What Day Is The Best Day To Get Pregnant

Will Orgasms Help You Get Pregnant

Which is the best time to get pregnant after periods? – Dr. Thejaswini

Some experts believe that uterine contractions during orgasm help propel sperm into the cervix, but one thing is for surethe tingles during orgasm definitely make you relaxed. And that means you’ve already cleared the biggest baby-making blocker: stress. “The better the sex, the better the chances of conception,” says reproductive physiologist Joanna Ellington, Ph.D., in the British documentary The Great Sperm Race. Men who are fully stimulated will ejaculate up to 50 percent more, according to research revealed in the program. “So if you have what I call ‘gourmet sex,’ where you really spend time and you make it fun for both partners, that is going to make the man more stimulated and he is going to ejaculate more and healthier sperm,” Dr. Ellington says. Sure, sex without female orgasm can result in a baby, too, but why not go for the gold?

Things To Know About Ovulation

As we mentioned in the paragraph above, theres actually only a small window of opportunity each cycle for making a baby just a few days in fact. The day of ovulation is usually the most likely date for conception but it is possible if you try a few days before ovulation too. Thats because the sperm can live for a few days and wait for the egg to get to the fallopian tubes.

Trying for a baby is a great excuse to have frequent sex. Youre most likely to conceive if you have sex in the days around when the egg is released, but trying every two or three days throughout the month is worth a go. Even if it just takes the pressure off and makes things feel less regimented.

Making The Fertility Window Work For You

With a pattern of regular lovemaking achieved, the next thing to do is identify that handful of days directly prior to, and including the day of ovulation. Identifying this “window” will significantly boost your chances of conception.

The above conception calculator can help with the process of tracking your personal biological cycle, and thereby assist you in determining your fertility window. To use the calculator, note the first day of your last period. Then note the length of the cycle until your next period. Finally, input the numbers into the calculator and get an estimate of the best days for intercourse and conception.

You can help the process along by keeping a basal body temperature chart. Tracking your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus can help you get pregnant. The patterns you see month after month can help you predict ovulation, and once you know when you’re likely to ovulate, you can have sex at the best time for conceiving.

Your basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period. To get an accurate reading, you must take your temperature when you first wake up in the morning, before you even sit up in bed. And you’ll need to use a basal thermometer which is sensitive enough to measure minute changes in body temperature. Try to wake up and take a reading at about the same time each morning.

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Reviewed By Check Mark Icon

  • You ovulate about 14 days before the start of your period.
  • You can also tell when you ovulate by monitoring your cervical fluid and using a predictor kit.
  • During ovulation, your basal body temperature will rise by about 0.5 to 1 degree Fahrenheit.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, timing matters.

Your chances of getting pregnant change throughout your menstrual cycle so it’s helpful to track your cycle when you’re trying to conceive.

Typically, a woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days long, says , MD, an OB-GYN at Yale University. This is just an average, though some women have a longer cycle, while others have a shorter one.

Regardless of length, your menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period, which is why it’s helpful to have regular periods if you want to track your cycle. If you have irregular periods it may be harder to tell when you’re ovulating.

Is There A Best Position To Have Sex In

Infertility Causes Getting Pregnant At 35 Tips,best way to make sure ...

It doesnt matter what position you have sex in when youre trying to get pregnant. As long as the man ejaculates into the vagina, sperm can travel through the cervix and womb to the fallopian tubes where it can fertilise the egg.

Sexual positions that allow for deep penetration are likely to be the best for conception as they allow the sperm to be deposited as close to the cervix as possible. The missionary position is often recommended for this reason.

After youve had sex you might also like to place a pillow under your hips to tilt the pelvis and help the sperm to travel.

There is no science or research that proves or disproves either of these suggestions above. It is completely up to you whether you wish to try these ideas out.

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Calculating Your Monthly Fertility Window

Your fertility window is the time during your menstrual cycle when youre most likely to get pregnant. For most people, its the five days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation. Calculating your monthly fertility window can help you target the optimal time to have sex if youre trying to conceive. However, natural family planning is a less reliable form of contraception and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

How Does Fertility Differ On The Pill

Birth control pills aim to prevent unintended pregnancy. The pill prevents pregnancy by releasing synthetic hormones that stop ovulation from occurring and the uterus lining from thickening.

So, even if the ovaries do release an egg, a fertilized egg would be unable to implant in the wall of the uterus. The pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to reach an egg.

According to the CDC , the pill is more than 99 percent effective with perfect use but only 91 percent effective with typical use. This means that, with typical use, around 9 out of 100 women would become pregnant in a year of taking the pill.

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Check Your Basal Body Temperature

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to the signs that your body is ready to ovulate. Checking your basal body temperature is one way to do this.

The BBT is your temperature first thing in the morning. Just after you ovulate, it rises slightly — sometimes by less than a degree — and stays higher until your period starts. If you record your temperature every day, you can spot the subtle changes that mean one of your ovaries has released an egg.

To take your BBT, you need to:

Use a basal body thermometer. It’s more sensitive than a standard one and will show temperature changes down to a fraction of a degree. You can get them at many pharmacies for less than $20.


Take your temperature at the same time each morning. Always do it before you get out of bed. Even getting up to go to the bathroom can affect your body temperature. So can smoking, drinking, or getting a bad night’s sleep.

Remember, your BBT won’t tell you exactly when you’ve ovulated, and it may take a couple of months before you start to see a pattern. You’re most likely to get pregnant 2 or 3 days before your ovary releases an egg, and then another 12 to 24 hours after that. When your temperature has spiked for 3 days, your chances of conceiving drop.

About Dr Roohi Jeelani

The Best Time to Fall Pregnant | Pregnancy and Fertility Tips on When to get Pregnant

Dr Roohi Jeelani is Director of Research and Education at Vios Fertility Institute in Chicago, Illinois. Dr Jeelani earned her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine in Portsmouth, Dominica. She then completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center, where she was awarded a Womens Reproductive Health NIH K12 Research Grant. She is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

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/13know The Best Time To Get Pregnant According To Your Zodiac Sign

Pregnancy marks one of the most beautiful stages in a womans life. Giving birth to a new life itself is an emotionally overwhelming yet thrilling feeling. When it comes to Astrology, it plays a major role in deciding our lifes future course of action. Planetary movements, along with the alignment of our stars can predict what the coming months hold for us. Though all mothers love their kids alike, there are certain zodiac combinationation which gel well. If you are planning to conceive anytime in future, here are a few tips related to the best time to get pregnant, according to your zodiac sign.

When To Get Pregnant: Family Situations

When does the rest of your family have a birthday? Perhaps youd like everyone to all have their special day around the same time, or perhaps you want to space them out.

Some people think that its better to have a childs birthday not coinciding with major holidays or events, such as Christmas, or maybe summers better because you can go on holiday and celebrate.

All these concerns vary for all families so you can see how things might differ, depending on your situation.

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Try An Ovulation Predictor Kit

OPKs are at-home test kits that detect a surge in luteinizing hormone , which your body releases 24-48 hours before you ovulate.

In the middle of your cycle, you’ll test your urine every day for 5-10 days. When your LH goes up, it’s time to start trying to conceive.

There are two types of OPKs:

Ovulation test strips. These are paper strips you dip into a cup of your urine. A few minutes later, a line shows up. Depending on how dark it is, you’ll know if you’re about to ovulate.

Digital ovulation tests. They’re typically more expensive than test strips. With a digital test, you hold a stick under your morning stream of pee. The digital monitor tells you if you’re likely to start ovulating.

You can get OPKs at many drugstores and supermarkets. Most have clear instructions and a toll-free number for questions.

OPKs are helpful if you have sex less often or you’d like to time it more precisely, Marut says, but they’re not always accurate.

Pregnancy And Birth Risks

How do you know get pregnant, becoming pregnant stages

Because of the changes that happen in eggs and sperm as we age, including damage to genetic material, children of older parents have a slightly higher risk of birth defects and genetic abnormalities. The risk of mental health problems and autism spectrum disorder is marginally higher in children of fathers older than 40 than in those with younger fathers.

It is estimated that the risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality is approximately one in 400 for a woman aged 30 and one in 100 for a woman aged 40.

The risks of miscarriage and complications in pregnancy and childbirth are higher for older women than for younger women.

Older women also have a higher risk of having gestational diabetes, placenta previa, placental abruption, a still birth and a caesarean birth than younger women.

Its important to remember that although the risk of health problems increases with age, most babies are born healthy, whatever their parents age.

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How Do Ovulation And Pregnancy Work

Ovulation is the process of an egg developing within the ovaries and the ovaries releasing the egg each month. It usually happens 1016 days before the start of the next period, though menstrual cycles can vary in length.

For conception to occur, a sperm must fertilize the egg. Once the ovaries release the egg, it passes into the fallopian tube. If sex has occurred, the egg will meet the sperm.

The likelihood of becoming pregnant increases if sperm are already in the fallopian tube when ovulation occurs. For this reason, people are most likely to become pregnant in the days leading up to ovulation.

Once fertilized, the egg travels farther down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants in the uterine lining and develops into an embryo.

If a sperm does not fertilize the egg, however, the uterine lining breaks down and leaves the body during menstruation.

What Is The Optimal Age To Get Pregnant

A womans fertility declines with age. So, your 20s is when youre most likely to be fertile and you have the best odds of getting pregnant. But you dont need to get pregnant in your 20s . In fact, according to the CDC, the rate of women giving birth in their 30s is at a higher rate than women in their 20s. So, if you are not in your 20s, you havent missed the boat: You can still go on to have a healthy baby and get pregnant over 35 its worth speaking to your doctor to give yourself the .

Trying for a baby is one of the most exciting times for in a couples life and knowing your body and when you are at your most fertile can help you get pregnant more quickly.

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How Else Can I Prepare For Pregnancy

In addition to tracking your ovulation to determine your fertile window, its important to schedule preconception counseling with your doctor. There are a variety of screenings and lifestyle modifications that can help increase your chances of a successful planned pregnancy.

If youre under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year, or if youre over 35 and have been trying for six months, it may be time to talk to your doctor about why you cant get pregnant.

What Time Of Day Should You Have Ttc Sex

Best time to get pregnant (conception)? — Premom User Edition

If you’re wondering when to have sex to conceive, the morning may be your best bet. Or, specifically, after your man gets a good night’s rest, says Melissa M. Goist, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The Ohio State University Medical Center. When he’s sleeping, his body regenerates the sperm lost during the day. Although the average sperm cell has a pretty short shelf life, even stalwart swimmers can hit their expiration date early if they get too warm from hot tubs or exercises like bike riding, Dr. Goist says.

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Take Your Prenatal Vitamin

Start popping that prenatal at least a month before you begin trying for a baby. One study showed that women who were taking their prenatal vitamins while undergoing fertility treatments were twice as likely to get pregnant as those who were only taking a folic acid supplement while going through the same treatments. So while it’s not a guarantee that you’ll hit the baby jackpot sooner, it’s definitely worth a shot!

Best Time To Conceive

Posted by Dr. Reema Goel | Pregnancy

Simply having sex to get pregnant doesnt always guarantee a pregnancy time it right, and it wont take too many tries before you have a bun in the oven. Most couples forget that a womans menstrual cycle has a big role to play when it comes to the best time to conceive. By knowing how to track your cycle and what to look for, you can learn the best time to conceive for yourself.

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When To Get Pregnant: Your Work

Obviously, once you have your baby you go on maternity leave but have you considered whether your pregnancy might be more difficult at certain times of the year, depending on your job?

If you know that your job requires you to travel more during a busy season, then you might want to avoid being in late pregnancy around then.

Similarly, if your work is influenced by the wedding industry, the summer is bound to be your busiest time and being in full bloom during July and August wont make your job any easier.

Even not having your partner around during the end of the pregnancy might be a factor, so if their career is likely to have a similar effect, think hard about when your baby is likely to be born, and whether youll have enough support around you at that time.

Examining Their Cervical Mucus


Cervical mucus, or vaginal discharge, changes in color, texture, and volume throughout the menstrual cycle.

On a persons most fertile days, the mucus will feel slippery, similar to raw egg white. On their less fertile days, it will be sticky and cloudy. On their least fertile days, there may be little or no mucus at all.

Just as with body temperature, an individual can use a chart or phone app to track their cervical mucus.

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Other Things To Do When Trying For A Baby

If you are trying for a baby there are things you can do to improve your fertility, reduce your risks of problems during your pregnancy and protect your babys future health.

Once you start having unprotected sex you wont know youre pregnant for the first few weeks. Trying to make some lifestyle changes now will give you peace of mind when you get pregnant.

Find out more about things to do when trying for a baby.

When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant

“Most pregnancies result from sex that happened less than 2 days before ovulation,” Manglani says. But you can get pregnant earlier or later. “Sperm can live in fertile cervical mucus for up to 5 days,” she says. An egg can live up to 24 hours after ovulation.

Generally, your best chance of getting pregnant is 12-16 days before your period, says Edward Marut, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist with Fertility Centers of Illinois.

“The tricky part is identifying when ovulation occurs,” Manglani says. Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different. Many women think they ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle. But that’s a myth. Most don’t.

Try one or more of these methods to figure out when you ovulate.

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