, but it helps your body to understand how much milk it needs to make to feed the baby.

    Should I express colostrum during pregnancy?

    Other express colostrum during pregnancy to start building up a reserve. It is, after all, liquid gold so why not get as much of it as you can?

    Expressing colostrum during pregnancy can be dangerous

    Here’s what I would suggest:

    What To Consider When Trying To Increase Milk Supply

    There are three main considerations for increasing your supply while pumping:

    • Know how milk is made. Breast tissue takes nutrients from your blood to make breast milk. Empty breasts trigger milk production, so its important to empty your breasts as efficiently and as thoroughly as possible. The more often your breasts are emptied, the more cues you send to your body to make milk.
    • Know your goal. You can use a pump to maintain your supply while youre away from your baby, or to increase your overall supply by pumping in addition to nursing every day. In both cases, you want to empty your breasts as thoroughly as possible each time you pump. If you want to increase your supply, youll also want to increase how often you pump.
    • Practice. It takes time to know your body and to get comfortable using a pump. The more you practice, the more you can get out of each pumping session.

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    How Do I Know If My Milk Supply Is Low

    Most mothers produce enough milk to feed their babies. However, underlying health conditions and lifestyle choices may contribute to lower breastmilk production. Keep in mind that your baby will go through growth spurts when it may seem like your supply decreases, but your child is actually drinking more milk.

    Signs that your baby isnât getting enough milk include:

    Growth. Your baby may lose more than 10% of their weight following birth. Alternately, they may not gain enough weight over time, indicating that you have a lower milk production than they need.

    Diapers. Not producing enough wet and dirty diapers each day is a sign that your baby isnât getting enough to eat. By three days old, your baby should have at least six wet diapers and three dirty diapers each day.

    Hunger. Your baby may still be fussy after nursing and shows signs of hunger, like sucking on hands. Usually when babies are hungry, they ball their hands up into fists. As they nurse and feel full, their hands relax. If your baby is still tense after nursing, they may be hungry.

    Take An In Person Or Online Breastfeeding Class

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    The first time you hear the words latch engorgement let down and colostrum should be in an environment where you can absorb information i.e. not in a hospital room with a screaming hungry newborn.

    Learn the basics of breastfeeding before your baby arrives. This way the process will get off to a less-chaotic start. Most hospitals hold classes on breastfeeding and lactation consultants offer in-person training. But if getting dressed and out the door at 8 or 9 months pregnant doesnt sound like your thing, take an online class! Nourisher friend Lindsey Shipley of the Lactation Link offers amazing online tutorials and webinars.

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    How To Increase Milk Supply Quickly With These 10 Tricks:

    1. Give your baby unlimited access to your breasts.

    Have you been trying to stick to a breastfeeding schedule? Are there times when you try not to breastfeed? Try dropping the schedule, eliminating all rules, and simply giving your baby the freedom to breastfeed as often and long as he or she desires. The more they breastfeed, the more milk your body should produce over time.

    There is one reason that many new mothers dont take this unlimited approach right from the beginning: convenience. Its a dilemma between getting your baby accustomed to a schedule and sleeping through the night versus ensuring that your milk supply is adequately boosted. When youre just starting to breastfeed, it does help to give your body as many make more milk cues as possible. If youre struggling to produce a healthy milk supply, then those cues are essential. You may just need to set convenience aside while allowing your baby to do his or her job stimulating the milk flow that you need.

    2. Try power pumping.

    This is a strategy that many women swear by, so its worth giving it a try if you need to quickly pump up your supply. The idea is to increase the demand for milk by pumping in addition to your normal breastfeeding routine. Babies naturally go through growth spurts where they demand more milk, and you can use your pump to trick your body into thinking that is happening right now. This is often the fastest way to boost milk supply.

    4. Sip on Mothers Milk Tea.

    • Alfalfa
    • Fenugreek
    • Goats Rue

    Breast Massage While Nursing Or Pumping

    A hospital lactation consultant introduced me to breast massage or compression while nursing after the birth of my twins. They didnt have a great latch and every attempt to drink needed to be maximized. She showed me a simple way to massage and compress in order to push more milk out with each nursing session. This also applies well when pumping to help you fully empty.

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    How To Increase Your Milk Supply

    Talk to your health care provider, pediatrician or lactation specialist as soon as possible if you are concerned that youre not producing enough milk, or if your babys weight gain is slower than expected. While not all cases of low milk supply are caused exclusively by demand issues, that may be the case for you.

    Ways To Prepare For Breastfeeding While Pregnant

    How do I suppress milk production after having a baby if I don’t breastfeed?

    Breastfeeding feels like the first test of motherhood. Its quite unfair actually. Youve JUST made it to the finish line of your pregnancy, gone through labor and dealt with the emotional shock of meeting a tiny human that is half of your DNA. Instead of taking a good nap there is a startling jolt of reality that this baby is 100% dependent on you. He or she will be placed on your breast and before you know it, its go time!

    Here are five ways to prepare for breastfeeding before your baby arrives.

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    Understand Where Your Milk Supply Comes From

    You dont know it yet, but your milk supply will become a focal point of your day in a few weeks or months. Unfortunately you have no way of knowing if your milk supply will be abundant, just right, or if youll have a low supply. Regardless of where your body will fall on the milk-supply spectrum, its important to know where your supply comes from and how you can influence production.

    Supply and DemandThe greatest way to maintain a healthy milk supply is to feed or pump frequently. Your body will produce on a supply and demand basis, so the more demand, the more supply.

    Meeting Calorie GoalsBreastfeeding mothers dont have to eat one specific type of diet, but they do need to be hitting the correct calorie amount in order to make milk. Its all too easy to stop taking care of your body when your baby arrives.

    Milkful Nursing Bars are a wholesome, convenient, energy-packed snack made specifically for breastfeeding moms. Eating one or two bars a day ensures youre eating healthy ingredients and not snacking on cheap sugar products or failing to meet your calorie count. We recommend buying bars ahead of time and keeping several in your hospital bag for when baby arrives.

    Additionally, learn what foods you can and cant eat when breastfeeding. Hint: Its more relaxed than pregnancy!

    HydratingDrinking water to thirst is extremely important for breastfeeding women. Always keep a water bottle on hand so that your body is never straining for liquid to make milk.

    Is Your Supply Low

    You may be worried that your milk supply is low, but low breast milk production is rare. Most women make more than one-third more milk than their babies need, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    There are many reasons your baby may cry, fuss, or seem distracted while breastfeeding, but its unlikely to be due to your milk supply. Teething, gas pains, or even just being tired can lead to fussiness. Babies are also more easily distracted as they age. This can interfere with feedings and cause them to pull away when youre trying to breastfeed.

    Every babys needs are different. Most newborns need 8 to 12 feedings in 24 hours, some even more. As your baby gets older, theyll feed more efficiently. This means that even though feedings are much shorter, they may be getting more milk in less time. Other babies like to linger and suck longer, often until the flow of milk has almost stopped. Either way is fine. Take your cue from your baby and feed until they stop.

    As long as your baby is gaining weight as expected and needing regular diaper changes, then youre probably producing enough milk.

    When your baby is getting enough milk, they will:

    • gain weight as expected, which is 5.5 to 8.5 ounces each week until 4 months
    • have three or four stools every day by 4 days of age
    • have two wet diapers over 24 hours by the 2nd day after birth, and six or more wet diapers after day 5

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    Know That Not Every Woman Is Able To Breastfeed Even With Careful Preparation

    Breastfeeding is one of the biggest challenges that new parents face. Some women or their babies may have health conditions or other challenges that make this feeding method unworkable.

    If you want to breastfeed and are having trouble, work with your ob-gyn or lactation counselor. They can help address your babys latch, any issues with your pump parts and pumping technique, and other ways to increase your milk supply.

    But if you still cant breastfeed or you decide not to, its OK. Formula feeding can supply the nutrition your baby needs. You will find the feeding method that is best for you, your baby, and your family.

    Copyright 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. All rights reserved. Read copyright and permissions information.This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. It offers current information and opinions related to women’s health. It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Read ACOGs complete disclaimer.

    Dr. Holly Cummings

    Dr. Cummings is an obstetriciangynecologist who serves as assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

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